Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

Marriage equality is something the Homosexuals are entitled to and will eventually will attain - as far as public accomodation .. -they do not actually represent a "class of people" in that respect. UNless of course you would want to classify them as handicapped being that they are psycologically damaged and sexually dysphoric along with the long list of mental malfunctions and festering diseases they are known to spread as an extension of their degenerate activities.

Currently, 21 states and the District of Columbia outlaw sexual orientation discrimination in employment as well as housing and public accommodations, which usually includes health care facilities. Fifteen states and the District of Columbia outlaw discrimination based on gender identity in these areas, too. Additionally, at least 240 local jurisdictions prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, and in most cases, housing and public accommodations. At least 60 of these include gender identity as a protected group.

Discrimination in employment based solely on a person sexual dysphoria should be outlawed - many queers and dykes are very competent in their vocations. I currently employ 2 in my business - one is an excellent manager and iswell compensated, the other is a jerk whom I pay slightly more than minimum wage but NEITHER OF THE TWO lets their psycological problems interfere with their duties.

Discrimintion in Housing - too many variables to discuss.

Discrimination in Health Care is a Joke ... faggots suffer from many more maladies than normal people and it goes far beyond the well publicized HIV/AIDS scenario. They are dragging down the rest of society and in some areas casuing near collapse of the Health CAre system- expecting that the rest of us should help finance their treatments which are the product of their perversion. So far as I'm concerned - let em die.

Not a Christian I see. Well, we know you aren't trying to justify your bigotry with the's just pure hate. Good information to have.

Last time I checked, obesity was the number one health problem in the United States.
Would you feel comfortable letting either of those two "employees" take a look at your last few posts here?

Offending people on the internet is easy - I don't have to watch the tears well up in your eyes , or the rage in yor voice . No --- hurting people face to face is not something I savor. I have however suggested ex-gay therapy to the management guy and offerred to pay for it at company expense - no reply as of yet, just a weird expression when I suggested it .

If I were you...and I were not simply a lying sack of shit pretending to be a business owner, I would lawyer up. Any competent employee would be preparing to sue your ass upon hearing such a suggestion.
If it's true that wierd expression was the sound of one of those giant slot machines in Vegas paying off. I'll bet this guy headed for the nearest door to call one of his gay attorney buds and get it all down on paper. Jackpot!
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It's something I learned - .... Are you a Faggot or just one of their "Useful Idiots" ?
If you weren't such a sorry ass faggot yourself perhaps you also could be educated . ... unfortunately for you I find that highly unlikely, seems that your too far gone.

How can we be sure you don't have a gay hating gene?

Can we really be sure? Maybe we need to restrict your ability to marry. We wouldn't want you passing it along

What have you and Ralph been doing together when Alice and Trixie are gone ? :cuckoo:

No...I am very serious

You should not be breeding. It is much more damaging to society than gays marrying
Discrimination in employment based solely on a person sexual dysphoria should be outlawed - many queers and dykes are very competent in their vocations. I currently employ 2 in my business - one is an excellent manager and iswell compensated, the other is a jerk whom I pay slightly more than minimum wage but NEITHER OF THE TWO lets their psycological problems interfere with their duties.

Discrimintion in Housing - too many variables to discuss.

Discrimination in Health Care is a Joke ... faggots suffer from many more maladies than normal people and it goes far beyond the well publicized HIV/AIDS scenario. They are dragging down the rest of society and in some areas casuing near collapse of the Health CAre system- expecting that the rest of us should help finance their treatments which are the product of their perversion. So far as I'm concerned - let em die.

Would you feel comfortable letting either of those two "employees" take a look at your last few posts here?

Offending people on the internet is easy - I don't have to watch the tears well up in your eyes , or the rage in yor voice . No --- hurting people face to face is not something I savor. I have however suggested ex-gay therapy to the management guy and offerred to pay for it at company expense - no reply as of yet, just a weird expression when I suggested it .

Yes, most people would give you a funny look if you suggested crackpot therapies to them. If your employee suggested a frontal lobotomy or shock therapy would do you good, wouldn't you give them a "weird" expression"?

I don't have much faith in your business acumen if you're willing to throw money away on voodoo therapies with a less than 2% success rate.
Are you a Faggot or just one of their "Useful Idiots" ?

Ah the irony of calling someone else an idiot...

