Venezuela ; The Socialists nightmare w/ half the population in CRITICAL poverty now

Real american? Lol.

More like a puppet.

You sound personally butt chapped.. Lube it up dickless and move on..
so when you started this thread, did you have any actual questions or did you just want to post pictures of starving babies so you could laugh at them?

Most all European nation have regulations and a public sector...Well, a large percentage of those nations have equal to above our gdp per capita. There's in fact less starving babies in countries that are in western Europe and Japan. ;) Of course, libertarianism if it had its way would lead to out of control capitalism which would lead to us being a nation of mostly poor serfs with a few rich at the top. Kind of like Central America.

That of course would have starving babies far before social democracy will.

WTF are you babbling about over there?? None of what you just spewed makes a bit of fucking sense.. OUT OF CONTROL CAPITALISM in Europe?? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::asshole:

really? You're a clueless idiot that has no clue. What I just typed makes perfect sense, it is you that doesn't understand a goddamn thing.

It is a fact that many western european countries have a higher gdp per capita.
It is a fact that nearly all western nations on this planet are social democracies with a private and public sector.
And it is a fact that the rich control most central American countries and the poor eat shit.

Take a political science class before you post.

OUT OF CONTROL CAPITALISM... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Bwhahahahaha Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahaha LOLing@ the Hitlery supporter
Hey moron, I wonder how much the rich is paying you to argue for the ass rape of most of this country?
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEC CAUSED THE DOWNFALL OF SOCIALIST VENEZUELA.. Where do they find NUTZ like you??

Typical tool.

Okay bimbo, let's challenge you to debate on an intellectual level for a change.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?
Until you can understand the country and the politics you really should not comment.

Venezuela had a fabulous diverse economic base till Hugo thought one ring should rule them all.

He is correct.

The economy would be inseparably reliant on petroleum no matter who was in charge.

The truth is, the markets just did not want cheaper and low quality crude oil. I'd say OPEC had a lot to do with the economic recession.
I love how we cruise by Venezuela, on they way to more hospitable tourist locations....all,the reject socialists shine lasers on our boat because they have no jobs....

Oh wait,,you said it's the oil, not tourists.....
Op is showing how dumb she is by comparing stalinism to social democracy. Venezuela is a dictatorship that controls everything and the people have very little say in anything. Most social democracies on the other hand are more democratic then the united states in many cases and have a respectable private sector, along side the public sector.

But keep on comparing...Makes you look foolish. One thing I have discovered about liberterianism is it doesn't understand political science or the terms that it uses to describes different systems of government.

Oh look, it's the limped dicked TOD moron who can't tie his shoe much less put together a coherent structured argument. VENEZUELA IS SOCIALIST YOU DUMB FUCKER
so is denmark whats your point?

Like I said, you're about as smart as a praying mantis. Bye.
Ever notice when a republican loses an argument they call everyone stupid and storm off?

bye, bye I guess?

You want to talk about FACTS? Thought not. I will present them anyway.


Hey, stupid purple owl, why don't you tell me if Denmark has a problem with millions of Mexicans and South Americans flooding their country every year?

They don't?

How are the those countries liking the mass influx of refugees into their countries?

lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEC CAUSED THE DOWNFALL OF SOCIALIST VENEZUELA.. Where do they find NUTZ like you??

Typical tool.

Okay bimbo, let's challenge you to debate on an intellectual level for a change.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?
It's hilarious watching a girl hand you your ass....
I'm still waiting for any of the 3 roving morons in this thread to PROVE that Venezuela collapsed due to Capitalism..LOL

It's strange LGS.

They will not admit that they are wrong. Chavez et al are now all down the toilet AND there are crickets from his supporters up here.

Tiny, name a time you've ever seen a liberal admit to the pain their policies cause?

Only time ever. But I won't call them a liberal. Eastern bloc from communism. Life is better now for many. I don't understand this drive to put us all under this bullshit again.

It's strange out there. I don't get where it's going girl at all. Glad you are out there. You have no idea. I'm so glad you are out there fighting the good fight.
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEC CAUSED THE DOWNFALL OF SOCIALIST VENEZUELA.. Where do they find NUTZ like you??

Typical tool.

Okay bimbo, let's challenge you to debate on an intellectual level for a change.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?

