vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Instead of serving the American people, those morons will keep launching all kinds of moronic "investigations" to pretend they are doing something important and potentially keep president Trump and Republicans from improving the life of Americans and from draining the Swamp

It'll be just like Benghazi!!!! Benghazi!!!! Benghaz!!!! all over again. Dems can ask the Special Counsel to continue his investigation for the remaining two years of this term. I'm willing to bet they'll get a whole lot more indictments than the Benghazi Investigations. Even one court charge will top the record for findings of no wrong doing, no coverup, and no lies which were the results of all 7 of the investigations. And Dems will openly admit that they're doing it to demonstrate how corrupt and dishonest the whole Trump family really is.

Let's have 7 investigations into Russian money laundering by the Trump family! And two FBI Investigations into Ivanka's emails! They're already preparing documents for one of the House Committees to get Dumb Donald's tax returns. That should be fun.

Dems will also cancel all of those bullshit document requests from the Justice Department.

But best of all is that Maxine Waters will be the Chair of the House Finance Committee. When Dumb Donald wants money for his stupid wall, he has to ask Maxine for it. This ought to be fun.
The investigation will show Democrats once again accusing others of what they have done....again.
Once more easy,you're FOS,,,,and once more hypocrites like you forgive your pals while they commit the same shit you accuse others of
The investigation will show Democrats once again accusing others of what they have done....again.
Once more easy,you're FOS,,,,and once more hypocrites like you forgive your pals while they commit the same shit you accuse others of
once more, dumbass, you are making false accusations with no evidence because you are butt-hurt Hillary got caught doing what you are accusing Ivanka of doing.

Crooked Ivanka.

Doesn't she know it's only OK if daddy does it?

Daddy can do all kinds of things:


You’re disgusting. Really
hmmmmm. . . . see, this is where we have a miscommunication between the right and the left.

Yes yes, from the POV of the right, this is truly depraved. But you have to understand, deanrd is from the left, and for them, thinking that way about their own children? meh, par for the course. These are the same folks that count NAMBLA as political allies after all, right? We've all seen the articles in the NYT and Huffpo from admitted pedo's trying to convince us that pedophilia is a legitimate sexual orientation, so naturally the left can make light of this, right? They just want it normalized.
Vanka is SecState?


Hillarys wide open server likely got our Chinese spy network wiped out
There was no intent in Hillary’s case.
What???? She didn't INTEND to setup an illegal unprotected private server in her friggin house? It just kind of showed up?

Yeah kind of like getting caught in bed with another woman and telling your wife that you tripped and "fell in her"! Hillary didn't INTEND to set up two illegal private servers hidden away in her private residence...nor did she intend to lie to the Congress about their existence...nor pay someone to scrub the hard drives of those servers! She tripped and it all just kind of happened!
Seems her lawyer had address this:

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer is hitting back against “misinformation being peddled” in the press alleging that the president’s daughter sent “hundreds” of emails about government business using her personal email.

A report published Monday night by The Washington Post claimed that Trump, who serves as her father’s senior adviser, may have violated federal records rules by using a personal email account to contact “White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistant” concerning government matters, as well as her personal travel arrangements.

The newspaper's story, which cites people familiar with the records who reviewed them amid a public records lawsuit, contains no indication that any of Trump's emails contained classified or sensitive government information. Trump's husband, Jared Kushner, also had a private email account on the domain “," according to the report.

In a statement to Fox News, Peter Mirijanian, the spokesperson for Trump's ethics lawyer Abbe Lowell, dismissed any comparisons to the Hillary Clinton email scandal that engulfed the 2016 presidential campaign.

"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said.

He added: "When concerns were raised in the press 14 months ago, Ms. Trump reviewed and verified her email use with White House Counsel and explained the issue to congressional leaders." Mirijanian told the Post that Trump had used a personal account prior to being briefed on ethics rules.
Man, this thread was entertaining. . . it had the possibility of being so good.

And then it turned out to be a BIG. . . .

Seriously? Trump used her personal email account to send about a thousand messages to her staff about her schedule. THAT is comparable to Hillary Clinton running a pay for play scheme and all of her State Department business through private servers that she paid big money to have set up in her home? Trump didn't hide any of her emails nor did she delete any! Compare Hillary's actions to that. Clinton lied to Congress about the existence of any emails and then paid to have the hard drives on those servers professionally scrubbed to try and get rid of the evidence of what she'd been doing!

