Vagina? Not in this house!!

Hey Barb! How come you don't want to answer that?

I don't operate on your schedule, freak show. When and where I get around to, like most other things, is none of your fucking business. You've been at this since yesterday morning. maybe its time for a nap.

That's liberal for (when they are losing) "I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU!!!!!!!" :eusa_snooty:

But the only reason to demand I leave for that "nap" is you are having a hard time justifying your nonsense, when people "DARE" to question it, as pure rationalization and tripe!

You ass. Even you can see I answered THAT stupid question before THIS one. Fuck off. You aren't a "samurai," and in response to the last bit of dribble you queefed on the page, you're no freedom rider either.
Barb is another one that tries to frame it as "choice" it's not,

Barb are you for prostitution, drug use (ALL drugs), incest, polygammy, and suicide? Lets see her answer.

It is choice. Just because it's not your choice doesn't make it not her choice.
I think the sex trade should be legal and unionized.
I think the state has no right to tell people they can use some drugs and not others. Hell, why shouldn't they all compete in a truly free market?
Incest depends on consent.
HELL to the YES on polygamy! Why should all those Mormons get a free ride from the state because they conned (and brainwashed from birth) all those innocent children into being baby making social services cash cows? They want to marry all those women? Let them take full financial responsibility for each and every one.
Suicide? Why not? Whatchoo gonna do once somebody breaks that law? Arrest them?

Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!
Barb is another one that tries to frame it as "choice" it's not,

Barb are you for prostitution, drug use (ALL drugs), incest, polygammy, and suicide? Lets see her answer.

It is choice. Just because it's not your choice doesn't make it not her choice.
I think the sex trade should be legal and unionized.
I think the state has no right to tell people they can use some drugs and not others. Hell, why shouldn't they all compete in a truly free market?
Incest depends on consent.
HELL to the YES on polygamy! Why should all those Mormons get a free ride from the state because they conned (and brainwashed from birth) all those innocent children into being baby making social services cash cows? They want to marry all those women? Let them take full financial responsibility for each and every one.
Suicide? Why not? Whatchoo gonna do once somebody breaks that law? Arrest them?

Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.
It is choice. Just because it's not your choice doesn't make it not her choice.
I think the sex trade should be legal and unionized.
I think the state has no right to tell people they can use some drugs and not others. Hell, why shouldn't they all compete in a truly free market?
Incest depends on consent.
HELL to the YES on polygamy! Why should all those Mormons get a free ride from the state because they conned (and brainwashed from birth) all those innocent children into being baby making social services cash cows? They want to marry all those women? Let them take full financial responsibility for each and every one.
Suicide? Why not? Whatchoo gonna do once somebody breaks that law? Arrest them?

Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

No you are correct. I would have, because most people are with that. I'm just saying the reason most people dont support that stuff, because it is crazy. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I think it was obvious what I was doing and transparent. But you did recognize that and excellent job. Hell I'll even upvote you for that. My point is I'm not sure about your father and if it's what your implying that's horrible and he should have been arrested. I dont wish that stuff on anyone, even people I cant stand or Hate.
Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

No you are correct. I would have, because most people are with that. I'm just saying the reason most people dont support that stuff, because it is crazy. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I think it was obvious what I was doing and transparent. But you did recognize that and excellent job. Hell I'll even upvote you for that. My point is I'm not sure about your father and if it's what your implying that's horrible and he should have been arrested. I dont wish that stuff on anyone, even people I cant stand or Hate.

How does one go about getting arrested once dead? I really don't care if you believe me or not, (and actually, I was 23. first cup of coffee, can't count) my only point in relating it is that people throw a lot of shit around the nets, just anything goes, but you don't know me, I don't know you, and none of us really know why people come to the conclusions that they do.

No one wants to know, because its so much cleaner to "hate" one another.

