Vanishing Evidence For Climate Change!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ahead of the bogus UN Climate Summit ( rigged with only hard core AGW scientists ) consider:

  •  According to NASA satellites and all ground-based temperature measurements, global warming ceased in the late 1990s. This when CO2 levels have risen almost 10 percent since 1997. The post-1997 CO2 emissions represent an astonishing 30 percent of all human-related emissions since the Industrial Revolution began. That we’ve seen no warming contradicts all CO2-based climate models upon which global-warming concerns are founded.
  • Rates of sea-level rise remain small and are even slowing, over recent decades averaging about 1 millimeter per year as measured by tide gauges and 2 to 3 mm/year as inferred from “adjusted” satellite data. Again, this is far less than what the alarmists suggested.
  •  Satellites also show that a greater area of Antarctic sea ice exists now than any time since space-based measurements began in 1979. In other words, the ice caps aren’t melting.
  •  A 2012 IPCC report concluded that there has been no significant increase in either the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events in the modern era. The NIPCC 2013 report concluded the same. Yes, Hurricane Sandy was devastating — but it’s not part of any new trend.

Leo vs. science vanishing evidence for climate change New York Post

Tom Harris is executive director of the Ottawa-based International Climate Science Coalition. Bob Carter is former professor and head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University in Australia.
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The AGW crowd is part of a growing REALITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY

Don't take my word for it though......go take a look at the invitation list for the 2014 UN Climate Summit. Then see the list of scientists that wanted to come but were shut out!!! LOL.....their science didn't fit the established narrative of the frauds at the UN.:biggrin::biggrin::boobies:
The AGW crowd is part of a growing REALITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY

Don't take my word for it though......go take a look at the invitation list for the 2014 UN Climate Summit. Then see the list of scientists that wanted to come but were shut out!!! LOL.....their science didn't fit the established narrative of the frauds at the UN.:biggrin::biggrin::boobies:
Then I say it's time for those scientists to get off their hands and have a summit and invite the media and contradict all of this nonsense once and for all. Ten times the scientists as well. Put out a site for donations from those who do not believe and we can subsidize the event. Let's go scientists, what say you?
I said well over 10 years ago that this whole "global warming" ruse would eventually get exposed for what it is. In 2006, things looked bleak for the skeptics but now in 2014, the can of worms is exploding.:clap::boobies::boobies:

Ask me how hard Im laughing??:fu:
Hottest global August, ever. That's what denier morons are calling a "pause". The poor deniers have been reduced to simply making it all up.

Half of the denier loons say there's no warming, while half say there is warming, but it's not human caused. They'd all look less like political cultists, desperately grasping at any straw, if they could formulate a single consistent response.

Does even one denier have the courage to turn against their cult and call them out for chronic pathological lying? No, they don't. Everyone who isn't gutless and brainwashed fled the denier cult years ago out of sheer disgust. Only the most docile and obedient of the sheep still remain.
Hottest global August, ever. That's what denier morons are calling a "pause". The poor deniers have been reduced to simply making it all up.

Half of the denier loons say there's no warming, while half say there is warming, but it's not human caused. They'd all look less like political cultists, desperately grasping at any straw, if they could formulate a single consistent response.

Does even one denier have the courage to turn against their cult and call them out for chronic pathological lying? No, they don't. Everyone who isn't gutless and brainwashed fled the denier cult years ago out of sheer disgust. Only the most docile and obedient of the sheep still remain.
Nope, Lies
What must it feel like to claim "hottest summer ever" while pulling your sweater around your ears to keep from shivering?
Poor addled SSDD, face with facts, resorts to the desperation move of pretending he doesn't understand what "global" means.

What's the matter hairball...can't read. I
Poor addled SSDD, face with facts, resorts to the desperation move of pretending he doesn't understand what "global" means.

Afraid that its you who is addled...and duped... it was cool here in the US, parts of Siberia, South America, the southern part of Asia, western Europe, Antarctica, Africa, and Australia and either the first or second coldest August on record north of 80 degrees.....the only places it was warm, apparently were places that are the least measured on earth...and still you believe...or simply lie in an effort to promote the hoax....

Which is worse?....being duped or being a deliberate liar?
That quote about people doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results... you keep telling us that people don't care as if you expect that one of these time you'll find it's affected the science.

Well, it hasn't, it isn't and it won't. Your motets of "no one cares" were tiresome and meaningless two years ago. They haven't gotten any better. Please either find something meaningful to debate or find somewhere else to punish innocent strangers with your rank fustian drivel.
Hey.....all I know is skeptics dominate this forum!! What does that say? And they present stuff that is emerging almost daily while members of the AGW religion repeatedly post up the same crap they were posting up 10 years ago. In Realville, that = lOsInG.

