Vagina? Not in this house!!

I find this part humorous...

"The Legislature is considering legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, unless a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

State Rep. Barb Byrum was silenced after she tried to introduce an amendment requiring men to prove that their life is in danger before being allowed to receive a vasectomy.”

Are the legislators of Michigan so uneducated that they do not understand the difference between a vasectomy and an abortion after 20 weeks? I mean...if it were legislation for "tube tying" I could understand the correlation...

But she sees a vasecotmy that includes the killing of nothing to a second tri-mester abortion?

Wow. She should be recalled for stupidity.

This women legislator is just being petty. She thinks she's making a point.

"Well you don't require a guy to prove his life is in danger."

But, OF COURSE, it's ludicrous.

The guy isn't carrying another human life in his testicles. The women is OBVIOUSLY carrying another human life in her womb.

This is just another example of liberals trying to make everything "fair." It always totally ignores the obvious reality.

There is no such thing as fair. Any women who's been through more than one (let alone one) pregnancy knows that.

The guy gets some fun, YOU get nine months of swollen ankles, swollen midsection, saying goodbye to those itsy bitsy bikinis (forever, especially if you get a C-section).

Pregnancy is life changing for a woman. The guy gets some fun. There is no fair.
I find this part humorous...

"The Legislature is considering legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, unless a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

State Rep. Barb Byrum was silenced after she tried to introduce an amendment requiring men to prove that their life is in danger before being allowed to receive a vasectomy.”

Are the legislators of Michigan so uneducated that they do not understand the difference between a vasectomy and an abortion after 20 weeks? I mean...if it were legislation for "tube tying" I could understand the correlation...

But she sees a vasecotmy that includes the killing of nothing to a second tri-mester abortion?

Wow. She should be recalled for stupidity.

This women legislator is just being petty. She thinks she's making a point.

"Well you don't require a guy to prove his life is in danger."

But, OF COURSE, it's ludicrous.

The guy isn't carrying another human life in his testicles. The women is OBVIOUSLY carrying another human life in her womb.

This is just another example of liberals trying to make everything "fair." It always totally ignores the obvious reality.

There is no such thing as fair. Any women who's been through more than one (let alone one) pregnancy knows that.

The guy gets some fun, YOU get nine months of swollen ankles, swollen midsection, saying goodbye to those itsy bitsy bikinis (forever, especially if you get a C-section).

Pregnancy is life changing for a woman. The guy gets some fun. There is no fair.

Yeah the problem is she's liberal and doesnt understand arguements are won with facts and logic, of which she has none. She just wants to make a scene and see if she gets her way.
I think we should call liberalism, babyism, they cry and cry until they get their way, oh wait but they like to kill babies, hmmmm that name would be ironic then, interesting.
I find this part humorous...

"The Legislature is considering legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, unless a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

State Rep. Barb Byrum was silenced after she tried to introduce an amendment requiring men to prove that their life is in danger before being allowed to receive a vasectomy.”

Are the legislators of Michigan so uneducated that they do not understand the difference between a vasectomy and an abortion after 20 weeks? I mean...if it were legislation for "tube tying" I could understand the correlation...

But she sees a vasecotmy that includes the killing of nothing to a second tri-mester abortion?

Wow. She should be recalled for stupidity.

This women legislator is just being petty. She thinks she's making a point.

"Well you don't require a guy to prove his life is in danger."

But, OF COURSE, it's ludicrous.

The guy isn't carrying another human life in his testicles. The women is OBVIOUSLY carrying another human life in her womb.

This is just another example of liberals trying to make everything "fair." It always totally ignores the obvious reality.

There is no such thing as fair. Any women who's been through more than one (let alone one) pregnancy knows that.

The guy gets some fun, YOU get nine months of swollen ankles, swollen midsection, saying goodbye to those itsy bitsy bikinis (forever, especially if you get a C-section).

Pregnancy is life changing for a woman. The guy gets some fun. There is no fair.

Yeah the problem is she's liberal and doesnt understand arguements are won with facts and logic, of which she has none. She just wants to make a scene and see if she gets her way.
I think we should call liberalism, babyism, they cry and cry until they get their way, oh wait but they like to kill babies, hmmmm that name would be ironic then, interesting.

That's what Occupy Wallstreet is about. It's about having a several months long public tantrum and demanding they get their way.

