Vast Anti-Clinton Conspiracy Industry Loses Another Battle

Hillary is the only one on your list that had her own private server. Are you really that dense?

Well "dense" would imply I don't understand the tech.

I do.

Do you?

Why is it okay for Powell/Cheney/Bush to have their own email servers and not Clinton.

Lets break it down by tech..


They did not have their own servers. They used their own private emails and no one has suggested that they emailed classified material. Hillary did and she did.

OMFG! Their own servers?

Somebdy call FOX

What part of "they did NOT have their own servers" do you NOT understand?
Other than FOX News watchers, right wing nutjobs and media gotcha specialists, who else really cares?

Her own servers!

Wow! Powerful attack.

That right wing rag the New York Times was among the first to condemn the open contempt for the FOIA from Hillary for defying State department rules and possibly endangering national security. But we know she is your idol so there is no point in discussing this any further with a braindead libera bedwetter.

They did not have their own servers. They used their own private emails and no one has suggested that they emailed classified material. Hillary did and she did.[/QUOTE]

OMFG! Their own servers?

Somebdy call FOX[/QUOTE]

What part of "they did NOT have their own servers" do you NOT understand?[/QUOTE]
Other than FOX News watchers, right wing nutjobs and media gotcha specialists, who else really cares?

Her own servers!

Wow! Powerful attack.[/QUOTE]

That right wing rag the New York Times was among the first to condemn the open contempt for the FOIA from Hillary for defying State department rules and possibly endangering national security. But we know she is your idol so there is no point in discussing this any further with a braindead libera bedwetter.[/QUOTE]

The Washington Post is in there as well, as is CNN. Clinton is toast.
The current Justice Department will never pursue a case against any top Democrat.

What planet are you living on?
Obama will not prosecute Clinton, it is that simple.

PS This is planet Earth and that is how it is.
Obama will not prosecute?

Do you know what the Saturday Night Massacre was during the Nixon admin? Most Justice Dept lawyers would speak out on that if it were true -- if the President interfered with a prosecution

get a grip

You get a grip. I was there.

Every Executive branch department under Obama is loyal to him, and him alone. If you'll perhaps open your other eye, you'll see quite clearly that they are all performing in an equally fucked up manner, and not by accident.
The current Justice Department will never pursue a case against any top Democrat.

What planet are you living on?

I often wonder that myself while observing the antics of the "American" Left.

Hmm... the left and NOT the right?


My judgments are based upon MY side, not political gangs.

When the Left offers me something I can support, I will support it.

However, it has been a very long time since anything like that occurred.
You get a grip. I was there.

Every Executive branch department under Obama is loyal to him, and him alone. If you'll perhaps open your other eye, you'll see quite clearly that they are all performing in an equally fucked up manner, and not by accident.

You sound like another Linda Tripp. Maybe you should contact a Goldberg?

Justice Dept. Says Hillary Clinton Had Authority to Delete Certain Emails

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the filing said. “Under policies issue both by the National Archives and Records Administration and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”


Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer has contended that there is no incentive for his client to cooperate with investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s email account. Two senior Republican senators, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said on Tuesday that they were considering giving Mr. Pagliano immunity.

In a letter to Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer, they said that they “will certainly respect and defer to any legitimate assertion of an individual’s constitutional rights.”

They added, “With that being said, the committees also need the unique information you likely have in order to exercise their oversight functions under the Constitution, which are unrelated to any potential prosecution or criminal inquiry.”​

the witch hunt will continue when the kangaroo court of public opinion comes out of recess

(1) So what did they say about the work related emails she destroyed or attempted to destroy?

(2) What did they say about her perjury, stating she turned over all work related email in a sworn deposition, when she didn't?

(3) What did they say about her failure to secure classified information, the law doesn't care if it was by intention or neglect, both carry the same penalty?

(4) What did they say about her sending and receiving sensitive but unclassified information over unsecured systems?

(5) Right, all that is still being investigated, isn't it?

(6) Your attempt to focus on just personal, non-work related email is a laughable deflection. Carry on partisan hack.

(1) Work related emails Hillary Clinton destroyed or attempted to destroy? You do know anyone she emailed has copies on their servers? Did you make this up or is it a Right Wing Noise fabrication?

(2) Perjury? Hmm... Wonder why she hasn't been charged with such a horrendous crime? Maybe it never happened?

(3) Hmm... I wonder if you know what you are talking about here.

(4) What about it? The NYT has been all over it. So much for left wing media protecting the Clintons :laugh2: Oh, a high crime or misdemeanor!!! :eek:

(5) Ohhh, investigations! Somebody call FOX News

(6) Only focused on an article with facts, not an article with baseless accusations and innuendos. Sorry, just the facts ma'am

No one has the ability to ignore facts better than leftist progs.

Justice Dept. Says Hillary Clinton Had Authority to Delete Certain Emails

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the filing said. “Under policies issue both by the National Archives and Records Administration and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”


Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer has contended that there is no incentive for his client to cooperate with investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s email account. Two senior Republican senators, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said on Tuesday that they were considering giving Mr. Pagliano immunity.

