Vagina? Not in this house!!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.

:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

Barrrbbb! Just read The Bible and everything will get better instantaneously!

Wow, what kind of twunt would insult the dead father of someone you don't even know on the Internet?

A dumb Tea Party bitch, that's who.
What is it with the right?! How can you NOT understand that when we grab the URL, the link translates into what the paper wants it to say.

I really don't get it. It's like "Stupid is as stupid does!" in here, 24/7.

So, Your not responsible for Perpetuating False stories? I was Commenting on the Papers False Headline. Why don't you maybe try doing some Research before you post a head line that is completely Misleading.


Did I start this thread.

Oh, yoo-hoo! Chuckles, where'dja go?
Question for the anti-women crowd - since you think government has the right to subjugate the rights of a woman for the purposes of protecting a fetus, wouldn't that mean government could go further than simply not allowing abortion? What's to stop government from regulating the diet of pregnant women? What's to stop them from investigating every little fall or accident a pregnant woman might have, to make sure she isn't trying to intentionally abort the pregnancy? What's to stop government from requiring all pregnant women take regularly scheduled drug tests? If the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of a pregnant women - as they must for the anti-women viewpoint to even be viable - it would seem all these acts by government naturally follow.

Well see abortions in our case are done on purpose to kill a baby, that is wrong. if a woman trips and falls, that's not the same thing, but nice try.

Now liberals would make all those laws, because they try to be perfect and prevent everything. They think they can 100% prevent stuff, which is why they never have a goal for a program (ie Affirmative action, what is the goal on that? do you know? I dont and if we meet it, time to end the program, which they dont want, it keeps them in power, which is why these programs are phoney)

As for the other things, we dont need to regulate them. The rights of the baby are the same as the woman. I dont think women need to be tested for drugs, unless there is some other reason, like being on welfare, or a job, you know normal reasons people get tested. Outside of that no. Look we cant stop people from trying to abort, we just dont want to make it easy or approve of it through laws. Like anything else, if people want to do something bad enough, they will, but usually there are consequences, and there should be those consequences.

The point is though, if you cant have an abortion for birth control, you might be a little more careful in your sex life. Isn't that one of the points of child support? To try and end knock up and run?
Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.

:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

Barrrbbb! Just read The Bible and everything will get better instantaneously!

Wow, what kind of twunt would insult the dead father of someone you don't even know on the Internet?

A dumb Tea Party bitch, that's who.

Derps dont be a dick. And Christians are much happier than atheists. I've never seen a happy atheist, they always have baggage and are so negative.
Barb had a rough life, some people get a shitty hand in life, you can either make it better or bitch about it. I dont know enough about barb to make that judgement.
And it's a message board and how did he insult her father? I know barb has done it, but I dont know the man, so I'm steering clear of it.
So, buckeye, let's table the abortion thing for a second, since clearly we're stuck in the age-old Liberal/Conservative Abortion thing. Let's talk about the morning after pill. What are your thoughts on it?
Derps dont be a dick.

Have you not read my other posts? It's kind of my thing. But also, how can you call me a dick when that TeaPartySamwichQueen had the balls to say what she did? You really think what I said was in any way worse than what she did? C'mon dude.

And Christians are much happier than atheists. I've never seen a happy atheist, they always have baggage and are so negative.

Uhh. That's a massive generalization and you have no way to prove it, ever. I grew up in a Southern Baptist house. We went to church every Sunday for the first 14 years of my life. Boy did I meet some unhappy fucking Christians.

I've also met a ton of atheists in my day, a TON and a lot of them are totally happy. Totally content, without any worries outside of the normal day-to-day shit. Even you have to see what a crazy statement that is to make, right? Are you saying the Christians never get depressed?

Barb had a rough life, some people get a shitty hand in life, you can either make it better or bitch about it. I dont know enough about barb to make that judgement.
And it's a message board and how did he insult her father? I know barb has done it, but I dont know the man, so I'm steering clear of it.

How did she insult Barb's father? Really? Just go back and read her post again dude.
I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

Oddly, there are many of the male persuasion on these boards who are much more obsessed with the male genitalia and artificial versions there of. :eusa_whistle:

Um, yeah, point taken. I know exactly who you are talking about.
:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

Barrrbbb! Just read The Bible and everything will get better instantaneously!

Wow, what kind of twunt would insult the dead father of someone you don't even know on the Internet?

A dumb Tea Party bitch, that's who.

Derps dont be a dick. And Christians are much happier than atheists. I've never seen a happy atheist, they always have baggage and are so negative.
Barb had a rough life, some people get a shitty hand in life, you can either make it better or bitch about it. I dont know enough about barb to make that judgement.
And it's a message board and how did he insult her father? I know barb has done it, but I dont know the man, so I'm steering clear of it.