Same thing about the Unions in Wisconsin. Only people were disgusted about it, and voted against the recall.

(or the tantrun conservaderpy and barb have been having in this thread)
Hmm. Someone took her Retard Pills again today! YAY!!!

You ready to tell me how an 8 week old embryo can survive outside the womb yet, Dummy? Or are you ready to equate breast feeding a fully developed baby to embryonic development, Dummy? CLUMP OF CELLS!!

You ready to tell me what "science" you base that on as a reason for abortion?????

OH, I FORGOT (no I didn't) you already admitted it was just an arbitrary standard for abortion.

So, why exactly, is arbitrary standards for abortion something we should take seriously??????????

Because the FACT that their hearts beat, they have brain waves, and all the major organs are in place by that time, ISN'T ARBITRARY, that's fact.

YOU just admit you don't CARE about those FACTS becasue your arbitrary rationalization to justify abortion is more important to you.

And we should pay attention to that, why?


Hi Dummy,


I took the liberty of signing you up for reading comprehension classes because you are clearly in desperate need of them. My argument about the science, you dumb fuck, was to illustrate that until the embryo/fetus reaches 22 weeks, it cannot live outside the womb and therefore it's silly to assign it the same rights as an actual living, breathing human being.

Yes, that science does in fact inform MY personal opinion. Just like your histrionic, religious dogma informs YOUR decision. You didn't "win" anything yesterday. All you did was bleat on and on and on about the clump of cells shit, which anyone with half a brain-cell could figure out was my trolling the LIVING FUCK out of you.

I gave it away when I told you that we're all just clumps of cells on the microbiology level. It was ALWAYS about viability to me. That's what the argument really is about, not your crazy belief that breast feeding and embryonic development are in anyway comparable.

You're a loon, a whackadoo, a fool, a fucking idiot, a fucktard, someone who if we actually measured your IQ we'd see a number that hovered JUST over mental retardation, I am POSITIVE about that. You don't even get basic biology. You point to your 4D ultrasounds as proof that your EMBRYO (not fetus, not baby) at 8 weeks is the same thing as a fully developed baby, ignoring the webbed-fingers and toes, ignoring the tail, ignoring the fact that brain waves don't mean thought (though reading your three-day long tantrum and blatant denial of scientific fact makes me think that you are the living embodiment of brain waves don't equal sentient thought).

Basically, what I did yesterday is expose you as the sycophant and fucking idiot that you are. Everyone sees it. Everyone who reads your posts doesn't see them as being some "gotcha" on me. They see someone who doesn't even grasp the most SIMPLE of biological concepts; concepts that my fucking FIVE YEAR OLD gets more than you. That embryos aren't babies.

I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)
No you are correct. I would have, because most people are with that. I'm just saying the reason most people dont support that stuff, because it is crazy. I'm not trying to fool anyone, I think it was obvious what I was doing and transparent. But you did recognize that and excellent job. Hell I'll even upvote you for that. My point is I'm not sure about your father and if it's what your implying that's horrible and he should have been arrested. I dont wish that stuff on anyone, even people I cant stand or Hate.

How does one go about getting arrested once dead? I really don't care if you believe me or not, (and actually, I was 23. first cup of coffee, can't count) my only point in relating it is that people throw a lot of shit around the nets, just anything goes, but you don't know me, I don't know you, and none of us really know why people come to the conclusions that they do.

No one wants to know, because its so much cleaner to "hate" one another.

And that leads to my last point of the evening (because I do have work to do), or a point to ponder, if you will:

How secure are your (the general you, not you specifically) beliefs, in anything, if the only way to sustain them is irrational and paranoid hatred of others who hold opposing views?

Most people know that there are consequences after death. There is nothing irrational about that.

Which is why the most irrational people DON'T have any core beliefs.

I don't know that there are. I believe that there are, but that's my personal belief, not anything I can prove, or indeed anything I would try to prove. As I've said before, it's a matter of faith.
Two Michigan legislators say ‘vagina,’ then silenced | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -

So, let me get this straight.....the Michigan House wants to debate a bill about what people can do with their vaginas. But you just can't say "vagina." Bills about what women do with their body are apparently a-okay. But bills that would dictate what a man does with his body apparently fail to "maintain decorum"? What the Hell is going on in Michigan?

