Vegas murders motive, my guess

His brother made it sound like he had a lot of girlfriends over the years and had a penchant for dumping them unceremoniously. Also the current girlfriend is asian and the blurred out female in the photo of him with his eyes closed also looks asian. A high roller with no apparent online presence who likes small asian females...
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY do you say , no sign of jihad ?? The simple mass murder is a sign of 'jihad' . I didn't look at the link yet but that sort of blessed islamic deception is called ' taqiyah' and is a basic of 'islam ' . ---------------- My sorta theory is , 'paddock' cased a couple events before he did what he did in 'vegas' . The reason that he and his 'jihadi' handlers settled on 'vegas' was due to some huge jet fuel tanks that i have heard about that were close to the event which they considered to be Bonus targets . Interesting that those or one of the fuel tanks were penetrated by one or more bullets but they are double hulled fuel tanks and the inner tank was not penetrated . Also heard that this murderer was trying to buy 'tracer rounds' which would set off fuel if a leak from those fuel tanks was created EFMinor .

Agree it sure looked like an act of jihad, but the perp, not so much.

That's the name they mentioned on the radio news story, taqiyah.

Those fuel tanks would have required something like a .338 or better yet a fifty cal.

Nope. Double walled for just such occurrences.
His brother made it sound like he had a lot of girlfriends over the years and had a penchant for dumping them unceremoniously. Also the current girlfriend is a asian and the blurred out female in the photo of him with his eyes closed also looks asian. A high roller with no apparent online presence who likes small asian females...

His current girlfriend was a waitress for high rollers at casinos, and that is how they met.
Sometimes ... people just be crazy.
I remember the Texas University tower shooter, a smart white guy, he had a brain tumor that made him prone to shoot his wife and mother, then moved on to murder 14 innocent people. SO, if we can't determine who might be a mass shooter, why not repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Why don't you just move to another country and leave the rest of us alone? That would be easier.

You don't have any support for repeal. Go ahead and get your Congressman to write a bill!

See if they stand any chance of getting reelected in 2018!
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
Hell we haven't heard anything medical as of yet, hell for all we know he could have developed a brain tumor or had long term undiagnosed syphilis which will affect the brain.

He was eating prescription Diazapam with an alcohol chaser.

Yes, and deaths due to Valium/alcohol overdoes are soaring. I've not seen evidence it leads to mass murder, though I'm sure it did help either.

It can in rare cases lead to thoughts of suicide, delusional thinking and the un-inhibiting of pre-existing violent tendencies.

He didn't stay high on Valium and drunk for the year and a half it took him to buy all of those guns and ammo.

He didn't start taking Valium until recently.
Sometimes ... people just be crazy.
I remember the Texas University tower shooter, a smart white guy, he had a brain tumor that made him prone to shoot his wife and mother, then moved on to murder 14 innocent people. SO, if we can't determine who might be a mass shooter, why not repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
I remember the Texas University tower shooter, a smart white guy, he had a brain tumor that made him prone to shoot his wife and mother, then moved on to murder 14 innocent people. SO, if we can't determine who might be a mass shooter, why not repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?
Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

the ability to defend ourselves...
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

the ability to defend ourselves...
Yes, I never thought of that. We NEED guns to defend us from people WITH guns. Brilliant.
Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I lose the freedom to defend myself and my family against criminals who will have no fear about breaking down my door in the middle of the night. The deterrence of my firearms will no longer be valid.

Why do you think cities with strict gun laws have such high numbers of shootings? The victims have no recourse to defend themselves.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
:bs1::eusa_liar: Then why did he attempt the Chicago Lollapalooza where he could have killed Malia Obama?

He most likely chose Vegas because of it's proximity to 2 large aviation gasoline tanks that he shot up trying to cause an even bigger disaster.

Jets do not use aviation gasoline. It's similar to kerosene and harder than hell to ignite.
No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

the ability to defend ourselves...
Yes, I never thought of that. We NEED guns to defend us from people WITH guns. Brilliant.

