vegan, vegetarian, or just normal food?

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More importantly if cows, pigs, and chickens weren't intended for food then what were they intended for? I guess some people have different kinds of pigs for pets but they're mostly for ham, pork, and bacon.
Great point. The Bible reveals that they were made specially for food for us. :p
Other animals were made for food for...other animals. :omg:
Oh my word. Come on, RR. You're smarter than this!

Humor me and I don't mean that in a nasty way. If livestock animals aren't for eating then what are they for? Dogs have an endless amount of jobs, cats chase mice and are companion animals, horses are for riding and pulling stuff, what other purpose do cows, pigs, and chickens have other than providing food for us?
I've worked in a slaughterhouse. Believe me they don't know they are about to be killed. They don't even panic when the animal next to them is killed. Not all animals are like elephants.

Yes, they absolutely do! I could post numerous video clips if I wanted to.

They can smell the blood, they can hear the screams, and sometimes they actually have to see their family members or friends have their throats slit bleeding to death as they're hanging upside-down right before their eyes. They try to escape, and every once in a while they DO escape. I could post videos if that too, and I might, if I set aside the time.

I think you've purposely chosen willful blindness and suppression of the truth BECAUSE you worked in a slaughterhouse, and if you were to actually face the truth, you would be weighed down by guilt. Did you know that people who work in slaughterhouses have high rates of PTSD and they have one of the highest turnover rates in any industry? You have blocked yourself off and suppressed the reality..... I get it, I'm sure working in that environment does strange things to people.
For me, my reason for being vegan has nothing to with health. That said, as Blues Man already stated, I believe the WFPB diet IS the healthiest diet, that's been known to not only prevent disease but actually reverse disease. I'm WAY healthier now than I was before I went vegan 7 1/2 years ago. I almost never get sick anymore, even when people around me are sick. But I see the health benefits as just that...a side-benefit, but not the reason i'm vegan. I went vegan for the animals.
I don’t doubt it. As I posted before, vegans and vegetarians are healthier, because they do have more concern for their food in general. If you read some of the post by some meat eaters, they don’t even think we should be too concerned about what we put in our mouths.

Btw, this is an old movie favorite about an alien invasion by a plant based monster who came to earth to feed on human blood. Like, the shoe is in the other foot. But they deep fried the vegetable man in the end.

Yes, they absolutely do! I could post numerous video clips if I wanted to.

They can smell the blood, they can hear the screams, and sometimes they actually have to see their family members or friends have their throats slit bleeding to death as they're hanging upside-down right before their eyes. They try to escape, and every once in a while they DO escape. I could post videos if that too, and I might, if I set aside the time.

I think you've purposely chosen willful blindness and suppression of the truth BECAUSE you worked in a slaughterhouse, and if you were to actually face the truth, you would be weighed down by guilt. Did you know that people who work in slaughterhouses have high rates of PTSD and they have one of the highest turnover rates in any industry? You have blocked yourself off and suppressed the reality..... I get it, I'm sure working in that environment does strange things to people.
I am an eyewitness to reality. The only animals that showed fear were pigs, and they shouldn't be eaten.

We've had several animals escape from the slaughterhouse holding pen, several pigs and a cow. All returned before dark. We had chased the cow all over the neighborhood to no avail. She walked right back in on her own. The pigs also returned but gathered outside of the door, and we had to 'wheelbarrow' them in. Even then they didn't run off again.
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Quit lying. You know you're lying, that's obvious by your emoji, now you're just trolling.😝
Com'on now, lying down isn't lying i.e. being untruthful.

I gave you the NT scripture that supports my Pov. You can only tear so many pages out of your Bible until all you have left is a nice leather cover flapping in the breeze. ;)

Have you thought about Abel, or God in the garden yet?
Humor me and I don't mean that in a nasty way. If livestock animals aren't for eating then what are they for? Dogs have an endless amount of jobs, cats chase mice and are companion animals, horses are for riding and pulling stuff, what other purpose do cows, pigs, and chickens have other than providing food for us?

Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, and just as social. I've posted clips like this before, but since you asked, here are a few again....

Cows also are like grass puppies, once they know they can trust people....

Pigs are actually smarter than dogs, and just as social. I've posted clips like this before, but since you asked, here are a few again....

Cows also are like grass puppies, once they know they can trust people....