Yet another False Headline from the Left that Millions of Americans will not read Beyond and Believe.

The 2 Men were Censured For their Behavior when giving the Speech, not for the words in it. The only people claiming it was because they Said Vagina is Conveniently 2 Democrats.

yet you guys just run with the Headline, Because you know Most Americans will only see that and believe it.

Two Michigan legislators say ‘vagina,’ then silenced | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -

So, let me get this straight.....the Michigan House wants to debate a bill about what people can do with their vaginas. But you just can't say "vagina." Bills about what women do with their body are apparently a-okay. But bills that would dictate what a man does with his body apparently fail to "maintain decorum"? What the Hell is going on in Michigan?

Yet another False Headline from the Left that Millions of Americans will not read Beyond and Believe.

The 2 Men were Censured For their Behavior when giving the Speech, not for the words in it. The only people claiming it was because they Said Vagina is Conveniently 2 Democrats.

yet you guys just run with the Headline, Because you know Most Americans will only see that and believe it.


What is it with the right?! How can you NOT understand that when we grab the URL, the link translates into what the paper wants it to say.

I really don't get it. It's like "Stupid is as stupid does!" in here, 24/7.
Two Michigan legislators say ‘vagina,’ then silenced | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -

So, let me get this straight.....the Michigan House wants to debate a bill about what people can do with their vaginas. But you just can't say "vagina." Bills about what women do with their body are apparently a-okay. But bills that would dictate what a man does with his body apparently fail to "maintain decorum"? What the Hell is going on in Michigan?

Yet another False Headline from the Left that Millions of Americans will not read Beyond and Believe.

The 2 Men were Censured For their Behavior when giving the Speech, not for the words in it. The only people claiming it was because they Said Vagina is Conveniently 2 Democrats.

yet you guys just run with the Headline, Because you know Most Americans will only see that and believe it.


What is it with the right?! How can you NOT understand that when we grab the URL, the link translates into what the paper wants it to say.

I really don't get it. It's like "Stupid is as stupid does!" in here, 24/7.

So, Your not responsible for Perpetuating False stories? I was Commenting on the Papers False Headline. Why don't you maybe try doing some Research before you post a head line that is completely Misleading.

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I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Again with the fundamentally dishonest question from the always dishonest libbiederp.

I have no desire to tell women in general what to do or not to do with their own vaginas. I can't think of any conservatives who would care to direct women along such lines.

But, what you persist in pretending not to see is that the child inside the pregnant woman is a human life.

I know. I know. Because it suits your HACK agenda, you and other assholes like you, prefer to call it a "clump of cells." Well suck dead dog dick you fucking lowlife scumbag cock-gobbler. That so-called "clump of cells" is a human being.

Why are you afraid of vaginas and zygotes, you filthy scumbag?
Yet another False Headline from the Left that Millions of Americans will not read Beyond and Believe.

The 2 Men were Censured For their Behavior when giving the Speech, not for the words in it. The only people claiming it was because they Said Vagina is Conveniently 2 Democrats.

yet you guys just run with the Headline, Because you know Most Americans will only see that and believe it.


What is it with the right?! How can you NOT understand that when we grab the URL, the link translates into what the paper wants it to say.

I really don't get it. It's like "Stupid is as stupid does!" in here, 24/7.

So, Your not responsible for Perpetuating False stories?


No more than you're responsible for understanding how the coding works on this message board in relation to links.

Hmm. Someone took her Retard Pills again today! YAY!!!

You ready to tell me how an 8 week old embryo can survive outside the womb yet, Dummy? Or are you ready to equate breast feeding a fully developed baby to embryonic development, Dummy? CLUMP OF CELLS!!

You ready to tell me what "science" you base that on as a reason for abortion?????

OH, I FORGOT (no I didn't) you already admitted it was just an arbitrary standard for abortion.

So, why exactly, is arbitrary standards for abortion something we should take seriously??????????

Because the FACT that their hearts beat, they have brain waves, and all the major organs are in place by that time, ISN'T ARBITRARY, that's fact.

YOU just admit you don't CARE about those FACTS becasue your arbitrary rationalization to justify abortion is more important to you.

And we should pay attention to that, why?


