Vagina? Not in this house!!

Hmmm. Should we believe the crackpot dumb fucking bitch and her (lol) website, or all the other established scientific timelines?



Hmm. Should we accept reality or listen to the stupid ignorant musings of libbiederp?

No contest. Libbederp, you have zero credibility, kid.

Fuck off.

Especially since, I used three sources for my argument. Only one was pro-life and the other two were sources on biology and had nothing to do with abortion one way or the other.

libbiederp is stymied by honesty and actual facts.

Wait. He'll prove it -- again.

I'm sure she knows this, but just in case;

Just because tr biological process of gender separation happens earlier than 8 weeks, it is not actually finished at that point. It's why, you dumb fuck, you can't tell what the sex is even from your 4d ultrasounds, until another few weeks.

Also, it won't live before 22 weeks. Even then, highly unlikely. Argue that point, DumbFuckingBitch.



When you make up your mind on that, and admit you lied on the clump of cells business we can move on.

Also If it's only a "clump of cells" at eight weeks, how come gender differences start at SIX WEEKS???????

Who needs to argue his way out of that?

You're either intentionally or ignorantly misinterpreting the science, Dummy. All those pictures I posted are from reputable sites and are mostly actual fetal photography. My point has always been about viability. You are the dumb fuck who took us down the rabbit hole on clump of cells (which at 8 weeks it still is, in my
opinion because it looks like a clump of cells with creepy eyes.) it still has a fucking tail then you dumb fuck.

Viability is the real issue. It's the basis of abortion laws. Everyone knows that; and you're ducking THAT issue to (not really) pwn me. So until you answer that question, shut the fuck up. Or don't. But I have no use for your ignorant ass.
Hmm. Should we accept reality or listen to the stupid ignorant musings of libbiederp?

No contest. Libbederp, you have zero credibility, kid.

Fuck off.

Especially since, I used three sources for my argument. Only one was pro-life and the other two were sources on biology and had nothing to do with abortion one way or the other.

libbiederp is stymied by honesty and actual facts.

Wait. He'll prove it -- again.


You're absolutely right. Probably by sputtering something more and calling me more vulgar names.

You're either intentionally or ignorantly misinterpreting the science, Dummy. All those pictures I posted are from reputable sites and are mostly actual fetal photography. My point has always been about viability. You are the dumb fuck who took us down the rabbit hole on clump of cells (which at 8 weeks it still is, in my
opinion because it looks like a clump of cells with creepy eyes.) it still has a fucking tail then you dumb fuck.

Viability is the real issue. It's the basis of abortion laws. Everyone knows that; and you're ducking THAT issue to (not really) pwn me. So until you answer that question, shut the fuck up. Or don't. But I have no use for your ignorant ass.


I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

Now, I'm waiting for you to admit that was all BS and then we can move on. You can't have it both ways.

Because by setting the bar to only the first tri-mester, you throw away the viability argument. Unless you are suggesting after the first tri-mester a fetus is viable?


So, NO that is NOT WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS SAID, and I am not going to let you have it both ways.

Make up your mind, so we can move on.


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I'm not going to admit anything you dumb fuck. You're still wrong. It is a mass of cells that is rapidly changing, with new functions coming online all the time. It's not my fault if you don't actually understand what's going on in your body well enough. And it's not my responsibility to speak Fucking Moron well enough for you to get what my point has always been.

This is an embryo at 7.5 weeks. Still so small and undeveloped that you call it an embryo, and not a fucking fetus even. You lose. All over the place you lose this one. Because you are so dedicated to worshiping a non-viable life form that you forsake what we actually KNOW.

You've done nothing but throw up stupid shit.The START of sexual determination, brain waves, webbed-fingers and toes, eyes, none of that means it'll live, or that it even has actual thoughts, you dumb fuck.


A tiny.little.clump.of.cells.

So does an 8 week old fetus survive out of the womb or not? Simple question, DumbFuckingBitch.

