Venezuela ; The Socialists nightmare w/ half the population in CRITICAL poverty now

Dear Liberoidals,

Please send over some new stupid trolls for our new BIATCH toyz..

The Deplorables

PS- Make sure the news ones bring their See N Say:wtf:
Flashback: All Those People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism

Read more: Flashback: All Those People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism

Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime.

This praise included Salon writer David Sirota’s piece after the leader’s death, titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.” In British publication The New Statesman, a headline as Chavez was nearing death in January 2013 was “Hugo Chavez: Man against the world,” and its sub-headline read “As illness ends Hugo Chavez’s rule in Venezuela, what will his legacy be? Richard Gott argues he brought hope to a continent.”

See how INSANE liberals are??!

Yes what you call liberals are too stupid to realize capitalistic elites will always squeeze them to death, starve and or freeze.

Worldwide oil supply and demand has remained relatively constant the past four years. What has changed is the perception that demand will soon outstrip supply and the exacerbation of this by speculators allowing prices to skyrocket past $140 a barrel and Big Oil to fill its coffers. Given the chance to make a balanced distribution of these “unearned” profits, Big Oil has chosen to reward shareowners over their customers, who struggle to afford gas for daily commutes or heat to warm homes during winter. Every year Citizens Energy petitions Big Oil to provide a small slice of assistance to help keep the poor warm. Every year, Big Oil says no.” [ix]

The only oil company to respond to the cry for help back in 2005, and every year since then, was Citgo Petroleum, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan state oil company (known as Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., or PDVSA, and pronounced peh-deh-VEH-sa. The “S.A.” stands for “sociedad anonima” or incorporated).[x]

That response has led to a thriving partnership between Citgo and the South Bronx, as well as a much broader national program. Citizens Energy is currently working with Citgo to provide heating assistance to 200,000 low-income families in 23 states, more than 250 Indian tribes from Alaska to Maine, and to more than 200 homeless shelters.[xi]

Warming Up the Bronx: Citgo Venezuela Heating & Social Development Program

(I imagine in Texas its not a big deal, heat in the winter)
What's your fucking point??? That 200 Venezuelans won't freeze to death so it's all good????
Venezuela ; The Socialists nightmare w/ half the population in CRITICAL poverty now

how much do you want to bet that the ones not doing bad
are either connected to the gov't or friends of some political leader

like all socialist systems
there are always two system of laws

One for the political class and their friends
One for everyone else

Case in point...


Flashback: All Those People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism

Read more: Flashback: All Those People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism

Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime.

This praise included Salon writer David Sirota’s piece after the leader’s death, titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.” In British publication The New Statesman, a headline as Chavez was nearing death in January 2013 was “Hugo Chavez: Man against the world,” and its sub-headline read “As illness ends Hugo Chavez’s rule in Venezuela, what will his legacy be? Richard Gott argues he brought hope to a continent.”

See how INSANE liberals are??!

Yes what you call liberals are too stupid to realize capitalistic elites will always squeeze them to death, starve and or freeze.

Worldwide oil supply and demand has remained relatively constant the past four years. What has changed is the perception that demand will soon outstrip supply and the exacerbation of this by speculators allowing prices to skyrocket past $140 a barrel and Big Oil to fill its coffers. Given the chance to make a balanced distribution of these “unearned” profits, Big Oil has chosen to reward shareowners over their customers, who struggle to afford gas for daily commutes or heat to warm homes during winter. Every year Citizens Energy petitions Big Oil to provide a small slice of assistance to help keep the poor warm. Every year, Big Oil says no.” [ix]

The only oil company to respond to the cry for help back in 2005, and every year since then, was Citgo Petroleum, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan state oil company (known as Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., or PDVSA, and pronounced peh-deh-VEH-sa. The “S.A.” stands for “sociedad anonima” or incorporated).[x]

That response has led to a thriving partnership between Citgo and the South Bronx, as well as a much broader national program. Citizens Energy is currently working with Citgo to provide heating assistance to 200,000 low-income families in 23 states, more than 250 Indian tribes from Alaska to Maine, and to more than 200 homeless shelters.[xi]

Warming Up the Bronx: Citgo Venezuela Heating & Social Development Program

(I imagine in Texas its not a big deal, heat in the winter)
Liberal Crony capitalism is always fucked up....they ruin everything....

Seeking Cash, Chavez Looks to Sell Citgo

Looks like the one time socialist guru had trouble making oil for free.....
I'm right here you dumb fucking ****. Had you continued to read, in one of those links you ignorant fucknut than you would have come across the number of NGOs and amount of money that has been spent in USAID. I realize reading is difficult for you.

