Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

If we did not eat animals they would soon take over the world and no way could we feed them. Animals eat other animals because it is the way nature planned it. Worldwide veganism would be an environmental disaster.
This has to be one of the stupidest posts I've seen on these forums, and there's some really stupid stuff on here.
If we did not eat animals they would soon take over the world and no way could we feed them. Animals eat other animals because it is the way nature planned it. Worldwide veganism would be an environmental disaster.
This has to be one of the stupidest posts I've seen on these forums, and there's some really stupid stuff on here.
at least we post, unlike the coward you
If Dems All Go Vegan
There'll Be Plenty Of Burgers To Go Around !!


"Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat"

That depends on the meat.


Vegan is stupid.
Vegetarian is not.
Personally I limit my meat intake. It's fattening and not necessary.
I'm Not Really An Eater Of Heavy Foods Anymore

Plus, I'm Trying To Drop A Few
So I Make Rice Pilaf To Use In Fried Rice Dishes
And Spanish Rice
In My Leftover Chicken, Pork, Or Beef
That I Use To Make Enchiladas, Etc...

I Use About 1/2 Rice, 1/3 Veg
And Then Finish It Off With A Little Meat
Fat Is A Necessary Nutrient, Btw...

I Only Started This Diet Last Week
Plus I Dropped Soda Pop
For Lemon Water, And Lemon-Cranberry Juice
Do Democrats have anyone sane?

Nope. Take this loon Booker.

He hasn't had a coherent thought since the crack fumes from his mother's pipe entered his mongoloid ass mulatto body in utero. He is in fact a rapist and his claim to fame before senator was being the mayor of Newark which under his batshit looney leadership remained a desolated concrete chimp zoo.

What has he done as senator? NJ is the most moved out state in the country because people can't afford to live here and it gets worse every year. What does this goofy looking octoroon wall-eyed vegan want to do to salvage the festering anus of a state he calls home? Let's see... He wants to make lynching a hate crime, create baby bonds to subsidize black and Hispanic population growth and now enforce veganism. That's all I can glean after however many years the shit has been spewing from his mouth

He has no chance to be president, but he will easily be a senator for life.
libTards are stupid to begin with….

Then you add in a little Trump derangement

and you get dumb shit like this….

Next thing you know they will be telling us

to get rid of our cars and plans and tear

down all of our homes and businesses.
libTards are stupid to begin with….

Then you add in a little Trump derangement

and you get dumb shit like this….

Next thing you know they will be telling us

to get rid of our cars and plans and tear

down all of our homes and businesses.

That bimbo barista wants to kill the cows. That wasn't accepted well.

This loon alternative is to tax cows.

One great idea after another. What's next? Marry the cow? :D
Oh, brother. Lots of ignorant comments on this thread. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, stop trying to make it one. Granted, the overall percentage of vegans who are "liberal" is higher than conservatives, but that is changing. In fact, I've noticed there's a growing number of libertarian vegans, and I think that makes sense, when you think about the non-aggression principle, etc. The bottom line is, there's nothing inherently lefty about's simply about choosing to NOT harm or exploit animals. It's about mercy / compassion. And please don't perpetuate the lie that "liberals" have a monopoly on compassion.
Yeah...because we all know animals never eat each other.
What a fuken idiot.
So? Are predatory animals your moral compass? There are also a lot of animals who DON'T eat other animals (including the biggest, strongest animals of all, elephants, rhinos, hippos, bison, gorillas, etc.) If you're going to make animals your role model, why not the non-violent ones?
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