Vegetarians Less Healthy and Crazier than Meat Eating Drinkers...

My experience has been that people who spend time attempting to relate characteristics of people to those of the opposing political ideology are intellectually shallow.

Just anecdotal, I know...

Whatever, dude - you disagree? I do not know of ANY vegetarians who are staunch conservatives.

All vegans I have ever met were quite liberal and proud of it. What's the problem?

you should live in Gentry, Arkansas. The home of 7th Day Adventists, all conservative and all vegetarians.

Gentry Seventh-day Adventist Church Gentry AR : About Our Church

Not seein' it. :thup:


Any employer will tell you that vegetarian personnel are far more likely to fall ill than staff who consume a normal diet. And people that don't drink are usually just weird/boring anyway, so there's usually no point in bothering with them.
Same as I posted here

I've been strictly veg for more than 30 years. This means I'll have a heart attack tonight.

I would really hate it if I had to eat meat again but hey, next week we'll learn of the next big breakthrough - that running barefoot in the snow cures cancer.


Notice the photo shown in the story - lettuce.

People really have no idea what vegetarians actually eat.

That said, one can eat cheetos and pepsi and be vegan. Eat a large variety of foods of high quality, small portions, exercise, don't smoke - just the usual stuff we all know - and you'll be healthy.

THAT is what works for me. YMMV
"A new study from the Medical University of Graz in Austria finds that vegetarians are more physically active, drink less alcohol and smoke less tobacco than those who consume meat in their diets. Vegetarians also have a higher socioeconomic status and a lower body mass index. But the vegetarian diet — characterized by a low consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol that includes increased intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products — carries elevated risks of cancer, allergies and mental health disorders.

Vegetarians were twice as likely to have allergies, a 50 percent increase in heart attacks and a 50 percent increase in incidences of cancer."

I didn't need a Study to tell me what I've Observed. :thup:



When you consider most vegetarians are liberals,I find it highly likely that the stats are skewed. I would contend that they were mentally deficient before they became vegetarians.
Vegetarians are more likely to be liberal/left-wing, because in my mind refusing to eat meat is just another way for them to rebel against tradition, and by avoiding meat they're cutting their nose off to spite their face. And don't tell me that militant vegetarians won't waste any time on preaching about the virtues of not eating meat, much the same as teetotalers can't help ranting about the virtues of temperance.
you should live in Gentry, Arkansas. The home of 7th Day Adventists, all conservative and all vegetarians.

Thanks, I hadn't really known any, I am certain that many are. Can we get some stats on this? I'm driving and typing at stop lights.

It is the tenets of their belief and what they practice...

Seventh-day Adventist Diet

Seventh-day Adventists eat a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, one that allows milk and eggs, but not animal flesh. This is because they believe that whatever they eat and drink should “honor and glorify God and preserve the health of the body, mind, and spirit.”

Seventh-day Adventists have followed this diet for more than 130 years. The health recommendations were formed based on a combination of the biblical principles of the Levitical laws, the emphasis on self-control promoted by Seventh-day Adventists, and the emerging health and hygiene principles of the 19th century.

Research findings
A multitude of clinical studies have used Seventh-day Adventists as the study population. These studies have proven that most Seventh-day Adventists are healthier than other populations. In general, Seventh-day Adventists have a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease, certain types of cancers, strokes, and diabetes.

Food nutrition health and wellness news

As I've written before, my whole family is loaded with heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Father died young of a heart attack, mother had heart disease and died of cancer. Aunts and uncles all had heart disease and diabetes. I'm the oldest surviving sibling - two died of hearth disease and were diabetic. The two remaining, younger than me, have both had heart attacks, both are Type 2 diabetic. My sibs live miserable lives because they can't DO anything.

While that's hardly a scientific sampling, my lifestyle is the only difference between us.

People are very threatened by vegetarians. Eat whatever you want but I'll stick with what has worked for me.
Vegetarians are more likely to be liberal/left-wing, because in my mind refusing to eat meat is just another way for them to rebel against tradition, and by avoiding meat they're cutting their nose off to spite their face. And don't tell me that militant vegetarians won't waste any time on preaching about the virtues of not eating meat, much the same as teetotalers can't help ranting about the virtues of temperance.

They also tend to Hate themselves and other Humans... It dictates much of what they do.

They have a fondness for Animals that is Concerning in many cases for this very reason.

You know the people, they don't have kids and next to their = sticker and below the Obama 2008 sticker it says something about their dog being more worthy of Life than your Fetus.


Since we are all swapping anecdotes I have to say that everybody I know to be vegetarian has managed to be perfectly healthy, eaten a balanced diet that met all of their nutritional needs and been perfectly normal.

