Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

It is healthy.

You are completely wrong and unsupported by science.

The cows continue to produce milk LONG after the calf grows up which is why the cows still continue to need milking long after the calf needs the milk

You are truly ignorant in the extreme,

You're going by false, outdated info funded by the very industries you support. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you, but I'll find some info, which of course you will probably reject, while you cling to info funded by the very industries you partake in. THAT staunch, blind loyalty due to the stubbornness that comes from putting your tastebuds first is what is ignorant, in the extreme.

ETA: It IS healthy... if you're a baby cow. For humans, not so much, especially when you consider the pus, hormones, and other nasty stuff in milk. There's a reason why something like 3/4ths of the world's population is lactose intolerant.

Yes it quite healthy for humans as well.

I am not going on outdated information. YOU are going on pseudo junk science slapped together by vegan fools and by definition vegans are fools.

You are not better informed or educated on the subject and have not done better research.

Science proves you wrong period
Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

One more time dumbass.

The cow continues to produce milk long after the call needs it.

Whether it was taken away or not the cow still needs to be milked and dairy from cows is good and necessary for humans.

Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

Vegans can whine about it all day but they are too fringe too matter.

As I pointed out the fact is that nearly all vegans last less than a year and most of the remainder last less than a decade because veganism is an unhealthy and stupid life style choice.
Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

It is healthy.

You are completely wrong and unsupported by science.

The cows continue to produce milk LONG after the calf grows up which is why the cows still continue to need milking long after the calf needs the milk

You are truly ignorant in the extreme,

You're going by false, outdated info funded by the very industries you support. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you, but I'll find some info, which of course you will probably reject, while you cling to info funded by the very industries you partake in. THAT staunch, blind loyalty due to the stubbornness that comes from putting your tastebuds first is what is ignorant, in the extreme.

ETA: It IS healthy... if you're a baby cow. For humans, not so much, especially when you consider the pus, hormones, and other nasty stuff in milk. There's a reason why something like 3/4ths of the world's population is lactose intolerant.

Yes it quite healthy for humans as well.

I am not going on outdated information. YOU are going on pseudo junk science slapped together by vegan fools and by definition vegans are fools.

You are not better informed or educated on the subject and have not done better research.

Science proves you wrong period

You can believe your industry funded studies if you want. Dairy will still be inherently exploitative and cruel, and it will continue to be completely unnecessary. If you're a grown man, I don't know why you want to cling to mama's teat and drink (or eat) something that contains female hormones, as well as other nasty stuff, when you don't have to.
Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

It is healthy.

You are completely wrong and unsupported by science.

The cows continue to produce milk LONG after the calf grows up which is why the cows still continue to need milking long after the calf needs the milk

You are truly ignorant in the extreme,

You're going by false, outdated info funded by the very industries you support. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you, but I'll find some info, which of course you will probably reject, while you cling to info funded by the very industries you partake in. THAT staunch, blind loyalty due to the stubbornness that comes from putting your tastebuds first is what is ignorant, in the extreme.

ETA: It IS healthy... if you're a baby cow. For humans, not so much, especially when you consider the pus, hormones, and other nasty stuff in milk. There's a reason why something like 3/4ths of the world's population is lactose intolerant.
Yes it quite healthy for humans as well.

I am not going on outdated information. YOU are going on pseudo junk science slapped together by vegan fools and by definition vegans are fools.

You are not better informed or educated on the subject and have not done better research.

Science proves you wrong period

You can believe your industry funded studies if you want. Dairy will still be inherently exploitative and cruel, and it will continue to be completely unnecessary. If you're a grown man, I don't know why you want to cling to mama's teat and drink (or eat) something that contains female hormones, as well as other nasty stuff, when you don't have to.
It is simple scientific truth regardless of who you think funded it and you cannot refute it with valid science

People need dairy and in fact cow milk is far more healthy than any of the alternatives such as soy.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Superior as in the dominant form of life and more important than they are.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Superior as in the dominant form of life and more important than they are.

So because we're more important, it's OK to do whatever we want with them, even if its exploitation and cruelty? Do you realize that if that were true, it would also apply to beings superior to us? God is more important than us and infinitely superior to us, but I don't see God considering us mere objects to use and discard, or feasting on our flesh.

This may sound like a ridiculous question, but just to test your idea here, if a superior race of aliens came down from another planet who were far more advanced than us, would it be fine if they put us in cages, treated us like machines or slaves, then slit our throats so they can eat our flesh? Why would you do to those beneath you what you wouldn't want a "superior" being to do TO you? Do you genuinely believe in "might makes right"? If you say no to that example, then you don't.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Superior as in the dominant form of life and more important than they are.

So because we're more important, it's OK to do whatever we want with them, even if its exploitation and cruelty? Do you realize that if that were true, it would also apply to beings superior to us? God is more important than us and infinitely superior to us, but I don't see God considering us mere objects to use and discard, or feasting on our flesh.

