Venezuela ; The Socialists nightmare w/ half the population in CRITICAL poverty now

So you claim Venezuela collapsed due to OPEC but can't prove it.. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you foolishly chide that I don't know how debates operate???? You're either fucking looped on heroin, just plain stupid, or you're a single celled amoeba with a flapping sewer.

I already argued it. You are not the judge of what constitutes proof.

You cannot refute it because your idiocy mandates that you deflect through flamboyant ranting.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?

This continues to be ignored.
So you claim Venezuela collapsed due to OPEC but can't prove it.. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you foolishly chide that I don't know how debates operate???? You're either fucking looped on heroin, just plain stupid, or you're a single celled amoeba with a flapping sewer.

I already argued it. You are not the judge of what constitutes proof.

You cannot refute it because your idiocy mandates that you deflect through flamboyant ranting.
No you didn't argue shit boy.. Show us your proof?
So you claim Venezuela collapsed due to OPEC but can't prove it.. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you foolishly chide that I don't know how debates operate???? You're either fucking looped on heroin, just plain stupid, or you're a single celled amoeba with a flapping sewer.

I already argued it. You are not the judge of what constitutes proof.

You cannot refute it because your idiocy mandates that you deflect through flamboyant ranting. I do, she truly thinks you're an idiot.....:lol:

And she laid out a pretty devastating series of posts outlining it based on your understanding of socialism and crony capitalism in Venezuela......
Great article from Forbes
Congratulations To Bolivarian Socialism: Venezuela's Maduro Now Blames Everyone But Himself

From the article:

Because, absent simply insane economic policies there’s absolutely no reason why this should have happened. No, the oil price crash does not excuse it: the country ran out of toilet paper when oil was still over $100 a barrel. And ran out of most other things before that too: this is simply and purely the result of people who know nothing at all about how economies work getting their hands on the policy levers.

The only thing capitalists would do differently in Venezuela is slaughter and enslave the poor. There are plenty of capitalist countries in South America, that are much worse off but you will never hear a right winger blame capitalism for that

State capitalism works about as well as state socialism.

I believe that state capitalism is more to blame for the crisis in Venezuela, but that is not to say that socialism has not fucked over more than a few people.
WTF is state capitalism?
Our domestic Louisiana refining capacity was specifically designed to economically process Venezuela crude....and your Obama hated that.....

Thanks for actually addressing the question, Owebo.

Your domestic Louisiana refining facility is insignificant in the grand scheme of the Venezuelan economy. They need to sustain themselves on much more exportation than rural Louisiana.

Right now, American petroleum trade in Africa is on par with Venezuela, which is further evidence of my point.

By the way, my claim is not that OPEC is the only cause for the current Venezuelan depression. Just a prominent one.
Op is showing how dumb she is by comparing stalinism to social democracy. Venezuela is a dictatorship that controls everything and the people have very little say in anything. Most social democracies on the other hand are more democratic then the united states in many cases and have a respectable private sector, along side the public sector.

But keep on comparing...Makes you look foolish. One thing I have discovered about liberterianism is it doesn't understand political science or the terms that it uses to describes different systems of government.

Oh look, it's the limped dicked TOD moron who can't tie his shoe much less put together a coherent structured argument. VENEZUELA IS SOCIALIST YOU DUMB FUCKER

Just when I think I can't get jaw dropped again. OMG he does it. Matthew has now epitomized the enemy.I'm trying to go back to bed. I need a beer and a unisom.

Hang in there LGS.
You too Tiny.. Get some sleep and come back fighting!

II'll hang in till one of them takes effect.


I love seeing you come in and kick ass all over the board though. They don't have a clue what to do with you. I love you to death.

ETA: I think death is spelled that way. ruh roh.
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Op is showing how dumb she is by comparing stalinism to social democracy. Venezuela is a dictatorship that controls everything and the people have very little say in anything. Most social democracies on the other hand are more democratic then the united states in many cases and have a respectable private sector, along side the public sector.

But keep on comparing...Makes you look foolish. One thing I have discovered about liberterianism is it doesn't understand political science or the terms that it uses to describes different systems of government.

Oh look, it's the limped dicked TOD moron who can't tie his shoe much less put together a coherent structured argument. VENEZUELA IS SOCIALIST YOU DUMB FUCKER

Just when I think I can't get jaw dropped again. OMG he does it. Matthew has now epitomized the enemy.I'm trying to go back to bed. I need a beer and a unisom.

Hang in there LGS.
You too Tiny.. Get some sleep and come back fighting!

II'll hang in till one of them takes effect.


I love seeing you come in and kick ass all over the board though. They don't have a clue what to do with you. I love ito death.

Love you too, my Tiny.. always will ♥ Sisters til the end..
Our domestic Louisiana refining capacity was specifically designed to economically process Venezuela crude....and your Obama hated that.....

Thanks for actually addressing the question, Owebo.