Hi Dummy,


I took the liberty of signing you up for reading comprehension classes because you are clearly in desperate need of them. My argument about the science, you dumb fuck, was to illustrate that until the embryo/fetus reaches 22 weeks, it cannot live outside the womb and therefore it's silly to assign it the same rights as an actual living, breathing human being.

Yes, that science does in fact inform MY personal opinion. Just like your histrionic, religious dogma informs YOUR decision. You didn't "win" anything yesterday. All you did was bleat on and on and on about the clump of cells shit, which anyone with half a brain-cell could figure out was my trolling the LIVING FUCK out of you.

I gave it away when I told you that we're all just clumps of cells on the microbiology level. It was ALWAYS about viability to me. That's what the argument really is about, not your crazy belief that breast feeding and embryonic development are in anyway comparable.

You're a loon, a whackadoo, a fool, a fucking idiot, a fucktard, someone who if we actually measured your IQ we'd see a number that hovered JUST over mental retardation, I am POSITIVE about that. You don't even get basic biology. You point to your 4D ultrasounds as proof that your EMBRYO (not fetus, not baby) at 8 weeks is the same thing as a fully developed baby, ignoring the webbed-fingers and toes, ignoring the tail, ignoring the fact that brain waves don't mean thought (though reading your three-day long tantrum and blatant denial of scientific fact makes me think that you are the living embodiment of brain waves don't equal sentient thought).

Basically, what I did yesterday is expose you as the sycophant and fucking idiot that you are. Everyone sees it. Everyone who reads your posts doesn't see them as being some "gotcha" on me. They see someone who doesn't even grasp the most SIMPLE of biological concepts; concepts that my fucking FIVE YEAR OLD gets more than you. That embryos aren't babies.


Yeah, you are lying again.

YOU said it was about the baby before 12 weeks only being a "clump of cells" which I proved to be absolutely UNTRUE.

By eight weeks, the baby already has brain waves, heart beat, and all the major organs. That's NOT A CLUMP OF CELLS, unless you want to also say YOU are a just a "clump of cells."

As for "viability," you also admit that's a ARBITRARY STANDARD. Thus you have NO SCIENCE behind you. Just your desire to rationalize abortion no matter how.

We have already established this WITH YOUR OWN WORDS.

But I suppose you will lie about your words or just whine it's unfair for me to bring UP YOUR OWN WORDS.

But go ahead and try. Your melt downs are very entertaining and a great insight into the psychosis inside the liberal mind.

I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.
I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

Oddly, there are many of the male persuasion on these boards who are much more obsessed with the male genitalia and artificial versions there of. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah, you are lying again.

YOU said it was about the baby before 12 weeks only being a "clump of cells" which I proved to be absolutely UNTRUE.

No. You didn't.

By eight weeks, the baby already has brain waves, heart beat, and all the major organs. That's NOT A CLUMP OF CELLS, unless you want to also say YOU are a just a "clump of cells."

I already told you, we're all clumps of cells. I'm tired of trying to educate you, you stupid fucking bitch. Go make some more dumb babies with your dumb husband. Maybe you'll have so many fucking dumb babies they'll start coming out retarded and you'll get tons of government money to feed and clothe your retarded babies.

And all the while you can pretend it's the magic of Jesus working its way through your pussy. I don't really fucking care anymore. You've proven yourself to be the absolute dumbest fucking poster here, and that's saying something, Liability and That Mel Gibson guy post here.

As for "viability," you also admit that's a ARBITRARY STANDARD. Thus you have NO SCIENCE behind you. Just your desire to rationalize abortion no matter how.

No, you fucking idiotic sow, viability is not arbitrary. At 8 weeks it's not viable. You are misunderstanding everything because you are fucking stupid.

NO BABY CAN SURVIVE BEFORE 22 WEEKS. Go ahead, Empty-Skull McDumbFuck, google it. Stupid.fucking.dumb.bitch.

But I suppose you will lie about your words or just whine it's unfair for me to bring UP YOUR OWN WORDS.

But go ahead and try. Your melt downs are very entertaining and a great insight into the psychosis inside the liberal mind.

You're telling me about meltdowns? Your meltdowns are so epic that make you look like you have no idea HOW YOUR OWN FUCKING BODY WORKS.

Yet another False Headline from the Left that Millions of Americans will not read Beyond and Believe.

