vegan, vegetarian, or just normal food?

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Reduce is the operative stance. Eliminating all meat ain't gonna happen. And actually, meat consumption is down, mainly because of high prices.
That’s not what he said. But reducing* meat consumption is no where near as important as reducing our consumption of additives found in process foods including meats . Reduced meat eating happens more easily if it’s a personal choice based upon taste and hunger and not on “ cravings” caused by nutritional imbalanced.
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by themselves
OK, then what's the issue here?

I don't eat grapefruit. I don't like it.

Also not huge on this "aioli" craze that seems to be going on lately. Just gimme the mayo, thanks.

My father is a rancher so I have lotsa beef, and I just ate bacon and eggs for breakfast (a day's work for the chicken, a lifetime investment for the pig} with toast and some cantaloupe after.
Ha ha
Its naive statements like this that makes the average person wonder who the fk in charge. It’s we the PEOPLE not you the corporation.
Just so you know, the thread is about Vegan food. If you want to start a thread on cancerous food and ingredients, go for it, because I think that's where most cancers start

But for the brevity of this thread, the derailment should be under a different a thread.
Not exactly what I was getting at but also a point.
Well, you ask what is normal. The over 70% of Americans are overweight or obese and nearly half are obese.
The vast majority got that way eating processed and fast foods foods, which appears to be the norm the last several decades.
Just so you know, the thread is about Vegan food. If you want to start a thread on cancerous food and ingredients, go for it, because I think that's where most cancers start

But for the brevity of this thread, the derailment should be under a different a thread.
Why because you don’t know or care ? Need more information ?
Any discussion of diets MUST include the most unhealthy aspect of all diets…..
processed foods including MEATS with saturated fats, nitrates and hormones. . , Vegans and vegetarians to a lesser extent aren’t eating this shit.
Reduce is the operative stance. Meat consumption here is about 225 lbs. per person per year. But when you consider that older folks and young children really can't eat that much meat the picture is more troubling.

I love my meat. I eat beef, chicken, turkey (no pork), but I also eat/drink milk, cheese, and eggs, arguably 'animal' products as well. However, I eat no more than a pound per week of meats. That's one-eighth of average consumption. I eat about 5 eggs per week, 2 pieces of chicken, about 6 oz. of cheese, turkey at Thanksgiving only. I do drink lots of milk, about a gallon per week.

Healthy as a horse for my age, lovin' life.
Sounds reasonable. We don't buy red meat or bacon but I splurge with a Carne Burrito or steak a couple times a month. Lots of chicken, salmon and cod. I haven't had a fast food burger in years. Absolutely no soda pop. I like eggs mostly fried or boiled maybe 6 to 8 per week. Not much milk just on cereal.
Well, you ask what is normal. The over 70% of Americans are overweight or obese and nearly half are obese.
The vast majority got that way eating processed and fast foods foods, which appears to be the norm the last several decades.
I hate to see fat kids. There is just no excuse for that, terrible parenting.
I hate to see fat kids. There is just no excuse for that, terrible parenting.
I’m not defending people in their poor choices including perhaps vegans , but, kids from early on are easily swayed by fast foods and literally become addicted to them. There is an entire industry out there hiring food engineers to get people addicted to their foods…..including SODA…

We all know parents who actually did a good job and fed their kids good foods, only to see them become obese when the went out on their own into the world of fast foods.
Seeing kids go vegan would be the least of my worries.
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OK, then what's the issue here?

I don't eat grapefruit. I don't like it.

Also not huge on this "aioli" craze that seems to be going on lately. Just gimme the mayo, thanks.

My father is a rancher so I have lotsa beef, and I just ate bacon and eggs for breakfast (a day's work for the chicken, a lifetime investment for the pig} with toast and some cantaloupe after.
Funny, put another way. Your breakfast illustrates the difference between involved and committed.

The chicken is involved.:)
The pig is committed. :omg:
Why because you don’t know or care ? Need more information ?
Any discussion of diets MUST include the most unhealthy aspect of all diets…..
processed foods including MEATS with saturated fats, nitrates and hormones. . , Vegans and vegetarians to a lesser extent aren’t eating this shit.
No, the thread is vegan food. Read the op.
Well, you ask what is normal. The over 70% of Americans are overweight or obese and nearly half are obese.
The vast majority got that way eating processed and fast foods foods, which appears to be the norm the last several decades.
I understand and agree. As I said, it's a real point.

My point was that people deciding what they want to eat by themselves is normal. Be it healthy or not.

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