Venezuela. Warning for Putin. Do not underestimate the Fifth Column within Russia!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
The Fifth Column within Russia does not sleep and is waiting for the 'nice' moment.
It is too much Russians in Russia, the Fifth Column plans to reduce them by 90 % through new 'democratic' reforms.Keep watching, Putin!
Russia does not need new 'Perestroika' and 1990s.

Russia for Russians, not for Deep State!

Jan 24:

"The developments in Venezuela show very well how progressive Western society really treats international law, sovereignty and non-interference into internal affairs of other states, by manually changing the power there [in Venezuela]," Zakharova said.
Developments in Venezuela show West's real attitude toward international law — diplomat


This can only deepen the social divide in Venezuela, aggravate street protests, dramatically destabilise the Venezuelan political community and further escalate the conflict. The deliberate and obviously well orchestrated creation of dual power and an alternative decision-making centre in Venezuela is a direct path towards chaos and erosion of Venezuelan statehood.

We regard Washington’s unceremonious actions as yet another demonstration of its total disregard for the norms and principles of international law and an attempt to pose as the self-imposed master of another nation’s future. The United States is clearly trying to apply a tried and tested regime change scenario in Venezuela.

Venezuelans alone have the right to determine their future. Any destructive foreign interference, especially amid the current tensions, is completely unacceptable. Incitement has nothing in common with a democratic process; it is a direct path towards lawlessness and violence.
Foreign Ministry statement on the developments in Venezuela

Same crap has happened in my home country of Ukraine: with the "help" of Obama and Soros and under total control from Washington a semi-comfortable country of Ukraine turned into the poorest country in Europe with war, corruption and human rights suppression. Washington never cares about the people: if allowed it comes and destroys the country "in the name of democracy. "
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