Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

Right? Well, I guess I should be more understanding, maybe they're elderly people who don't get out much. :)

Btw, since we're on this topic, I'm going to do a shameless plug here. This kind of goes along with what I've been saying.

Heh. That's like asking for thumbs down on your video.
Alright, I'm getting out of this thread. I don't go into these much.

This place is the only web site on the Internet that puts me in a bad mood.
buttercup said:
Answer My Question:

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants, Animals, And Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

This Is What You Said:
It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.

The article answers your question. I was talking about the environment and animals. By looking at your reply it appears that you thought I was also talking about plants? lol. No. Just do the research. The animal industries are destroying the planet, for a number of reasons. And it's completely unnecessary. We don't need to continue supporting barbaric, outdated industries simply because we can't imagine giving up our steak or bacon. I used to think that exact same way, I used to think I could NEVER, ever, ever go vegan or vegetarian. In fact, almost all vegans once thought that way.
The vast majority of vegans do not last a year before reverting back to normal omnivore diets. The few that remain almost never last a decade.

Your article has no science backing it up and is nothing more than vegan propaganda horeseshit.

The animal industries are not perfect but they are not destroying the planet which is in fact doing fine.
buttercup said:
what he is saying is true. It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.
Since Most People On Earth
Live Within 100mi Of Coastline
That Leaves A Lot Of Continental Space For Husbandry

Can You Show Your Opinion Is More Than Emotion
And What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants And Animals Get This Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

You Confirm People Of Your Mind-Set
Think The Earth Is A Museum, Not To Be Touched Or Changed
And The Ridiculous Idea
Humanity Is The Bane Of The Natural World
But Humanity IS A Product Of The Natural World

Here's something to read: Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth
I do not need to reduce my impact as the earth is doing fine and will get it all back from me when im in the grave
Natural Citizen said:
I try to avoid meat for health reasons. I think studies have led to the idea that red meat might be a major cause of diabetes, whereas the popular view has always been refined sugar and corn syrup and all of that.
I Once Saw A Show
Many People In Asia Cook A Small Barrel Of Rice
Place It At The End Of Their Table
Use It To Fill Out Their Meals For The Week
They Were Slim And Appeared Healthy

It Seems A Good Idea

I've Also Cut Soda Pop From My Diet
(I Think I Mentioned This In An Earlier Post...)
I'm Not As Active Now
I Don't Like What My Abdomen Has Become
That's My Bit
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.
buttercup said:
Answer My Question:

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants, Animals, And Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

This Is What You Said:
It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.

The article answers your question. I was talking about the environment and animals. By looking at your reply it appears that you thought I was also talking about plants? lol. No. Just do the research. The animal industries are destroying the planet, for a number of reasons. And it's completely unnecessary. We don't need to continue supporting barbaric, outdated industries simply because we can't imagine giving up our steak or bacon. I used to think that exact same way, I used to think I could NEVER, ever, ever go vegan or vegetarian. In fact, almost all vegans once thought that way.
The vast majority of vegans do not last a year before reverting back to normal omnivore diets. The few that remain almost never last a decade.

Your article has no science backing it up and is nothing more than vegan propaganda horeseshit.

The animal industries are not perfect but they are not destroying the planet which is in fact doing fine.

You're mixing up people who do it for health reasons (aka 'plantbased' or vegetarians) with vegans who have a paradigm shift that changes you forever. Yes, a lot of people who do it for non-ethical reasons go back, because they never had a strong desire to do it in the first place, it might've been something their doctor told them to do, or something they wanted to try for a time. Very different than people who have a total change of mind/heart, and can never go back to causing the harm they know happens.

And the article absolutely did have science backing it up, did you even read it?

Yes, industries that produce astronomical amounts of shit that goes into our water, and that use up ridiculous amounts of resources unnecessarily and are causing deforestation, dead zones, pollution, etc ARE destroying the planet, whether you want to admit that or not.
buttercup said:
Answer My Question:

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants, Animals, And Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

This Is What You Said:
It IS unsustainable, and the planet needs a rest. The oceans need a rest. And most importantly, the animals need a rest.

The article answers your question. I was talking about the environment and animals. By looking at your reply it appears that you thought I was also talking about plants? lol. No. Just do the research. The animal industries are destroying the planet, for a number of reasons. And it's completely unnecessary. We don't need to continue supporting barbaric, outdated industries simply because we can't imagine giving up our steak or bacon. I used to think that exact same way, I used to think I could NEVER, ever, ever go vegan or vegetarian. In fact, almost all vegans once thought that way.
The vast majority of vegans do not last a year before reverting back to normal omnivore diets. The few that remain almost never last a decade.