Your domestic Louisiana refining facility is insignificant in the grand scheme of the Venezuelan economy. They need to sustain themselves on much more exportation than rural Louisiana.

Right now, American petroleum trade in Africa is on par with Venezuela, which is further evidence of my point.

By the way, my claim is not that OPEC is the only cause for the current Venezuelan depression. Just a prominent one.
No,,actiually there is no other refining capacity in the world designed to handle their largest oil reserves in the world....and your Obama hates that.....
WTF is state capitalism?

A political system where the state controls capital. This technically refers to all capitalism within the framework of the state.

If my definition does not suffice, I will redirect you to Google
:popcorn:You're someone who likes to hear himself talk... you think you're impressive but in actuality you come across as a buffoon. Your arguments are NOT tangible and when getting your ass handed to you, you moved the fucking goal posts.. You're a joke.
No you didn't argue shit boy.. Show us your proof?

Impossible burden fallacy.

You are asking me to conform to an intellectually dishonest debate standard.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?

You continue to ignore this.
The only thing capitalists would do differently in Venezuela is slaughter and enslave the poor. There are plenty of capitalist countries in South America, that are much worse off but you will never hear a right winger blame capitalism for that

State capitalism works about as well as state socialism.

I believe that state capitalism is more to blame for the crisis in Venezuela, but that is not to say that socialism has not fucked over more than a few people.
WTF is state capitalism?'s his liberal propaganda.....
The only thing capitalists would do differently in Venezuela is slaughter and enslave the poor. There are plenty of capitalist countries in South America, that are much worse off but you will never hear a right winger blame capitalism for that

State capitalism works about as well as state socialism.

I believe that state capitalism is more to blame for the crisis in Venezuela, but that is not to say that socialism has not fucked over more than a few people.
WTF is state capitalism?

It must be like "State Edumucashunism?" Pubwik skrool
No you didn't argue shit boy.. Show us your proof?

Impossible burden fallacy.

You are asking me to conform to an intellectually dishonest debate standard.

What do you believe the impact of Venezuela selling low quality petroleum, the nations largest export, at a rate established by OPEC member states that all produced standard quality petroleum?

You continue to ignore this.

Go start your own thread on the quality of petroleum Turd.. You won't derail my thread.. Quit while you're already behind.. You look foolish.
No,,actiually there is no other refining capacity in the world designed to handle their largest oil reserves in the world....and your Obama hates that.....

I have vocally criticized Obama on this site, and my anarchist beliefs of abolishing the state and therefore all government social services are therefore inconsistent with the ideals of the Obama administration

Wait... maybe you are just trying to get under my skin :eusa_doh:
Great article from Forbes
Congratulations To Bolivarian Socialism: Venezuela's Maduro Now Blames Everyone But Himself

From the article:

Because, absent simply insane economic policies there’s absolutely no reason why this should have happened. No, the oil price crash does not excuse it: the country ran out of toilet paper when oil was still over $100 a barrel. And ran out of most other things before that too: this is simply and purely the result of people who know nothing at all about how economies work getting their hands on the policy levers.

The fucking moron thinks OPEC picked on "Venzuela." Not on all of the other countries that drill and produce oil. Just Venezuela.


He must have read something written by Sean Penn.

1. Venezuela has gone from being dependent on oil to being extremely dependent on oil.

Former minister in 1998 oil represented 77 percent of Venezuela's exports but by 2011 oil represented 96 percent of exports. That means today only around 4 percent of the goods that Venezuela exports are non-oil products! The Venezuelan economy relies almost exclusively on the price of oil and the ability of the government to spend oil revenues. This will take years to reverse because of item two below.

2. The Chavez government has crippled private businesses and national industry through expropriations and nationalizations.

The Chavez government has expropriated or nationalized numerous companies (no one seems to be able to count them all) involved in various sectors including aluminum, cement, gold, iron, steel, farming, transportation, electricity, food production, banking, paper and the media. The number of private companies in industry has dropped from 14,000 in 1998 to only 9,000 in 2011, according to Torres.

Companies need investment to grow and hire new workers. One of the biggest failures of the Chavez government has been to drive away both domestic and foreign investors. In 2011 Latin America enjoyed a record of more than $150 billion in foreign investment with Brazil receiving $67 billion. Venezuela's neighbor Colombia received $13 billion while Venezuela received only $5 billion. To avoid expropriation and find investment a number of Venezuelan companies have moved to Colombia, Panama and the United States.

3. The Venezuelan currency is a mess.

The new currency, the Bolivar fuerte, is anything but strong. The Bolivar fuerte has lost nearly two-thirds of its value since it was launched in 2008. Many analysts expect Venezuela will have to go through a painful devaluation sometime this year or next. This will further reduce the value of wages and sharply increase the costs of imports of basic staple goods. Life will get tougher for most Venezuelans but Chavez probably won't be around to see it.