Are you fucking stupid? Literally the only thing that prevents violent thugs from invading our homes is not knowing whether or not the occupants are armed. The exclusive upscale neighborhoods like you apparently live in are especially juicy targets.
No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

the ability to defend ourselves...
Yes, I never thought of that. We NEED guns to defend us from people WITH guns. Brilliant.

It doesn't have to guns. They could be armed with a knife, baseball bat, frying pan, etc.
I am trying to put this in nicely, but this is just ONE reason to repeal the second amendment on the grounds it's outdated and invalid.
You believe the ability to defend oneself is "outdated" and "invalid?"
Yet that gets twisted into defending a mass shooter. Defending yourself yes, mass shooting, not so much.I have seen how Tommy guns were sold back in the twenties in sales catalogs, the mobsters got a hold of them and we got the valentines day massacre and the Chicago typewriter. Bump stocks. And this mass shooting in LV, I doubt our founding fathers had any of this in mind when they penned the 2nd amendment. It's been abused to our detriment, not our betterment. Self defense? Get a lawyer. Let's end the madness, repeal the second amendment.

OK, you have just proven yourself to be a one-trick pony. Self defense? Get a lawyer?

What good does a lawyer do you when you are DEAD?
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I lose the freedom to defend myself and my family against criminals who will have no fear about breaking down my door in the middle of the night. The deterrence of my firearms will no longer be valid.

Why do you think cities with strict gun laws have such high numbers of shootings? The victims have no recourse to defend themselves.
Call me skeptical, but how many criminals have you or anyone else here actually stopped with firearms ?
The Sheriff says it possibly was "radicalization".

Do we know more than the Sheriff?
I surely hope we do.

If an intelligent man (Paddock was an accountant), a born and fully conditioned American, can be sufficiently radicalized to do what he did, we are talking about a Manchurian Candidate capability which calls for an immediate frontal attack with the objective of exterminating Islam. I'm talking about the Tenth Crusade with the entire Western World intending to leave no survivors. Total annihilation.

Or they will, because they can, do it to us. If they can radicalize and direct the will of a man like Paddock it's just a matter of time until our own children will be plotting against us.

You can think what you want. In all truth I couldn't care less what you think.

I prefer to listen to the Sheriff comments when he says Paddock possibly was radicalized.

As simple as that.:dunno:

Paddock was also possibly a female transvestite who liked to gargle peanut butter on the top of whaling ships in the middle of Siberia.

Just because the Sheriff said that, doesn't not make it true. When they asked him what evidence he had, and he said nothing.
No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Freedom is great. What you propose is not.
Why are so many of you threatened by this? What do we lose here?

I lose the freedom to defend myself and my family against criminals who will have no fear about breaking down my door in the middle of the night. The deterrence of my firearms will no longer be valid.

Why do you think cities with strict gun laws have such high numbers of shootings? The victims have no recourse to defend themselves.
Call me skeptical, but how many criminals have you or anyone else here actually stopped with firearms ?

The fact that I own them is the deterrent. People will not break into my house if they suspect I might have a handgun/rifle/shotgun because they don't want to get dead.

I guarantee that anyone attempting to break into my house will have a hard time doing so because I have dogs that will raise the alarm and my weapons are handy.

it is probably likely my neighbors do also as I surrounded by veterans and active duty Army. Those are houses where guns live.

Edited to add:
My daughter-in-law's mother and stepfather were sitting watching TV in their apartment one evening. Suddenly the door burst open and three teenagers, two females and one male entered. The male was armed with a sawed-off double barrel shotgun. When her stepdad stood up, with his hands up, the teen fired both barrels, striking him in the hand and shoulder. The blasts blew three fingers off his right hand and about a 3 inch diameter hole in his front shoulder area. The teens then fled the scene. This was their second attack of the evening and the cops were on their trail and located the car from a description from the first incident and watched as they tried to throw the weapon from the car.

My daughter-in-laws parents biggest mistake? They lived in an apartment complex in a high crime area and did not lock their door while they were home.
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