vegan, vegetarian, or just normal food?

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I understand and agree. As I said, it's a real point.

My point was that people deciding what they want to eat by themselves is normal. Be it healthy or not.
Yup…my POV too. It’s the new normal…..fat is in. Now, among the healthcare community, it’s a different story.
Thanks, but I'm not offended. I think the church has bigger problems than food selection.

You just perfectly demonstrated my point about the Church in that reply. The callousness, apathy, anthropocentrism and total lack of love and mercy for GOD's beloved animals. And make no mistake, God doesn't casually disregard the evil horror show that has been going on with a dismissive wave of the hand, as you just did. Jesus said that the merciful will be shown mercy, and James said that judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy. The Church needs another reformation, because this is definitely the biggest blindspot among Christians, no doubt about that.
Thanks, but I'm not offended. I think the church has bigger problems than food selection.

Yeah like I just left my last church because they were talking about how learning pronouns matter to them in their Christmas Eve service.
The thread is a poll, vegan, vegetarian, or normal food.

In an upside-down world, "normal" is often not a good thing.

But as others have said, normal is different things to different people. I had a major paradigm shift and now I can honestly say that the idea of eating the decaying cadaver of a sick, abused animal who pleaded for mercy with their eyes before having their throat slit is not "normal."
Hard for fat parents to raise slender kids.

I’m not defending people in their poor choices including perhaps vegans , but, kids from early on are easily swayed by fast foods and literally become addicted to them. There is an entire industry out there hiring food engineers to get people addicted to their foods…..including SODA…

We all know parents who actually did a good job and fed their kids good foods, only to see them become obese when the went out on their own into the world of fast foods.
Seeing kids go vegan would be the least of my worries.
I am not at all advocating for kids to be vegan. We raised two healthy fit kids to healthy adulthood. IMO it's your job as a parent to keep them out of the fast food joints and away from the junk that is designed to addict them.
I am not at all advocating for kids to be vegan. We raised two healthy fit kids to healthy adulthood. IMO it's your job as a parent to keep them out of the fast food joints and away from the junk that is designed to addict them.
Easier said than done. There isn’t an after school activity that doesn’t stop at one of these joints coming home on a bus. Kids with with any freedom at all will be sucked into their lots.m
You just perfectly demonstrated my point about the Church in that reply. The callousness, apathy, anthropocentrism and total lack of love and mercy for GOD's beloved animals. And make no mistake, God doesn't casually disregard the evil horror show that has been going on with a dismissive wave of the hand, as you just did. Jesus said that the merciful will be shown mercy, and James said that judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy. The Church needs another reformation, because this is definitely the biggest blindspot among Christians, no doubt about that.
God formed certain animals for food, and as work animals, for us. Even our pets seem to have been made just for us. Why not enjoy them? I've cited NT scripture that confirms this.

There is no Biblical evidence for restricting one's diet to vegetables in order to make one more righteous than others.
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In an upside-down world, "normal" is often not a good thing.

But as others have said, normal is different things to different people. I had a major paradigm shift and now I can honestly say that the idea of eating the decaying cadaver of a sick, abused animal who pleaded for mercy with their eyes before having their throat slit is not "normal."
Some animals may display fear, but they don't know they are about to be killed. Heck, some people don't even know.
God formed certain animals for food, and as work animals, for us. Even our pets seem to have been made just for us. Why not enjoy them? I've cited NT scripture that confirms this.
Sure, these Akitas were nearly eaten to extinction during ww2 by the Japanese. Guess they were quite tasty. They were bred to be loyal work animals and family protectors of the children. So much for loyalty.
Sure, these Akitas were nearly eaten to extinction during ww2 by the Japanese. Guess they were quite tasty. They were bred to be loyal work animals and family protectors of the children. So much for loyalty.
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Those crazy Asians. But, even the kids know their dogs are going to eaten eventually even though they treat them like pets. When I was in Korea, I saw a man kill a dog with a club behind his house, and a group of women hanging a dog from a small tree on a busy street.
Those crazy Asians. But, even the kids know their dogs are going to eaten eventually even though they treat them like pets. When I was in Korea, I saw a man kill a dog with a club behind his house, and a group of women hanging a dog from a small tree on a busy street.

To me I think poor doggy, but every culture has different animals that they eat and don't eat. Thank God that in America eating dogs and cats are illegal though.
Those crazy Asians. But, even the kids know their dogs are going to eaten eventually even though they treat them like pets. When I was in Korea, I saw a man kill a dog with a club behind his house, and a group of women hanging a dog from a small tree on a busy street.
Of course. They are muscular and have more lean meat. I doubt that the Bible was specific enough to know that work animals can actually make more nutritious eating.
God formed certain animals for food, and as work animals, for us. Even our pets seem to have been made just for us. Why not enjoy them? I've cited NT scripture that confirms this.

Yet again you prove your anthropocentric, callous, self-serving mindset.

NO, God absolutely did NOT create animals to be mere menu items or objects placed here just for US, to be our slaves or mere "resources" for our selfish reasons. That is demonstrably unbiblical.

What you keep glossing over is the importance of original design and God's true intent for animals when He created them.

You always, always, always skip over the creation account and jump ahead to Genesis 9, which is NOT what God wanted, it was - at best - a concession due to the hardheartedness and sinful nature of mankind. But again, for the umpteenth time, that is NOT God's perfect will.

God's perfect will was made very clear in both Genesis 1, Genesis 2, and the prophetic scriptures about the world to come, when God restores that initial Edenic world of peace and harmony that was HIS intent in the first place. (Isaiah 11, Isaiah 65, etc)

His intent for creation did not change! Just because God allows bad things to happen in this fallen world doesn't mean it's what God wants!