Vegans on the other hand, well that's a different story. Pill popping ne'er do wells.
You are what you eat.

Since we are all swapping anecdotes I have to say that everybody I know to be vegetarian has managed to be perfectly healthy, eaten a balanced diet that met all of their nutritional needs and been perfectly normal.

Vegans on the other hand, well that's a different story. Pill popping ne'er do wells.

I know a few vegetarians who appear healthy, but they spend an inordinate amount of time "combining" in order to approximate complete protein.

I'd rather honor my natural omnivore heritage and eat a varied diet.
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta

It's Settled Science... Deny it and you are a Flat Earther. :Thup:

Here's another Fact about Vegetarians... They are Overwhelmingly Liberal.

I'll give you a moment to compose yourself.



are they liberal? might be. though the article doesn't say that and it's irrelevant to the topic except as a troll.

other than that, it was an interesting article.

thanks for trying to troll with it. :rolleyes:

Overwhelmingly the Vegetarians I know are FAR Left Liberal and even the ones I know who would deny it are really just Pro-Pot Liberaltarians.

You know it's True... If you Feel that Truth is Trolling, so be it. :thup:



that YOU know..... and while anecdotally, you might be correct, a) you're surmising; and b) it's still irrelevant to the topic.

I suspect fewer liberals hunt animals, too. but I wouldn't say that makes it a particularly "conservative" endeavor to hunt.
Vegetarians are more likely to be liberal/left-wing, because in my mind refusing to eat meat is just another way for them to rebel against tradition, and by avoiding meat they're cutting their nose off to spite their face. And don't tell me that militant vegetarians won't waste any time on preaching about the virtues of not eating meat, much the same as teetotalers can't help ranting about the virtues of temperance.

They also tend to Hate themselves and other Humans... It dictates much of what they do.

They have a fondness for Animals that is Concerning in many cases for this very reason.

You know the people, they don't have kids and next to their = sticker and below the Obama 2008 sticker it says something about their dog being more worthy of Life than your Fetus.




I thought you wanted to talk about health and vegetarianism.

but alas, yet another rightwing rant, honey.
Since we are all swapping anecdotes I have to say that everybody I know to be vegetarian has managed to be perfectly healthy, eaten a balanced diet that met all of their nutritional needs and been perfectly normal.

Vegans on the other hand, well that's a different story. Pill popping ne'er do wells.

I know a few vegetarians who appear healthy, but they spend an inordinate amount of time "combining" in order to approximate complete protein.

I'd rather honor my natural omnivore heritage and eat a varied diet.

The ones I know manage to get complete protein through a balanced diet with dairy, nuts legumes like chickpeas and soya beans. Not quite as exciting as a nice medium rare steak but it's their business.
Since we are all swapping anecdotes I have to say that everybody I know to be vegetarian has managed to be perfectly healthy, eaten a balanced diet that met all of their nutritional needs and been perfectly normal.

Vegans on the other hand, well that's a different story. Pill popping ne'er do wells.

I know a few vegetarians who appear healthy, but they spend an inordinate amount of time "combining" in order to approximate complete protein.

I'd rather honor my natural omnivore heritage and eat a varied diet.

The ones I know manage to get complete protein through a balanced diet with dairy, nuts legumes like chickpeas and soya beans. Not quite as exciting as a nice medium rare steak but it's their business.

In the 30+ years that I've been vegetarian/vegan, I've never spent even one moment "combining" proteins.

Frances Moore Lappe wrote extensively about the belief that we need to consume "complete proteins". That has long been debunked. Instead, we now know that vegetarians and vegans get their protein from the same place as meat eaters - the 11 essential amino acids.

Tell your "vegetarian friends" (*wink*wink*) they need to update their research.
You are what you eat.


Not to put too fine a point on it but, in fact, you are what you don't shit.

Which to quote a meat-eating pathologist I know, is why we get colon cancer.


... the human body eliminates waste without discretion. The digestive system doesn't care if it's a steak or a bean's all coming out the root shakra.

After fasting for 24-48 hours- a normal person will not a have any "shit" left in the body.
Vegetarians are more likely to be liberal/left-wing, because in my mind refusing to eat meat is just another way for them to rebel against tradition, and by avoiding meat they're cutting their nose off to spite their face. And don't tell me that militant vegetarians won't waste any time on preaching about the virtues of not eating meat, much the same as teetotalers can't help ranting about the virtues of temperance.

Evolution of Diet

In human history, meat consumption has never been the basis of advanced civilization and cultural development.

History of the Human Diet | alive
I only know one vegan and she's definitely not healthy. Don't know shit about her politics.

She also ruined Thanksgiving last year.

Nothing more annoying than an unhealthy, self-righteous vegan ****.

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