You folks on the left embarrass yourselves when you come with this kind of nonsense!
If Hillary can why not Ivanka?
I guess the only thing left for Ivanka now. .. . . .

Is to run for President?
Like her father ... and UNLIKE HILLARY ... She would win her party's nomination. :p

I don't think so.

She just hasn't done enough to earn it yet. I think she is smart though. She wouldn't even try. She would do something else first. Like Hillary did, this would be just the first step of many.
Seriously? Trump used her personal email account to send about a thousand messages to her staff about her schedule. THAT is comparable to Hillary Clinton running a pay for play scheme and all of her State Department business through private servers that she paid big money to have set up in her home? Trump didn't hide any of her emails nor did she delete any! Compare Hillary's actions to that. Clinton lied to Congress about the existence of any emails and then paid to have the hard drives on those servers professionally scrubbed to try and get rid of the evidence of what she'd been doing!

You folks on the left embarrass yourselves when you come with this kind of nonsense!
Yeah, that is what I am reading.

And the story is over a year old.

Like I said, nothing.
If Hillary can why not Ivanka?
I guess the only thing left for Ivanka now. .. . . .

Is to run for President?
Like her father ... and UNLIKE HILLARY ... She would win her party's nomination. :p

I don't think so.

She just hasn't done enough to earn it yet. I think she is smart though. She wouldn't even try. She would do something else first. Like Hillary did, this would be just the first step of many.
She's done more than Hillary ever did ... Without influence peddling, espionage, compromising national security, etc...

Libs said Trump would never win, too...
Ivanka Trump’s lawyer is hitting back against “misinformation being peddled” in the press alleging that the president’s daughter sent “hundreds” of emails about government business using her personal email.

A report published Monday night by The Washington Post claimed that Trump, who serves as her father’s senior adviser, may have violated federal records rules by using a personal email account to contact “White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistant” concerning government matters, as well as her personal travel arrangements.

The newspaper's story, which cites people familiar with the records who reviewed them amid a public records lawsuit, contains no indication that any of Trump's emails contained classified or sensitive government information. Trump's husband, Jared Kushner, also had a private email account on the domain “," according to the report.

In a statement to Fox News, Peter Mirijanian, the spokesperson for Trump's ethics lawyer Abbe Lowell, dismissed any comparisons to the Hillary Clinton email scandal that engulfed the 2016 presidential campaign.

"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said.

He added: "When concerns were raised in the press 14 months ago, Ms. Trump reviewed and verified her email use with White House Counsel and explained the issue to congressional leaders." Mirijanian told the Post that Trump had used a personal account prior to being briefed on ethics rules

Read more at ...
Hillary is a 2-time loser enveloped in a lifetime of scandal and crime. If she runs again in 2020 she will become a 3-time loser....and that is only if the DNC is stupid enough to GIVE her the nomination again...
Instead of serving the American people, those morons will keep launching all kinds of moronic "investigations" to pretend they are doing something important and potentially keep president Trump and Republicans from improving the life of Americans and from draining the Swamp

It'll be just like Benghazi!!!! Benghazi!!!! Benghaz!!!! all over again. Dems can ask the Special Counsel to continue his investigation for the remaining two years of this term. I'm willing to bet they'll get a whole lot more indictments than the Benghazi Investigations. Even one court charge will top the record for findings of no wrong doing, no coverup, and no lies which were the results of all 7 of the investigations. And Dems will openly admit that they're doing it to demonstrate how corrupt and dishonest the whole Trump family really is.

Let's have 7 investigations into Russian money laundering by the Trump family! And two FBI Investigations into Ivanka's emails! They're already preparing documents for one of the House Committees to get Dumb Donald's tax returns. That should be fun.

Dems will also cancel all of those bullshit document requests from the Justice Department.

But best of all is that Maxine Waters will be the Chair of the House Finance Committee. When Dumb Donald wants money for his stupid wall, he has to ask Maxine for it. This ought to be fun.
"keep president Trump and Republicans from improving the life of Americans"
Republicans had control of congress since 2010; they've had plenty of time. But instead they chose to obstruct.
Liberals don't have a problem with crimes; liberals have a problem with your crimes.

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