It's not my job to read links with no commentary, Fucknutz.. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL does US Aid have to do with the collapse of SOCIALIST Venezuela??? * Throws a brick at his head ...You dumb fucker

It means, you stupid bitch, there is more going on than what you are claiming. It is not my job to educate you.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.
It's not my job to read links with no commentary, Fucknutz.. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL does US Aid have to do with the collapse of SOCIALIST Venezuela??? * Throws a brick at his head ...You dumb fucker

It means, you stupid bitch, there is more going on than what you are claiming. It is not my job to educate you.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..
Dear Liberoidals,

Please send over some new stupid trolls for our new BIATCH toyz..

The Deplorables

PS- Make sure the news ones bring their See N Say:wtf:

too funny

honestly, since Queen Hillary has been falling in the polls
(and falling everywhere else)
RCP has the two way and four race
both under 1 percent

a lot of the liberal trolls are gone
no doubt the Left is redirecting resources now that
Queen Hillary is in real trouble
It's not my job to read links with no commentary, Fucknutz.. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL does US Aid have to do with the collapse of SOCIALIST Venezuela??? * Throws a brick at his head ...You dumb fucker

It means, you stupid bitch, there is more going on than what you are claiming. It is not my job to educate you.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO
That response has led to a thriving partnership between Citgo and the South Bronx, as well as a much broader national program. Citizens Energy is currently working with Citgo to provide heating assistance to 200,000 low-income families in 23 states, more than 250 Indian tribes from Alaska to Maine, and to more than 200 homeless shelters.[xi]

Warming Up the Bronx: Citgo Venezuela Heating & Social Development Program

(I imagine in Texas its not a big deal, heat in the winter)
The US subsidizes heating for the poor to the tune of about 3 billion a year.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | Office of Community Services | Administration for Children and Families
It means, you stupid bitch, there is more going on than what you are claiming. It is not my job to educate you.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
It means, you stupid bitch, there is more going on than what you are claiming. It is not my job to educate you.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????
lmfao Here comes another fucking moron liberal who makes a claim and then refuses to back it up. Throws up some lame fucking links from 2010 about Chavez threatening the US and said, "There!" OMG STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE AISLE.. You fuckin twerps on the left are as stupid as they come.. Amazing..
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are a sad little case then.
You're ignorant and it's showing.

You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.
You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
You posted THREATS by a dead man as your proof of what?? YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW HE WAS DEAD LMAO Then you come back and blame US AID for the downfall of Venezuela.. THIS IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF LIBERALISM.. Soo beyond stupid, there's no classification for it. LOL

I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol
I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
I knew he was dead. I showed you where this shit started and how long it has been going on and I provided a link that showed how much money has been repeatedly been funneled in to overthrow and undermine the government. The dumbass is you. Your very first clue should have been this
Obama Renews Decree Calling Venezuela a 'Threat'

Unfortunately, you weren't smart enough to look beneath that.

Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol

You just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.
You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol

You just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

LMAO You're truly deranged.. everyone can read this thread dumb dumb.. everyone.. You're fucked..
You didn't show anyone A DAMN THING.. You listed fucking 10 yr old articles and said THERE.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking idiot.. You didn;t know he had died and so you thought your links of Chavez threatening us was some big fucking deal..

Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
Now look at the dumb fucking moron change the narrative.. When I first waxed that smelly stank azz you said " It's about US AID" LMAO

It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol

You just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.
The great thing about you fucktard liberals is that when you say something, no one with a brain thinks it's so......:lol:
Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol

You just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.
The great thing about you fucktard liberals is that when you say something, no one with a brain thinks it's so......:lol:

That dummy thought Chavez was still alive, then changed the story to US AID causing the downfall of Venezuela.. lol
Yes, dear. It shows a pattern. Now you have to get off your ass and justify the money that has been funneled in or you are just as, if not more, pathetic than Salon. Pretending these things operate in a vacuum is a level of ignorance that is unacceptable in foreign relations. The only thing you have managed to do is that slack jawed drooling thing you do when you say either socialism or liberal.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::bsflag: WTF are you babbling about ??? Trying to save face now that you've been THOROUGHLY crushed only makes you look more ignorant.. I have to justify what money being funneled and WTFucking HELL does that have to do with SOCIALIST VENEZUELA crashing????

So, you are
It is and it is USAID. U.S. Agency for International Development

Very long history of their involvement all over the world. You should know who they are.

WTF???????????????????????????? Are you drunk???? SERIOUSLY

So, you just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

I am so happy that my threads garner so much attention with high post counts because one cannot fathom just how utterly STUPID liberals truly are until you read it in black and white.. Thank you.. you're a true testament to liberalism and much too dumb to take part in my threads.. Honestly, go find a Miley Cyrus thread to wreck in. Pun intended dummy. lol

You just had your ass handed to you and you got nothing. Got it.

LMAO You're truly deranged.. everyone can read this thread dumb dumb.. everyone.. You're fucked..

Yes, they can and they can read that you just had your ass handed to you and now you got nothing. Got it.

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