If you weren't such a sorry ass faggot yourself perhaps you also could be educated . ... unfortunately for you I find that highly unlikely, seems that your too far gone.

Are you a Faggot or just one of their "Useful Idiots" ?

Ah the irony of calling someone else an idiot...

If you weren't such a sorry ass faggot yourself perhaps you also could be educated . ... unfortunately for you I find that highly unlikely, seems that your too far gone.

You're very kind for educating him. I hope he appreciates your efforts, but somehow I very much doubt it.
Currently, 21 states and the District of Columbia outlaw sexual orientation discrimination in employment as well as housing and public accommodations, which usually includes health care facilities. Fifteen states and the District of Columbia outlaw discrimination based on gender identity in these areas, too. Additionally, at least 240 local jurisdictions prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, and in most cases, housing and public accommodations. At least 60 of these include gender identity as a protected group.

Discrimination in employment based solely on a person sexual dysphoria should be outlawed - many queers and dykes are very competent in their vocations. I currently employ 2 in my business - one is an excellent manager and iswell compensated, the other is a jerk whom I pay slightly more than minimum wage but NEITHER OF THE TWO lets their psycological problems interfere with their duties.

Discrimintion in Housing - too many variables to discuss.

Discrimination in Health Care is a Joke ... faggots suffer from many more maladies than normal people and it goes far beyond the well publicized HIV/AIDS scenario. They are dragging down the rest of society and in some areas casuing near collapse of the Health CAre system- expecting that the rest of us should help finance their treatments which are the product of their perversion. So far as I'm concerned - let em die.

Not a Christian I see. Well, we know you aren't trying to justify your bigotry with the's just pure hate. Good information to have.

Last time I checked, obesity was the number one health problem in the United States.

If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.
Are you a Faggot or just one of their "Useful Idiots" ?

Ah the irony of calling someone else an idiot...

If you weren't such a sorry ass faggot yourself perhaps you also could be educated . ... unfortunately for you I find that highly unlikely, seems that your too far gone.

You're very kind for educating him. I hope he appreciates your efforts, but somehow I very much doubt it.

Oh, it wasn't kindness. Pet peeve ;)
Discrimination in employment based solely on a person sexual dysphoria should be outlawed - many queers and dykes are very competent in their vocations. I currently employ 2 in my business - one is an excellent manager and iswell compensated, the other is a jerk whom I pay slightly more than minimum wage but NEITHER OF THE TWO lets their psycological problems interfere with their duties.

Discrimintion in Housing - too many variables to discuss.

Discrimination in Health Care is a Joke ... faggots suffer from many more maladies than normal people and it goes far beyond the well publicized HIV/AIDS scenario. They are dragging down the rest of society and in some areas casuing near collapse of the Health CAre system- expecting that the rest of us should help finance their treatments which are the product of their perversion. So far as I'm concerned - let em die.

Not a Christian I see. Well, we know you aren't trying to justify your bigotry with the's just pure hate. Good information to have.

Last time I checked, obesity was the number one health problem in the United States.

If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.

Sushi isn't very fattening. You're just chock full of contradictions aren't you?

Your concern is touching, but I've lost a lot of weight, thanks. 30 pounds since I gave birth to the twins. 5'8", 145 lbs which puts me mid range of normal weight. Got a bit to go, but I'm working on it.
Not a Christian I see. Well, we know you aren't trying to justify your bigotry with the's just pure hate. Good information to have.

Last time I checked, obesity was the number one health problem in the United States.

If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.

Sushi isn't very fattening. You're just chock full of contradictions aren't you?

Your concern is touching, but I've lost a lot of weight, thanks. 30 pounds since I gave birth to the twins. 5'8", 145 lbs which puts me mid range of normal weight. Got a bit to go, but I'm working on it.


How sushi can make you FAT: It will shock skinny celebs who swear by it, but sushi can have more calories than a Big Mac and fries

Seahag , hope you don't mind but I got this snapshot of you and your pal

Discrimination in employment based solely on a person sexual dysphoria should be outlawed - many queers and dykes are very competent in their vocations. I currently employ 2 in my business - one is an excellent manager and iswell compensated, the other is a jerk whom I pay slightly more than minimum wage but NEITHER OF THE TWO lets their psycological problems interfere with their duties.

Discrimintion in Housing - too many variables to discuss.

