Venezuela ; The Socialists nightmare w/ half the population in CRITICAL poverty now

I'm still waiting for any of the 3 roving morons in this thread to PROVE that Venezuela collapsed due to Capitalism..LOL
When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

Yawn... Yes, when your economy is based on one commodity and that commodity goes belly up, things are going to suck no matter what economic system you have.

Until you can understand the country and the politics you really should not comment.

Venezuela had a fabulous diverse economic base till Hugo thought one ring should rule them all.
When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

Yawn... Yes, when your economy is based on one commodity and that commodity goes belly up, things are going to suck no matter what economic system you have.

Until you can understand the country and the politics you really should not comment.

Venezuela had a fabulous diverse economic base till Hugo thought one ring should rule them all.

Absolutely FACTUAL..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

You must of already known it was a mindless puppet when you participated in this thread.

These anti-individuals recycle rhetoric and find easy opportunities in which to strike irreverent agitation.

Have you ever seen LadyGunSlinger hold down an actual debate? I never seen this tool make an argument more than a sentence long.
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She's am I, as are all real Americans.....

Real american? Lol.

More like a puppet.

You sound personally butt chapped.. Lube it up dickless and move on..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

Most all European nation have regulations and a public sector...Well, a large percentage of those nations have equal to above our gdp per capita. There's in fact less starving babies in countries that are in western Europe and Japan. ;) Of course, libertarianism if it had its way would lead to out of control capitalism which would lead to us being a nation of mostly poor serfs with a few rich at the top. Kind of like Central America.

That of course would have starving babies far before social democracy will.
For Socialist Joe
Venezuela Seizes Local Kimberly-Clark Factory

Just hours after Kimberly-Clark, the consumer-products giant that owns Kleenex and Huggies, said it will shutter its Venezuela operations after years of grappling with soaring inflation and a shortage of hard currency and raw materials, Venezuela retaliated by announcing it would seize the factory.
Venezuela Seizes Local Kimberly-Clark Factory | Zero Hedge
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

You must of already known it was a mindless puppet when you participated in this thread.

These anti-individuals recycle easy rhetoric and find easy opportunities in which to strike irreverent agitation.

Have you ever seen LadyGunSlinger hold down an actual debate? I never seen this tool make an argument more than a sentence long.
Coming from some imbecile nooblet, that doesn't mean SHIT but it does tell me you've stalked me and read my posts.. Get in line for an autograph TURD.
I'm still waiting for any of the 3 roving morons in this thread to PROVE that Venezuela collapsed due to Capitalism..LOL

It's strange LGS.

They will not admit that they are wrong. Chavez et al are now all down the toilet AND there are crickets from his supporters up here.

Tiny, name a time you've ever seen a liberal admit to the pain their policies cause?
She's am I, as are all real Americans.....

Real american? Lol.

More like a puppet.

You sound personally butt chapped.. Lube it up dickless and move on..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

Most all European nation have regulations and a public sector...Well, a large percentage of those nations have equal to above our gdp per capita. There's in fact less starving babies in countries that are in western Europe and Japan. ;) Of course, libertarianism if it had its way would lead to out of control capitalism which would lead to us being a nation of mostly poor serfs with a few rich at the top. Kind of like Central America.

That of course would have starving babies far before social democracy will.

WTF are you babbling about over there?? None of what you just spewed makes a bit of fucking sense.. OUT OF CONTROL CAPITALISM in Europe?? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:
Until you can understand the country and the politics you really should not comment.

Venezuela had a fabulous diverse economic base till Hugo thought one ring should rule them all.

He is correct.

The economy would be inseparably reliant on petroleum no matter who was in charge.

The truth is, the markets just did not want cheaper and low quality crude oil. I'd say OPEC had a lot to do with the economic recession.
The fact that the vast majority of all wealth is going into the hands of the top few percent, while our middle class collapses is a sign that we don't have enough enforcement of our anti-trust laws and that our workers can't get ahead because of the collapse of the unions. The rich at the top are a never ending machine of fucking the other 99% of this country over be it outsourcing, importation of cheap labor or paying their favorite party to fuck over the few unions we have left.
Until you can understand the country and the politics you really should not comment.

Venezuela had a fabulous diverse economic base till Hugo thought one ring should rule them all.

He is correct.

The economy would be inseparably reliant on petroleum no matter who was in charge.

The truth is, the markets just did not want cheaper and low quality crude oil. I'd say OPEC had a lot to do with the economic recession.
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEC CAUSED THE DOWNFALL OF SOCIALIST VENEZUELA.. Where do they find NUTZ like you??
She's am I, as are all real Americans.....

Real american? Lol.

More like a puppet.

You sound personally butt chapped.. Lube it up dickless and move on..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?
We're laughing at you.....there's nothing we can do about Venezuelas babies and what,your ideology did to them....look at the bright side, at least their babies are alive, unlike our babies you socialists cut apart for parts to sell for profit......
The fact that the vast majority of all wealth is going into the hands of the top few percent, while our middle class collapses is a sign that we don't have enough enforcement of our anti-trust laws and that our workers can't get ahead because of the collapse of the unions. The rich at the top are a never ending machine of fucking the other 99% of this country over be it outsourcing, importation of cheap labor or paying their favorite party to fuck over the few unions we have left.

Says the MORON who supports GLOBALIST HILLARY CLINTON.. You're your own worst enemy.. LOL
She's am I, as are all real Americans.....

Real american? Lol.

More like a puppet.

You sound personally butt chapped.. Lube it up dickless and move on..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

Most all European nation have regulations and a public sector...Well, a large percentage of those nations have equal to above our gdp per capita. There's in fact less starving babies in countries that are in western Europe and Japan. ;) Of course, libertarianism if it had its way would lead to out of control capitalism which would lead to us being a nation of mostly poor serfs with a few rich at the top. Kind of like Central America.

That of course would have starving babies far before social democracy will.

WTF are you babbling about over there?? None of what you just spewed makes a bit of fucking sense.. OUT OF CONTROL CAPITALISM in Europe?? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:

really? You're a clueless idiot that has no clue. What I just typed makes perfect sense, it is you that doesn't understand a goddamn thing.

It is a fact that many western european countries have a higher gdp per capita.
It is a fact that nearly all western nations on this planet are social democracies with a private and public sector.
And it is a fact that the rich control most central American countries and the poor eat shit.

Take a political science class before you post.

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