Vegan presidential candidate Crazy Cory Booker says Earth 'can't sustain' people eating meat

buttercup said:
Interestingly, the origin of meat-eating is actually demonic (read the book of Enoch) so I guess that shouldn't be surprising.
I Have The Book Of Enoch
Steer Me
(No Pun Intended)

1 Enoch 7:14 and other writings state that the fallen angels began to eat the flesh of animals (and they taught humans all sorts of things that went against God's will) That shows that flesh eating has a demonic origin and is definitely not in line with the original vegetarian command that God gave humans in Genesis 1.

Enoch 7:14 And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood.​
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buttercup said:
I was talking about the environment and animals.
Earth, Environment, Oceans, = Plants, Animals, Water
The article answers your question.
You Made The Statement
YOU Answer The Question
-- In Your Own Words

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants "Environment", Animals, Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"
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I support PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals

Enjoy your constipation. Tee hee hee.

I couldn't give a darn less about what Cory Booker thinks about anything, though.

The biggest polluter around is the US government. If not, it's a close second. It seems to me that asking for more of the US government is not actually asking for a solution, but instead asking for more of the problem.
Natural Citizen said:
asking for more of the US federal government is not the solution, but instead asking for more of the problem.
Banging Their Heads With A Hammer
Until It Stops Hurting
buttercup said:
I was talking about the environment and animals.
Earth, Environment, Oceans, = Plants, Animals, Water
The article answers your question.
You Made The Statement
YOU Answer The Question

What Is Humanity To Do
While Plants "Environment", Animals, Water
Get Your Indeterminate Time Of "Rest"

I don't know what answer you're looking for. I clearly stated that I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. But what I think would be GOOD, logical and wise would be for people to eat a plant-based diet and begin to respect the lives of the beautiful and sentient beings who also live here and want to live and enjoy life as much as you and I do. In other worlds, TRY to live in peace with others, and avoid causing suffering and harm to others, for purely unnecessary reasons.
As his first act in office Booker will sign an executive order prohibiting processing and or eating meat of any kind including fish.
In other worlds, TRY to live in peace with others, and avoid causing suffering and harm to others, for purely unnecessary reasons.
So eating is a purely unnecessary reason to you?

You do realize that not everyone can just go to a supermarket to get a tasty dinner roll, right?
"The tragic reality is this planet simply can't sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture (Translation: MEAT) because of environmental impact. It's just not possible."


I see Kamala Harris is not the only Democrat who has been smoking weed!

Evidently 'Spartacus' plans to continue his 'War Against Cow Farts' by banning Americans from...eating meat...or something?!

View attachment 245479


It's actually IS horrible for the environment, and it's true that if the whole world ate the S.A.D, it would be unsustainable. Do the research. It takes a crazy amount of water and food to feed the billions of farm animals bred for consumption. And the amount of crap produced (yes, literal shit) by those animals is astronomical, it fills entire lagoons, it contaminates nearby rivers and ground water, killing fish, and causing sickness in nearby communities. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of rainforests being destroyed to make room for livestock or food that goes to feed the livestock. It's destroying the planet. I say that as a conservative, btw.

Please don't be so hyper partisan to the point of denying something in a knee-jerk way, simply because a Democrat said it. Truth should always be the most important thing, not football mentality partisanship.
If this is your criteria, people should be eating other people instead of animals.

In fact, why not the growing flesh of unborn humanity. They aren't human, they aren't animals, they don't consume food and don't poop.

That's the progressive food of the future.
I don't know what answer you're looking for. I clearly stated that I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. But what I think would be GOOD, logical and wise would be for people to eat a plant-based diet and begin to respect the lives of the beautiful and sentient beings who also live here and want to live and enjoy life as much as you and I do. In other worlds, TRY to live in peace with others, and avoid causing suffering and harm to others, for purely unnecessary reasons.