Discrimination in Health Care is a Joke ... faggots suffer from many more maladies than normal people and it goes far beyond the well publicized HIV/AIDS scenario. They are dragging down the rest of society and in some areas casuing near collapse of the Health CAre system- expecting that the rest of us should help finance their treatments which are the product of their perversion. So far as I'm concerned - let em die.

Not a Christian I see. Well, we know you aren't trying to justify your bigotry with the's just pure hate. Good information to have.

Last time I checked, obesity was the number one health problem in the United States.

If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.

Interesting....seems to me that you are a tad upset.
If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.

Sushi isn't very fattening. You're just chock full of contradictions aren't you?

Your concern is touching, but I've lost a lot of weight, thanks. 30 pounds since I gave birth to the twins. 5'8", 145 lbs which puts me mid range of normal weight. Got a bit to go, but I'm working on it.


How sushi can make you FAT: It will shock skinny celebs who swear by it, but sushi can have more calories than a Big Mac and fries

Seahag , hope you don't mind but I got this snapshot of you and your pal


Ah but enough about you and your real life. :D
For the 4th or 5th time now...what is your POINT?!?!?! We carefully plan our families...and?

Who carefully plans their families and how do the separate groups go about that planning?

And why do you fail to answer questions.

Are the relationships outlined above closer to the same, or closer to being far different?

You haven't asked a just keep going on about how gays and straights are different. Okay, gays and straights are different, what is your fucking point?

The point is, as the condom example shows, the dynamics of the two groups are remarkably (not slightly, as the argument that the difference is simply the color of the car per RKBrown) different. Just as the dynamics involved in driving a car is different than those in flying an airplane. Both are modes of transportation, but that's just about where the similarities end.

Take the example of the sailor handing out condoms to those disembarking. Add to that a Skin color, a gender or a national origin, the dynamics of the example does not change.

Flip the sexualities and you now have same sex couples using condoms for birth control? It is simply silly to say that the two are even close to being similar.
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Who carefully plans their families and how do the separate groups go about that planning?

And why do you fail to answer questions.

Are the relationships outlined above closer to the same, or closer to being far different?

You haven't asked a just keep going on about how gays and straights are different. Okay, gays and straights are different, what is your fucking point?

The point is, as the condom example shows, the dynamics of the two groups are remarkably (not slightly, as the argument that the difference is simply the color of the car per RKBrown) different. Just as the dynamics involved in driving a car is different than those in flying an airplane. Both are modes of transportation, but that's just about where the similarities end.

Take the example of the sailor handing out condoms to those disembarking. Add to that a Skin color, a gender or a national origin, the dynamics of the example does not change.

Flip the sexualities and you now have same sex couples using condoms for birth control? It is simply silly to say that the two are even close to being similar.

You have not made any point beyond "gays and straights are different". Other than procreation, no we are not. Since you seem to like analogies, it's like saying I don't get a drivers license because my car runs on the sun not fossil fuels.

My brother and his wife and my grandfather and his girlfriend can have all the sex they want...and not have to consider the possibility of pregnancy they get a "different license" in your odd little world of analogies?
If obesity is the number one health issue, than perhaps you should get your fat sushi sucking ass off the couch and run a few laps.

Sushi isn't very fattening. You're just chock full of contradictions aren't you?

Your concern is touching, but I've lost a lot of weight, thanks. 30 pounds since I gave birth to the twins. 5'8", 145 lbs which puts me mid range of normal weight. Got a bit to go, but I'm working on it.


How sushi can make you FAT: It will shock skinny celebs who swear by it, but sushi can have more calories than a Big Mac and fries

Seahag , hope you don't mind but I got this snapshot of you and your pal


Yes, enough of your fantasy life. I've heard about folks like you...what do they call them, "chubby chasers"?

Keep your spank bank material to yourself. Folks will like mine much better...:D

The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

28 So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip.

30 They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. 31 They tried to misunderstand, broke their promises, and were heartless—without pity. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom. There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away, and you are set apart for God; and he has accepted you because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you.
1 corinthians 6:9
Adults can fight and argue which scientist, which doctor, which professor, psychiatrist or psychologist is right all they want, but all that does not mean shit to a child that is now being government regulated into having two homosexuals acting as father-father, all the cleverness of the "educated" will not theorize away the reality, that homosexual father-father is a disappointment to put it mildly, to the wretched child who must live in a "family", defined by dictatorial powers of government int he form of the rules, regulations and law.

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