vegan, vegetarian, or just normal food?

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The thing is that people are either going to care about eating animals or they're not. I'm in the second group as I don't care, but for the people that do care you're not in the wrong either as you always have to do whatever you feel is right according to your own beliefs, but if somebody is a meat eater and has absolutely no interest in being a vegan or a vegetarian (as one just doesn't eat meat and the other doesn't eat meat or dairy products in case somebody didn't know the difference) then you can't really make them any more than they could make a vegan or a vegetarian a meat eater.

I already know that buttercup understands that and we're just having a discussion on the difference of opinions here, but I don't think that CarlinAnnArbor does as it seems like you're more about passing judgements than wanting to debate or simply just have a discussion.

It's not about trying to "make" anyone do anything. Not only would that be wrong, but it would be pointless, because unless a person has a genuine change of mind and heart, even if they were go plantbased, it would be short-lived.

But people change their views all the time. In fact, believe it or not, MOST vegans at one point in their past said, "I could never be a vegetarian or vegan." I've mentioned this before, but I distinctly remember saying those words... very firmly. :lol:

I've changed my views on a number of issues over the years. Saying this might ruffle some feathers here, but that's what happens when you value truth and justice. It's good to change one's view on an issue IF one previously didn't know all the facts, and upon learning the facts realized that they were on the wrong side of a debate....and put truth first, above tradition, or one's own desires, or pre-existing beliefs they were conditioned into.

So it's more about sharing information and correcting false ideas...that's what Blues Man, CarlinAnnArbor and I have been doing. When it comes to this whole topic, I mainly focus on Christians, because if someone professes to be a Christian, I'm going to assume that they care about the things that God cares about. And contrary to popular belief, God absolutely DOES care about the animals. They are even included in certain important covenants, and they will absolutely be in heaven... in fact, they will be there way before many callous self-serving people who may profess to be Christian.
You give her undeserved credit

I just figured that with all the videos I've posted of farm animals being affectionate and playing with people just like dogs or cats would, that it wouldn't be THAT hard to figure out that they were meant to be (pardon the Veganese phrase) friends not food. :lol:
I just figured that with all the videos I've posted of farm animals being affectionate and playing with people just like dogs or cats would, that it wouldn't be THAT hard to figure out that they were meant to be (pardon the Veganese phrase) friends not food. :lol:
It isn't hard. Stubbornness and pride have deep roots, even in professing "christians"
So just going on your argument buttercup, does that mean that God doesn't care about plants?

I'm sorry RR.... cause I don't know how to say this in a polite way, but if you are trying to equate animals with plants, that is BY FAR the dumbest, most idiotic argument against veganism, of ALL the "arguments." And honestly, to me that one is not even worth dignifying with a reply.

So, come up with something else. (I gotta eat dinner, so I was about to sign off here soon anyway.)
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Easier said than done. There isn’t an after school activity that doesn’t stop at one of these joints coming home on a bus. Kids with with any freedom at all will be sucked into their lots.m
Definitely not easy and probably even harder than when we raised our kids 20+ years ago. But if the kid's got a belly then the parents have to step up.
Definitely not easy and probably even harder than when we raised our kids 20+ years ago. But if the kid's got a belly then the parents have to step up.
I’m not responsible for my children‘s dietary habits once they leave the nest and neither is any parent. When ever they visit, I hope our kids always see what they were raised with, good nutrition being practiced. They're on their own. If they want advice, they’ll ask.
Exactly, but these incomplete proteins need to be synthesized into complete proteins which isn’t done as easily as we age. Throw in blood thinners, Lipitor and all this other shit older farders take, and a balanced diet can look a little different.

A favorite combination of mine for years for complete proteins is peanut butter and cheese sandwiches…..which eventually started to include diced onions and sauerkraut.
Top it off with an apple and 18 holes of golf becomes doable with little effort.

Says who?

I didn't go WFPB until I was 50 and I have no problems
Exactly….and it’s not practical. There is a limit to how quickly you can recover from surgery or an injury eating nothing but plant based foods and supplements.
and you have a scientific study that supports that ?
The carnivorous animal kingdom doesn't care about eating other animals so why should I?

Agree one hundred percent with you, so I guess that means that Hell has frozen over.

That's ridiculous. 🙄

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I'd take it. Especially as a non-driver myself. I love horses and horseback riding. :)
So you're no better than an animal?

You have no power to make choices of a higher order than an animal?

And the science is the science the standard American diet is not promoted because it's actually good for you it's promoted because the meat and dairy industries hold unimaginable power over state and federal governments.
and you have a scientific study that supports that ?
There are dozens of testimonial on line surgical recommendations for patients. It’s really a no brainier. This is an excerpt in particular to protein. Vegan and vegetarian just does cut it as an easy source to keep up with recommendations.

“Protein intake is especially important for modulating surgical stress and supporting recovery, yet surgical patients significantly under-consume protein, taking in about 22–36% of estimated requirements [6]. Consequences of malnutrition and inadequate protein intake are more serious for older adults, due in large part “to the challenge of maintaining muscle mass. Malnutrition in older patients leads to rapid deterioration of cardiometabolic health, strength, functionality, independence, and an increased risk of mortality [7].”

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There are dozens of testimonial on line surgical recommendations for patients. It’s really a no brainier. This is an except in particular to protein. Vegan and vegetarian just doesn’t cut it.

“Protein intake is especially important for modulating surgical stress and supporting recovery, yet surgical patients significantly under-consume protein, taking in about 22–36% of estimated requirements [6]. Consequences of malnutrition and inadequate protein intake are more serious for older adults, due in large part “to the challenge of maintaining muscle mass. Malnutrition in older patients leads to rapid deterioration of cardiometabolic health, strength, functionality, independence, and an increased risk of mortality [7].”

There are dozens of testimonial on line surgical recommendations for patients. It’s really a no brainier. This is an except in particular to protein. Vegan and vegetarian just does cut it as an easy source to keep up with recommendations.

“Protein intake is especially important for modulating surgical stress and supporting recovery, yet surgical patients significantly under-consume protein, taking in about 22–36% of estimated requirements [6]. Consequences of malnutrition and inadequate protein intake are more serious for older adults, due in large part “to the challenge of maintaining muscle mass. Malnutrition in older patients leads to rapid deterioration of cardiometabolic health, strength, functionality, independence, and an increased risk of mortality [7].”

Malnourished patients don't recover well.

People who don't eat meat are not necessarily malnourished.

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