This may sound like a ridiculous question, but just to test your idea here, if a superior race of aliens came down from another planet who were far more advanced than us, would it be fine if they put us in cages, treated us like machines or slaves, then slit our throats so they can eat our flesh? Why would you do to those beneath you what you wouldn't want a "superior" being to do TO you? Do you genuinely believe in "might makes right"? If you say no to that example, then you don't.
God does not exist
But if he did his book clearly states he made man have Dominion over animals.

Ask a deer that question about wolves.

We are still part of nature and using animals is a good natural thing.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Superior as in the dominant form of life and more important than they are.

So because we're more important, it's OK to do whatever we want with them, even if its exploitation and cruelty? Do you realize that if that were true, it would also apply to beings superior to us? God is more important than us and infinitely superior to us, but I don't see God considering us mere objects to use and discard, or feasting on our flesh.

This may sound like a ridiculous question, but just to test your idea here, if a superior race of aliens came down from another planet who were far more advanced than us, would it be fine if they put us in cages, treated us like machines or slaves, then slit our throats so they can eat our flesh? Why would you do to those beneath you what you wouldn't want a "superior" being to do TO you? Do you genuinely believe in "might makes right"? If you say no to that example, then you don't.
God does not exist
But if he did his book clearly states he made man have Dominion over animals.

Ask a deer that question about wolves.

We are still part of nature and using animals is a good natural thing.

God does exist, but that's a topic for another time/place. And "dominion" doesn't mean what you think it means. If "dominion" automatically meant the right to do whatever we want, including eating animals, then when God gave us dominion, animal flesh would've been part of our diet from the start, but that's not what happened. The opposite happened. I'm talking about God's original design here.

In verse 1:28 God gave us dominion and in the very next verse (1:29) we were given our diet which was 100% plantbased.

28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

Dominion basically means to rule. It is like a kingship. I know you're not a Christian, but from a biblical perspective, we have a choice everyday, to either rule with mercy and love, or rule with brutality and callous disregard. Which one do you think God wants us to do? The quote below sums it up:

Why can't people understand what a scientifically provable eating perversion this "vegan" shit is? Listen very carefully: ALL mammal species - whether carnivore or herbivore - THRIVE on their mother's milk at birth. So in a real sense there has NEVER been a vegan mammal species in the biological history of this planet! Why is it so horrifying for vegans to see a mammal enjoying MILK??? On which our MAMMAL cells are biochemically designed to healthfully process!

I have another question: why is it that every vegan I've ever known has an ashy, grayish complexion on their face and sunken, glazy-looking eyes? As an extreme ex-hippie (I followed the Grateful Dead in the early '90s) I was around more vegan-perverts than anyone on this site and I never, ever saw one I would classify as healthy-looking. I always noticed how "gray" their skin looked.

Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

Calves are not taken from their mothers simply because the rancher wants more cattle and does not want the calves to starve. He also does not have the personnel to wander in the herd to find calves to bottle feed.
Herd of cattle. A big grass area with a lot of cows. Some have babies and some do not. See, how easy is that. You can go through farmland and see those pastures everywhere.
Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

One more time dumbass.

The cow continues to produce milk long after the call needs it.

Whether it was taken away or not the cow still needs to be milked and dairy from cows is good and necessary for humans.

Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

Vegans can whine about it all day but they are too fringe too matter.

As I pointed out the fact is that nearly all vegans last less than a year and most of the remainder last less than a decade because veganism is an unhealthy and stupid life style choice.

Cows don't merely provide milk in excess of what a calf needs. The cow produces milk even when there is no calf at all. The cow produces milk all the time with no days off. Failure to be milked is very painful for cows. The teats can become impacted and infected. They simply must be milked. When a cow goes dry and no longer produces milk its a very old and usually sick cow.
Of course we are supposed to drink our mother's milk when we're babies. Obviously that's the way nature intended it to be. Vegans aren't against breastfeeding, they are against dairy, which is taking the milk of ANOTHER species, which in case you didn't know involves all sorts of cruelty, abuse and horrible practices that completely disregard the life and dignity of the animals involved.

When you buy dairy, you are supporting taking a baby calf away from his mother, which causes distress to both the mother and the baby. If the calf is male, in many countries he is killed immediately, since he is considered a useless byproduct, or raised for veal, which is incredibly cruel. If the calf is a female, she ends up becoming a milking machine, as the cycle continues.

Here you go, summing up dairy in 5 minutes:

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.

Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

Calves are not taken from their mothers simply because the rancher wants more cattle and does not want the calves to starve. He also does not have the personnel to wander in the herd to find calves to bottle feed.
Herd of cattle. A big grass area with a lot of cows. Some have babies and some do not. See, how easy is that. You can go through farmland and see those pastures everywhere.

Is that the way you wish it was? Or is that your actual claim? Look, there's nothing wrong with sincere ignorance, but knowingly posting false information is not ok, you are lying and misleading people.

But since you're obviously not taking my word for it, I'll share what the USDA says.

According to the USDA, 97% of dairy calves are forcibly removed from their mothers within the first 24 hours of their life. The remaining percentage are taken away within a few days.


