Vegas murders motive, my guess

Yeah, 'cuz a 64 year old is inclined to mass murder when he's getting unlimited Pinay sex.


Okay, I'll bite. What's Pinay sex?

Tell ya what, go find a West Coast sailor who has spent time in the Philippines, and go ask them that question.

Chances are their eyes will roll back in their heads as they think of what they experienced there.

Also, ask them about a game called "Knights of the Round Table", also known as "Smile".
I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Our great nation has never been 'safe'. We are a nation of risk takers and the fact is ... we currently live in the safest time (statistically speaking) in the history of our great nation.
Sometimes ... people just be crazy.
I remember the Texas University tower shooter, a smart white guy, he had a brain tumor that made him prone to shoot his wife and mother, then moved on to murder 14 innocent people. SO, if we can't determine who might be a mass shooter, why not repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Because rational people don't try to punish everyone for the acts of a scant few.
Please. Punish? How so? I am not asking to whip people and put them in a iron maiden.

No, but you are asking for a removal of a natural right from 300,000,000+ American citizens over the behavior of a few crazies.
Please lay off the pejoratives. I may be crazy, but I won't hurt you, I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

"Crazies" was not directed towards you, but towards the number of annual shootings that don't even rise to the level of blip against the total number of gun owners in the US.
But in this case, Sheriff Lombardo talks about a possible radicalization of the gunman.

We've created a climate of hysteria in this country about 'terrorism' and we've all become properly terrorized. We've eviscerated our 4th Amendment rights and, if some people get their way, we could lose the 1st and 2nd as well.

When we've gone through so much trouble to create the specter of such a threat, everything will appear to confirm it. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

For Europeans and Israelis, these are legitimate threats with which they are ill-equipped to deal. But, in our country, we don't have large populations of disaffected, radicalized, young men who are typically the soldiers of Jihad.

Unless fairly conclusive evidence comes to light, the simple answer to the question of why is ...

--------------------------------------- j
Tell ya what, go find a West Coast sailor who has spent time in the Philippines, and go ask them that question.

I was an East Coast sailor ... but I know PRECISELY what that is.

Hey, I was an East Coast sailor as well, but heard MANY stories of West coasters who had been there, and they described it as an adult Disneyland.

However..........................I was told by some of them that the East Coast actually DOES have something that is close to what is offered in the PI, and it was when we went on UNITAS XXV and had a port stop in Rio de Janero Brazil.

Lemmie tell ya.................some of those nightclubs are freaking AMAZING!!!!

Good way to get in trouble as well if you're not careful. Saw an officer that was told to resign his commission because of what he did in one of them and the Skipper and XO saw him doing it.
Paddock is the type of unhinged crackpot who watched too much Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Richard Maddow, Maher, Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart, John Oliver.......
Paddock is a former postal worker

All you need to know
I just want to make our nation great (and safe) again.

Our great nation has never been 'safe'. We are a nation of risk takers and the fact is ... we currently live in the safest time (statistically speaking) in the history of our great nation.
Life is a risky thing. Funny thing that this mass murdering blood thirsty monster was a big stakes gambler that made millions. I have the funny feeling that this chap was using all these well intentioned folks and ended up pissing on the constitution and abused the 2nd amendment and murdering unarmed innocent people because they have some affliction or political religious involvement nobody couldn't have foreseen. the second Amendment dosen't cover any of that. So we need to either repeal it or replace it with another amendment that better deals with modern situations.
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50 - 10mg Valium/XANAX? With booze? ah.....not much. Still got up/down to his room, gambled for many hours. That would have "mellowed" him out IMVHO. Only one prescription noted June 2017? yawn.

I have known Engineering Managers who eat 10mg pain pills (Tramadol) like candy and go home to get into the really good stuff (Vicodin/Demoral). They still show for work. Back pain, Migraines, any excuse to hurt.

Paddock is not even on the radar of REAL USA pill users. IMVHO of course. edit: if reports are true (only Xanax). If it was heavy anti-depressants ..... and he stopped. Whole other story.

Regardless of this shooters motives, ISIS has been inspired by his effectiveness.

The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Technically I think he killed 58 (so far). He was #59. I suppose he killed that one too? you are correct (at least that is what they are telling us, for now).

Just because he didn't have a prescription, does not mean he was not on some powerful drugs. It will take a lot of time for blood work screening. He might have have just got really pissed about something.

Regardless - These weapons are cheap, easy, very efficient, very reliable killing machines. Terrorist only need to be inspired. No need for training camps or unreliable difficult bomb making chemistry education, bombing practice & communications that can be spied on.

We are now living in a war zone!
Paddock is the type of unhinged crackpot who watched too much Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Richard Maddow, Maher, Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart, John Oliver.......

Hate to tell you, but that is just conjecture on your part. It's already been reported that he had no political affiliations at all. He hasn't voted, nor been registered to vote for quite a while, wasn't even registered in FL where he moved to NV from.

But, keep up with the hyperbolic bullcrap if that is what blows your skirt up and makes you dance sideways.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.
What is so intimidating about repealing an obviously outdated Amendment? One that is so obviously not necessary and enables crime? What kind of people have we become? Guns aren't necessary to a healthy democracy and its a sign of posters here that they are so defensive about this issue.
So it's been nearly a week and the police and media are unable to determine the motive for the murderous carnage.

I wondered about the ISIS claim, but with no sign of jihad, I too was stumped.

Then, this morning, I heard a story on an NPR station (I'm not finding a link) about a branch of radical jihadists in Catalonia, near Barcelona, Spain. The Imam encouraged followers to embrace a western lifestyle in order to blend in, including drinking alcohol and eating bacon. I got the impression of a more clandestine version of Islamic terrorism. Leave 'em baffled for Allah? They were thought to be responsible for attacks in Europe before their mosque was shut down.

This May, 2017 NPR article states outright that when ISIS claims responsibility for a connection to terrorism in the West, they're telling the truth: What Does It Mean When ISIS Claims Responsibility For An Attack?

My best guess with what I know at this point is he turn radical jihadist, inspired by the teachings of that Imam.
He was a registered democrat having a tantrum over the lost election. Even the leftist media says he targeted country music fans who are white Trump supporters! And some of them were even delighted about it.

Wrong. Paddock never voted, nor was registered to vote in the state of Nevada, and he wasn't registered in Florida where he had moved from. Pulling "facts" outta your ass again?

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