Van Jones is at CPAC 2019, and Ann Coulter isn't!

Ann will be left in her stall for a while, but she will be back.
Maybe Van Jones had an epiphany or something.

As for Ann...good!
If Ms. Coulter understood how honest in money one has to be to stay in business, give and take favors, be fair to workers, etc., she would realize why a lot of people in the business community stay by President Trump when the Demmies start hurling feces around like they don't smell bad.

I hope Ms. Coutter grows up to the understanding of how important it is to keep your end of the bargain and how you will simply walk away when someone else doesn't keep his agreement due to one reason or another. The only reason Trump left the door open with North Korea is because he has faith in Mr. Kim Jong Un, who has a hostile bunch of military guys still smarting from the Korean War or lost a parent in it due to American fighters. It's no damn fun to lose a war. This, Trump understands. When wars were over when I was growing up and I felt mad because this country's citizens did this or that in the war, my mother was there to remind me the war was over, and that our family never held grudges once peace is declared.

I hope Ms. Coulter graduates over to the simple facts that President Trump tweets truth based on what he knows, and he has the best information of anybody in the country except possibly a few good stenographers and close aides. I think Sean Hannity is his pick for reporters to whom the President gave an exclusive this evening on the other side of the Pacific, because Sean doesn't pull punches, gets at the truth, and had a great common sense teacher in Bill O'Reilly. I'm happy they take pity on senior citizens and put up some of their discussions on youtube. I appreciate it a lot.

I have hope for Ann Coulter. Maybe she has bad stuff going on in her health or personal life. She isn't making sense lately. Maybe she's gone to the dark side. I don't know. She needs to counsel with some people who are completely honest in business. Only then will she understand President Trump and give him the respect he deserves for never being dishonest in money matters, and for trying to pay for the mistakes of his youth. That's all someone can do when they figure life out. Just go for doing things right, turning away from wrongful things, and doing what it takes to make America the best place it can be in our lifetime.
Malkin, who opposed Trump’s election, gets her own speaking slot because now she cheerleads him on everything. Coulter, who supported Trump when even Fox News wouldn’t, is shunned because she doesn’t excuse his immigration shortcomings.
I don't think Matt Schlapp should be taking lobbying $$ when his wife works in the Whie House. And he shouldn't be a lobbyist while running CPAC. But that's just me. That he's lobbying to bust the wages of unskilled US workers by importing cheaper ones just makes it worse.
That last thing CPAC wants is Ann Coulter blasting President Trump in the middle of their circle jerk.
"Yes, gone are the halcyon days of high conservative thought when pro-gay Republican groups were barred from CPAC. I guess they were too hot for the "marketplace of ideas". Reality: CPAC has long been anti-LGBTQ, racist, misogynistic garbage. This isn't a new development."
"NRA's Wayne La Pierre compares New York AG @TishJames to a "third-world petty tyrant" for vowing to investigate the gun group."
"The weirdest part about CPAC will always be people in media row cheering or booing for Trump"

Actually wait, there are definitely much weirder things than this at CPAC.
Video now playing at CPAC accuses Obama administration of spying on Trump, says it is "one of the great scandals in American history."

"Obama knew everything." -Mark Levin

I had not heard the theory that Obama personally directed surveillance of Trump.
Maybe Van Jones had an epiphany or something.

As for Ann...good!
If Ms. Coulter understood how honest in money one has to be to stay in business, give and take favors, be fair to workers, etc., she would realize why a lot of people in the business community stay by President Trump when the Demmies start hurling feces around like they don't smell bad.

I hope Ms. Coutter grows up to the understanding of how important it is to keep your end of the bargain and how you will simply walk away when someone else doesn't keep his agreement due to one reason or another. The only reason Trump left the door open with North Korea is because he has faith in Mr. Kim Jong Un, who has a hostile bunch of military guys still smarting from the Korean War or lost a parent in it due to American fighters. It's no damn fun to lose a war. This, Trump understands. When wars were over when I was growing up and I felt mad because this country's citizens did this or that in the war, my mother was there to remind me the war was over, and that our family never held grudges once peace is declared.

I hope Ms. Coulter graduates over to the simple facts that President Trump tweets truth based on what he knows, and he has the best information of anybody in the country except possibly a few good stenographers and close aides. I think Sean Hannity is his pick for reporters to whom the President gave an exclusive this evening on the other side of the Pacific, because Sean doesn't pull punches, gets at the truth, and had a great common sense teacher in Bill O'Reilly. I'm happy they take pity on senior citizens and put up some of their discussions on youtube. I appreciate it a lot.

I have hope for Ann Coulter. Maybe she has bad stuff going on in her health or personal life. She isn't making sense lately. Maybe she's gone to the dark side. I don't know. She needs to counsel with some people who are completely honest in business. Only then will she understand President Trump and give him the respect he deserves for never being dishonest in money matters, and for trying to pay for the mistakes of his youth. That's all someone can do when they figure life out. Just go for doing things right, turning away from wrongful things, and doing what it takes to make America the best place it can be in our lifetime.
A lot of word salad for gas lighting.

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