Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

When the small business employers ask me what to tell their employees when they are let go, I tell them to ask if that employee voted for obama. If so, what did they expect. Everyone knew this was going to happen. It's not like it was some secret. Boeing is reducing its workforce by 30%, lower than the 2010 levels. Compared to this, 22 lost jobs is small.

You give any hint...any hint at all...that you pick those you fire based on their politics, you deserve to be sued into bankruptcy.

Political parties are not a protected class. So that's the first hurdle. Get democrats a protected class like blacks and gays.

Do people really need to be told they are getting fired because obama won? They can't be so stupid that they won't make the connection. Don't tell them, just fire them anyway. Then move the business to China or India.
I guess the question is, why are they giving these workers top wages? To keep the union out.

I mean, otherwise, they'd just go down to the Home Depot and get some Day Laborers...

They sell day laborers at the Home Depot? Wow, I gotta get am a couple of those. Are they expensive?

Depends, in SoCal they're damned near free.

Up here they appear to make a better living panhandling on street corners. At least that seems to be a preferred professional choice...
They sell day laborers at the Home Depot? Wow, I gotta get am a couple of those. Are they expensive?

Don't be obtuse... anyone knows if you want to get some cheap labor quick, you offer some day laborers $50.00 for the day and they will hang your drywall in record time.

I'll hang my own drywall, thank you. At least I am assured of having quality work done the way I want it done. I might offer them a couple of bucks and a hot meal to shovel my barn, though.
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

If it's an at-will employment situation, he can let his employees go for pretty much any reason other than discrimination against race, religion, ethnicity, sex.
And if he IS a worker in this world, he would be foolish NOT to "unite" with other workers.

Appeasement never works, and as per our own nation's stated government policy, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

It never ceases to amaze me the penchant for some within the same economic class to think that contracted benefits union employees are an obscenity - swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses, even applauds, the CEOs and owners of industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend.

Many people currently advocate for a balance between public and private sector wages and benefits, but it would not be a "balance," it would rather be a leveling of wages and benefits, and the only direction privately owned industry will ever level wages and benefits is down. Meanwhile, prices continue to rise, and because corporations got rid of the people who once provided the service they charge such high prices for (The consumer is now considered to be just as much of an unnecessary and unpleasant overhead as labor traditionally has been), customer service continues to deteriorate. Whenever the ugly and inevitable results become evident, the advocates of supply side policies point to their handiwork as proof of the ―inefficiency of government bureaucracy and claim that, unregulated, and free from the constraints of collective bargaining laws, the private sector can do the job better. They‘ll also claim that they can do it cheaper. And, oh, by the way, they just happen to know a guy…

Complete and utter bullshit. Unions had their place 100 years ago, but the corruption and cronyism of the current structure makes them a curse rather than a blessing. In my personal experience I've dealt with union thugs trying to 'organize' construction workers on jobs as small as home roof repairs to jobs as large as 20 story office buildings.

The workers on these jobs were ALREADY getting top wages and benefits WITHOUT the union, yet these thugs would try to intimidate the workers into demanding 'representation'. Why? Obviously so the union could legally extort 'dues' from these workers, simultaneously increasing the union's bottom line while providing ZERO benefit to the workers.

I've worked for many non-union shops that treat their employees like gold and consequently reap the benefit of a well-trained and EXTREMELY loyal group of employees.

So...we don't need the 2nd amendment anymore either?

WTF? Where did you get THAT idea?

Personally, I believe in an ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment, and that it will become NECESSARY for people to be able to defend themselves, their loved ones and their homes when the money runs out, a la Greece, and the rioting begins.

You do realize that the money WILL run out, don't you?
Complete and utter bullshit. Unions had their place 100 years ago, but the corruption and cronyism of the current structure makes them a curse rather than a blessing. In my personal experience I've dealt with union thugs trying to 'organize' construction workers on jobs as small as home roof repairs to jobs as large as 20 story office buildings.

The workers on these jobs were ALREADY getting top wages and benefits WITHOUT the union, yet these thugs would try to intimidate the workers into demanding 'representation'. Why? Obviously so the union could legally extort 'dues' from these workers, simultaneously increasing the union's bottom line while providing ZERO benefit to the workers.

I've worked for many non-union shops that treat their employees like gold and consequently reap the benefit of a well-trained and EXTREMELY loyal group of employees.

So...we don't need the 2nd amendment anymore either?

WTF? Where did you get THAT idea?

Personally, I believe in an ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment, and that it will become NECESSARY for people to be able to defend themselves, their loved ones and their homes when the money runs out, a la Greece, and the rioting begins.

You do realize that the money WILL run out, don't you?

The money will NEVER run out. As long as there's paper and ink there's money.
Up here they appear to make a better living panhandling on street corners. At least that seems to be a preferred professional choice...

Better effort:reward ratio, no doubt.

Local news has interviewed these folks periodically and they claim they make out like bandits.

When I was in high school, there was a news report about a dead homeless woman that was discovered to be sleeping on a mattress of money. The reporter said that old lady had nearly $1 million.

To this day I can't understand the logic in that.

They get top wages because they are very good at their jobs. Why would an employer want to trade highly skilled, WILLING workers for union thugs who stare at their watch waiting for their next union-mandated break time?

Oh, gosh, How dare they actually want BREAKS!!!

The horror of it all.

Why couldn't they be go-getters like these kids...


They get top wages because they are very good at their jobs. Why would an employer want to trade highly skilled, WILLING workers for union thugs who stare at their watch waiting for their next union-mandated break time?

