Van Jones is at CPAC 2019, and Ann Coulter isn't!

"i blame our immigration problem on Republicans: Paul Ryan, Cocaine Mitch, the Bush family, and yes, The Ghost Of John McCain" - The Queen of Conservatives Michelle Malkin

my new GF is Queen Michelle. she wrote the essential book on immigration in 2002 long before Demonic. she also wrote in 2015 about H1B visas...SHE'S TERRIFIC!

“I will be signing an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research dollars” - President Trump
President Trump delivered an epic speech at CPAC 2019! Amazing! Hilarious Trolling of Democrats and Establishment Republicans! Brilliant! Genius! America First! MAGA!

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Has anyone every seen a “politician” that can work a huge crowd like President Trump? The guy lives and excels in that environment. Democrats have no one to match him.
Maybe Van Jones had an epiphany or something.

As for Ann...good!
If Ms. Coulter understood how honest in money one has to be to stay in business, give and take favors, be fair to workers, etc., she would realize why a lot of people in the business community stay by President Trump when the Demmies start hurling feces around like they don't smell bad.

I hope Ms. Coutter grows up to the understanding of how important it is to keep your end of the bargain and how you will simply walk away when someone else doesn't keep his agreement due to one reason or another. The only reason Trump left the door open with North Korea is because he has faith in Mr. Kim Jong Un, who has a hostile bunch of military guys still smarting from the Korean War or lost a parent in it due to American fighters. It's no damn fun to lose a war. This, Trump understands. When wars were over when I was growing up and I felt mad because this country's citizens did this or that in the war, my mother was there to remind me the war was over, and that our family never held grudges once peace is declared.

I hope Ms. Coulter graduates over to the simple facts that President Trump tweets truth based on what he knows, and he has the best information of anybody in the country except possibly a few good stenographers and close aides. I think Sean Hannity is his pick for reporters to whom the President gave an exclusive this evening on the other side of the Pacific, because Sean doesn't pull punches, gets at the truth, and had a great common sense teacher in Bill O'Reilly. I'm happy they take pity on senior citizens and put up some of their discussions on youtube. I appreciate it a lot.

I have hope for Ann Coulter. Maybe she has bad stuff going on in her health or personal life. She isn't making sense lately. Maybe she's gone to the dark side. I don't know. She needs to counsel with some people who are completely honest in business. Only then will she understand President Trump and give him the respect he deserves for never being dishonest in money matters, and for trying to pay for the mistakes of his youth. That's all someone can do when they figure life out. Just go for doing things right, turning away from wrongful things, and doing what it takes to make America the best place it can be in our lifetime.
Kin Jong Un has thousands of people holed up in gulags, half the population is starving while he lives like a king, he's murdered members of his own family & countless others. And he's threatened to annihilate us & our allies. He's a liar, a psychopath & Trump has faith in him?

That should tell you how much brain room Trump has.
"CNN’s Sam Vinograd compares President Donald Trump's CPAC speech to Adolf Hitler murdering 6 million Jews in the Holocaust

She also suggests, without evidence, that Putin wrote Trump's speech"
Trump says his unnamed non-friend "chokes" whenever he has to make a speech to nine or more people, because of a fear of public speaking, even though "he kills people for a living, meaning mentally and financially."
All in all, it was, in the words of Daniel Dale, the Washington correspondent for the Toronto Star, "one of the least-hinged speeches Trump has given in a long time." It was indeed all over the place but like the weirdly wide-ranging and digressive speech in which he declared a national emergency, it was also an absolute tour de force, laying out every major point of disagreement between Republicans and Democrats (abortion, the Second Amendment, and taxes, among other things) while tagging the latter aggressively as socialists who will not only end the private provision of health care but take over the energy sector too

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