All the evidence shows VERY VER CLEARLY that nobody cares about the science = a huge majority. The AGW folks have not made the case, though they say they have, but consider >>>>

THEY say solar power is booming.......but it contributes a paltry 0.2% of our energy needs.:up:

THEY say EV sales are booming......but they account for less than 1% of MV sales.:2up:

THEY say the arctic is melting away......but photos show its more than doubled in size.:boobies::boobies:

THEY say their science is impeccable, but Cap and Trade legislation bombed 5 years ago and carbon trading is dead.:fu:

THEY throw bombs in this forum.......and invariably, every single thread dies in a week or two.:gay::funnyface:

Anybody with half a brain can see..........not wInNiNg:blowup:
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Hey.....all I know is skeptics dominate this forum!! What does that say? And they present stuff that is emerging almost daily while members of the AGW religion repeatedly post up the same crap they were posting up 10 years ago. In Realville, that = lOsInG.

All the evidence shows VERY VER CLEARLY that nobody cares about the science = a huge majority. The AGW folks have not made the case, though they say they have, but consider >>>>

THEY say solar power is booming.......but it contributes a paltry 0.2% of our energy needs.:up:

THEY say EV sales are booming......but they account for less than 1% of MV sales.:2up:

THEY say the arctic is melting away......but photos show its more than doubled in size.:boobies::boobies:

THEY say their science is impeccable, but Cap and Trade legislation bombed 5 years ago and carbon trading is dead.:fu:

THEY throw bombs in this forum.......and invariably, every single thread dies in a week or two.:gay::funnyface:

Anybody with half a brain can see..........not wInNiNg:blowup:

My tiresome stuff may be tiresome.......but like the posts of my skeptic pals, it decimates the BS retread narrative in a public forum!! Plus, we have a hoot in here while every single AGW forum member spends each day screwing themselves into the ground with anger and misery.
Which is worse?....being duped or being a deliberate liar?

Being a liar. That's why a sociopathic chronic liars like you and Skook are so offensive. I know this is a foreign concept to you two, but some people put value on honesty, and abhor the way your cult pushes lying about everything as their base tactic.

Many of the deniers here suck at lying, but they still do it. They're lying, they know it, we know it, they know we know it, and they don't care. Their cult has ordered them to lie, so they're going to lie.

And if you don't like the lies, you must be some dirty liberal with that crazy absolute morality. Good deniers understand how God wants you to lie for the cause. Since God Himself has given His approval, deniers therefore have a free pass to engage in unlimited vile behavior. At least that's how they see it.
Which is worse?....being duped or being a deliberate liar?

Being a liar. That's why a sociopathic chronic liars like you and Skook are so offensive. I know this is a foreign concept to you two, but some people put value on honesty, and abhor the way your cult pushes lying about everything as their base tactic.

Many of the deniers here suck at lying, but they still do it. They're lying, they know it, we know it, they know we know it, and they don't care. Their cult has ordered them to lie, so they're going to lie.

And if you don't like the lies, you must be some dirty liberal with that crazy absolute morality. Good deniers understand how God wants you to lie for the cause. Since God Himself has given His approval, deniers therefore have a free pass to engage in unlimited vile behavior. At least that's how they see it.

Oh Gawd!!!

The research shows the socialists are the cheaters and liars s0n >>>

Socialists Are Cheaters Says New Study - Hit Run

Bottom line though.......your side is losing. And that's all we care about!!:2up:
Which is worse?....being duped or being a deliberate liar?

Being a liar. That's why a sociopathic chronic liars like you and Skook are so offensive. I know this is a foreign concept to you two, but some people put value on honesty, and abhor the way your cult pushes lying about everything as their base tactic.

Many of the deniers here suck at lying, but they still do it. They're lying, they know it, we know it, they know we know it, and they don't care. Their cult has ordered them to lie, so they're going to lie.

And if you don't like the lies, you must be some dirty liberal with that crazy absolute morality. Good deniers understand how God wants you to lie for the cause. Since God Himself has given His approval, deniers therefore have a free pass to engage in unlimited vile behavior. At least that's how they see it.
Dude, settle down. This rant only proves that your side is LoSiNg.........................Holy Crap. Come down off the ledge buddy. you know your stuff is a lie and the studdering you just did is that proof of the lie. I can tell it is becoming more difficult to look in your mirrors and not feel beaten. Long live the Skeptics WiNNing

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