Venezuela and the Monroe Doctrine


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
For those that don't know, here is a quick synopsis of the Monroe Doctrine from wiki

The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to take control of any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States."[1] At the same time, the doctrine noted that the U.S. would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. The Doctrine was issued on December 2, 1823 at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved, or were at the point of gaining, independence from the Portuguese and Spanish Empires.
President James Monroe first stated the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress. The term "Monroe Doctrine" itself was coined in 1850.[2] By the end of the 19th century, Monroe's declaration was seen as a defining moment in the foreign policy of the United States and one of its longest-standing tenets. It would be invoked by many U.S. statesmen and several U.S. presidents, including Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. The intent and impact of the Monroe Doctrine persisted with only small variations for more than a century. Its stated objective was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from European intervention and avoid situations which could make the New World a battleground for the Old World powers, so that the U.S. could exert its own influence undisturbed. The doctrine asserted that the New World and the Old World were to remain distinctly separate spheres of influence, for they were composed of entirely separate and independent nations.[3]
After 1898, Latin American lawyers and intellectuals reinterpreted the Monroe doctrine in terms of multilateralism and non-intervention. In 1933, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the U.S. went along with the new reinterpretation, especially in terms of the Organization of American States.[4]

So should the reinterpretation of the Monroe Doctrine by FDR to mean that the US should intervene in Venezuela be accepted by Trump today? Should the US intervene militarily as that current oppressive government in Venezuela is being propped up by Russia and China, the two world powers that oppose the US?

Or should we simply see FDR for what he was, a mini dictator who extended his powers far beyond what they were originally intended, which led to Congress limiting Executive terms for President?
Venezuela, from what I hear, has the most oil/natural gas reserves in the world.

That's right kids, so if previous presidents have sent American kids to go die in the sands of Asia for oil, what will stop them from going into Venezuela?
The smartest thing to do is replace China with Central & South America as our primary trading partner.

The changes we would see on multiple critical issues would be profound.

That would require a lot of work and cooperation. Unfortunately we no longer have that capacity.
Venezuela, from what I hear, has the most oil/natural gas reserves in the world.

That's right kids, so if previous presidents have sent American kids to go die in the sands of Asia for oil, what will stop them from going into Venezuela?

"That's right kids, so if previous presidents have sent American kids to go die in the sands of Asia for oil, what will stop them from going into Venezuela?"


putin will tell his puppet, trump, to leave it alone and trump will do as he is told.
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.
If thise people still had weapons they could fight the military. But alas
Our 2nd is awesome. Buy plenty of guns and ammo
Venezuela, from what I hear, has the most oil/natural gas reserves in the world.

That's right kids, so if previous presidents have sent American kids to go die in the sands of Asia for oil, what will stop them from going into Venezuela?

Thats correct. They have lots of oil. Thats why china and russia are swarming and we have covert ops in brazil, argentina, columbia.
just seeing the setting up of things for you and your future 'ANYn'
Venezuela, from what I hear, has the most oil/natural gas reserves in the world.

That's right kids, so if previous presidents have sent American kids to go die in the sands of Asia for oil, what will stop them from going into Venezuela?
As of this past Sunday, Americans can no longer do business with the Venzuelan oil company, PdVSA, which owns CITGO and whose links with American finances are complex and deeply embedded. Somehow, the government assures us it will keep CITGO operating.
U.S. Says Americans Can Buy Venezuelan Oil Until April 28
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything because trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything because trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....
You loons never cease to amaze me.
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything but trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....
------------------------------------------------- might happen , course you guys won't fight anyway if fighting is what it would take to deny the Russians ANYn .
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything because trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....
Well we know the crazy liberals are sure hoping that the economy tanks or we get into some type of war so they have something besides their discredited Russia Russian schtick to beat Trump over the head with come election. It is their only hope left.
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything because trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....

