Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

Vegan is stupid.

Vegetarian is not.

Personally I limit my meat intake. It's fattening and not necessary.
I'm doing the same thing. I don't eat too much meat. I don't like it and I don't want to be too overweight! :)
I'm not a vegan, but I am aware of the arguments that it takes up much more land and space and energy to raise cows. You basically need to feed the cows.

Also I don't think being vegan disqualifies him from being president.
Too bad for calves but we are the superior species by nature and they exist to be used by us.

^ That really explains everything. I don't know how you're defining "superior" but exploiting the weak and vulnerable among us and not caring about them sure as hell doesn't make you superior to them, it actually does the exact opposite.

Spare me the "weak and vulnerable" crap.

As long as you don't get your nourishment out of the ground, soaked up by your roots, convert CO2 with your own chlorophyll into food for your body, you are killing living entity for food or eating something killed for you.

A cupful of dry beans, a carrot, a potato dumped into hot water to make your soup is no different from a piece of meat from a chicken or a pig or a cow or a lamb, or a lobster or a shrimp, for that matter,

In order to eat and live you have to kill or have someone to do the killing for you.
Chiara said:
I'm doing the same thing. I don't eat too much meat. I don't like it and I don't want to be too overweight! :)
It's Not Meat Protein That Makes You Fat
It's The Pastries, Sauces, Packaged Foods, And Soda
And Fat Is A Necessary Nutrient

I've Explained My Diet In Earlier Pages
No High-And-Mighty "Statement" To It
I Expect Just Dropping Soda Pop/Sugars
Will Be My Best Advantage

I Mix The Juice Of One Lemon
With No Added Sugars Cranberry Juice
I Think It's Really Good
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FJO said:
Spare me the "weak and vulnerable" crap.
They Are A Prey Specie Even In The Wild
No Matter How Big Or Mean
Check Bison & Cape Buffalo
Predators Cull From the Bottom Up
The Weaker The Better
A cupful of dry beans, a carrot, a potato dumped into hot water to make your soup is no different from a piece of meat from a chicken or a pig or a cow or a lamb, or a lobster or a shrimp, for that matter
I Make Beef And Chicken Stock For Everything
Use All Your Cooked Leftovers And Scrap
It Adds A Lot Of Meat Flavor To Other Things
In Lieu Of More Meat Itself, And Plain Water
Stock/Broth Uses The Nutrients That Would Otherwise Be Thrown Out
And You Control Salt Content, If Any
In order to eat and live you have to kill or have someone to do the killing for you.
Hunting And Fishing For Most People
Isn't An Equitable Way Of Putting Protein On the Plate
Raising Chickens, Pigeons, And Rabbits
Isn't An Option For Most Either
I Love American SuperMarts
I'm not a vegan, but I am aware of the arguments that it takes up much more land and space and energy to raise cows. You basically need to feed the cows.
Bison Herds Stretched From Horizon To Horizon
Passenger Pigeons Darkened The Sky
And We Don't Have The Locust Swarms
Devouring All the Vegetation From Those Days Anymore
Space Is Not An Issue, Neither Is Grass/Hay Feed
The Great Plains Are Not The Eastern Sea-Board
Central Asia Is Even Bigger
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I'm not a vegan, but I am aware of the arguments that it takes up much more land and space and energy to raise cows. You basically need to feed the cows.

Also I don't think being vegan disqualifies him from being president.
Wanting others to be vegan is what disqualifies him. We just got out of the painful episode of big moo obama.
Oh, brother. Lots of ignorant comments on this thread. Veganism is not a left-wing thing, stop trying to make it one. Granted, the overall percentage of vegans who are "liberal" is higher than conservatives, but that is changing. In fact, I've noticed there's a growing number of libertarian vegans, and I think that makes sense, when you think about the non-aggression principle, etc. The bottom line is, there's nothing inherently lefty about's simply about choosing to NOT harm or exploit animals. It's about mercy / compassion. And please don't perpetuate the lie that "liberals" have a monopoly on compassion.

The Veganism we see via groups like PETA is a left wing thing. When you politicize and try to make a lifestyle out of your eating habits, and then try to force others to follow along, you rightly bring criticism and push back against you.

I don't have to hear about your soy based alternative to a hamburger, just eat the damn thing and leave me along with my real burger.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're misunderstanding veganism. It is not a diet. It's an ethical stance against the exploitation of animals, and it actually IS a way of living. A plant-based diet is part of it, but diet is only one aspect of veganism. It is clear from what you said that you think of meat-eating as strictly a personal choice. What you won't like to hear (but it's true) is that actual personal choices are victimless, they only affect the person making the choice. Eating meat and using animal products is not victimless, not only are sentient beings being enslaved, abused and brutally killed unnecessarily, but the environment is also affected, which ripples out and ultimately affects everyone.