And that leads to my last point of the evening (because I do have work to do), or a point to ponder, if you will:

How secure are your (the general you, not you specifically) beliefs, in anything, if the only way to sustain them is irrational and paranoid hatred of others who hold opposing views?
Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

No you are correct. I would have, because most people are with that. I'm just saying the reason most people dont support that stuff, because it is crazy. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I think it was obvious what I was doing and transparent. But you did recognize that and excellent job. Hell I'll even upvote you for that. My point is I'm not sure about your father and if it's what your implying that's horrible and he should have been arrested. I dont wish that stuff on anyone, even people I cant stand or Hate.

How does one go about getting arrested once dead? I really don't care if you believe me or not, (and actually, I was 23. first cup of coffee, can't count) my only point in relating it is that people throw a lot of shit around the nets, just anything goes, but you don't know me, I don't know you, and none of us really know why people come to the conclusions that they do.

No one wants to know, because its so much cleaner to "hate" one another.

And that leads to my last point of the evening (because I do have work to do), or a point to ponder, if you will:

How secure are your (the general you, not you specifically) beliefs, in anything, if the only way to sustain them is irrational and paranoid hatred of others who hold opposing views?

I'm real secure in my views, when I discuss politics, I dont get upset or hate anyone. Yeah there are some people I cant stand. I think the main reason people dont open up on the message boards is becasue people dont know each other and they could be full of shit. I like to think I back my shit up, and when I'm wrong, I admit it. Now I can be a real ass, if I feel someone is lying or full of shit. I asked the test of ya, and you answered, I was honest and think you're crazy, but I dont lie, dont need to and maybe I'm just lazy enough that I dont want to have to keep track of all the lies.
Similar to how that rude reporter interrupted Obama during a press conference, the women were out of order Robert's Rules and all that nonsense!

Uh, no. Not at all similar. This woman didn't interrupt anyone. She was recognized to speak.

The women's censure had nada to do with them saying Vagina.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? Get your facts straight.
Ahhh love the insult, TY!
Perhaps she was recognized to speak before she ditched ROR edition and parliamentary procedure.
Prove me wrong and I will quad pos rep you.

Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

I don't have to prove you wrong, it's on you to prove your claims. And I don't want your pos rep once, much less four times. Coming from someone who constantly talks out of her vagina, it would be an insult.
I don't operate on your schedule, freak show. When and where I get around to, like most other things, is none of your fucking business. You've been at this since yesterday morning. maybe its time for a nap.

That's liberal for (when they are losing) "I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU!!!!!!!" :eusa_snooty:

But the only reason to demand I leave for that "nap" is you are having a hard time justifying your nonsense, when people "DARE" to question it, as pure rationalization and tripe!

You ass. Even you can see I answered THAT stupid question before THIS one. Fuck off. You aren't a "samurai," and in response to the last bit of dribble you queefed on the page, you're no freedom rider either.

Yeah, that's why you are sputtering and changing to personal attacks, you soooooooo answered that.

All you are doing is claiming it's no one's business, as IF this is some once in a while "pesonal" decision, instead of a million dollar industry based on the murder of innocents. Like all leftists you center ONLY on the adults who have the ability of PERSONAL BEHAVIOR AND RESPONSIBILITY.

You totally ignore the actual result of that "personal decision" which is a dead child.

It's no different than those for slavery who ignored the actual result of slavery which was the human beings forced to work for others.

And "legality" is not a place you can hide either. Slavery was "legal" at the time. That isn't a cover! It's legal! It was once legal to segregate! That didn't make it right and thousands fought to change it!

So, stuff the "personal decision" and stuff "legality." You are just using those to hide behind the reality of beating hearts that are stopped forever.

Another question. If doctors can use a stopped heartbeat as a sign someone has died. Why can't we use that as a sign someone is ALIVE in the womb?

The heart beat is present as early as seven weeks. I know! That's how far along I was when I heard my first's heartbeat.
Barb is another one that tries to frame it as "choice" it's not,

Barb are you for prostitution, drug use (ALL drugs), incest, polygammy, and suicide? Lets see her answer.

