Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

I hope to never suffer the madness that would compel me to forgo cheese.

Don't they make something they call cheese but it really isn't cheese?

Even less so than American Cheese?

If so, I don’t want any part of it. We just some cheese on Saturday:

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I had a nice cheese plate with some smoked beef and gabagool Friday.

I am a fan of artisanal cheese (one of them was Amish), but for some dishes processed cheese is the way to go.

Nothing beats an american cheese grilled cheese sandwich, and I use Cheeze Whiz for my cheesesteaks and my mac and cheese (mac and cheese also gets some pecorino)
Yeah...because we all know animals never eat each other.
What a fuken idiot.
So? Are predatory animals your moral compass? There are also a lot of animals who DON'T eat other animals (including the biggest, strongest animals of all, elephants, rhinos, hippos, bison, gorillas, etc.) If you're going to make animals your role model, why not the non-violent ones?

WTF does that have to do with sustainability?
Oh, brother. Lots of ignorant comments on this thread. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, stop trying to make it one. Granted, the overall percentage of vegans who are "liberal" is higher than conservatives, but that is changing. In fact, I've noticed there's a growing number of libertarian vegans, and I think that makes sense, when you think about the non-aggression principle, etc. The bottom line is, there's nothing inherently lefty about's simply about choosing to NOT harm or exploit animals. It's about mercy / compassion. And please don't perpetuate the lie that "liberals" have a monopoly on compassion.

The Veganism we see via groups like PETA is a left wing thing. When you politicize and try to make a lifestyle out of your eating habits, and then try to force others to follow along, you rightly bring criticism and push back against you.

I don't have to hear about your soy based alternative to a hamburger, just eat the damn thing and leave me along with my real burger.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're misunderstanding veganism. It is not a diet. It's an ethical stance against the exploitation of animals, and it actually IS a way of living. A plant-based diet is part of it, but diet is only one aspect of veganism. It is clear from what you said that you think of meat-eating as strictly a personal choice. What you won't like to hear (but it's true) is that actual personal choices are victimless, they only affect the person making the choice. Eating meat and using animal products is not victimless, not only are sentient beings being enslaved, abused and brutally killed unnecessarily, but the environment is also affected, which ripples out and ultimately affects everyone.

That is why vegans try to reach others, instead of - as you said - eating their veggie burger and leaving people alone to eat their corpse burger. ;) All that said, I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. And I think MOST vegans see it that way too. Because forcing others is counterproductive. What vegans DO is simply try to inform people about what their daily choices are actually supporting. Thankfully, it isn't hard to get reasonable people with a heart to see that their actions are not in line with their values. The difficult part is dealing with people who after being shown what they are supporting simply don't care, and want to continue satisfying their tastebuds, putting that above all else.
Oh, brother. Lots of ignorant comments on this thread. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, stop trying to make it one. Granted, the overall percentage of vegans who are "liberal" is higher than conservatives, but that is changing. In fact, I've noticed there's a growing number of libertarian vegans, and I think that makes sense, when you think about the non-aggression principle, etc. The bottom line is, there's nothing inherently lefty about's simply about choosing to NOT harm or exploit animals. It's about mercy / compassion. And please don't perpetuate the lie that "liberals" have a monopoly on compassion.

But the damn vegans are eating up all the animals' food and making them starve! :eek:

Funny, but the truth is if we didn't have billions of livestock animals (bred solely to be killed for "food") we would have so much more food, because they are eating most of the food, when you think about the astronomical numbers of livestock killed daily.
I hope to never suffer the madness that would compel me to forgo cheese.

Don't they make something they call cheese but it really isn't cheese?

Even less so than American Cheese?

I've had vegan cheese that tastes exactly like 'regular' cheese. Except for minus the pus, hormones, cholesterol and most importantly the cruelty.
buttercup said:
I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're misunderstanding veganism.
It is not a diet. It's an ethical stance against the exploitation of animals.
Really ??
I Thought It Was How To Get
Essential Nutrients And Fats
While Saving Tons Of $$ Eating Healthy Vegetables

I Didn't Know It Was Political Activism
Does This Make Me A Vegan ??
Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

Or Do I Have To Add Snob To Be Vegan
Yeah...because we all know animals never eat each other.
What a fuken idiot.
So? Are predatory animals your moral compass? There are also a lot of animals who DON'T eat other animals (including the biggest, strongest animals of all, elephants, rhinos, hippos, bison, gorillas, etc.) If you're going to make animals your role model, why not the non-violent ones?

WTF does that have to do with sustainability?

