vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Exclusive: Ivanka Trump used a personal email account after inauguration

“Yet again we see that there’s one rule for the Trump family and another for everyone else,” Austin Evers, the executive director of American Oversight and a former senior counsel at the Department of State, said in a statement to Newsweek. “It’s simply breathtaking that both Ivanka and Jared Kushner would conduct government [work] on a personal email account after running a campaign centered on that very issue. The fact that they would brazenly ignore rules governing email use raises even more questions about their judgement and fitness to hold positions in the White House.”


This is some seriously old news
Oh it was a year ago so it didn’t happen somehow. Got it.

LMFAO you need to quit while you’re behind. Putting words in another’s mouth isn’t the same as them actually saying what you said they said, mmmk?
There was no intent in Hillary’s case.

What amazing BULLSHIT!

1. Hillary used an illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted server to avoid having to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act. She was not alone in doing so. Evidence shows almost all of Obama's Cabinet Members did so, and many of them - to include President Obama - used aliases in an attempt to hide their identities while violating the law.

2. Hillary definitely KNEW what she was doing, despite Comey lying his ass off about Hillary being too stupid to know she was breaking laws:
  • The govt has Hillary's signature on every single new and re-occurring 'Handling of Classified Material Training' document - evidence showing she was not only thoroughly briefed and well-trained on how to handle classified but that she also acknowledged the training she received.
  • Comey knew Ignorance is NO defense for breaking the Law
  • By the very definition of 'Espionage' 'Intent' is not required to be GUILTY
3. Hillary KNEW she was screwed when she received a subpoena for her server and all the documents on it.
  • That is why the FBI did not 'raid' Hillary's home / officies and seize her server and e-mails immediately like they did Manaforts - to give her time to attempt to delete as much as she could. (This is one of the examples of how the FBI deviated from SOP the US IG mentioned in their report)
  • Hillary Clinton smashed devices with a hammer - a violation of the Law dealing with the handling of classified information.
  • Hillary Clinton removed SIM cards form the phones she did turn in - Obstruction, refusing to comply with the subpoena
  • Hillary deleted over SUBPOENAED 15,000 e-mails, according to the FBI, all of which were OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS that were required to be turned in to the govt according to the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - each e-mail was a violation of the FOIA, a violation of the Federal Records Act, and a count of Obstruction - attempt to destroy Subpoenaed documents. All together that makes, according to the FBI, over 45,000 criminal counts.
  • Hillary attempted to Bleach Bit her server to wipe it clean before the FBI could take possession of her server. Unfortunately for her the FBI's IT guys were better than hers! Innocent people do not attempt to Bleach Bit subpoenaed servers and e-mails.
Continuing to claim Hillary Clinton did nothing illegal is as dumb and as intentionally false as you can get!
Well, now if she has permanently erased 33,000 of them - or any, for that matter - we should do to her what we did to Hillary.

Not buy her book.

First, there needs to be years of investigations.

Government use of private e-mail laws have changed.

According to you, we should STFU & believe Ivanka's spokesperson.
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
Wrong. She's a senior presidential advisor, with access to secret and classified information.

She’s not working for the government in any official capacity.

Try again

She's an unpaid federal government employee.
Who has a high security clearance and has sat in meetings with leaders of foreign countries
So have lots of other people, but that doesn't make them all government employees. Hillary doesn't work for the government, hasn't since 2014. But she still held a security clearance.
John Brennan hasn't worked for the government since 2017 but he still had a clearance.
You can apply for a clearance and not work for the government you know.
They're either former employees that can renew their cleances or they are government contractors.

“I have heard the concerns some may have with my advising the president in my personal capacity while voluntarily complying with all ethics rules and I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees,” Ivanka Trump said in a statement to The New York Times, which first reported that she would take a formal role in the White House.

Ivanka Trump will become a federal employee as part of unpaid White House role

Your deflections aside, she's a government employee.
So no proof she is currently a government employee.
She's trying to follow the rules like government employees but we don't know when these emails were sent. Could it be before this story came out??
We don't know.
A rational person wouldn't jump to conclusions.
But we're not dealing with rational people now, are we?
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The oversight committee should investigate it. Shouldn't take more than 45 minutes and anybody that wants to make a semi-career out of it needs to be sent packing next election.
I agree. Her lawyers claim she didn't share classified information, but it's not too her layers to make that determination.
Republicans were fine with agencies retroactively making Hillary emails as classified.
Now let the House obstruct three proper agencies to do the same with Ivanka's emails.
Marianna Sotomayor on Twitter


Bring it On.
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
Leftists like Ed do not believe in the 1st Amendment, in the right to have any opinion that is different than the mandated Liberal talking points / agenda. Those who refuse to be assimilated, brainwashed, emotionally manipulated must be destroyed.

President Obama gave his answer to Acosta about the Invasion force heading to our border, Acosta did not like it, the President stated 'We will have to agree to disagree;, and - as usual - that is not good enough for Liberal fanatics. Acosta threw a tantrum, became rude, became disrespectful, hijacked the Press Conference, and refused to let an Intern do her job.

If you do not agree with / go along with the Liberal agenda / beliefs / opinions, 'you must be destroyed'!