Oh, gosh, How dare they actually want BREAKS!!!

The horror of it all.

Why couldn't they be go-getters like these kids...


It's not that they get breaks, it's their attitude about it.

I worked briefly in the painters union. One day I was told to go hide in a closet so I could stay on the clock while there was nothing to have me go do.

Not to mention, on a project if there's so much as a SCREW that needs to be tightened on something, if any union worker on the job besides a laborers union guy tightens that screw, all hell breaks loose.

The way union work is managed is just ridiculous.
God forbid a union plumber has a couple minutes free time and wants to sweep up a mess on the floor on a project. Nope. Gotta call a laborer in for that.

They get top wages because they are very good at their jobs. Why would an employer want to trade highly skilled, WILLING workers for union thugs who stare at their watch waiting for their next union-mandated break time?

Oh, gosh, How dare they actually want BREAKS!!!

The horror of it all.

Why couldn't they be go-getters like these kids...


You miss my point, unsurprisingly. It's not the break that's the problem, it's the staring at the clock DOING NOTHING BUT WAITING for the break that's the problem.
The only facts we have are, is some guy, claims he fired 22 of his staff because Obama won, on a right wing talk show. He refused to give either his name or his business name. Smells like bullshit.

They get top wages because they are very good at their jobs. Why would an employer want to trade highly skilled, WILLING workers for union thugs who stare at their watch waiting for their next union-mandated break time?

Oh, gosh, How dare they actually want BREAKS!!!

The horror of it all.

Why couldn't they be go-getters like these kids...


It's not that they get breaks, it's their attitude about it.

I worked briefly in the painters union. One day I was told to go hide in a closet so I could stay on the clock while there was nothing to have me go do.

Not to mention, on a project if there's so much as a SCREW that needs to be tightened on something, if any union worker on the job besides a laborers union guy tightens that screw, all hell breaks loose.

The way union work is managed is just ridiculous.

I've almost always worked piecework in construction, and made very good money doing it. My first experience working 'on the clock' was an eye-opener. I was standing outside the Porta-John waiting to take a leak and the guy in it didn't come out for 15 minutes. When I asked him WTF took him so long he gave me a piece of advice.

He said, "You're on the clock now, not the job. Never shit at home, never sweat at work."

Just a few years ago I was working with a partner doing metal stud framing. We had been working by the piece for about 6 months and at the conclusion of that project we got nice bonuses from our employer for finishing our work on time and under budget. We then got hired on to a remodel project for a major hotel chain. We were a supplement to the union framers on the job, hired because the job was a month behind schedule.

On our first day, 2 hours before the end of our shift the foreman came up to us and asked us how many rooms we had completed. When we told him that we were on our 7th unit he told us to slow the fuck down, we were making everybody else look bad.

By the time Phase One was completed our foreman and his union men were fired, we were both working as supervisors, and Phase 2 was ours to run. On time, under budget and punch list compliant.

Fuck a union!
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Oh, gosh, How dare they actually want BREAKS!!!

The horror of it all.

Why couldn't they be go-getters like these kids...


It's not that they get breaks, it's their attitude about it.

I worked briefly in the painters union. One day I was told to go hide in a closet so I could stay on the clock while there was nothing to have me go do.

Not to mention, on a project if there's so much as a SCREW that needs to be tightened on something, if any union worker on the job besides a laborers union guy tightens that screw, all hell breaks loose.

The way union work is managed is just ridiculous.

I've almost always worked piecework in construction, and made very good money doing it. My first experience working 'on the clock' was an eye-opener. I was standing outside the Porta-John waiting to take a leak and the guy in it didn't come out for 15 minutes. When I asked him WTF took him so long he gave me a piece of advice.

He said, "You're on the clock now, not the job. Never shit at home, never sweat at work."

Just a few years ago I was working with a partner doing metal stud framing. We had been working by the piece for about 6 months and at the conclusion of that project we got nice bonuses from our employer for finishing our work on time and under budget. We then got hired on to a remodel project for a major hotel chain. We were a supplement to the union framers on the job, hired because the job was a month behind schedule.

On our first day, 2 hours before the end of our shift the foreman came up to us and asked us how many rooms we had completed. When we told him that we were on our 7th unit he told us to slow the fuck down, we were making everybody else look bad.

By the time Phase One was completed our foreman and his union men were fired, we were both working as supervisors, and Phase 2 was ours to run. On time, under budget and punch list compliant.

Fuck a union!
Sounds like the way it is with every union project around here.

And this doesn't even touch the aspect of non union companies doing work in "union territory". I've seen unions sabotage expensive equipment because a non union company got the contract. While they sit there with their big fucking blow up rat, wasting their precious time protesting while they could be fucking trying to get WORK somewhere.

No one is ENTITLED to a project. Non union workers have families to feed too.
When that presidents policies increase the cost of retaining that employee to the point it is no longer fiscally feasible to keep paying him even if he is doing the work the employee loses his job. It's all in the math.

Except that the Obama policies actually reduced the cost of employees, and he made clear he would continue the policies that added over 5 million private sector jobs in his first 4 years. Did you know that there was a net private sector job loss under 8 years of Bush? did you know that Obama created more private sector jobs than Reagan in his first term?

Of course you don't, or refuse to acknowledge documented facts. It's much easier to live the myth in a polarized world if you ignore reality.

No it did not stop lying Some jobs were added but how much where people paid an hour too work?

They count part time jobs the same as full time jobs. I would bet the vast majority of the jobs under Reagan were full time and a large percentage under Obama are part time.

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