Vagina? Not in this house!!

No they did not. They explicitly stated that answering such a question was not their place, it was for scientists and philosopher's to decide that issue. They pointed out that quickening was the historical dividing line for the permissibility of abortion.

Not exactly. They addressed "viability" and did so without legislative guidance, as though somebody had authorized the judicial branch to act as the legislative branch.

Who ever authorized the legislature to address viability? I'd say that's the kind of thing that we should be relying on medical experts to advise upon.

No one, they haven’t the authority. That’s a matter only for the woman and her family to address, with the input of medical experts if they so desire.
The issue is about unborn children. Anyone who thinks it is about vaginas is exposing their profound ignorance or are too ashamed to look head-on at what they are actually doing.

They know on an instinctual level this is about killing unborn children. They don't want you to look at the unborn child. So they point at their crotch instead, like some kind of primitive ape. Somehow, this mentality thinks this gives them the moral superiority. "It's about my crotch! Leave it alone!"

They are gutless cowards. They need to have their faces rubbed in the dead corpses.

Does this look like a vagina to you?:

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The issue is about unborn children. Anyone who thinks it is about vaginas is exposing their profound ignorance or are too ashamed to look head-on at what they are actually doing.

They know on an instinctual level this is about killing unborn children. They don't want you to look at the unborn child. So the point at their crotch instead. Somehow, this mentality thinks this gives them the moral superiority. "It's about my crotch! Leave it alone!"

They are gutless cowards. They need to have their faces rubbed in the dead corpses.

Does this look like a vagina to you?:


Okay, a third trimester in utero. :thup:
She did make a rape accusation. She said, “And finally, Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested my vagina, but ' no' means 'no.'”

That is a clear reference to rape. It is a well-known anti-rape slogan: "No means no".

Oh for fuck's sake. Really? That phrase has also become sort of ubiquitous in the popular zeitgeist for any issue where you're telling someone "no." It was a humorous barb, nothing else. Get the fuck over it. It's still, no matter what, totally wrong for her to have been censured.

Did she sound like she was joking?


She was acting cowardly. Pointing at her crotch to misdirect attention away from the unborn whose lives are at stake.
They know on an instinctual level this is about killing unborn children. They don't want you to look at the unborn child. So they point at their crotch instead, like some kind of ape. Somehow, this mentality thinks this gives them the moral superiority. "It's about my crotch! Leave it alone!"

See, this is the problem between Conservatives and Liberals. This isn't an "instinctual" issue; or at least it shouldn't be. It's an INTELLECTUAL debate we need to have.

Take the histrionics out of it. And you're left with the fact that before 22 weeks no living thing inside a woman's body can develop into a baby. You're showing pictures of a much more fully developed fetus, not an embryo. There's a big difference and if you don't know that difference, tough shit. You're still not allowed to take that right away from women, sorry you're not.

And again, if you don't know why vaginae are discussed in a bill about abortion, that's on you dude.
She did make a rape accusation. She said, “And finally, Mr. Speaker, I'm flattered that you're all so interested my vagina, but ' no' means 'no.'”

That is a clear reference to rape. It is a well-known anti-rape slogan: "No means no".

Oh for fuck's sake. Really? That phrase has also become sort of ubiquitous in the popular zeitgeist for any issue where you're telling someone "no." It was a humorous barb, nothing else. Get the fuck over it. It's still, no matter what, totally wrong for her to have been censured.

Did she sound like she was joking?


She was acting cowardly. Pointing at her crotch to misdirect attention away from the unborn whose lives are at stake.

You need to go watch some funny movies dude. That was not a serious accusation of rape, and you know it. And bringing up DEAD BABBBY CORPSES is also misdirection from the real issue at hand too.
Hey, did anyone figure out of an eight week old embryo can live outside a non-magic pussy yet?

I will explain for the umpteenth time so it might get through your thick skull. The woman was pointing at her vagina over a bill which would ban the abortion of unborn children OVER 20 WEEKS along in the pregnancy.

Got it?
Okay, a third trimester in utero. :thup:

And you, too. The bill would ban abortions past 20 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger.

Got it?

So does that unborn child look like a vagina to you?
You need to go watch some funny movies dude. That was not a serious accusation of rape, and you know it. And bringing up DEAD BABBBY CORPSES is also misdirection from the real issue at hand too.

It is dead on target. The bill was about pregnancies over 20 weeks along.

This is why she diverted attention away from that fact and pointed at her crotch instead. So you would be in the very fog you are in.

You seriously fail.
A vast majority of Americans are opposed to abortion past 20 weeks. You people are seriously on the wrong side of this one.
Meh. You can claim we're wrong and whine and cry about babies who would not be viable outside their womb all you want. The rest of us who don't consider non-viable life forms more important than living life forms will continue to not give a fuck.
Hey, did anyone figure out of an eight week old embryo can live outside a non-magic pussy yet?

I will explain for the umpteenth time so it might get through your thick skull. The woman was pointing at her vagina over a bill which would ban the abortion of unborn children OVER 20 WEEKS along in the pregnancy.

Got it?

First, my barb was directed at the TeaBagPsychoBitch that thinks her pussy is magic and compared embryonic development to breast feeding.

Secondly, 20 weeks is still not medically viable, so no, for me, they shouldn't ban them at 20 weeks. Mkthx bye.
Meh. You can claim we're wrong and whine and cry about babies who would not be viable outside their womb all you want. The rest of us who don't consider non-viable life forms more important than living life forms will continue to not give a fuck.

Nice strawman. Keep digging that hole you have suddenly found yourself in.

I don't consider a life in the womb more important. Nice try. But you do consider it worthless and okay to kill.

You are going with the non-viable angle now, eh? I'm sure people who need machines to survive must be feel really comfortable with people like you around.
Here is a 20 week fetus:

Not a vagina.

Yeah, and it still wouldn't survive outside its mother's womb. What's your point?

The bill would protect 20 week, 21 week, 22 week, 23 week, 24 week, 25 week, 26 week, 27 week, 28 week, 29 week, 30 week, 31 week, 32 week, 33 week, 34 week, 35 week, 36 week, 37 week, 38 week , and 39 week and beyond unborn children.

And not one of them is a vagina.

Half of them have one, though. So leave them alone! NO MEANS NO!
Meh. You can claim we're wrong and whine and cry about babies who would not be viable outside their womb all you want. The rest of us who don't consider non-viable life forms more important than living life forms will continue to not give a fuck.

Nice strawman. Keep digging that hole you have suddenly found yourself in.

I don't consider a life in the womb more important. Nice try. But you do consider it worthless and okay to kill.

You are going with the non-viable angle now, eh? I'm sure people who need machines to survive must be feel really comfortable with people like you around.

Considering that the Supreme Court used viability as their standard, I will do the same, thanks. Also, since I like science and medicine, I'll do the same.

You're proving yourself to be just the same religious sycophant that TeaPartyDumbTwat did. If you don't see a BIG difference between an organism that would die WHILE STILL AN EMBRYO and a human being a life support machine, you're fucking nuts dude. The embryo isn't a human being. It's an embryo. Unless certain DNA switches get flipped, that thing could wind up a fucking ape. Did you know a chicken is a dinosaur? So does that mean every time you have bacon and eggs you're responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs?


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