Vagina? Not in this house!!

Ahhh love the insult, TY!
Perhaps she was recognized to speak before she ditched ROR edition and parliamentary procedure.
Prove me wrong and I will quad pos rep you.

Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

I don't have to prove you wrong, it's on you to prove your claims. And I don't want your pos rep once, much less four times. Coming from someone who constantly talks out of her vagina, it would be an insult.

Already have proved Parliamentary Procedure. It's in the link. It's now up to you to understand it.

VAGINA :tongue:

MeBelle said Vagina!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: (faints)
I did not read all 44 pages of this topic, as it looks mostly to be an exchanging of insults.

Did anyone ever address my question about why the woman in question opposes a ban on abortions after 20 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger? It is a law in full accordance with her avowed Jewish faith which she made so much of.

Maybe because she actually believes in the separation of church and state and bases her beliefs on something else? Nah, that's way too simple an explanation, huh?
I'm 50 years old and you don't think I've gone through times in my life where I've wanted to commit suicide? How wrong are you!

Why didn't I? Because I found solace in the Bible based on a strong upbringing in the Bible, in the first place.

I just have sympathy for you, because you obviousluy didn't get the moral core in your upbringing you should have. Your views reveal that

You don't have to take my sympathy. But I will pray for you.

I just believe it's never too late to get that moral core that a bad childhood might deny you.

Magic made me happy again! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

One wonders why she wasn't praying for you before? Might it be because she was too busy gloating over her perceived 'win'?
I did not read all 44 pages of this topic, as it looks mostly to be an exchanging of insults.

Did anyone ever address my question about why the woman in question opposes a ban on abortions after 20 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger? It is a law in full accordance with her avowed Jewish faith which she made so much of.

Maybe because she actually believes in the separation of church and state and bases her beliefs on something else? Nah, that's way too simple an explanation, huh?

She brought it up. She appeared to claim this law was stricter than her Jewish faith.

It isn't.

And then she drew attention to her vagina for some bizarre reason.

Someone really ought to explain to her where the womb is.

And banning murder is a religion issue, eh?
Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.

:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

Barrrbbb! Just read The Bible and everything will get better instantaneously!

Wow, what kind of twunt would insult the dead father of someone you don't even know on the Internet?

A dumb Tea Party bitch, that's who.

Do you see the hate in there!

Mentioning the Bible insults anyone's memory??????

Or it just offends the bigotry of hate filled people like you.

The sad part is you don't see how you hurt your own side and help MY side by revealing that hate filled bigotry.

Then you guys wonder WHY things like Occupy Wall Street and other protests fail.

Here's a clue. Because you people are revealing what rage filled, hate filled little bigots you are, and you turn everyone else off to your "cause."
Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

I remember having a blazing argument about 12 years ago when a good friend of mine said that men didn't care about this kind of thing. Never argued with her before or since, but the way she could be so dismissive of all men just on the basis that she thought all they want to do is fuck and forget really pissed me off. To this day, my wife says she never saw me so spontaneously combust about anything.

Well, I'm sorry you combusted, but UNFORTUNATELY my experience has been a LOT of men are EXACTLY that way.

There are always exceptions and I thank God there are, but for every exception there are five total jerks.

As someone once told me and I have found to be 100% true. "A stiff dick has no concience."

Look I worked for a divorce lawyer for a couple of years and my unfortunate experience is once the guy was done with the wife, he was done with the kids as well.

Do you know what it's like preparing a will for a guy with his second wife, DISINHERITING the children from the first marriage, so whatever he leaves will only go to the trophy wife's kids?

Another reason I left working for a regular attorney (who does divorces) after a couple years. I just couldn't stand it any longer. It's a dirty, awful business, and there were too many kids that ended up getting the short end of the stick. It was sickening.

I'm glad you're an exception but, look out there! Half of marriages end in divorce. Mitt Romney and Charlton Heston marrying one wife and staying them with them their whole life, ARE THE MINORITY.

That's sad, but it's true.