In a letter to Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer, they said that they “will certainly respect and defer to any legitimate assertion of an individual’s constitutional rights.”

They added, “With that being said, the committees also need the unique information you likely have in order to exercise their oversight functions under the Constitution, which are unrelated to any potential prosecution or criminal inquiry.”​

the witch hunt will continue when the kangaroo court of public opinion comes out of recess

(1) So what did they say about the work related emails she destroyed or attempted to destroy?

(2) What did they say about her perjury, stating she turned over all work related email in a sworn deposition, when she didn't?

(3) What did they say about her failure to secure classified information, the law doesn't care if it was by intention or neglect, both carry the same penalty?

(4) What did they say about her sending and receiving sensitive but unclassified information over unsecured systems?

(5) Right, all that is still being investigated, isn't it?

(6) Your attempt to focus on just personal, non-work related email is a laughable deflection. Carry on partisan hack.

(1) Work related emails Hillary Clinton destroyed or attempted to destroy? You do know anyone she emailed has copies on their servers? Did you make this up or is it a Right Wing Noise fabrication?

(2) Perjury? Hmm... Wonder why she hasn't been charged with such a horrendous crime? Maybe it never happened?

(3) Hmm... I wonder if you know what you are talking about here.

(4) What about it? The NYT has been all over it. So much for left wing media protecting the Clintons :laugh2: Oh, a high crime or misdemeanor!!! :eek:

(5) Ohhh, investigations! Somebody call FOX News

(6) Only focused on an article with facts, not an article with baseless accusations and innuendos. Sorry, just the facts ma'am

No one has the ability to ignore facts better than leftist progs.
Yes, continue to believe that..
"The State Department replied to our request by saying that, after an extensive search, it could find no records responsive to our request," Trotter writes. "
From the atlantic
"What we now know is just within the small area of Libya and Benghazi, not her entire tenure of secretary of state, just Libya and Benghazi, we found 15 e-mails that she did not produce to the Department of State, despite the fact that she claimed she produced everything."
and from the Washington Post
They have already found such. Keep up. Blumenthal turned them over.

And if she created, then deleted them without turning them over, she was responsible for them-not the recipient. Doesn't matter one iota they may be located in someone elses email. Her creation of such created a fiduciary responsibility for her to retain and turn over those emails. Period.





Justice Dept. Says Hillary Clinton Had Authority to Delete Certain Emails

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the filing said. “Under policies issue both by the National Archives and Records Administration and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”


Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer has contended that there is no incentive for his client to cooperate with investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s email account. Two senior Republican senators, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said on Tuesday that they were considering giving Mr. Pagliano immunity.

In a letter to Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer, they said that they “will certainly respect and defer to any legitimate assertion of an individual’s constitutional rights.”

They added, “With that being said, the committees also need the unique information you likely have in order to exercise their oversight functions under the Constitution, which are unrelated to any potential prosecution or criminal inquiry.”​

the witch hunt will continue when the kangaroo court of public opinion comes out of recess people are stupid.
"The State Department replied to our request by saying that, after an extensive search, it could find no records responsive to our request," Trotter writes. "
From the atlantic
"What we now know is just within the small area of Libya and Benghazi, not her entire tenure of secretary of state, just Libya and Benghazi, we found 15 e-mails that she did not produce to the Department of State, despite the fact that she claimed she produced everything."
and from the Washington Post
They have already found such. Keep up. Blumenthal turned them over.

And if she created, then deleted them without turning them over, she was responsible for them-not the recipient. Doesn't matter one iota they may be located in someone elses email. Her creation of such created a fiduciary responsibility for her to retain and turn over those emails. Period.




and they contained no smoking guns


get a life

Justice Dept. Says Hillary Clinton Had Authority to Delete Certain Emails

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the filing said. “Under policies issue both by the National Archives and Records Administration and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”


Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer has contended that there is no incentive for his client to cooperate with investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s email account. Two senior Republican senators, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said on Tuesday that they were considering giving Mr. Pagliano immunity.

In a letter to Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer, they said that they “will certainly respect and defer to any legitimate assertion of an individual’s constitutional rights.”

They added, “With that being said, the committees also need the unique information you likely have in order to exercise their oversight functions under the Constitution, which are unrelated to any potential prosecution or criminal inquiry.”​

the witch hunt will continue when the kangaroo court of public opinion comes out of recess people are stupid.
Wow! You can spell

Justice Dept. Says Hillary Clinton Had Authority to Delete Certain Emails

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” the filing said. “Under policies issue both by the National Archives and Records Administration and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”


Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer has contended that there is no incentive for his client to cooperate with investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s email account. Two senior Republican senators, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said on Tuesday that they were considering giving Mr. Pagliano immunity.

In a letter to Mr. Pagliano’s lawyer, they said that they “will certainly respect and defer to any legitimate assertion of an individual’s constitutional rights.”

They added, “With that being said, the committees also need the unique information you likely have in order to exercise their oversight functions under the Constitution, which are unrelated to any potential prosecution or criminal inquiry.”​

the witch hunt will continue when the kangaroo court of public opinion comes out of recess people are stupid.

Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anyone as 'stupid.'

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