I wasn't sure why you brought that up. But in regard to sustainability, he was focusing on industrially produced animal agriculture. We may not be able to control what wild animals do, but we can control our own actions, and what he is saying is true. It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.
I hope to never suffer the madness that would compel me to forgo cheese.

Don't they make something they call cheese but it really isn't cheese?

Even less so than American Cheese?

I've had vegan cheese that tastes exactly like 'regular' cheese. Except for minus the pus, hormones, cholesterol and most importantly the cruelty.

I won't eat anything unless I know it was savagely beaten with a rock first.
Oh, brother. Lots of ignorant comments on this thread. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, stop trying to make it one. Granted, the overall percentage of vegans who are "liberal" is higher than conservatives, but that is changing. In fact, I've noticed there's a growing number of libertarian vegans, and I think that makes sense, when you think about the non-aggression principle, etc. The bottom line is, there's nothing inherently lefty about's simply about choosing to NOT harm or exploit animals. It's about mercy / compassion. And please don't perpetuate the lie that "liberals" have a monopoly on compassion.

The Veganism we see via groups like PETA is a left wing thing. When you politicize and try to make a lifestyle out of your eating habits, and then try to force others to follow along, you rightly bring criticism and push back against you.

I don't have to hear about your soy based alternative to a hamburger, just eat the damn thing and leave me along with my real burger.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're misunderstanding veganism. It is not a diet. It's an ethical stance against the exploitation of animals, and it actually IS a way of living. A plant-based diet is part of it, but diet is only one aspect of veganism. It is clear from what you said that you think of meat-eating as strictly a personal choice. What you won't like to hear (but it's true) is that actual personal choices are victimless, they only affect the person making the choice. Eating meat and using animal products is not victimless, not only are sentient beings being enslaved, abused and brutally killed unnecessarily, but the environment is also affected, which ripples out and ultimately affects everyone.

That is why vegans try to reach others, instead of - as you said - eating their veggie burger and leaving people alone to eat their corpse burger. ;) All that said, I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. And I think MOST vegans see it that way too. Because forcing others is counterproductive. What vegans DO is simply try to inform people about what their daily choices are actually supporting. Thankfully, it isn't hard to get reasonable people with a heart to see that their actions are not in line with their values. The difficult part is dealing with people who after being shown what they are supporting simply don't care, and want to continue satisfying their tastebuds, putting that above all else.
So, veganism is more like religious fervor?
buttercup said:
what he is saying is true. It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.
Since Most People On Earth
Live Within 100mi Of Coastline
That Leaves A Lot Of Continental Space For Husbandry

Can You Show Your Opinion Is More Than Emotion
And What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants And Animals Get This Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

You Confirm People Of Your Mind-Set
Think The Earth Is A Museum, Not To Be Touched Or Changed
And The Ridiculous Idea
Humanity Is The Bane Of The Natural World
But Humanity IS A Product Of The Natural World
So, veganism is more like religious fervor?

Actually, I would say that flesh-eating is more like religious fervor. I've seen people practically worship bacon, and react to veganism in an extremely fervent, intense way. Interestingly, the origin of meat-eating is actually demonic (read the book of Enoch) so I guess that shouldn't be surprising.
buttercup said:
what he is saying is true. It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.
Since Most People On Earth
Live Within 100mi Of Coastline
That Leaves A Lot Of Continental Space For Husbandry

Can You Show Your Opinion Is More Than Emotion
And What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants And Animals Get This Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

You Confirm People Of Your Mind-Set
Think The Earth Is A Museum, Not To Be Touched Or Changed
And The Ridiculous Idea
Humanity Is The Bane Of The Natural World
But Humanity IS A Product Of The Natural World

Here's something to read: Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth
buttercup said:
Interestingly, the origin of meat-eating is actually demonic (read the book of Enoch) so I guess that shouldn't be surprising.
I Have The Book Of Enoch
Steer Me
(No Pun Intended)
I will bet both of my big balls that the actual Spartacus was not some dandy vegan. Promise you that.
buttercup said:
Answer My Question:

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants, Animals, And Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

This Is What You Said:
It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.

The article answers your question. I was talking about the environment and animals. By looking at your reply it appears that you thought I was also talking about plants? lol. No. Just do the research. The animal industries are destroying the planet, for a number of reasons. And it's completely unnecessary. We don't need to continue supporting barbaric, outdated industries simply because we can't imagine giving up our steak or bacon. I used to think that exact same way, I used to think I could NEVER, ever, ever go vegan or vegetarian. In fact, almost all vegans once thought that way.

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