I didn't insult my father you flaming douche bag, I stated a regrettable fact.
Yeah, you are lying again.

YOU said it was about the baby before 12 weeks only being a "clump of cells" which I proved to be absolutely UNTRUE.

No. You didn't.

By eight weeks, the baby already has brain waves, heart beat, and all the major organs. That's NOT A CLUMP OF CELLS, unless you want to also say YOU are a just a "clump of cells."

I already told you, we're all clumps of cells. I'm tired of trying to educate you, you stupid fucking bitch. Go make some more dumb babies with your dumb husband. Maybe you'll have so many fucking dumb babies they'll start coming out retarded and you'll get tons of government money to feed and clothe your retarded babies.

And all the while you can pretend it's the magic of Jesus working its way through your pussy. I don't really fucking care anymore. You've proven yourself to be the absolute dumbest fucking poster here, and that's saying something, Liability and That Mel Gibson guy post here.

As for "viability," you also admit that's a ARBITRARY STANDARD. Thus you have NO SCIENCE behind you. Just your desire to rationalize abortion no matter how.

No, you fucking idiotic sow, viability is not arbitrary. At 8 weeks it's not viable. You are misunderstanding everything because you are fucking stupid.

NO BABY CAN SURVIVE BEFORE 22 WEEKS. Go ahead, Empty-Skull McDumbFuck, google it. Stupid.fucking.dumb.bitch.

But I suppose you will lie about your words or just whine it's unfair for me to bring UP YOUR OWN WORDS.

But go ahead and try. Your melt downs are very entertaining and a great insight into the psychosis inside the liberal mind.

You're telling me about meltdowns? Your meltdowns are so epic that make you look like you have no idea HOW YOUR OWN FUCKING BODY WORKS.



And as I pointed out viable ONLY MEANS you are living and growing.

ONLY WHEN they are talking about an unborn baby (AND ONLY SINCE ROE V WADE) did viability ONLY mean a baby that can live outside the womb. (yeah unlike you, I can remember a time BEFORE Roe v. Wade)

BTW, The Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade is NOW a pro-lifer and admits she lied in the brief for Roe V. Wade.

Since when is being dependent on your mother a standard for killing someone.

Newborn babies are dependent on their mothers. They still depend on their bodies via breast feeding to survive.

BTW, that's why some radicals say it should be okay to kill newborns.

So, explain via "science" why that is a standard to kill someone.

YOU once depended on your mother to survive, do you think it would have been okay to kill YOU??????
I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

I remember having a blazing argument about 12 years ago when a good friend of mine said that men didn't care about this kind of thing. Never argued with her before or since, but the way she could be so dismissive of all men just on the basis that she thought all they want to do is fuck and forget really pissed me off. To this day, my wife says she never saw me so spontaneously combust about anything.

Well, I'm sorry you combusted, but UNFORTUNATELY my experience has been a LOT of men are EXACTLY that way.

There are always exceptions and I thank God there are, but for every exception there are five total jerks.

As someone once told me and I have found to be 100% true. "A stiff dick has no concience."

Look I worked for a divorce lawyer for a couple of years and my unfortunate experience is once the guy was done with the wife, he was done with the kids as well.

Do you know what it's like preparing a will for a guy with his second wife, DISINHERITING the children from the first marriage, so whatever he leaves will only go to the trophy wife's kids?

Another reason I left working for a regular attorney (who does divorces) after a couple years. I just couldn't stand it any longer. It's a dirty, awful business, and there were too many kids that ended up getting the short end of the stick. It was sickening.

I'm glad you're an exception but, look out there! Half of marriages end in divorce. Mitt Romney and Charlton Heston marrying one wife and staying them with them their whole life, ARE THE MINORITY.

That's sad, but it's true.

And it's also been my experience, that most of the abortion supporters I come across are NOT women, THEY'RE MEN.

Ann Coulter noted the same thing in "Demonic" (or it may have been the book before that).

She's the only person (beside myself) to note that out loud, BUT IT'S TRUE!

Eighteen-45 year old men! They are the big abortion supporters. It's not women. Sure NOW supports abortion but they aren't the majority of women!

MOST women are working family and "cookie bakers" like me! You think we are for abortion??? NO!

I'm sorry. But for every guy like you, there are five guys leaving the wife, getting the Porche and looking for a stupid 18 year old who's only interested in sex and not raising a family.

It's the damn truth!
Last edited:

Well, mine and every other non-Religious Zealot who thinks magic happens in her snatch, yes.

And as I pointed out viable ONLY MEANS you are living and growing.

You did incorrectly define that term, absolutely.

