Verifying Your Political ID

The Southern conservative of 50+ years ago was virulently anti-communist, strongly advocated states rights, believed in small government, and hated Medicare.

In half a century, that has not changed at all. Just the party to which they predominantly belong.

It just irks Republicans who want us all to believe the GOP still embraces minorities. When you have to reach back 50+ years to prove it, that gives away the whole ball game of the demographic shift which has occured since then.

So the pathetic attempt in the OP to make it sound like we realists believe it happened over a weekend is just that. Pathetic.

You'll always be a moron.

The Democrats were always and remain racist.....but have the ability to pretend and convince you dopes that they aren't.

Now....The fabled 'southern strategy.'

1. Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.

a. They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

b. The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.

2. First of all, the Democrats didn’t pass the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. That bill, along with every civil rights bill for the preceding century, was supported by substantially more Republicans than Democrats.

Second, the South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!
Coulter, "Mugged"

b. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?

3."Three years after Brown, President Eisenhower won passage of his landmark Civil Rights Act of 1957. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen authored and introduced the 1960 Civil Rights Act, and saw it through to passage. Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act overwhelmingly, and by much higher percentages in both House and Senate than the Democrats.

Indeed, the 1964 Civil Rights Act became law only after overcoming a Democrat filibuster."
Everything I Know Is Wrong: History of the Republican Party

Clearly, no link is necessary to prove that you are an imbecile.

4. BTW....

In writing about McGovern and George Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”!

“The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win

Whenever you're ready, simply yell "check, please!"
My father, poor fellow, died a liberal. However if he was living today, I am certain he would not be a liberal seeing what is happening in today's society.

"A conservative is a liberal who just got mugged."

Or, in the modern idiom:

"A conservative is an Obama voter who just found he could not keep his old insurance plan or his doctor... and found out about it from an NSA wiretap on his phone."

Hey...give credit where credit is due!

Many conservatives required no more than their innate insight to believe as they do.

Se what that says about Liberals?
What's with all the inane 'define a liberal' threads today? Was that an instruction sent out in the daily email?

A liberal is someone who knows better than to be a conservative.

Once again a mindless Liberal simpleton had nothing to say about the OP....merely an "Oh, yeah...sez you" post.
5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

McCarthy (check your spelling) did a great deal of damage by besmirching innocent people. He was a dishonorable and unprincipled creature.

The blind nut found the occasional squirrel.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

Probably. In the 20th Century, though, the heathens win that score.

Yes. Along with Clinton, the Republican Congress, Democrats, Wall Street, the ratings agencies, the SEC, and several other regulators, world governments, and financial institutions.



9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

Not as responsible, but definitely responsible.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

You appear to be a black and white person. ;)

Much criticism of Obama is racially based. Not all.

"5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.
McCarthy (check your spelling) did a great deal of damage by besmirching innocent people. He was a dishonorable and unprincipled creature.

The blind nut found the occasional squirrel."

Thank you for pointing out the spelling error.

Now, let me point out yours.

Very simple test. In order for you to prove that you haven't been co-opted by Liberal propaganda,
"McCarthy (check your spelling) did a great deal of damage by besmirching innocent people."

....simply provide a few examples of innocent people....not communists or communist sympathizers, damaged by Senator McCarthy.

If you cannot.....then this will be one more proof that you know nothing...and simply mouth what has been programmed into you by the Liberal press.

You're on.
What's with all the inane 'define a liberal' threads today? Was that an instruction sent out in the daily email?

A liberal is someone who knows better than to be a conservative.

If I was going to succumb to a bumper sticker mentality, I would say a left winger is "tax and spend" while a right winger is "borrow and spend".

Ha...I have said that for years...yeeeaaaarrs
....simply provide a few examples of innocent people....not communists or communist sympathizers, damaged by Senator McCarthy.

Why do you exclude communists or commsymps? Is it okay in your totalitarian world to harm people as long as they are communists?

And you dare to claim to speak for the Constitution? Holy shit!

Irving Peress was harmed.

