Vegas murders motive, my guess

So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.

He had no political affiliation. Quit making shit up.
Vegas murders motive?

Well, let's see.....

Here we might have a motive,and this comes from the horse's mouth.

Surely the Sheriff knows a thing or two more than we know, right?

He talks about the possibility of Paddock's radicalization.

Actually, what you heard came right from the horse's ass.
Three possible motives
1) religious
2) political
3) insanity

BTW can't trust his brother saying that he wasn't religious or political or insane
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.

He had no political affiliation. Quit making shit up.

Shallow Skeeve gets her "facts" from the same place she stores her head.

Straight outta her ass.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
:bs1::eusa_liar: Then why did he attempt the Chicago Lollapalooza where he could have killed Malia Obama?

He most likely chose Vegas because of it's proximity to 2 large aviation gasoline tanks that he shot up trying to cause an even bigger disaster.
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So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
Then why did he attempt the Chicago Lollapalooza where he could have killed Malia Obama?

He most likely chose Vegas because of it's proximity to 2 large aviation gasoline tanks that he shot up trying to cause an even bigger disaster.

I think he didn't do it in Chicago because he couldn't get the room he needed.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.

He had no political affiliation. Quit making shit up.
why would a millionaire commit such a crime? Either he was diagnosed with a terminal illness or was about to go to prison for something. I heard a report that he was an arms dealer who used his pilot's license to run guns.
I am trying to put this in nicely, but this is just ONE reason to repeal the second amendment on the grounds it's outdated and invalid.
You believe the ability to defend oneself is "outdated" and "invalid?"
Yet that gets twisted into defending a mass shooter. Defending yourself yes, mass shooting, not so much.I have seen how Tommy guns were sold back in the twenties in sales catalogs, the mobsters got a hold of them and we got the valentines day massacre and the Chicago typewriter. Bump stocks. And this mass shooting in LV, I doubt our founding fathers had any of this in mind when they penned the 2nd amendment. It's been abused to our detriment, not our betterment. Self defense? Get a lawyer. Let's end the madness, repeal the second amendment.
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Sometimes ... people just be crazy.
I remember the Texas University tower shooter, a smart white guy, he had a brain tumor that made him prone to shoot his wife and mother, then moved on to murder 14 innocent people. SO, if we can't determine who might be a mass shooter, why not repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Because the 2nd Amendment is there to make sure that it isn't the GOVERNMENT doing the mass murdering. If you want to see how bad it can really get, let a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats loose to kill those who they don't like.
I am trying to put this in nicely, but this is just ONE reason to repeal the second amendment on the grounds it's outdated and invalid.
You believe the ability to defend oneself is "outdated" and "invalid?"
Yet that gets twisted into a defending a mass shooter. Defending yourself yes, mass shooting, not so much.I have seen how Tommy guns were sold in back in the twenties in sales catalogs, the the mobsters got a hold of them and we got the valentines day massacre and the Chicago typewriter. Bump stocks. And this mass shooting in LV, I doubt our founding fathers had any of this in mind when they penned the 2nd amendment.

No, they were far more worried about the government doing it. Thus the 2nd Amendment.
What is so intimidating about repealing an obviously outdated Amendment? One that is so obviously not necessary and enables crime? What kind of people have we become? Guns aren't necessary to a healthy democracy and its a sign of posters here that they are so defensive about this issue.

Some could argue that, in today's society, the First amendment is outdated. With so many people being offended by the words of others, with the desire for an accepting and homogeneous society in which everyone respects everyone else, in country where so many wish to silence those with opposing views that make the previous stated goals difficult, why not repeal the First amendment?

Why not the Third amendment while you're at it? Who could argue the value of being forced to provide shelter for soldiers in your home? Without your guns, you would be more safe with a soldier or two under your roof. While they're there they can make sure you're not speaking anything considered dissension...

And the Fourth, if you've got nothing to hide there's no need for the Fourth...

Fifth and Sixth? Fuck 'em, who needs them?

Where would you stop in your effort to deny people rights? What is acceptable?

Why are you willing to allow terrorists, criminals, and crazies to dictate what rights we as a free society have?
I am trying to put this in nicely, but this is just ONE reason to repeal the second amendment on the grounds it's outdated and invalid.
You believe the ability to defend oneself is "outdated" and "invalid?"
Yet that gets twisted into a defending a mass shooter. Defending yourself yes, mass shooting, not so much.I have seen how Tommy guns were sold in back in the twenties in sales catalogs, the the mobsters got a hold of them and we got the valentines day massacre and the Chicago typewriter. Bump stocks. And this mass shooting in LV, I doubt our founding fathers had any of this in mind when they penned the 2nd amendment.

Most of the gangsters from the 1920's stole the guns they used as the Tommy Gun was far too expensive for them to buy. As far as your reasoning go's I find it somewhat astonishing that you would willy nilly take away the Rights of well over 300 million people due to the criminal misdeeds of a few.
The Sheriff says it possibly was "radicalization".

Do we know more than the Sheriff?
I surely hope we do.

If an intelligent man (Paddock was an accountant), a born and fully conditioned American, can be sufficiently radicalized to do what he did, we are talking about a Manchurian Candidate capability which calls for an immediate frontal attack with the objective of exterminating Islam. I'm talking about the Tenth Crusade with the entire Western World intending to leave no survivors. Total annihilation.

Or they will, because they can, do it to us. If they can radicalize and direct the will of a man like Paddock it's just a matter of time until our own children will be plotting against us.
He could have just been a hateful crazy evil minded nut that wanted to be remembered as a mas killer.
But my guess is we have about a 10th of the information the FBI has. We just will have to wonder because they won't tell us.
I am trying to put this in nicely, but this is just ONE reason to repeal the second amendment on the grounds it's outdated and invalid.
so he just goes out and buys them on the black market.....same thing happens....

You guys make it sound like going and buying something on the black market is as easy as going to the local convenience store for a 6 pack of beer.

Got news for's not that easy.

For those of you who think that getting something off of the black market is so easy, then go and get something from there. Not only do you have to know people just to get in the door to talk to someone who may have what you want, but things on the black market are generally 3 to X times the cost of what the thing would have been originally.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
Hell we haven't heard anything medical as of yet, hell for all we know he could have developed a brain tumor or had long term undiagnosed syphilis which will affect the brain.

He was eating prescription Diazapam with an alcohol chaser.
Coooooool, Where can I get a physician to prescribe that blend to me?

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