And it's also been my experience, that most of the abortion supporters I come across are NOT women, THEY'RE MEN.

Ann Coulter noted the same thing in "Demonic" (or it may have been the book before that).

She's the only person (beside myself) to note that out loud, BUT IT'S TRUE!

Eighteen-45 year old men! They are the big abortion supporters. It's not women. Sure NOW supports abortion but they aren't the majority of women!

MOST women are working family and "cookie bakers" like me! You think we are for abortion??? NO!

I'm sorry. But for every guy like you, there are five guys leaving the wife, getting the Porche and looking for a stupid 18 year old who's only interested in sex and not raising a family.

It's the damn truth!

Well, I'm sorry that's your experience. I've been thinking about this for a couple minutes and I don't think I know a single guy who's behaved like that. Maybe I'm just lucky. Two of my best male friends are divorced. One bought a house 3 miles away so he could still be near his daughter and spend as much time with her as possible. The other has custody of his 2 girls.

I personally support right to choose but only within strict term limits, which most of the pro choice folks think are way too short.

BTW, in my experience, the 18 year old girl doesn't get involved with the 45 year old guy for sex. She gets involved with him for money. When a large slice of that money goes in child support payments, her passion will quite often cool quickly, and the guy tends to be left with no Porsche, no money, no 18 year old, a rented apartment and an estranged and hostile ex-wife and child. And he'll quite likely have nobody but himself to blame.

Clearly, this is a generalization, but one speaks as one finds.
Question for the anti-women crowd - since you think government has the right to subjugate the rights of a woman for the purposes of protecting a fetus, wouldn't that mean government could go further than simply not allowing abortion? What's to stop government from regulating the diet of pregnant women? What's to stop them from investigating every little fall or accident a pregnant woman might have, to make sure she isn't trying to intentionally abort the pregnancy? What's to stop government from requiring all pregnant women take regularly scheduled drug tests? If the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of a pregnant women - as they must for the anti-women viewpoint to even be viable - it would seem all these acts by government naturally follow.

Well see abortions in our case are done on purpose to kill a baby, that is wrong. if a woman trips and falls, that's not the same thing, but nice try.

Now liberals would make all those laws, because they try to be perfect and prevent everything. They think they can 100% prevent stuff, which is why they never have a goal for a program (ie Affirmative action, what is the goal on that? do you know? I dont and if we meet it, time to end the program, which they dont want, it keeps them in power, which is why these programs are phoney)

As for the other things, we dont need to regulate them. The rights of the baby are the same as the woman. I dont think women need to be tested for drugs, unless there is some other reason, like being on welfare, or a job, you know normal reasons people get tested. Outside of that no. Look we cant stop people from trying to abort, we just dont want to make it easy or approve of it through laws. Like anything else, if people want to do something bad enough, they will, but usually there are consequences, and there should be those consequences.

The point is though, if you cant have an abortion for birth control, you might be a little more careful in your sex life. Isn't that one of the points of child support? To try and end knock up and run?

Having suffered the heartbreak of miscarriage, it really angers me when lying libs try and hide behind miscarriage to justify abortion.

As if it isn't OBVIOUS that a miscarriage happens whether the mother wants it or not.

But an abortion is a deliberate surgical acts.

They are no where near the same.

But liberals don't care that it's more than OBVIOUS miscarriage and abortion are no where near the same.

They will use anything to push their agenda. They have no shame and no integrity.
:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:

Barrrbbb! Just read The Bible and everything will get better instantaneously!

Wow, what kind of twunt would insult the dead father of someone you don't even know on the Internet?

A dumb Tea Party bitch, that's who.

Derps dont be a dick. And Christians are much happier than atheists. I've never seen a happy atheist, they always have baggage and are so negative.
Barb had a rough life, some people get a shitty hand in life, you can either make it better or bitch about it. I dont know enough about barb to make that judgement.
And it's a message board and how did he insult her father? I know barb has done it, but I dont know the man, so I'm steering clear of it.

