Valid points for Career growth!


Jan 24, 2017
Career growth is more important in every field, and for career growths you must be well educated and have work experience degrees from the leading institutes because it will give your career wings and raise you from bottom to top.
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When I look back at all those conversations at a macro-level, the good ones (whether they were about my career or my teammates') all came down to three elements:

  • Relationship
  • Timing
  • Forethought
Education demonstrates to others you have the ability to learn. Your grades and the level of difficulty of your major/area of focus is a proxy for IQ and the ability to perform under be tested. Education may help you get the job but then it's up to you.

What gives your career 'wings' is outperforming expectations, producing superior results compared to your peers, and demonstrating an ability to work with others in a reasonable manner.

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