Here's what the word means for people who don't think faeries live inside your uterus and implant souls into CLUMPS OF CELLS.

Viable | Define Viable at

vi·a·ble   [vahy-uh-buhl] Show IPA
1.capable of living.
2.Physiology .
a.physically fitted to live.
b.(of a fetus) having reached such a stage of development as to be capable of living, under normal conditions, outside the uterus.
3.Botany . able to live and grow.
4.vivid; real; stimulating, as to the intellect, imagination, or senses: a period of history that few teachers can make viable for students.
5.practicable; workable: a viable alternative.

ONLY WHEN they are talking about an unborn baby (AND ONLY SINCE ROE V WADE) did viability ONLY mean a baby that can live outside the womb. (yeah unlike you, I can remember a time BEFORE Roe v. Wade)

See above. You're wrong. It's always meant that. Always. Because definitions of words kind of tend to stay the same in the scientific and medical worlds. In the Magical World of Make Believe that you live in, however, maybe not.

BTW, The Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade is NOW a pro-lifer and admits she lied in the brief for Roe V. Wade.

That means nothing to me. Other than she's a fucking idiot now.

Since when is being dependent on your mother a standard for killing someone.

Newborn babies are dependent on their mothers. They still depend on their bodies via breast feeding to survive.

Once again, your simple mind doesn't grasp this. You are confusing an embryo, which is NON-VIABLE, to a new born baby or a minor child. This proves unequivocally that you are fucking STUPID. Like beyond stupid. Take stupid, bury it under seven miles of retard, and that's you.

The cases aren't even remotely comparable to anyone with even a modicum of intellectual prowess, which obviously excludes you, Grandma.

BTW, that's why some radicals say it should be okay to kill newborns.

Yeah, but those are the radicals. They don't hold the power in OUR party...unlike yours.

So, explain via "science" why that is a standard to kill someone.

I've already explained many, many times why aborting an UN-VIABLE embryo or fetus is a good standard. I can't lead you to water anymore...not without possibly drowning you.

YOU once depended on your mother to survive, do you think it would have been okay to kill YOU??????[

Again, you're clouding the issue with your profound lack of understanding. New born babies are not the same as embryos and fetuses. Do you not eat eggs, since you're killing an unborn baby chick?

You're fucking stupid. Go back to Magic Land where you can pretend that something mystical and magical happens inside your vagina. But stay out of the Deep End, you clearly don't have your floaties on.
Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

I remember having a blazing argument about 12 years ago when a good friend of mine said that men didn't care about this kind of thing. Never argued with her before or since, but the way she could be so dismissive of all men just on the basis that she thought all they want to do is fuck and forget really pissed me off. To this day, my wife says she never saw me so spontaneously combust about anything.

Well, I'm sorry you combusted, but UNFORTUNATELY my experience has been a LOT of men are EXACTLY that way.

There are always exceptions and I thank God there are, but for every exception there are five total jerks.

As someone once told me and I have found to be 100% true. "A stiff dick has no concience."

Look I worked for a divorce lawyer for a couple of years and my unfortunate experience is once the guy was done with the wife, he was done with the kids as well.

Do you know what it's like preparing a will for a guy with his second wife, DISINHERITING the children from the first marriage, so whatever he leaves will only go to the trophy wife's kids?

Another reason I left working for a regular attorney (who does divorces) after a couple years. I just couldn't stand it any longer. It's a dirty, awful business, and there were too many kids that ended up getting the short end of the stick. It was sickening.

I'm glad you're an exception but, look out there! Half of marriages end in divorce. Mitt Romney and Charlton Heston marrying one wife and staying them with them their whole life, ARE THE MINORITY.

That's sad, but it's true.

And it's also been my experience, that most of the abortion supporters I come across are NOT women, THEY'RE MEN.

Ann Coulter noted the same thing in "Demonic" (or it may have been the book before that).

She's the only person (beside myself) to note that out loud, BUT IT'S TRUE!

Eighteen-45 year old men! They are the big abortion supporters. It's not women. Sure NOW supports abortion but they aren't the majority of women!

MOST women are working family and "cookie bakers" like me! You think we are for abortion??? NO!

I'm sorry. But for every guy like you, there are five guys leaving the wife, getting the Porche and looking for a stupid 18 year old who's only interested in sex and not raising a family.

It's the damn truth!

For the love of Yoda, READ THIS SHIT. Your posts hurt my fucking eyes.

Paragraph Writing - How to write a Paragraph
I remember having a blazing argument about 12 years ago when a good friend of mine said that men didn't care about this kind of thing. Never argued with her before or since, but the way she could be so dismissive of all men just on the basis that she thought all they want to do is fuck and forget really pissed me off. To this day, my wife says she never saw me so spontaneously combust about anything.