The subcommittee first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America, at that time administered by the State Department's United States Information Agency. Many VOA personnel were questioned in front of television cameras and a packed press gallery, with McCarthy lacing his questions with hostile innuendo and false accusations.[69] A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Morale at VOA was badly damaged, and one of its engineers committed suicide during McCarthy's investigation.
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An American hero takes down Joseph McCarthy. "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough! Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

[ame=]McCarthy: 'Have you no sense of decency?' - YouTube[/ame]

McCarthy was an alcoholic demogogue.
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What's with all the inane 'define a liberal' threads today? Was that an instruction sent out in the daily email?

A liberal is someone who knows better than to be a conservative.

It is not just today. Pretty much a daily theme.
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

Many in the top 1% have received preferential tax benefits that have helped them add to their wealth. How that came about is up for debate, but none the less, it happened. The biggest benefit came in way of capital gains tax rates that were ridiculously low and only really helped the truly wealthy.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

It's not about separation; the government just is not permitted to promote any state religion or to promote one religion over another. This is really quite simple.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

The Constitution is open to interpretation. Even the second amendment is open to interpretation. If it was not, then we would never have any debates on the constitutionality of many issues.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

Many of the laws of economics do not apply to healthcare. Can government run our healthcare system more efficiently than the private sector? That is open for debate. Countries with the most efficient systems, in both terms of cost and care, tend to have a system that combines both where the private sector and government work together. The biggest problem in the US is that we have an either/or attitude about the private sector and government.

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

Plenty of racists in both parties.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

McCarthy called anyone and everyone a communist. He did a great disservice to this country and ruined many good people's lives. On top of that he had an agenda against gays that was detrimental to many who were not even gay. Glad he died a miserable death.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

Religion or no religion, when radical ideology comes into play, it usually ends up being lethal to many.

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

If anyone was solely responsible, it was Greenspan, but there were many factors. I don't see how any one person could be blamed.

7a. Gore won.

Gore received more votes. Gore also likely received more votes in Florida, but his lawyers did not ask for a recount of the entire state. Based on what we know, if there had been a recount of the four counties requested, Bush still would have won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

Rights are determined by the society that people live in, either by the people themselves or by a dictator. It really is that simple.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

Reagan most likely did speed the process up, but it did come at a cost to US taxpayers.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Criticism of either party comes mostly from differences in political ideology than anything else, but do not for one minute believe that racism plays no part in any of the criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

Oh brother.... :cuckoo:

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

....simply provide a few examples of innocent people....not communists or communist sympathizers, damaged by Senator McCarthy.

Why do you exclude communists or commsymps? Is it okay in your totalitarian world to harm people as long as they are communists?

And you dare to claim to speak for the Constitution? Holy shit!

Irving Peress was harmed.

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The subcommittee first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America, at that time administered by the State Department's United States Information Agency. Many VOA personnel were questioned in front of television cameras and a packed press gallery, with McCarthy lacing his questions with hostile innuendo and false accusations.[69] A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Morale at VOA was badly damaged, and one of its engineers committed suicide during McCarthy's investigation.

1. "Why do you exclude communists or commsymps? Is it okay in your totalitarian world to harm people as long as they are communists?"

Communists were spies and agents working for a foreign power, and aimed at overturning the United States.
Coddled by FDR and Truman....Eisenhower passed the act that made them illegal.
"The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlawed the Communist Party of the United States and criminalized membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defined evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations."
Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you think Eisenhower passed that act?

You really have no knowledge....just strong opinions.

So....this is another attempted retreat?


2. Now....for the next smack-down:
You claimed he harmed or damaged "innocent people"....and you expect to provide Irving Peress as such?