(I'm a she ;) )

But I didn't insult Barbs. I expressed sympathy because it's obvious she didn't get the childhood she should have. That's sad.

I'm just saying, it's never too late to get that moral core her parents should have given her.

It's in the Bible. That's where my parents gave it to me and anyone can still find it there.

That's not hate in that Bible. That's love!
So, buckeye, let's table the abortion thing for a second, since clearly we're stuck in the age-old Liberal/Conservative Abortion thing. Let's talk about the morning after pill. What are your thoughts on it?

This is what liberals do when they know they are losing. They change the subject.

BUT, the answer to that should be obvious by answering one question.


Was it conception or birth?

And before you say birth, answer this. Could you have HAD birth without conception?

After that it's pretty obvious the morning after pill is no different than abortion. It's still killing a life.
Let's get back on topic.

Two Michigan legislators say ‘vagina,’ then silenced | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -

So, let me get this straight.....the Michigan House wants to debate a bill about what people can do with their vaginas.

No. That is a pro-choice misdirection. This has nothing to do with the vagina. So go ahead and shave it, put jewelry in it, dye it, do whatever you wish to it.

This issue is about living humans in the womb, which places them at least half a foot above the vagina for those of you who are ignorant of the female anatomy and reproduction.

The bill in question would ban abortion after 20 weeks. This is when "quickening" occurs, and was even addressed in Roe v. Wade as being the time when states can legislate abortion. Your own team says it is okay to ban abortion after the quickening. Surprise! I bet the dumb (censored) didn't tell you THAT, did she?

You will also find that 2/3 of Americans believe abortion after this period should be outlawed. Gosh! That would mean even pro-choice people are okay with banning them! Athiests, even!

But the dumb broad in the Michigan legislature decided to throw up lots of smoke and make it about her va-jay-jay instead.

And a bunch of you drank her piss.
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I did not read all 44 pages of this topic, as it looks mostly to be an exchanging of insults.

Did anyone ever address my question about why the woman in question opposes a ban on abortions after 20 weeks unless the mother's life is in danger? It is a law in full accordance with her avowed Jewish faith which she made so much of.

Maybe because she actually believes in the separation of church and state and bases her beliefs on something else? Nah, that's way too simple an explanation, huh?

She brought it up. She appeared to claim this law was stricter than her Jewish faith.

It isn't.

And then she drew attention to her vagina for some bizarre reason.

Someone really ought to explain to her where the womb is.

And banning murder is a religion issue, eh?

Are you Jewish? Do you practice the same kind of Judaism that she does? If not, then you can probably just shut the fuck up about pretending to know about her faith.

She drew attention to her vagina because well, duh. You know why she did. And arguing semantics over this doesn't make you any less wrong. In fact, this story has further widened the concept of a GOP "War on Women." I hate that term, because I think it's just a fundamental lack of respect for a woman's sexuality and sexual freedom, but "War on Women" sells more t-shirts.

You're trying to downplay her brilliance. It was really quite brilliant, and has energized women in the state and across the country. And the fact that you call it murder is the exact reason why someone like her chose to use levity to make a point.

Murder...Jesus Titty Fucking Christ.
Derps dont be a dick.

Have you not read my other posts? It's kind of my thing. But also, how can you call me a dick when that TeaPartySamwichQueen had the balls to say what she did? You really think what I said was in any way worse than what she did? C'mon dude.

And Christians are much happier than atheists. I've never seen a happy atheist, they always have baggage and are so negative.

Uhh. That's a massive generalization and you have no way to prove it, ever. I grew up in a Southern Baptist house. We went to church every Sunday for the first 14 years of my life. Boy did I meet some unhappy fucking Christians.

I've also met a ton of atheists in my day, a TON and a lot of them are totally happy. Totally content, without any worries outside of the normal day-to-day shit. Even you have to see what a crazy statement that is to make, right? Are you saying the Christians never get depressed?