Well, I'm sorry you combusted, but UNFORTUNATELY my experience has been a LOT of men are EXACTLY that way.

There are always exceptions and I thank God there are, but for every exception there are five total jerks.

As someone once told me and I have found to be 100% true. "A stiff dick has no concience."

Look I worked for a divorce lawyer for a couple of years and my unfortunate experience is once the guy was done with the wife, he was done with the kids as well.

Do you know what it's like preparing a will for a guy with his second wife, DISINHERITING the children from the first marriage, so whatever he leaves will only go to the trophy wife's kids?

Another reason I left working for a regular attorney (who does divorces) after a couple years. I just couldn't stand it any longer. It's a dirty, awful business, and there were too many kids that ended up getting the short end of the stick. It was sickening.

I'm glad you're an exception but, look out there! Half of marriages end in divorce. Mitt Romney and Charlton Heston marrying one wife and staying them with them their whole life, ARE THE MINORITY.

That's sad, but it's true.

And it's also been my experience, that most of the abortion supporters I come across are NOT women, THEY'RE MEN.

Ann Coulter noted the same thing in "Demonic" (or it may have been the book before that).

She's the only person (beside myself) to note that out loud, BUT IT'S TRUE!

Eighteen-45 year old men! They are the big abortion supporters. It's not women. Sure NOW supports abortion but they aren't the majority of women!

MOST women are working family and "cookie bakers" like me! You think we are for abortion??? NO!

I'm sorry. But for every guy like you, there are five guys leaving the wife, getting the Porche and looking for a stupid 18 year old who's only interested in sex and not raising a family.

It's the damn truth!

For the love of Yoda, READ THIS SHIT. Your posts hurt my fucking eyes.

Paragraph Writing - How to write a Paragraph

Libbiederp ran out of other crap to whine about. Now it's butthurt is about paragraph formation.

What a pussy libbiederp proves itself to be.
Question for the anti-women crowd - since you think government has the right to subjugate the rights of a woman for the purposes of protecting a fetus, wouldn't that mean government could go further than simply not allowing abortion? What's to stop government from regulating the diet of pregnant women? What's to stop them from investigating every little fall or accident a pregnant woman might have, to make sure she isn't trying to intentionally abort the pregnancy? What's to stop government from requiring all pregnant women take regularly scheduled drug tests? If the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of a pregnant women - as they must for the anti-women viewpoint to even be viable - it would seem all these acts by government naturally follow.

Government is ALREADY FORCING HEALTHCARE ON US, and you libs are all for it!

What do you think Obamacare is about?

Look at Mayor Bloomberg in New York, making edicts that you can't sell transfat, salt and now a sugared soft drink over 16 oz??????

Libs applaud this!

You think Obama care WON'T make edicts on what pregnant women must do "in the interests of reducing healthcare costs."

And might I point out in China they FORCE ABORTIONS in that interest.

So, what's to stop Obama from making that edict you must get an abortion to save money on Obamacare since Obamacare says over and over in the bill it's "at the secretary's discretion."

So the "Secretary" can't decide abortion is a good idea to save healthcare dollars?


You don't get more anti-woman that KILLNG THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys are morons. You just emote this BS without EVER thinking about what you are saying.

That's why you are so easy to beat.

I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae.

Nope. That is a diversion. The issue is about half a foot above the vagina. Pro-choice people really need an anatomy lesson.

But thanks for trying.
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Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.

:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

I'm 50 years old and you don't think I've gone through times in my life where I've wanted to commit suicide? How wrong are you!

Why didn't I? Because I found solace in the Bible based on a strong upbringing in the Bible, in the first place.

I just have sympathy for you, because you obviousluy didn't get the moral core in your upbringing you should have. Your views reveal that

You don't have to take my sympathy. But I will pray for you.

I just believe it's never too late to get that moral core that a bad childhood might deny you.
You guys are morons. You just emote this BS without EVER thinking about what you are saying.

I did not read all 44 pages of this topic, as it looks mostly to be an exchanging of insults.

Did anyone ever address my question about why the woman in question opposes a ban on abortions after 20 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger? It is a law in full accordance with her avowed Jewish faith which she made so much of.
I'm 50 years old and you don't think I've gone through times in my life where I've wanted to commit suicide? How wrong are you!

Why didn't I? Because I found solace in the Bible based on a strong upbringing in the Bible, in the first place.

I just have sympathy for you, because you obviousluy didn't get the moral core in your upbringing you should have. Your views reveal that

You don't have to take my sympathy. But I will pray for you.

I just believe it's never too late to get that moral core that a bad childhood might deny you.

Magic made me happy again! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

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