I don't think people generally expect to run into libertarians who eat vegan. The programmed reaction is to respond by assuming one is a statist.
In other worlds, TRY to live in peace with others, and avoid causing suffering and harm to others, for purely unnecessary reasons.
So eating is a purely unnecessary reason to you?

You do realize that not everyone can just go to a supermarket to get a tasty dinner roll, right?

Eating animal flesh and secretions is unnecessary, and I wasn't talking about people who live in extreme settings where it genuinely is impossible to survive without killing animals. Let's start with the numerous modern settings, where it is more than just possible, but getting easier by the day to no longer partake in the barbaric, selfish animal industries. It's illogical to use extreme examples as an excuse for everyone.
That's the progressive food of the future.

Ma'am, I wouldn't give a bucket of piss for the consistency of a lot of you folks around here who have the humorous quirk of identifying yourselves as conservatives.

Aren't you one of the ones in the other thread who were calling for giving the federal government new powers to force the electorate to undergo intrusive medical procedures at the barrel of a government gun because feels? Big fan of government mandates, are we?

A lot of you make better leftists than the actual admitted leftists. At least the admitted leftists are intellectually honest and consistent. I can respect intellectual honesty and consistency.
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buttercup said:
I don't know what answer you're looking for..
I Think It's Clear Cut

Are You Just Full Of Shit ??

Make your point, or move on. And if you're going to quote me, don't cut out and ignore 98% of my post. The more you post, the more unreasonable you sound to me, so if you aren't going to make your point, then please don't waste my time.
I don't know what answer you're looking for. I clearly stated that I don't believe in forcing anyone to do anything. But what I think would be GOOD, logical and wise would be for people to eat a plant-based diet and begin to respect the lives of the beautiful and sentient beings who also live here and want to live and enjoy life as much as you and I do. In other worlds, TRY to live in peace with others, and avoid causing suffering and harm to others, for purely unnecessary reasons.

I don't think people generally expect to run into libertarians who eat vegan. The programmed reaction is to respond by assuming one is a statist.

Right? Well, I guess I should be more understanding, maybe they're elderly people who don't get out much. :)

Btw, since we're on this topic, I'm going to do a shameless plug here. This kind of goes along with what I've been saying.

Natural Citizen said:
the admitted leftists are intellectually honest and consistent.
I Think They're Intellectually Confused
And Consistent In Their Confusion

Like Vegan Is Necessarily A 'Statement'

I May Qualify As One
As Animal Protein Is More Of A Side To Me
Rather Than The Center Piece Of My Meal

There's A Guy That Goes To The Counter
And Orders A Vegetarian Pizza
Then There's The Guy That Orders His Vegetarian Pie
Like An Announcement To Everyone In Ear-Shot

What Do You Think Of The Latter Fella ??
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Natural Citizen said:
the admitted leftists are intellectually honest and consistent.
I Think They're Intellectually Confused
And Consistent In Their Confusion

Like Vegan Is Necessarily A 'Statement'

I May Qualify As One
As Animal Protein Is More Of A Side To Me
Rather Than The Center Piece Of My Meal

There's A Guy That Goes To The Counter
And Orders A Vegetarian Pizza
Then There's The Guy That Orders His Vegetarian Pie
Like An Announcement To Everyone In Ear-Shot

What Do You Think Of The Latter Fella ??

Ha. Yeah. There are people like that.

I try to avoid meat for health reasons. I think studies have led to the idea that red meat might be a major cause of diabetes, whereas the popular view has always been refined sugar and corn syrup and all of that.

The only real statement I partake in is the cause of liberty. As long as I'm not forced to do something at the barrel of agovernment gun, you'll not hear a peep from me.As long as I'm not forced at the barrel of a government gun to relinquish my civil liberties in order to placate other people's fears, I'm good.

People should be free to make rules for themselves so long as other people aren't forced to equally do the same by government mandate.

As far as the counter goes, I have an old fashioned checkbook I whip out like I'm mac daddy. That's kind of a similar comparison. I don't write checks other than to pay people but I keep some Federal Reserve Notes in there for the store.

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