God doesn't want you to be selfish and only think of animals in terms of how useful they are to YOU. They are not mere objects, they are intelligent sentient beings that have a soul, an individual personality, just like your dog or cat.... and a strong will to live and enjoy life just like you or me.

In addition to the clear scriptures about God's perfect will that I mentioned before, I could post hundreds of scriptures that say God wants us to LOVE, be merciful, treat others the way YOU would want to be treated if you were in their place, be at peace with others as opposed to harming others, and serve others instead of having that self-serving mindset.

Look, we all have free will and I'm not going to tell you what to do. However, I can say that as Christians if we want to walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, Christians should aim to honor God's perfect will, above God's permissive will. That should be a no-brainer.
Some animals may display fear, but they don't know they are about to be killed. Heck, some people don't even know.

That is BLATANTLY and demonstrably false! I'm amazed that you actually believe that, if you actually do.
Yet again you prove your anthropocentric, callous, self-serving mindset.

NO, God absolutely did NOT create animals to be mere menu items or objects placed here just for US, to be our slaves or mere "resources" for our selfish reasons. That is demonstrably unbiblical.

What you keep glossing over is the importance of original design and God's true intent for animals when He created them.

You always, always, always skip over the creation account and jump ahead to Genesis 9, which is NOT what God wanted, it was - at best - a concession due to the hardheartedness and sinful nature of mankind. But again, for the umpteenth time, that is NOT God's perfect will.

God's perfect will was made very clear in both Genesis 1, Genesis 2, and the prophetic scriptures about the world to come, when God restores that initial Edenic world of peace and harmony that was HIS intent in the first place. (Isaiah 11, Isaiah 65, etc)

His intent for creation did not change! Just because God allows bad things to happen in this fallen world doesn't mean it's what God wants!

God doesn't want you to be selfish and only think of animals in terms of how useful they are to YOU. They are not mere objects, they are intelligent sentient beings that have a soul, an individual personality, just like your dog or cat.... and a strong will to live and enjoy life just like you or me.

In addition to the clear scriptures about God's perfect will that I mentioned before, I could post hundreds of scriptures that say God wants us to LOVE, be merciful, treat others the way YOU would want to be treated if you were in their place, be at peace with others as opposed to harming others, and serve others instead of having that self-serving mindset.

Look, we all have free will and I'm not going to tell you what to do. However, I can say that as Christians if we want to walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, Christians should aim to honor God's perfect will, above God's permissive will. That should be a no-brainer.
It’s not easy talking about the actual science behind proper nutrition during an argument about what God intended for man’s food. If he can feed the multitudes with a few fish and loaves of bread, I wouldn’t worry about nutrition. What did god say about feeding kids with nitrates and HFCs ? That’s child abuse !
Yet again you prove your anthropocentric, callous, self-serving mindset.

NO, God absolutely did NOT create animals to be mere menu items or objects placed here just for US, to be our slaves or mere "resources" for our selfish reasons. That is demonstrably unbiblical.

What you keep glossing over is the importance of original design and God's true intent for animals when He created them.

You always, always, always skip over the creation account and jump ahead to Genesis 9, which is NOT what God wanted, it was - at best - a concession due to the hardheartedness and sinful nature of mankind. But again, for the umpteenth time, that is NOT God's perfect will.

God's perfect will was made very clear in both Genesis 1, Genesis 2, and the prophetic scriptures about the world to come, when God restores that initial Edenic world of peace and harmony that was HIS intent in the first place. (Isaiah 11, Isaiah 65, etc)

His intent for creation did not change! Just because God allows bad things to happen in this fallen world doesn't mean it's what God wants!

God doesn't want you to be selfish and only think of animals in terms of how useful they are to YOU. They are not mere objects, they are intelligent sentient beings that have a soul, an individual personality, just like your dog or cat.... and a strong will to live and enjoy life just like you or me.

In addition to the clear scriptures about God's perfect will that I mentioned before, I could post hundreds of scriptures that say God wants us to LOVE, be merciful, treat others the way YOU would want to be treated if you were in their place, be at peace with others as opposed to harming others, and serve others instead of having that self-serving mindset.

Look, we all have free will and I'm not going to tell you what to do. However, I can say that as Christians if we want to walk the walk instead of just talk the talk, Christians should aim to honor God's perfect will, above God's permissive will. That should be a no-brainer.
What is your take on righteous Abel? Does he get a pass? Does God get a pass for killing and skinning an animal to cover the sin of Adam and Eve?
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What is your take on righteous Abel?

More importantly if cows, pigs, and chickens weren't intended for food then what were they intended for? I guess some people have different kinds of pigs for pets but they're mostly for ham, pork, and bacon.
It’s not easy talking about the actual science behind proper nutrition during an argument about what God intended for man’s food. If he can feed the multitudes with a few fish and loaves of bread, I wouldn’t worry about nutrition. What did god say about feeding kids with nitrates and HFCs ? That’s child abuse !

For me, my reason for being vegan has nothing to with health. That said, as Blues Man already stated, I believe the WFPB diet IS the healthiest diet, that's been known to not only prevent disease but actually reverse disease. I'm WAY healthier now than I was before I went vegan 7 1/2 years ago. I almost never get sick anymore, even when people around me are sick. But I see the health benefits as just that...a side-benefit, but not the reason i'm vegan. I went vegan for the animals.
More importantly if cows, pigs, and chickens weren't intended for food then what were they intended for? I guess some people have different kinds of pigs for pets but they're mostly for ham, pork, and bacon.

Oh my word. Come on, RR. You're smarter than this!

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