4. Prices in Venezuela have gone up by 23 percent a year for more than ten years.

Inflation in Venezuela has averaged 23 percent during 1999-2011 compared to a Latin American average of 4.6 percent. Imagine what life would be like if the price of groceries went up 23 percent every year. This craziness combined with stringent price controls has completely distorted the economy, creating black markets and shortages. In 2012 Venezuela will again have one of the highest inflation rates in the world.

5.Under Chavez Venezuela has become one of the most violent countries on the planet.

The murder rate per 100,000 citizens has risen from 25 in 1999 to 45.1 in 2011. This is not an economic stat per se but violence has an economic impact. It is more challenging and dangerous than ever to do business and go to work in Venezuela. When you consider these points, it's hard to call the economic legacy of Chavez and his band of 21st Century Socialists a good one.

As Chavez destroyed the richest economy in Latin America
How Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
The Facts about Venezuela

Why Hugo Chavez Was Bad for Venezuela

Now, trust me I know these articles and facts will not dent the mind of the pathetic left wing loser American socialist (the dumbest people on the planet and it is not close). Hope some of those help out.


Good Lord they are useless.
No,,actiually there is no other refining capacity in the world designed to handle their largest oil reserves in the world....and your Obama hates that.....

I have vocally criticized Obama on this site, and my anarchist beliefs of abolishing the state and therefore all government social services are therefore inconsistent with the ideals of the Obama administration

Wait... maybe you are just trying to get under my skin :eusa_doh:

Oh look, it's a Bill Ayers Anarchist.. :cuckoo:
Great article from Forbes
Congratulations To Bolivarian Socialism: Venezuela's Maduro Now Blames Everyone But Himself

From the article:

Because, absent simply insane economic policies there’s absolutely no reason why this should have happened. No, the oil price crash does not excuse it: the country ran out of toilet paper when oil was still over $100 a barrel. And ran out of most other things before that too: this is simply and purely the result of people who know nothing at all about how economies work getting their hands on the policy levers.

The fucking moron thinks OPEC picked on "Venzuela." Not on all of the other countries that drill and produce oil. Just Venezuela.


He must have read something written by Sean Penn.

1. Venezuela has gone from being dependent on oil to being extremely dependent on oil.

Former minister Gerver Torres points out that in 1998 oil represented 77 percent of Venezuela's exports but by 2011 oil represented 96 percent of exports. That means today only around 4 percent of the goods that Venezuela exports are non-oil products! The Venezuelan economy relies almost exclusively on the price of oil and the ability of the government to spend oil revenues. This will take years to reverse because of item two below.

2. The Chavez government has crippled private businesses and national industry through expropriations and nationalizations.

The Chavez government has expropriated or nationalized numerous companies (no one seems to be able to count them all) involved in various sectors including aluminum, cement, gold, iron, steel, farming, transportation, electricity, food production, banking, paper and the media. The number of private companies in industry has dropped from 14,000 in 1998 to only 9,000 in 2011, according to Torres.

Companies need investment to grow and hire new workers. One of the biggest failures of the Chavez government has been to drive away both domestic and foreign investors. In 2011 Latin America enjoyed a record of more than $150 billion in foreign investment with Brazil receiving $67 billion. Venezuela's neighbor Colombia received $13 billion while Venezuela received only $5 billion. To avoid expropriation and find investment a number of Venezuelan companies have moved to Colombia, Panama and the United States.

3. The Venezuelan currency is a mess.

The new currency, the Bolivar fuerte, is anything but strong. The Bolivar fuerte has lost nearly two-thirds of its value since it was launched in 2008. Many analysts expect Venezuela will have to go through a painful devaluation sometime this year or next. This will further reduce the value of wages and sharply increase the costs of imports of basic staple goods. Life will get tougher for most Venezuelans but Chavez probably won't be around to see it.

4. Prices in Venezuela have gone up by 23 percent a year for more than ten years.

Inflation in Venezuela has averaged 23 percent during 1999-2011 compared to a Latin American average of 4.6 percent. Imagine what life would be like if the price of groceries went up 23 percent every year. This craziness combined with stringent price controls has completely distorted the economy, creating black markets and shortages. In 2012 Venezuela will again have one of the highest inflation rates in the world.

5.Under Chavez Venezuela has become one of the most violent countries on the planet.

The murder rate per 100,000 citizens has risen from 25 in 1999 to 45.1 in 2011. This is not an economic stat per se but violence has an economic impact. It is more challenging and dangerous than ever to do business and go to work in Venezuela. When you consider these points, it's hard to call the economic legacy of Chavez and his band of 21st Century Socialists a good one.

As Chavez destroyed the richest economy in Latin America
How Socialism Has Destroyed Venezuela
The Facts about Venezuela

Why Hugo Chavez Was Bad for Venezuela

Now, trust me I know these articles and facts will not dent the mind of the pathetic left wing loser American socialist (the dumbest people on the planet and it is not close). Hope some of those help out.


Good Lord they are useless.
Gold star post Owl!!!!

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