Your article has no science backing it up and is nothing more than vegan propaganda horeseshit.

The animal industries are not perfect but they are not destroying the planet which is in fact doing fine.

You're mixing up people who do it for health reasons (aka 'plantbased' or vegetarians) with vegans who have a paradigm shift that changes you forever. Yes, a lot of people who do it for non-ethical reasons go back, because they never had a strong desire to do it in the first place, it might've been something their doctor told them to do, or something they wanted to try for a time. Very different than people who have a total change of mind/heart, and can never go back to causing the harm they know happens.

And the article absolutely did have science backing it up, did you even read it?

Yes, industries that produce astronomical amounts of shit that goes into our water, and that use up ridiculous amounts of resources unnecessarily and are causing deforestation, dead zones, pollution, etc ARE destroying the planet, whether you want to admit that or not.

Actually I am mixing up no one.

ALL vegans seldom last a year and of those who do very few last a decade.

No it had no science at all backing iut up and you are now lying about it. It was junk science alarmist nonsense.

No they are not destroying the planet and that is scientific fact you cannot refute.

Sorry but it is you contradicted by science and are speaking in ignorance like it or not
WillMunny said:
I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.
Could Have Been The Drugs...

Anyway, Gobble All The Vegetables And Fruits You Want
They're Good For You

But There's A Poster Here
That Seems To Wave It Around
With An Air Of Superiority

And It Isn't, And Neither Is He
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

I will eat anything I can catch, kill and put in my mouth whether insect, arachnid, plant, mammal, fish, reptile, amphibian or biofilm.

I am not restricting my diet for some foolish notion o purity.
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.
buttercup said:
We Are The Monsters
Like All Of The Leftist Bend
You Too Resent Humanity
And You're So Superior Because You're So Different
"Look At Me, Aren't I Radical"
I Knew You Were Just Full Of Shit

So That's All You Had To Say
And That's All You Have To Say
So Now That You've Said It
You Can Drop The Facade And The Circle Tap Dance
I will eat anything I can catch, kill and put in my mouth whether insect, arachnid, plant, mammal, fish, reptile, amphibian or biofilm.

I am not restricting my diet for some foolish notion o purity.
There Ya Go !!
These Empty Crusades Of Making A "Statement"
Just Seem So Lame And Wishy-Washy

About The Amphibians Tho
You Might Avoid The Arrow Frogs
buttercup said:
We Are The Monsters
Like All Of The Leftist Bend
You Too Resent Humanity
And You're So Superior Because You're So Different
"Look At Me, Aren't I Radical"
I Knew You Were Just Full Of Shit

So That's All You Had To Say
And That's All You Have To Say
So Now That You've Said It
You Can Drop The Facade And The Circle Tap Dance

If you can't see that we live in a messed up world, due to the actions of mankind, then you are either blind or intellectually dishonest. Now don't twist what I'm saying, that doesn't mean it's all bad, humans are capable of both bad and good. I don't think I'm superior to anyone, nor do I think vegans are superior. Can one ACTION be better than another? Absolutely. Not killing is better than killing. Not supporting cruelty is better than supporting it. If you want to deny that, go ahead, but you will continue to sound unreasonable and illogical, or intellectually dishonest, take your pick.
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

It is healthy.

You are completely wrong and unsupported by science.

The cows continue to produce milk LONG after the calf grows up which is why the cows still continue to need milking long after the calf needs the milk

You are truly ignorant in the extreme,
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

It is healthy.

You are completely wrong and unsupported by science.

The cows continue to produce milk LONG after the calf grows up which is why the cows still continue to need milking long after the calf needs the milk

You are truly ignorant in the extreme,

You're going by false, outdated info funded by the very industries you support. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you, but I'll find some info, which of course you will probably reject, while you cling to info funded by the very industries you partake in. THAT staunch, blind loyalty due to the stubbornness that comes from putting your tastebuds first is what is ignorant, in the extreme.

ETA: It IS healthy... if you're a baby cow. For humans, not so much, especially when you consider the pus, hormones, and other nasty stuff in milk. There's a reason why something like 3/4ths of the world's population is lactose intolerant.
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

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