So for the record, you are for Trump going in guns blazing and we won't hear you bad mouthing him for doing it?
I hope we dont invade. Let them work it ou themselves. Thats the only way for peace.
Their military needs to quit backing that corrupt dictator.

we won't do anything because trump is putin's puppet.

and it will be WORKED OUT in russia's favor.

putin and russia (with trumps compliance) will piss on the monroe doctrine and eventually establish a military base there.....
Well we know the crazy liberals are sure hoping that the economy tanks or we get into some type of war so they have something besides their discredited Russia Russian schtick to beat Trump over the head with come election. It is their only hope left.

The Left is only focused on two things, global warming and over population. They see a ramped up economy as a problem because it means higher carbon emissions, so they favor measures to slow down economies around the world. Problem is, in third world economies we see people having more children, which I assume also adds to carbon emissions as well. I reckon they can offset that by wars/starvation/disease, etc.
The Monroe Doctrine is nothing more than a green light for imperialism. Time to throw it in the garbage.

Madura was elected by the people. It is most disingenuous and hypocritical of our criminal government to be involved and actively committing a coup against him. None of our business, but the transactional capitalist class (the .01%) wants control of their oil. They usually get what they want from their toady, the US government.
The Monroe Doctrine is nothing more than a green light for imperialism. Time to throw it in the garbage.

Madura was elected by the people. It is most disingenuous and hypocritical of our criminal government to be involved and actively committing a coup against him. None of our business, but the transactional capitalist class (the .01%) wants control of their oil. They usually get what they want from their toady, the US government.

If it were not for Cuban/Russian/Chinese intervention, the people would have overthrown Madura long ago.

This is part of why I'm torn. The people are held hostage in this socialist system like the people of North Korea will be until either the end of the world or WW3.

Also, if the US does remove him then another socialist replaces him, so how would this be better when the same type of potential for a controlling and oppressive system will continue to exist?

Like you, however, I'm sickened by the imperialism. Look what the Middle East has done to this country as well as the Middle East.
The Monroe Doctrine is nothing more than a green light for imperialism. Time to throw it in the garbage.

Madura was elected by the people. It is most disingenuous and hypocritical of our criminal government to be involved and actively committing a coup against him. None of our business, but the transactional capitalist class (the .01%) wants control of their oil. They usually get what they want from their toady, the US government.

If it were not for Cuban/Russian/Chinese intervention, the people would have overthrown Madura long ago.

This is part of why I'm torn. The people are held hostage in this socialist system like the people of North Korea will be until either the end of the world or WW3.

Also, if the US does remove him then another socialist replaces him, so how would this be better when the same type of potential for a controlling and oppressive system will continue to exist?

Like you, however, I'm sickened by the imperialism. Look what the Middle East has done to this country as well as the Middle East.
I do not believe that. The media reports we are getting are clearly slanted. Thanks to the billionaires who control our media and want the oil. Then add the CIA actively inciting violence, and you have a problem.
The Monroe Doctrine is nothing more than a green light for imperialism. Time to throw it in the garbage.

Madura was elected by the people. It is most disingenuous and hypocritical of our criminal government to be involved and actively committing a coup against him. None of our business, but the transactional capitalist class (the .01%) wants control of their oil. They usually get what they want from their toady, the US government.

If it were not for Cuban/Russian/Chinese intervention, the people would have overthrown Madura long ago.

This is part of why I'm torn. The people are held hostage in this socialist system like the people of North Korea will be until either the end of the world or WW3.

Also, if the US does remove him then another socialist replaces him, so how would this be better when the same type of potential for a controlling and oppressive system will continue to exist?

Like you, however, I'm sickened by the imperialism. Look what the Middle East has done to this country as well as the Middle East.
I do not believe that. The media reports we are getting are clearly slanted. Thanks to the billionaires who control our media and want the oil. Then add the CIA actively inciting violence, and you have a problem.

So you don't believe that Russia and Cuba and China are getting involved?

Ok. Not sure you you come to this conclusion other than totally dismissing the entire media as trolls for war mongers.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but it seems to me a decision to simply shut everything out and believe what you think is true.

I suppose you also believe that China is not ramping up their navy and adding islands in the ocean and Russia did not really invade the Ukraine as well.

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