What intolerant a$$holes..... :p
No matter what security clearance the Kushner's have , they should know better, lock them up. They have the most secret of info and Trump depends on them. HIs close family advisors.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.
Good to know you are a hypocrite. We no longer care about the actions of our elected officials only wether they say they are an R or a D. Feel poroud!
First learn the English language.
Second the Dems have already set a precedent that no one need care about email accounts even if they are bleach bit.
Third if you care what she sent you can file a FOIA and request them to read for yourself. Unlike 30,000 emails that were not saved and deleted by bleach bit.
Lastly forget the fake outrage.
I get it. You are alllowd to freak out for 6 fucking years Chant "lock her up"

And when one of your own does it, everyone is supposed to be quiet.

YOU are the hypocrite.
No you idiots are making some crazy federal case about it. According to the reports no information of value was transmitted. It was not kept on a home brew server. None of it was bleach bit or destroyed in any way.

You demented fools are the ones that not only defended someone that did worse. Told us that it was no big deal. But you ran her for the highest office and were upset that not everyone voted for her. And then pretend we should not only be upset but call us hypocrites.
She’s not working for the government in any official capacity.

Try again

She's an unpaid federal government employee.
Who has a high security clearance and has sat in meetings with leaders of foreign countries
So have lots of other people, but that doesn't make them all government employees. Hillary doesn't work for the government, hasn't since 2014. But she still held a security clearance.
John Brennan hasn't worked for the government since 2017 but he still had a clearance.
You can apply for a clearance and not work for the government you know.
They're either former employees that can renew their cleances or they are government contractors.

“I have heard the concerns some may have with my advising the president in my personal capacity while voluntarily complying with all ethics rules and I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees,” Ivanka Trump said in a statement to The New York Times, which first reported that she would take a formal role in the White House.

Ivanka Trump will become a federal employee as part of unpaid White House role

Your deflections aside, she's a government employee.
I so no proof she is currently a government employee.
She's trying to follow the rules like government employees but we don't know when these emails were sent. Could it be before this story came out??
We don't know.
A rational person wouldn't jump to conclusions.
But we're not dealing with rational people now, are we?

A rational person would read, "I will instead serve as an unpaid employee in the White House office, subject to all of the same rules as other federal employees," and conclude she is an employee.

You, OTOH, are entitled to your own facts.
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
Leftists like Ed do not believe in the 1st Amendment, in the right to have any opinion that is different than the mandated Liberal talking points / agenda. Those who refuse to be assimilated, brainwashed, emotionally manipulated must be destroyed.

President Obama gave his answer to Acosta about the Invasion force heading to our border, Acosta did not like it, the President stated 'We will have to agree to disagree;, and - as usual - that is not good enough for Liberal fanatics. Acosta threw a tantrum, became rude, became disrespectful, hijacked the Press Conference, and refused to let an Intern do her job.

If you do not agree with / go along with the Liberal agenda / beliefs / opinions, 'you must be destroyed'!

What intolerant a$$holes..... :p
A true asshole doesn't see another asshole bashing a hero who spent 37 years serving his country Trump is a swine and republicans wallow in his slime
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it

It should not have taken 10 years to get him.
A true asshole doesn't see another asshole bashing a hero who spent 37 years serving his country Trump is a swine and republicans wallow in his slime

Trump criticized a military member.....scumbags on the left called for the President and 1st Lady's son to be ripped from her arms and raped repeatedly by pedophiles, called for women in his Cabinet to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped repeatedly on camera, held up a mock bloody head of the President, have publicly declared they would like to see the President go F* yourself, hypocrite.
It should not have taken 10 years to get him.
Yeah, who knew that Pakistan, that allowed Taliban Fighters to use the northern territories of their country as a safe haven, especially during the winter, that was off limits to everyone after them, would hide UBL and not tell anyone they were hiding him?!

Pakistan played both sides of the fence - remaining part of the coalition while appeasing a large population of Pro-Taliban citizens in their country to the north.
Well, now if she has permanently erased 33,000 of them - or any, for that matter - we should do to her what we did to Hillary.

Not buy her book.

First, there needs to be years of investigations.

Government use of private e-mail laws have changed.

According to you, we should STFU & believe Ivanka's spokesperson.
File a FOIA and read them for yourself. If you find anything in them that is marked secret or higher, or you find something that could be bring it to everyone's attention. I have no doubt you will find a lot of us willing to do something.
A true asshole doesn't see another asshole bashing a hero who spent 37 years serving his country Trump is a swine and republicans wallow in his slime

Trump criticized a military member.....scumbags on the left called for the President and 1st Lady's son to be ripped from her arms and raped repeatedly by pedophiles, called for women in his Cabinet to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped repeatedly on camera, held up a mock bloody head of the President, have publicly declared they would like to see the President go F* yourself, hypocrite.

For what reason did he criticize him?
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
Oh? and what do you call "he should have caught him faster" What does that say to you dumkoff?

It's called criticism, not severe criticism (bashing).
and since when does this pos with 5 deferments give his low life criticism to a hero? Trump is slime and republicans are wallowing in it

It should not have taken 10 years to get him.
Maybe we should have killed him when he was fighting trumps friends the Russians?

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