Barb had a rough life, some people get a shitty hand in life, you can either make it better or bitch about it. I dont know enough about barb to make that judgement.
And it's a message board and how did he insult her father? I know barb has done it, but I dont know the man, so I'm steering clear of it.

How did she insult Barb's father? Really? Just go back and read her post again dude.

Conservaderp you can protest too much all you want but it's pretty obvious in this thread who is happy and laughing and who is ANGRY AND RAGE FILLED.

It's pretty obvious you are full of rage.

I think someone on Christnet about 18 years ago hit the nail on the head as to why atheists are so angry at Christians:

"Because Christians dare to believe there is a higher being than the atheist."

Atheists want to believe THEY are God, and it infuriates the Hell (pun intended) of them Christians believe someone else is God.

How dare Christians!!!!!!!!
Maybe because she actually believes in the separation of church and state and bases her beliefs on something else? Nah, that's way too simple an explanation, huh?

She brought it up. She appeared to claim this law was stricter than her Jewish faith.

It isn't.

And then she drew attention to her vagina for some bizarre reason.

Someone really ought to explain to her where the womb is.

And banning murder is a religion issue, eh?

Are you Jewish? Do you practice the same kind of Judaism that she does? If not, then you can probably just shut the fuck up about pretending to know about her faith.

She explained what her Jewish beliefs on abortion were. In detail.

I bet you must feel pretty stupid right about now.

[She drew attention to her vagina because well, duh.

Yes, to draw attention away from the womb, where the living being was that is at issue.
As I said, this is about a bill which bans abortion after 20 weeks. Something which Roe v. Wade plainly said could be done by states, and which is supported by 2/3 of Americans. Which means even pro-choice people approve. And atheists!

Wake up. You have been hornswaggled by an idiot, which does not speak well of you.
Do you see the hate in there![/quote[

LOL. I don't hate anyone. I just think you're a stupid, dull, uneducated fucking idiot.

Mentioning the Bible insults anyone's memory??????

To people who aren't Christians, and there are many, maybe it could. See, DumbFuckingBitch, this is why you don't just go shooting your DumbFuckingBitch mouth off about religion. Not everyone shares your exact zealotry, so you come off like an insensitive bitch. Which you are, so maybe it's a good thing.

Or it just offends the bigotry of hate filled people like you.

Nope. Not hate. But that seems to be a new buzz word among Conservatives, hate. It's interesting because growing up my mother and father were big Dittoheads. They even packed me up into the car and drove me thousands of miles to go that Dan's Bake Sale/Massive Public Suck-off of Rush Limbaugh that he had in the 90's. And I can remember a LOT of vitriol and spite coming out of HIS mouth about Democrats and Liberals.

Weird, huh?!

The sad part is you don't see how you hurt your own side and help MY side by revealing that hate filled bigotry.

Keep repeating those buzzwords, Stupid McMagicPussy. It won't make them any more true.

Then you guys wonder WHY things like Occupy Wall Street and other protests fail.


Here's a clue. Because you people are revealing what rage filled, hate filled little bigots you are, and you turn everyone else off to your "cause."

Says the woman who thinks that women who get abortions are whores. Says the woman who if I can just assume her religious zealotry flows out into other social issues, thinks gay people don't have a right to get married.

You're a fucking idiot. But I do enjoy destroying you so effortlessly.
She brought it up. She appeared to claim this law was stricter than her Jewish faith.

It isn't.

And then she drew attention to her vagina for some bizarre reason.

Someone really ought to explain to her where the womb is.

And banning murder is a religion issue, eh?

Are you Jewish? Do you practice the same kind of Judaism that she does? If not, then you can probably just shut the fuck up about pretending to know about her faith.

She explained what her Jewish beliefs on abortion were. In detail.

I bet you must feel pretty stupid right about now.

[She drew attention to her vagina because well, duh.

Yes, to draw attention away from the womb, where the living being was that is at issue.