Even after the scandal of the Rosenberg cell emerging from the Army, the Army was still employing security risks. Beginning in early 1953, of a whole year, Army intelligence issued urgent warnings about Captain Irving Peress, reports stating that Peress was an active member of the Communist Party, that he was “very disloyal and untrustworthy.”
Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarty: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 248

He was thought to be organizing a Communist cell on the Army base. His company commander wanted him dismissed on grounds of national security.
David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense, p. 366-367

Instead the Army promoted him to Major!
McCarthy exposed the Army’s stupidity in dealing with Peress. The result? Honorable discharge. And McCarty was attacked by Vermont Republican Senator Flanders, stating the Peress was merely “a pink dentist in New Jersey.”

Clearly you have been unable to find even one singe "innocent" 'harmed, damaged, besmirched' by the hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

So far you have revealed yourself as exactly what I stated you to be: a moron, an imbecile, an uneducated dunce.

Perhaps you should stick to subject you actually know something about....your favorite crayola color, or the 24-hour All-Cartoon Network. can continue to embarrass yourself, dope.
You have a 401k?

I assume you rely on PERS.

You pay city and state taxes? You pay college tuition? You buy insurance?

I believe your little tin god has mandated the buying of at least medical insurance..

Then YOU have been robbed by fraudsters on Wall Street. You're just too stupid to know it.

I've been robbed by the fraudsters in Washington DC, and I'm smart enough to grasp that Wall Street is merely one of many groups of agents.

You? Not so much.

And I am not a leftist.

Yes you are - you just lack the integrity to state it directly.

Just smarter than you.

You're dumber than a bag hammers. I guess you're smarter than bodecea (Shortbus,) but that is literally the only person here that I'd consider you smarter than.


Case law has removed prayer from school. Need more examples?

No, just relevance.

I did not say the existing conservative Democratic politicans converted to Republicans, now did I? The voices in your head told you that.

What you did was recite a Soros constructed "big lie."

Your claim that segregationists became Republicans is a fucking lie. Not that you care, you serve the party - not ethical government.

PoliticalChic attempted to build a strawman that the demographic shift occured over a weekend. No one claims that. The voices in HER head told her that.

Political Chic is WAY nicer than I am. She used many of the same points I listed to deconstruct your DailyKOS talking point. She explained to you why what you posted is false.

I'm not that nice. You know full well why what you posted is false, and you post it with the intent to deceive - so I just call you a fucking liar and move on.

And yes, the far left NY Times attacking Nixon is all very compelling - oh wait....

The Times spewing off on Nixon is about as reliable as the Klan (a proud institution of the democratic party) pontificating about black people.
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

Many in the top 1% have received preferential tax benefits that have helped them add to their wealth. How that came about is up for debate, but none the less, it happened. The biggest benefit came in way of capital gains tax rates that were ridiculously low and only really helped the truly wealthy.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

It's not about separation; the government just is not permitted to promote any state religion or to promote one religion over another. This is really quite simple.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

The Constitution is open to interpretation. Even the second amendment is open to interpretation. If it was not, then we would never have any debates on the constitutionality of many issues.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

Many of the laws of economics do not apply to healthcare. Can government run our healthcare system more efficiently than the private sector? That is open for debate. Countries with the most efficient systems, in both terms of cost and care, tend to have a system that combines both where the private sector and government work together. The biggest problem in the US is that we have an either/or attitude about the private sector and government.

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

Plenty of racists in both parties.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

McCarthy called anyone and everyone a communist. He did a great disservice to this country and ruined many good people's lives. On top of that he had an agenda against gays that was detrimental to many who were not even gay. Glad he died a miserable death.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

Religion or no religion, when radical ideology comes into play, it usually ends up being lethal to many.

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

If anyone was solely responsible, it was Greenspan, but there were many factors. I don't see how any one person could be blamed.

7a. Gore won.

Gore received more votes. Gore also likely received more votes in Florida, but his lawyers did not ask for a recount of the entire state. Based on what we know, if there had been a recount of the four counties requested, Bush still would have won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

Rights are determined by the society that people live in, either by the people themselves or by a dictator. It really is that simple.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

Reagan most likely did speed the process up, but it did come at a cost to US taxpayers.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Criticism of either party comes mostly from differences in political ideology than anything else, but do not for one minute believe that racism plays no part in any of the criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

Oh brother.... :cuckoo:

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.