That is why vegans try to reach others, instead of - as you said - eating their veggie burger and leaving people alone to eat their corpse burger. ;) All that said, I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. And I think MOST vegans see it that way too. Because forcing others is counterproductive. What vegans DO is simply try to inform people about what their daily choices are actually supporting. Thankfully, it isn't hard to get reasonable people with a heart to see that their actions are not in line with their values. The difficult part is dealing with people who after being shown what they are supporting simply don't care, and want to continue satisfying their tastebuds, putting that above all else.

Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.
I hope to never suffer the madness that would compel me to forgo cheese.

Don't they make something they call cheese but it really isn't cheese?

Even less so than American Cheese?

I've had vegan cheese that tastes exactly like 'regular' cheese. Except for minus the pus, hormones, cholesterol and most importantly the cruelty.


Cheese is cheese. soy crap is soy crap.

That you have to lie to prove your point shows you have none.
Vegan presidential candidate Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

So Democrats can get the Vegan vote and Republicans can get everyone who goes to McDonald’s, Wendy’s Burger King, Arby’s Chick-filet, Outback, Ruth’s Chris, etc., etc
You think a mcdonalds hamberder is meat? Lol

Booker is right in a way. If the world ate meat like we do, it would be calamitous. The US meat industry is often a vile endeavor. And if you remember back to biology, the energy conversion from plants to animals then animals to other animals is very poor. It would be better to eat less meat, pollute less, eat more nutritious and diverse plants. We could feed a lot more people that way.
Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.

Animals are not sentient?? You are a fool. And I don’t say things like that lightly.

And no, as long as you continue to support slitting the throats and terrorizing and torturing innocent beings, I will not be quiet. You will never ever silence me, and the more you try, the louder I will speak.
Vegan presidential candidate Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

So Democrats can get the Vegan vote and Republicans can get everyone who goes to McDonald’s, Wendy’s Burger King, Arby’s Chick-filet, Outback, Ruth’s Chris, etc., etc
You think a mcdonalds hamberder is meat? Lol

Booker is right in a way. If the world ate meat like we do, it would be calamitous. The US meat industry is often a vile endeavor. And if you remember back to biology, the energy conversion from plants to animals then animals to other animals is very poor. It would be better to eat less meat, pollute less, eat more nutritious and diverse plants. We could feed a lot more people that way.
Thank you for being reasonable and logical. That’s a rare thing around here.
I hope to never suffer the madness that would compel me to forgo cheese.

Don't they make something they call cheese but it really isn't cheese?

Even less so than American Cheese?

I've had vegan cheese that tastes exactly like 'regular' cheese. Except for minus the pus, hormones, cholesterol and most importantly the cruelty.

I won't eat anything unless I know it was savagely beaten with a rock first.
Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.

Animals are not sentient?? You are a fool. And I don’t say things like that lightly.

And no, as long as you continue to support slitting the throats and terrorizing and torturing innocent beings, I will not be quiet. You will never ever silence me, and the more you try, the louder I will speak.

You do realize mammals cannot see color, obviously a trained animal...
Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.

Animals are not sentient?? You are a fool. And I don’t say things like that lightly.

And no, as long as you continue to support slitting the throats and terrorizing and torturing innocent beings, I will not be quiet. You will never ever silence me, and the more you try, the louder I will speak.

You do realize mammals cannot see color, obviously a trained animal...

Pig’s eyes are actually similar to human eyes, at least compared to other animals. Reportedly, they don’t have the ability to see a full range of colors like we do, but they can differentiate between certain colors.

Also, pigs are actually one of the most intelligent animals, usually ranked more intelligent than dogs, and they are just as social as dogs, and curious, playful, with the ability to experience a range of emotions. There have been studies that show when it comes to problem-solving, they outsmart a 3 year old child.
Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.

Animals are not sentient?? You are a fool. And I don’t say things like that lightly.

And no, as long as you continue to support slitting the throats and terrorizing and torturing innocent beings, I will not be quiet. You will never ever silence me, and the more you try, the louder I will speak.

You do realize mammals cannot see color, obviously a trained animal...

Pig’s eyes are actually similar to human eyes, at least compared to other animals. Reportedly, they don’t have the ability to see a full range of colors like we do, but they can differentiate between certain colors.

Also, pigs are actually one of the most intelligent animals, usually ranked more intelligent than dogs, and they are just as social as dogs, and curious, playful, with the ability to experience a range of emotions. There have been studies that show when it comes to problem-solving, they outsmart a 3 year old child.

True, Pigs are intelligent compared to a lot of other animals. They are omnivores much like bears.
I do hunt hogs several times a year down south in Texas, they really can’t see any significant colors. I’ve heard they may be able to see shades of blue possibly, but mostly black, white and grays.
Animals are not sentient. Sorry, but that is the truth.

How about you go eat your fucking soy "burger" and leave the rest of us alone?

Pontificating assholes are pontificating assholes, regardless of how they feel they are trying to "help" things.

Animals are not sentient?? You are a fool. And I don’t say things like that lightly.

And no, as long as you continue to support slitting the throats and terrorizing and torturing innocent beings, I will not be quiet. You will never ever silence me, and the more you try, the louder I will speak.

Trained or rote learned behavior is not sentience.

And I just ate a sausage stromboli, the pork was excellent.

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