Yes I know but that doesn't explain what they're supposed to be for. I admit it pigs are smart and some of them are even cute and I wouldn't eat if I owned, but what is their purpose? That's the question I'm asking you.
Yes I know but that doesn't explain what they're supposed to be for. I admit it pigs are smart and some of them are even cute and I wouldn't eat if I owned, but what is their purpose? That's the question I'm asking you.

They were created to live alongside us, to be our companions, for us to LOVE them and take care of them.

NOT to be exploited and considered mere "resources" for our own selfish reasons.

I know I've posted this many times before, but this is the future new earth, according to the bible.....

The wolf will live with the lamb,​
and the leopard will lie down with the goat.​
The calf, the young lion, and the fatling will be together,​
and a child will lead them.​
The cow and the bear will graze,​
their young ones will lie down together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.​
An infant will play beside the cobra’s pit,​
and a toddler will put his hand into a snake’s den.​
None will harm or destroy another
on My entire holy mountain,​
for the land will be as full​
of the knowledge of the Lord​
as the sea is filled with water.​
Isaiah 11:6-9​
buttercup So in other words you're saying that they were also meant to be companion animals/pets? Funny but I can't picture a cow being in a pet store. Pigs have the greatest chance to be considered pets, chickens I guess so, but people like to eat their eggs too when they're unfertilized.
buttercup So in other words you're saying that they were also meant to be companion animals/pets? Funny but I can't picture a cow being in a pet store. Pigs have the greatest chance to be considered pets, chickens I guess so, but people like to eat their eggs too when they're unfertilized.

Of course different types of animals need different environments. I mean, cows obviously need more space than a cat or a pig.

But the bottom line is, when we look at original design and intent, Genesis 1:29-30, Genesis 2 and the prophetic scriptures make it crystal clear that animals were never intended to be mere menu items, or objects to be exploited for selfish reasons.

There's so much more that could be said about this.... really too much to say in posts on a thread. Which is why I created my ministry with my website, YouTube channel, etc.
Of course different types of animals need different environments. I mean, cows obviously need more space than a cat or a pig.

But the bottom line is, when we look at original design and intent, Genesis 1:29-30, Genesis 2 and the prophetic scriptures make it crystal clear that animals were never intended to be mere menu items, or objects to be exploited for selfish reasons.

There's so much more that could be said about this.... really too much to say in posts on a thread. Which is why I created my ministry with my website, YouTube channel, etc.

So if they were never intended for as food then why did God design them so that they could be that way? He had to know what was going to happen and I don't know a single person who wants farm animals as pets. As I said before pigs can be so I give you that much.
So if they were never intended for as food then why did God design them so that they could be that way?
Humans are "designed that way" as food to some demonic cultures. A tiger is "designed that way." So is your dog "designed that way " if you're a barbaric Asian. Why do you insist on looking foolish? Try to come up with better excuses for your lack of a heart

Cannibalism was practiced among prehistoric human beings, and it lingered into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures, notably in Fiji. But today the Korowai are among the very few tribes believed to eat human flesh.

Try to come up with better excuses for your lack of a heart

I tried to before with that's just how it is. Farm animals are on a farm to be slaughtered for meat with the exception of eggs, dairy farms, and most people don't eat sheep or horses. They're for wool and riding/pulling.
The thing is that people are either going to care about eating animals or they're not. I'm in the second group as I don't care, but for the people that do care you're not in the wrong either as you always have to do whatever you feel is right according to your own beliefs, but if somebody is a meat eater and has absolutely no interest in being a vegan or a vegetarian (as one just doesn't eat meat and the other doesn't eat meat or dairy products in case somebody didn't know the difference) then you can't really make them any more than they could make a vegan or a vegetarian a meat eater.

I already know that buttercup understands that and we're just having a discussion on the difference of opinions here, but I don't think that CarlinAnnArbor does as it seems like you're more about passing judgements than wanting to debate or simply just have a discussion.
Buttercup (and I) give you THE WORD OF GOD in this matter.

Simpletons quote OTHER people's words, as you have done.

In the Garden of Eden, BEFORE Man sinned, God gave them the fruit of the ground as FOOD.

When Christ returns, GOD SAYS we will not kill nor harm "IN ALL HIS HOLY MOUNTAIN".

I have shown here, in the past, that the apostles ate only nuts, grain, fruits and vegetables. They did not take lives as "food"

True Christians understand God's will in this matter. False "christians" succumb to their own carnal desires
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