I assure you that nothing you can say to me will make me feel like an idiot. Again, she could explain her beliefs in all the detail she wants, but the point you so conveniently ignored is that she probably just believes in separation of church and state and therefore she made her decision for other reasons.

Also, can you link me to the exact bill's wording? I can't seem to find it, but maybe my Googling powers aren't sharp today. I'm thinking there's probably A LOT MORE to the bill than you're representing. Why? Because on its face, not many pro-choice people have a problem banning abortion after the point of viability, and I'd like to read more about the bill.

Calling us idiots doesn't negate that there was no reason for these two women to be censured, at all. And you're the idiot if you think in a discussion about abortion the word vagina wouldn't or shouldn't be brought up.
This is what liberals do when they know they are losing. They change the subject.

No, Magic Pussy, that's not what happened. I attempted to do the adult thing, acknowledge an impasse in the conversation and then steer it in other direction. I was basically saying "let's agree to disagree." But you, Magic Pussy, clearly can't read all that well, or you just see words magically scramble and re-form into new, different words.

BUT, the answer to that should be obvious by answering one question.


Was it conception or birth?

And before you say birth, answer this. Could you have HAD birth without conception?

Hey Magic Pussy, the reason we use VIABILITY as a standard on this issue is that there are diverse opinions on how we define "life" beginning. So this was what's called a compromise. Being in the Tea Party, I'm sure you're not familiar with that word, so let me help you, Magic Pussy.

Compromise | Define Compromise at

After that it's pretty obvious the morning after pill is no different than abortion. It's still killing a life.

Except it's nothing like an abortion.

Now, Magic Pussy, I'm going to link you to an article where it talks about what actually happens inside your body when conception takes place. I know it'll seem confusing to you, Magic Pussy, but I'll link it in case you get curious, or if someone who doesn't believe their reproductive organs are blessed with mystical powers wants to read it.

Rather, the pills delay ovulation, the release of eggs from ovaries that occurs before eggs are fertilized, and some pills also thicken cervical mucus so sperm have trouble swimming.
I'm Jewish. I keep kosher in my home. I have two sets of dishes. One for meat and one for dairy, and another two sets of dishes on top of that for Passover. Judaism believes that therapeutic abortions, namely abortions performed in order to preserve the life of the mother are not only permissable but mandatory. The stage of pregnancy does not matter. Wherever there is a question of the life of the mother or that of the unborn child, Jewish law rules in favor of preserving the life of the mother. The status of the fetus as human life does not equal that of the mother. I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?

That is what Lisa Brown said.

She was debating against a bill which would ban abortion after 20 weeks unless the life of the mother is in danger.

So this clearly is in accordance with her beliefs. Apparently she is too retarded to grasp that the law aligns perfectly with her stated beliefs.

SHE BROUGHT UP HER BELIEFS. Not the state. She did. She was using HER FAITH to oppose the law.

Except she is too retarded to understand that this law DOES NOT violate her faith. Yet she implied that it does, and that she is somehow better than them in her opposition.

But here is where she really goes off track: she is implying a law banning murder is a case of the state forcing religion on people.

So we should not ban murder because that is a religious belief?

That is what the retard is saying.

And then she bizarrely brought up her vagina, making a rape accusation against the House Speaker.

The woman is mentally challenged.
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court said that the quickening is the historically accepted dividing line as to when a fetus becomes a human being.

A human being.

We outlaw the murder of human beings.

The idiots backing Representative Lisa Brown are apparently now supporting the argument that outlawing the murder of humans is forcing a religious belief on people.

Yes. Indeed they are.

Roe v. Wade said that since the quickening makes the baby in the womb a human, states are allowed to ban the murder of those humans. Those humans have rights.

Two thirds of Americans agree that killing these human beings is wrong. And they are allowed to ban those murders on the state level.

What the ever loving hell this has to do with a vagina or rape is beyond me. And Lisa Brown sure doesn't know, either.

Watch the video for yourself. Her added rape comment at the end is a complete non sequitur. It sounds and is stupid and irrelevant to the conversation.
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