Venom: Capitalism Daddy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-omen parable inspired by the fortune-media film Money Monster.

Signing off,


God created Eden for his precious creations (Adam and Eve) to cherish. However, God's adversary, Satan (the Devil), tricked Adam and Eve into thinking that intellectual prowess was more important than fertility. So, Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden and they proceeded to spawn descendants who would build modern civilizations focused on intellectual endeavors such as the Human Genome Project and the World Bank. God still watched over Eden and sent his son, Jesus the Messiah, to redeem Adam and Eve and help them forget about their sins of speculation.

The damage was done, and a new beast was released upon the Earth. The beast's name was Venom, and he was a minion of Satan, an advocate of anarchy and mayhem. Venom's message was simple --- "Capitalism promotes gambling, and gambling creates avarice, contempt, lust, and betrayal." Venom destroyed several major banks across the United States and told news reporters that he was a messenger of doom and a punisher of Wall Street and gambling. Venom then decapitated a number of sports-gambling bookies and scrambled the odds-system for the upcoming Kentucky Derby horse-race.

God asked Venom why he thought gambling was more problematic than ostracism, and Venom explained to God that gambling entreat's the mind's curiosity about manipulating fate even when it seems fate is predetermined! God realized Venom was a messenger of misfortune, not prophecy. God sent his archangel Michael to deal with Venom who debated with the beast about the parameters of capitalism and consumerism and finance-based warfare in the modern age (e.g., Gulf War). Venom started telling Michael about the tragedy of 9/11 (the destruction of the World Trade Center in NYC) and the murder of over 300 Sufi-Muslims in an Egyptian Mosque on Black Friday (the annual shopping-day in America following Thanksgiving!).

VENOM: Don't you see the allure of anti-Wall Street terrorism, Michael?
MICHAEL: Destroying the World Trade Center will not solve the problem of gambling!
VENOM: Capitalism is a gamble, Michael, and I'm merely a punisher.
MICHAEL: You torture humanity's sensibilities about risk and fate; you're evil.
VENOM: I'm necessary evil; Americans need to understand consequence.
MICHAEL: Americans understand consequence from Pearl Harbor, not 9/11.
VENOM: You have to understand that corruption entered the world through speculation.
MICHAEL: Speculation is an imaginary axis, not an irreversible consciousness.
VENOM: When stockbrokers gamble on Wall Street, Arabs become enraged.
MICHAEL: Yes, and they respond with violence, and the chain must be broken!
VENOM: Everything is a gamble now, Michael --- even medicine!
MICHAEL: We can't cure faithlessness with more anarchy...
VENOM: Those who died in the World Trade Center were 'sacrificials.'
MICHAEL: When civilization speculates on 'election,' death looms as an omen.
VENOM: Yet, the 'sacrificials' believe themselves to be martyrs of speculation-philosophy.
MICHAEL: There's nothing 'glamorous' about gambling; men need pity.
VENOM: When one gambles on 'behalf' of others, they turn others into pawns.
MICHAEL: A civilization obsessed with profit cares nothing about 'expendables.'
VENOM: How will you destroy me, a messenger of capitalism's frailty?
MICHAEL: I will bring forth a sword of medicine --- cholesterol!
VENOM: Wow, so Michael is just like Dr. C. Everett Koop.



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