The 2 Men were Censured For their Behavior when giving the Speech, not for the words in it. The only people claiming it was because they Said Vagina is Conveniently 2 Democrats.

yet you guys just run with the Headline, Because you know Most Americans will only see that and believe it.


What is it with the right?! How can you NOT understand that when we grab the URL, the link translates into what the paper wants it to say.

I really don't get it. It's like "Stupid is as stupid does!" in here, 24/7.

So, Your not responsible for Perpetuating False stories? I was Commenting on the Papers False Headline. Why don't you maybe try doing some Research before you post a head line that is completely Misleading.


Did I start this thread.
I think she was very cleverly and deftly pointing out the utter hypocrisy of old white dudes making laws that legislate young, fertile women's vaginae. But then, I understand humor and sarcasm, and I completely agree with her point.

Tell me again, Conservatives, what exactly gives you guys the moral high ground to tell women what to do with their pussies again?

(I figured since vagina offends you guys, pussies was much safer)

Why don't you men quit pretending you CARE one way or another on this issue.

The only reason men care about ths issue is if abortion is made against the law, they have to take responsibility for all the kids they make.

But once again notice the OBSESSION with the female genitalia, AS IF, there are no human lives involved in this equation.

That's a great insight into the self centeredness of the liberal mind. They don't see or care about the lives of others. It's only about their good time.

I remember having a blazing argument about 12 years ago when a good friend of mine said that men didn't care about this kind of thing. Never argued with her before or since, but the way she could be so dismissive of all men just on the basis that she thought all they want to do is fuck and forget really pissed me off. To this day, my wife says she never saw me so spontaneously combust about anything.
Question for the anti-women crowd - since you think government has the right to subjugate the rights of a woman for the purposes of protecting a fetus, wouldn't that mean government could go further than simply not allowing abortion? What's to stop government from regulating the diet of pregnant women? What's to stop them from investigating every little fall or accident a pregnant woman might have, to make sure she isn't trying to intentionally abort the pregnancy? What's to stop government from requiring all pregnant women take regularly scheduled drug tests? If the rights of the unborn fetus trump the rights of a pregnant women - as they must for the anti-women viewpoint to even be viable - it would seem all these acts by government naturally follow.
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Nice, you're crazy as hell, but hey you are for incest, polygammy and suicide. Oh and drugs, nothing like people on PCP, LSD, Coke and Heroin, AWESOME. So you wouldnt talk someone out of suicide, just say "Hey it's your choice, good luck on your decision?"
I will say you're honest, batshit crazy, but honest and you just party on girl, dont let rational decisions and morality get in the way. If you want it, you TAKE it!
Hedonism isnt for everyone, but it fits like a glove for you!

Well, Buckey, I did try to talk my father out of it when I was 21, but it didn't work, and nobody arrested him. Go figure.

What you call hedonism, others call intellectual consistency. In fact, if I had answered differently, you would have thought you had a "gotcha" going because you could have then said I was inconsistent. Since that failed, you went with batshit.

But hey, thanks for playing.

Well, if your father committed suicide, you have my supreme sympathy. You never had a good upbringing in the first place, which is why you have no moral center.

That's sad. You should read the Bible and try to get that center your irresponsible father denied you.

It's never too late.

:rolleyes: the dumbfuck is strong in this one.

I was already grown, you ignorant cow. You don't have the first idea what problems, health issues, or chemical imbalances drive someone to make that decision, OR the life they led before they came to it.

Is there a tiara you're competing for that requires you to show the least possible combination of common decency, common sense, and simple human dignity? Well, you've won. :clap2:

I don't need your "sympathy," and there's nothing "supreme" about you. fuck off, :ahole-1:
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Uh, no. Not at all similar. This woman didn't interrupt anyone. She was recognized to speak.

Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? Get your facts straight.
Ahhh love the insult, TY!
Perhaps she was recognized to speak before she ditched ROR edition and parliamentary procedure.
Prove me wrong and I will quad pos rep you.

Robert's Rules of Order Online - Parliamentary Procedure and Parliamentarians

I don't have to prove you wrong, it's on you to prove your claims. And I don't want your pos rep once, much less four times. Coming from someone who constantly talks out of her vagina, it would be an insult.

Already have proved Parliamentary Procedure. It's in the link. It's now up to you to understand it.

VAGINA :tongue:

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