It is choice. Just because it's not your choice doesn't make it not her choice.
I think the sex trade should be legal and unionized.
I think the state has no right to tell people they can use some drugs and not others. Hell, why shouldn't they all compete in a truly free market?
Incest depends on consent.
HELL to the YES on polygamy! Why should all those Mormons get a free ride from the state because they conned (and brainwashed from birth) all those innocent children into being baby making social services cash cows? They want to marry all those women? Let them take full financial responsibility for each and every one.
Suicide? Why not? Whatchoo gonna do once somebody breaks that law? Arrest them?

Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Barb would have fit well in Ancient Rome!

The problem is, she doesn't take any lessons from Rome.

A free society requires responsibility, as the Founding Fathers noted more than once.

Hedonism isn't strength it's weakness and that weakness breaks down society, which is what happened in city states from Babylon to Rome. Firt society breaks down and then the entire nation.
It is choice. Just because it's not your choice doesn't make it not her choice.
I think the sex trade should be legal and unionized.
I think the state has no right to tell people they can use some drugs and not others. Hell, why shouldn't they all compete in a truly free market?
Incest depends on consent.
HELL to the YES on polygamy! Why should all those Mormons get a free ride from the state because they conned (and brainwashed from birth) all those innocent children into being baby making social services cash cows? They want to marry all those women? Let them take full financial responsibility for each and every one.
Suicide? Why not? Whatchoo gonna do once somebody breaks that law? Arrest them?

Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.
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Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

No you are correct. I would have, because most people are with that. I'm just saying the reason most people dont support that stuff, because it is crazy. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I think it was obvious what I was doing and transparent. But you did recognize that and excellent job. Hell I'll even upvote you for that. My point is I'm not sure about your father and if it's what your implying that's horrible and he should have been arrested. I dont wish that stuff on anyone, even people I cant stand or Hate.

How does one go about getting arrested once dead? I really don't care if you believe me or not, (and actually, I was 23. first cup of coffee, can't count) my only point in relating it is that people throw a lot of shit around the nets, just anything goes, but you don't know me, I don't know you, and none of us really know why people come to the conclusions that they do.

No one wants to know, because its so much cleaner to "hate" one another.

And that leads to my last point of the evening (because I do have work to do), or a point to ponder, if you will:

How secure are your (the general you, not you specifically) beliefs, in anything, if the only way to sustain them is irrational and paranoid hatred of others who hold opposing views?

Most people know that there are consequences after death. There is nothing irrational about that.

Which is why the most irrational people DON'T have any core beliefs.
Uh, no. Not at all similar. This woman didn't interrupt anyone. She was recognized to speak.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? Get your facts straight.
Ahhh love the insult, TY!
Perhaps she was recognized to speak before she ditched ROR edition and parliamentary procedure.
Prove me wrong and I will quad pos rep you.

Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

I don't have to prove you wrong, it's on you to prove your claims. And I don't want your pos rep once, much less four times. Coming from someone who constantly talks out of her vagina, it would be an insult.

Yeah, that was REAL MATURE!

This is what cracks me up about libs. They claim they are the party for women. They claim they support women.

BUT IF YOU DARE DISAGREE WITH LIBS, then look how hey talk about and treat women.

Exactly how they accuse everyone else of treating women.

So hypocritical, soooooooooo typical!
Hmm. Someone took her Retard Pills again today! YAY!!!

You ready to tell me how an 8 week old embryo can survive outside the womb yet, Dummy? Or are you ready to equate breast feeding a fully developed baby to embryonic development, Dummy? CLUMP OF CELLS!!
I guess my little ball of yarn Conservaderpy finally ran away.

Gee I wonder why? :D

Hee Hee Hee! :eusa_angel:

Hee hee hee!

You're fucking stupid!

Hee hee hee!

Only a stupid, religious zealot twunt would actually compare embryonic development in the placenta to breast feeding!

Hee hee hee!

You clearly were either home-schooled or were suffered massive head-trauma as a baby.