I don't know, my kids don't have a tail or webbed fingers and toes, and they look nothing like that clump of cells with vague human developments, but that's just MY kids...
I'm not going to admit anything you dumb fuck. You're still wrong. It is a mass of cells that is rapidly changing, with new functions coming online all the time. It's not my fault if you don't actually understand what's going on in your body well enough. And it's not my responsibility to speak Fucking Moron well enough for you to get what my point has always been.

This is an embryo at 7.5 weeks. Still so small and undeveloped that you call it an embryo, and not a fucking fetus even. You lose. All over the place you lose this one. Because you are so dedicated to worshiping a non-viable life form that you forsake what we actually KNOW.

You've done nothing but throw up stupid shit.The START of sexual determination, brain waves, webbed-fingers and toes, eyes, none of that means it'll live, or that it even has actual thoughts, you dumb fuck.


A tiny.little.clump.of.cells.

So does an 8 week old fetus survive out of the womb or not? Simple question, DumbFuckingBitch.

I don't know, my kids don't have a tail or webbed fingers and toes, and they look nothing like that clump of cells with vague human developments, but that's just MY kids...

That was not the standard you set!

You set the standard of "clump of cells."

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

And ONLY for the first Tri-mester.

So is that the standard you wish to continue, or will you admit it's wrong. Can't have it both ways.

Because a "clump of cells" doesn't have brain waves, a heart beat and all the major organs, which I have already established is the case by eight weeks.

No one else here agrees with you on this. They all know you stuck your foot in your mouth and now won't accept you lost on that.

I'm not going to argue viability with you UNTIL you can admit you are wrong on this, because if I win on viability, you will only move the bar again. You have already established the pattern.

So, admit you are wrong, and we can move onto viability.

I'm still waiting.

A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

EDIT TO ADD: Also, you big fucking dummy, we're all clumps of cells on the microscopic/foundation of life level. So why don't you stop hyper-fixating on that turn of phrase, admit no embryo born at 8 weeks could develop further, much less survive, and we'll all call it a day, okay, DumbFuckingBitch?
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A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?
oh, now that I'm done torturing this little moron:

Merriam Webster: "viable"


adj \ˈvī-ə-bəl\

Definition of VIABLE

: capable of living <the skin graft was viable><viable cancer cells>; especially : having attained such form and

2: capable of growing or developing <viable eggs>


&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;va&#618;&#601;b&#601;l/ Show Spelled[vahy-uh-buhl] Show IPA
adjective 1. capable of living.

Thus a fetus is viable. It it living and growing.

All of us, at one time, were dependent on our mothers both inside and outside the womb to live, including breast feeding.

If dependence is a legal excuse to kill, then kill all of your children, they are dependent on you to live.
A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

EDIT TO ADD: Also, you big fucking dummy, we're all clumps of cells on the microscopic/foundation of life level. So why don't you stop hyper-fixating on that turn of phrase, admit no embryo born at 8 weeks could develop further, much less survive, and we'll all call it a day, okay, DumbFuckingBitch?


It simply means LIVING AND GROWING!

You are just as helpless one day before you are born as one day AFTER YOU ARE BORN.

And you still depend on your mother's body to feed you. THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT BREAST FEEDING.

For someone who claims science you don't know jack about unborn babies or kids!

BTW, the your source article has NOTHING to do with fetal viability. Did you even read it before you posted it, moron?

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What have babies got to do with vaginas?
Get back on topic!!!

Derrp's been leading everyone through his reasoning. It goes something like this:

John has 4 oranges.

His train is seven minutes early.

Calculate the mass of the sun.

It's been fascinating.
A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

The problem with that is, viability simply means "living and growing."

Unless you are a "scientist" who wants to justify abortion and then all of a sudden it means "living outside the womb."

Funny but that isn't the standard for viability with cancer cells, or even skin cells, yet they can be viable.

ONLY with the fetus is there a different standard for "viability."

That's how political agendas become "science."
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A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.
A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

HOLD IT A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said you were arguing science!!!!!!!!!

