vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Was she blind, deaf and dumb while her daddy was bashing Hillary about emails? She looks like an alien reptile - with implants.
When will Trey Gowdy interrogate Ivanka?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

Hey retard, you started two identical threads! Drunk already?

And if she had started two pro-Trump threads by mistake - I guarantee you would not have called her 'retard'.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!

So what? Does she have an illegal, secret, hidden private server? Has she illegally deleted 30,000 emails?

I didn't think so. Carry on!
It's only OK when Republicans do it. Everyone knows that.

Like lynching, lying, looting and adultery.

Well can you provide the board with today GOP doing any lynchings or looting?

Now lying in politics is like the Sun rising in the East while you wake with your mistress, but I have yet to seen any member of the GOP lynch or looting in today time, but I am sure you can provide the countless links to support your bias accusations, am I correct?
Was she blind, deaf and dumb while her daddy was bashing Hillary about emails? She looks like an alien reptile - with implants.

Well her looks might not be appealing to you but she still look better than Hillary or Chelsea and seeing you want Ivanka locked up then you will agree Hillary should also do time for her stupidity, or will you disagree and just be the typical partisan you are?
Was she blind, deaf and dumb while her daddy was bashing Hillary about emails? She looks like an alien reptile - with implants.

Well her looks might not be appealing to you but she still look better than Hillary or Chelsea and seeing you want Ivanka locked up then you will agree Hillary should also do time for her stupidity, or will you disagree and just be the typical partisan you are?

Hillary should be president.
This is perfectly fine...............Trump will do the Obama dance...........Replace the DOJ and FBI heads with his minions.........promise a investigation.............Write the exoneration of Ivanka before she answers a single question.

You see..............we didn't know how simple it was until the leftist mindset showed us the way..............Just rig the whatever we want..........obey the laws we choose.........and then have paid off operatives in the legal side to give us a get out of jail card.

If you disagree with us we will do it the Obama way as well...........We will have the IRS audit you, OSHA fine your business for a cardboard box being in the forklift lane, the ATF to investigate you for being a possible terrorist, and the CIA to see if you are a foreign spy..............The DOJ will charge you with a BS will spend mountains of money to defend yourself and go bankrupt in the process............of course you'll win in court but the gov't will not pay you a dime because it's the gov't.

Gosh........if only we had known before how the system really works...........Obama showed us the way.
Ivanka Trump Used Personal Email For Government Business Hundreds Of Times: Report - “She was the worst offender in the White House,” one insider told The Washington Post of Trump’s eldest daughter.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Donald Trump and his official adviser, used a personal account to send hundreds of emails last year related to government business, according to sources who spoke with The Washington Post.

If true, the behavior casts a hypocritical light on the president, who made Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton’s misuse of a private email server the focal point of his campaign ― something he still does when he encourages his supporters chanting “Lock her up!” at his rallies.

Many of Ivanka Trump’s alleged emails ― sent to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants ― were sent in violation of federal records rules. They were unearthed last fall by five Cabinet agencies that were going through emails in response to a public records lawsuit.

“She was the worst offender in the White House,” said one former senior U.S. government official who spoke to the Post about Trump’s inappropriate use of her personal email account, which she shared with husband, Jared Kushner, under the domain “”

Make no mistake about this, Ivanka Trump is considered an official "Advisor to the President". Secondly, paid or unpaid, she is bound by the same rules all other government employees are, including emails. While the trump fans are doing what they do best, diverting/changing the topic to Hillary, it is Ivanka that is the focus of the OP, not Clinton. To that extent, Ivanka has allegedly violated the law and should be subject to an investigation by congress.
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Congress is well within their rights to investigate this. Needless to say, this is going to trigger the far right into a righteous outrage but at this point, it's just talk.

Either party in Congress can investigate whatever they want to. Seems to me there should be some evidence to warrant an investigation, beyond somebody's accusation because it begins to look too political and a waste of time and money. The Dems need to understand that if they want to start doing witchhunts and fishing expeditions looking for anything they can find to pin on Trump then they better also understand that he's going to do the same thing to any one of them.

In Hillary's case, there WAS an unprotected server that was installed and used on her private property that she DID use for official business and DID have classified data on it. Which WAS illegal and she should have been tried and convicted for that IMHO, as well as obstruction of justice. NONE of which is true in Ivanka's case. As long as her emails were sent or received on a protected gov't server AND there was no classified data sent or received AND nothing was erased then I'm not seeing a problem here.
Either party in Congress can investigate whatever they want to. Seems to me there should be some evidence to warrant an investigation, beyond somebody's accusation because it begins to look too political and a waste of time and money. The Dems need to understand that if they want to start doing witchhunts and fishing expeditions looking for anything they can find to pin on Trump then they better also understand that he's going to do the same thing to any one of them. In Hillary's case, there WAS an unprotected server that was installed and used on her private property that she DID use for official business and DID have classified data on it. Which WAS illegal and she should have been tried and convicted for that IMHO, as well as obstruction of justice. NONE of which is true in Ivanka's case. As long as her emails were sent or received on a protected gov't server AND there was no classified data sent or received AND nothing was erased then I'm not seeing a problem here.
You cannot say anything with surety as this incident has just happened. You can project and opine, which is what you are doing now and that's acceptable. As I had stated earlier, this is about Ivanka, not Hillary and while you are free to rationalize any point that agrees with your bias, there are literally no facts available in regards to this alleged communication violation by Ivanka. That has yet to be determined and is something only an investigation will uncover. I'll wait for offical facts to come out before I start constructing a narrative on this issue. You might try the same.
[Faux News link disabled]
Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business

And as I said it was the WashPo...nothing but frothing at the mouth rabid Anti American Anti Trump leftist propaganda. The facts are out and as usual the fake news LIED!

Dismissing the venerable Washington Post while quoting Faux News quoting Ivanka's lawyer alleging "misinformation" asserting ... "facts". That has to be top notch stupid.

All the while... after months, if not years, of hyperventilation about emails, and the rather goofy expectation that Republicans apply to themselves the same standards they applied to others, the result is in. So, we have Secretary of State Powell conducting government business via private email, dozens of White House officials during the Bush administration sending tens of millions of government emails over a private RNC server (all without so much as a peep from Republicans), and Ivanka sending government emails over a private server, we know now what we've known all along, don't we? The most ubiquitous thing about Republicans is their double standards and their addiction to hypocrisy.

If there's something new in all that, it's their mendacity while cooking up excuses being amped up to new levels. Goes with the Trumpy territory.
The sheer nepotism of this 'Administration' is subject to investigation, let alone all the conflicts of interest.

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