Hee hee hee!

Either way, you didn't prove anything yesterday!

Hee hee hee!

Because the science still backs me up!

Hee hee hee!

You have no clue what happens inside your own uterus!

Hee hee hee!

You should be forced to sign away your rights over YOUR vagina because you clearly think it's some magic bit of voodoo that goes on in there!

Hee hee hee!

Also, laughing at your own (stupid) jokes makes you look like even more of a fucking idiot!

Hee hee hee!
Hmm. Someone took her Retard Pills again today! YAY!!!

You ready to tell me how an 8 week old embryo can survive outside the womb yet, Dummy? Or are you ready to equate breast feeding a fully developed baby to embryonic development, Dummy? CLUMP OF CELLS!!

You ready to tell me what "science" you base that on as a reason for abortion?????

OH, I FORGOT (no I didn't) you already admitted it was just an arbitrary standard for abortion.

So, why exactly, is arbitrary standards for abortion something we should take seriously??????????

Because the FACT that their hearts beat, they have brain waves, and all the major organs are in place by that time, ISN'T ARBITRARY, that's fact.

YOU just admit you don't CARE about those FACTS becasue your arbitrary rationalization to justify abortion is more important to you.

And we should pay attention to that, why?

I guess my little ball of yarn Conservaderpy finally ran away.

Gee I wonder why? :D

Hee Hee Hee! :eusa_angel:

Hee hee hee!

You're fucking stupid!

Hee hee hee!

Only a stupid, religious zealot twunt would actually compare embryonic development in the placenta to breast feeding!

Hee hee hee!

You clearly were either home-schooled or were suffered massive head-trauma as a baby.

Hee hee hee!

Either way, you didn't prove anything yesterday!

Hee hee hee!

Because the science still backs me up!

Hee hee hee!

You have no clue what happens inside your own uterus!

Hee hee hee!

You should be forced to sign away your rights over YOUR vagina because you clearly think it's some magic bit of voodoo that goes on in there!

Hee hee hee!

Also, laughing at your own (stupid) jokes makes you look like even more of a fucking idiot!

Hee hee hee!

Ooooo, someone is melting down!!!!!

Notice the rage that infects this guy?

This is liberalism 101. He is just livid, I'm laughing.

They see us as the one barrior to getting all they want. We keep them from having "what they deserve."

If it wasn't for traditional Christian voters and that darn "Constitution" they could just run rampant.

Notice the FRUSTRATION they reveal when they meltdown? It's a real look inside the liberal non-mind.

It's so entertaining.

Making libs dance to my tune. So much fun! :D

Come on Conservyderpy. Where's that science you talk about?

You haven't given us any, except an article about DNA that had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SUBJECT and it was OBVIOUS you didn't read.

Where's that science buddy? We's a waitin'! :D

Hee Hee Hee! :eusa_angel:
Last edited:
I find this part humorous...

"The Legislature is considering legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, unless a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

State Rep. Barb Byrum was silenced after she tried to introduce an amendment requiring men to prove that their life is in danger before being allowed to receive a vasectomy.”

Are the legislators of Michigan so uneducated that they do not understand the difference between a vasectomy and an abortion after 20 weeks? I mean...if it were legislation for "tube tying" I could understand the correlation...

But she sees a vasecotmy that includes the killing of nothing to a second tri-mester abortion?

Wow. She should be recalled for stupidity.
I find this part humorous...

"The Legislature is considering legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, unless a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

State Rep. Barb Byrum was silenced after she tried to introduce an amendment requiring men to prove that their life is in danger before being allowed to receive a vasectomy.”

Are the legislators of Michigan so uneducated that they do not understand the difference between a vasectomy and an abortion after 20 weeks? I mean...if it were legislation for "tube tying" I could understand the correlation...

But she sees a vasecotmy that includes the killing of nothing to a second tri-mester abortion?

Wow. She should be recalled for stupidity.

Left wing loons. She's a Feminazi.

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