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

NOW YOU ADMIT, that's bullshit too and you are just drawing an arbitrary line???????????


Neither of your arguments were "science." It was just arbitrary BS!

When do you leave and stop humuliating yourself???????

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oh, now that I'm done torturing this little moron:

Merriam Webster: "viable"


adj \&#712;v&#299;-&#601;-b&#601;l\

Definition of VIABLE

: capable of living <the skin graft was viable><viable cancer cells>; especially : having attained such form and

2: capable of growing or developing <viable eggs>


&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;va&#618;&#601;b&#601;l/ Show Spelled[vahy-uh-buhl] Show IPA
adjective 1. capable of living.

Thus a fetus is viable. It it living and growing.

All of us, at one time, were dependent on our mothers both inside and outside the womb to live, including breast feeding.

If dependence is a legal excuse to kill, then kill all of your children, they are dependent on you to live.

Holy fuck, I'm done with you. You're now actually arguing that an 8 week old EMBRYO is viable? You have gone Plaid, motherfucker.

1. At weeks it's not a fetus. It's an embryo. At this stage of development, it's not really distinguishable from a lot of other embryos of different species. That's what the article was about, you dumb fuck. This speaks to the larger issue that those of us who don't base our opinions on a work of fiction purported to be the word of God all acknowledge:


The fact that you equate breastfeeding to embryonic development tells me everything I need to know about your level of education and understanding of the development of life.

Seriously, I'm done interacting with you, on any level. Keep "pwning" me if you want, but since you've shown that you are the only woman I'd ever condone taking away her rights over her own vagina so as not to allow any further procreation, I'm washing my hands of you.

Back to the topic of the thread:

There's no way anyone should be censured for saying the word vagina, no matter what the context. It was a joke she was making by telling the speaker to stay out of her vagina. She was using a very clever quip to speak to the larger point which is that legislating what a woman does with her own body is fucking dumb-sauce.
A clump of cells can all those things, of course it can dummy. Because it's not a viable life form , is it? Since you seem incapable of answering my very direct question, I'll answer it for you.

No. An embryo at 8 weeks has absolutely zero chance of leaving the womb and developing into an actual baby. It is a clump of cells that have started to form the VERY VERY VERY beginnings of human life, but the difference between the human fetus and a chimp fetus at this stage is almost negligible.

In fact, just do me a favor and read this article. It won't open your eyes up because you're an ignorant fucking fool, but it certainly can make people who like reading see my point about why thinking of an 8 week old embryo as a human is fucking dumb-sauce.

NOVA | The DNA of Human Evolution

Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

If you dont think that, then why worry about viability? Wow atleast you're now open with your abortion views and not using that panzy ass "pro choice" excuse. I commend you for your honesty and growth.
Wow you can toss around the F bomb big man. So are you saying at the point of viability an abortion is wrong?

Oh, I didn't realize my father was here. Hi Dad! and fuck you!

No, I don't think it's wrong at the point of viability. But that's MY personal opinion. Since I know that my view is even too radical for a lot of Left Wingers, I am willing to concede that viability is as good a point to draw the arbitrary line as any.

HOLD IT A MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said you were arguing science!!!!!!!!!

I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells.

NOW YOU ADMIT, that's bullshit too and you are just drawing an arbitrary line???????????


Neither of your arguments were "science." It was just arbitrary BS!

When do you leave and stop humuliating yourself???????


You snuck this one in, you clever little dumb fucking bitch.

MY OPINION ABOUT ABORTION IS NOT WHAT I WAS ARGUING, YOU STUPID ROCK-HEADED FUCKING BITCH. My stance on abortions and when they should be allowed is what I was answering buckeye's question about.

Quit injecting more of your stupidity where it's not needed. You and I were fighting over essentially the viability of the embryo, though you were also insisting on focusing on the words "clump of cells." Because you're a dumb fuck.

And then you actually compared breastfeeding to embryonic development in the placenta. Because, again, you're a dumb fuck.

And then I said I'm done with you. And I am. Starting dumb, dumb fuck.

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