So your Sesame Street butthurt test relies on my personal information regarding OPECs imports??? Hey JrDouche- SOCIALIST VENEZUELA COLLAPSED, period..
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela

When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

From the article:
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger as HALF the population lives in 'critical' poverty in socialist Venezuela
  • Child malnutrition in Venezuela, South America, is dramatically on the rise
  • In the socialist country's capital a lone cases have doubled in a just a year
  • Maria del Carmen Chourio, 5, was hospitalised weighing just 11 pounds
When did Republicans start caring about children? That's a new one. Perhaps they only care about children in other countries.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy
I'm still waiting for any of the 3 roving morons in this thread to PROVE that Venezuela collapsed due to Capitalism..LOL

It's strange LGS.

They will not admit that they are wrong. Chavez et al are now all down the toilet AND there are crickets from his supporters up here.

Tiny, name a time you've ever seen a liberal admit to the pain their policies cause?

Only time ever. But I won't call them a liberal. Eastern bloc from communism. Life is better now for many. I don't understand this drive to put us all under this bullshit again.

It's strange out there. I don't get where it's going girl at all. Glad you are out there. You have no idea. I'm so glad you are out there fighting the good fight.

You too Tiny.. ever since we met over on Hannitys forum, I've admired your tenacity, intellect and resolve..
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela

When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

From the article:
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger as HALF the population lives in 'critical' poverty in socialist Venezuela
  • Child malnutrition in Venezuela, South America, is dramatically on the rise
  • In the socialist country's capital a lone cases have doubled in a just a year
  • Maria del Carmen Chourio, 5, was hospitalised weighing just 11 pounds
When did Republicans start caring about children? That's a new one. Perhaps they only care about children in other countries.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy
Rderp farts in to the thread with the typical liberal ooze.. LOL ie, adds nothing.
The only thing capitalists would do differently in Venezuela is slaughter and enslave the poor. There are plenty of capitalist countries in South America, that are much worse off but you will never hear a right winger blame capitalism for that

The biggest problem is the collapsing price of oil, Venezuela’s main export.When the oil price was high Chavez could fund anti-poverty programmes without confronting the rich. Maduro can no longer do this.

Meanwhile severe drought has rendered the hydroelectric dams that power Venezuela useless. Neither of these problems are former bus worker Maduro’s doing.

Of course, a decade of relying on oil revenue didn’t help. But Venezuela’s rulers were simply following the absurd capitalist logic about what a resource-rich country should do in a time of high prices.

The only thing the Venezuelan right and its US and European imperialist backers would have changed was letting the poor get a share.

Today’s crisis would be far worse in a Venezuela with no food subsidies or price controls.
Blame capitalism not socialism for Venezuela's crisis

You fucking list a SOCIALIST MAGAZINE as proof??? ROFLMAO

This asshole makes my point.. INSANE
your batshit nuts
That was an original thought.... oh, wait.

Never mind.
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela

When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

From the article:
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger as HALF the population lives in 'critical' poverty in socialist Venezuela
  • Child malnutrition in Venezuela, South America, is dramatically on the rise
  • In the socialist country's capital a lone cases have doubled in a just a year
  • Maria del Carmen Chourio, 5, was hospitalised weighing just 11 pounds
When did Republicans start caring about children? That's a new one. Perhaps they only care about children in other countries.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy
Admit it, you just care about the profits from children.....
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela

When has SOCIALISM ever worked? The answer.. NEVER. If Liberals were given full power of our country, they would destroy us.. Anything and everything a liberal touches turns to trash.. We see all of the major Democratic cities run in to the ground in our country..Helly Rotten Clinton agreed with Bernie and then stated she's even further left than he is, an avowed Socialist.

From the article:
Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger as HALF the population lives in 'critical' poverty in socialist Venezuela
  • Child malnutrition in Venezuela, South America, is dramatically on the rise
  • In the socialist country's capital a lone cases have doubled in a just a year
  • Maria del Carmen Chourio, 5, was hospitalised weighing just 11 pounds
When did Republicans start caring about children? That's a new one. Perhaps they only care about children in other countries.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy
Admit it, you just care about the profits from children.....

Liberals and their abortion mills is a great business they say.

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