I do so appreciate it when people with a second grade education make the attempt to answer questions that actually require knowledge.

"Many in the top 1% have received preferential tax benefits that have helped them add to their wealth..

a. New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on

b. Of course, your blather is even more true of those on government assistance.

" He [McCarthy] did a great disservice to this country and ruined many good people's lives."
No he didnt.
Try to name a few......
Bet you can't.

"Gore received more votes. Gore also likely received more votes in Florida,..."
No he didn't.

a. In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.

b. The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, “Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed,” by reporter Dennis Cauchon:

"Rights are determined by the society that people live in, either by the people themselves or by a dictator. It really is that simple."
No....simple is what you are.
a. A right is something an individual has by virtue of being human.
b. Rights are exercised by individuals, and are not given nor ascribed by any person of group, especially government
c. Even ignorant folks in the US should be aware of this: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
d. . "Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523: every case you have either been dead wrong, or have not fully responded.

It seems you've failed the quiz.
So sorry.
The Southern conservative of 50+ years ago was virulently anti-communist,

That must be why they so vehemently opposed and attacked McCarthy...

Oh wait - you wouldn't be lying through your fucking teeth, would you?

strongly advocated states rights, believed in small government, and hated Medicare.


HEY EVERYONE - Ernest Hollings was against Medicare - YEP, we have KOS Kiddie right here telling us this!

Unless you're just a fucking liar trying to rewrite history in order to absolve your shameful party and slander the Republicans.

You wouldn't do that, would you? Because it would mean that you're a complete fucking scumbag and a filthy liar.... Or as we commonly say, a democrat...

In half a century, that has not changed at all. Just the party to which they predominantly belong.

Really - so you lied about everything, and we should now accept the conclusion that Soros trained you to spew...

It just irks Republicans who want us all to believe the GOP still embraces minorities. When you have to reach back 50+ years to prove it, that gives away the whole ball game of the demographic shift which has occured since then.

It just irks anyone with integrity what a fucking liar you are - and the brazen manner that you spew these lies. You have ZERO integrity and will say ANYTHING to promote your shameful party.

So the pathetic attempt in the OP to make it sound like we realists believe it happened over a weekend is just that. Pathetic.

You know you're a complete scumbag, right?
You have a 401k?

I assume you rely on PERS.

Of course you assume. It's what idiots do in an information vacuum. They make shit up in their pointy little heads that conform to their biases.

It must really suck to be so trapped in the partisan paradigm of "Right" and "Left" and needing an ID, and to therefore have your moral compass pointed for you by your puppet masters.
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Of course you assume. It's what idiots do in an information vacuum. They make shit up in their pointy little heads that conform to their biases.

It must really suck to be so trapped in the partisan paradigm of "Right" and "Left" and needing an ID, and to therefore have your moral compass pointed for you by your puppet masters.

Two basic paths to retirement,

A 401K - this is for the peasants.

PERS - this is for our anointed rulers in government.
Of course you assume. It's what idiots do in an information vacuum. They make shit up in their pointy little heads that conform to their biases.

It must really suck to be so trapped in the partisan paradigm of "Right" and "Left" and needing an ID, and to therefore have your moral compass pointed for you by your puppet masters.

Two basic paths to retirement,

A 401K - this is for the peasants.

PERS - this is for our anointed rulers in government.

Hedge fund accounts. Brokerage accounts. Stock purchase plans. Military pensions.

There are many paths, and I use almost all of them.

Except PERS. I'm in the private sector. In fact I work in a field that I am quite confident you would very much approve of. I also run a private faith-based charity which receives no government funding.

You would not believe how far off the mark you fools are about me with your assumptions and attempts to pigeonhole everyone.
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....simply provide a few examples of innocent people....not communists or communist sympathizers, damaged by Senator McCarthy.

Why do you exclude communists or commsymps? Is it okay in your totalitarian world to harm people as long as they are communists?

And you dare to claim to speak for the Constitution? Holy shit!