Here's what purchasing dairy supports:


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Human beings are not meant to be vegans. Just crazy people are vegans. Look in your mouth. You have flat terth in the back for grinding vegetation. Your front teeth are sharp meant for tearing meat.
So, veganism is more like religious fervor?

Actually, I would say that flesh-eating is more like religious fervor. I've seen people practically worship bacon, and react to veganism in an extremely fervent, intense way. Interestingly, the origin of meat-eating is actually demonic (read the book of Enoch) so I guess that shouldn't be surprising.
Why must (some) snowflakes over-think, over-analyze, and dive so deep into BS to try to argue their point?

'Worship' bacon? 'Religious fervor'? Meat-eating is 'demonic'?


Properly prepared and presented meat tastes AWESOME!

Give me a cheeseburger...with bacon...add ketchup, lettuce, onions, & hold the 'worship', hold the 'religious fervor', and no 'demons'!

I have no problem with Vegans. I have no problem with Liberals - they can do whatever they want.

'Live and Let Live' - Socialist Democrats / Liberals react to those words like Hillary and they act when they hear the words 'civility' and 'tolerance - agree to disagree'. They can't stand them, react irrationally, and lash out...

Instead of pursuing legislation to strip me of my right to eat a cheeseburger '(Booker says 'My days are numbered'), Booker should focus on, oh I don't know, the illegal immigrant crisis, our ballooning debt, DACA, etc...

Tell you what, Vegans can eat what cows eat, and I will keep eating cows - my part to ending cow farts and global warming. If Vegans don't like meat-eating they don't have to do it. It's THEIR PERSONAL CHOICE...and in return they can STAY THE HELL OUT OF TRYING TO CONTROL MY PERSONAL CHOICE.

Cows do fine supplying milk and other countries aside no one here is taking the calf away. The fact is cows produce excess milk and need milking and it is beneficial for us just as eating meat is beneficial for us and the environment contrary to the non scientific article you posted and lied about.

What are you talking about? Baby calves absolutely ARE taken away, here in the US and all over the world, that is the way dairy works. And that is not only in big factory farms, even on the smaller, so-called "humane" farms, calves are taken away from their mothers, because they want to SELL THAT MILK to humans.

Dairy is even worse than the meat industry. And the craziest part is, it's NOT healthy, as we were told (by the government subsidized dairy industry) There's so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin. And it's completely unnecessary! That's the saddest part of all.
Nonsense. This is what you get from propaganda. Go to a dairy farm instead.

You're denying that calves are taken away from their mothers? You are living in a fantasy world, where happy farm animals are frolicking in the green grass near the idyllic red farm, with rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry, but that's a fantasy, or more accurately, slick marketing tactics, to get people to continue buying their products.

You are simply wrong. Calves ARE taken away, that is how dairy works. All over the world.

Check out this dairy farmer who not only admitted that some mother cows cry for days, but he actually got visibly emotional as he talked about it: 'Some mothers will bawl for days'

Calves are not taken from their mothers simply because the rancher wants more cattle and does not want the calves to starve. He also does not have the personnel to wander in the herd to find calves to bottle feed.
Herd of cattle. A big grass area with a lot of cows. Some have babies and some do not. See, how easy is that. You can go through farmland and see those pastures everywhere.

Is that the way you wish it was? Or is that your actual claim? Look, there's nothing wrong with sincere ignorance, but knowingly posting false information is not ok, you are lying and misleading people.

But since you're obviously not taking my word for it, I'll share what the USDA says.

According to the USDA, 97% of dairy calves are forcibly removed from their mothers within the first 24 hours of their life. The remaining percentage are taken away within a few days.


Here's what purchasing dairy supports:


....and? :yourpointsmile:
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.
Superior as in the dominant form of life and more important than they are.

So because we're more important, it's OK to do whatever we want with them, even if its exploitation and cruelty? Do you realize that if that were true, it would also apply to beings superior to us? God is more important than us and infinitely superior to us, but I don't see God considering us mere objects to use and discard, or feasting on our flesh.

This may sound like a ridiculous question, but just to test your idea here, if a superior race of aliens came down from another planet who were far more advanced than us, would it be fine if they put us in cages, treated us like machines or slaves, then slit our throats so they can eat our flesh? Why would you do to those beneath you what you wouldn't want a "superior" being to do TO you? Do you genuinely believe in "might makes right"? If you say no to that example, then you don't.
Bet you believe in abortion.
"You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We've seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.

"The tragic reality is this planet simply can't sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture (Translation: MEAT) because of environmental impact. It's just not possible."


I see Kamala Harris is not the only Democrat who has been smoking weed!

Evidently 'Spartacus' plans to continue his 'War Against Cow Farts' by banning Americans from...eating meat...or something?!

View attachment 245479

"You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet. We've seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.

"The tragic reality is this planet simply can't sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture (Translation: MEAT) because of environmental impact. It's just not possible."


I see Kamala Harris is not the only Democrat who has been smoking weed!

Evidently 'Spartacus' plans to continue his 'War Against Cow Farts' by banning Americans from...eating meat...or something?!

View attachment 245479




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