Irving Peress was harmed.

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The subcommittee first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America, at that time administered by the State Department's United States Information Agency. Many VOA personnel were questioned in front of television cameras and a packed press gallery, with McCarthy lacing his questions with hostile innuendo and false accusations.[69] A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Morale at VOA was badly damaged, and one of its engineers committed suicide during McCarthy's investigation.

"A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Morale at VOA was badly damaged, and one of its engineers committed suicide during McCarthy's investigation.[/quote]"

And the implication equally false.

More smears aimed at McCarthy.

There is no evidence that a single person committed suicide because of McCarthy.
Often, Raymond Kaplan is claimed to have committed suicide in fear of McCarthy, as a result of a note he left before leaping in front of a truck: “When the dogs are set upon you, everything you have done from the beginning of your life is suspect.” But, who are the ‘dogs’?

“One of McCarthy's first investigations concerned the Voice of America (VOA) and why one of its transmitters had been placed in such a way as to minimize its effectiveness in reaching the enslaved people behind the Iron Curtain.

An employee with the VOA — Raymond Kaplan — died when hit by a truck the day before he was set to testify in the probe.” McCarthy Part 4--Annie Lee Moss, VOA, and history insulted

“Kaplan was expected to be a friendly committee witness, eager to tell McCarthy of his frustration that some with whom he worked had placed a Voice of America transmitter in such a way as to prevent VOA from reaching the freedom-loving people behind the Iron Curtain, thus rendering it useless.” NewsMax Archives

Since Kaplan was opposed to the placement of the transmitters as useless, he was happy to testify. Kaplan was involved in a rancorous battle with VOA, not with McCarthy.
An American hero takes down Joseph McCarthy. "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough! Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

McCarthy: 'Have you no sense of decency?' - YouTube

McCarthy was an alcoholic demogogue.

Now for your further edification:

On June 9, 1954 "Have you left no sense of decency?"

This is the bumper-sticker assault on McCarthy by Army counsel Joseph Welch. Welch challenged Cohn to give McCarthy's list of 130 subversives in defense plants to the office of the FBI and the Department of Defense "before the sun goes down".

In response to Welch's challenge, McCarthy suggested that Welch should check on Fred Fisher, a young lawyer in Welch's own Boston law firm whom Welch planned to have on his staff for the hearings. McCarthy then mentioned that Fisher had once belonged to the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a group which Attorney General Brownell had called "the legal bulwark of the Communist Party." Army?McCarthy hearings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Ready for the punch line?

Welch himself had publically confirmed Fisher's former Guild membership, in a NYTimes story, April 16, 1945

So the context if very different....isn't it?

See what you've learned today?

The attacks on McCarthy by the Liberal press has been nothing less than character assassination....

...and you've been part of it.
On Religion, from a Madison perspective......

Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.

Because it is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of Citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The free men of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entagled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects? that the same authority which can force a citizen to contribute three pence only of his property for the support of any one establishment, may force him to conform to any other establishment in all cases whatsoever? .........
Religious Freedom Page: Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, James Madison (1785)

;) Lets try to distinguish between God, Church, Individual, Society, and Government, here. Each of us either chooses to act for or against Conscience, to whatever degree. Accepting or denying the responsibility for that changes nothing. Still, matters of Conscience cannot be force fed or dictated.

I have read this before and every time I do, I get many new things from it.

The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.

The above warning is happening right now. Someone explain to me how an Executive Order from Barry putting off employer mandates for Obamacare does not encroach upon the specific powers of the Congress? Additionally, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has held that Barry EXCEEDED his authority by using recess appointments to fill the Labor Relations Board while Congress was still in session. Again, how does the above sentence NOT apply?

...but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people

Someone also explain to me how the limiting of my 2nd Amendment rights is not in effect, EXACTLY what he is talking about in this quote?

The problem is, I am more firmly convinced that we approach a time in our nation when we are IN FACT living and putting up with tyranny. Surely not one of the kind where people disappear in the night, but tyranny none the less.


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