Verifying Your Political ID

Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

You leftists always think the army is going to side with you when you finally dissolve the Constitution.

I think you're going to be in for a big surprise.

Of course I think the leftists in Washington know full well that the military won't back them, which is why they have militarized the secret police.

Soooo...based on this response, I'm guessing it will be sometime around January 2017 when you realize what a Batshit Crazy Rube you are.

Unless another Democrat wins the 2016 election. Then all bets are off. Your delusions may persist indefinitely.
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Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

The photos circulated for these camps are covert shots smuggled out of North Korea work camps. It's pathetic.

But drive west of the Susquehanna in Pennsylvania and there's a lot of people that scan the skies over their houses for the black helicopters...constantly....waiting and clinging to their guns.
Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

The photos circulated for these camps are covert shots smuggled out of North Korea work camps. It's pathetic.

But drive west of the Susquehanna in Pennsylvania and there's a lot of people that scan the skies over their houses for the black helicopters...constantly....waiting and clinging to their guns.

600 FEMA camps. I can't go to 7-Eleven without having to drive around another goddam FEMA camp! :evil:

As soon as our troops come home from Afghanistan and Iraq, they are going to start rounding us up. Just show them your Support Our Troops bumper sticker or your flag pin and you should be okay, though.


These are the people writing Political ID tests. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

You leftists always think the army is going to side with you when you finally dissolve the Constitution.

I think you're going to be in for a big surprise.

Of course I think the leftists in Washington know full well that the military won't back them, which is why they have militarized the secret police.

You mean these guys?


Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

The photos circulated for these camps are covert shots smuggled out of North Korea work camps. It's pathetic.

But drive west of the Susquehanna in Pennsylvania and there's a lot of people that scan the skies over their houses for the black helicopters...constantly....waiting and clinging to their guns.

600 FEMA camps. I can't go to 7-Eleven without having to drive around another goddam FEMA camp! :evil:

I found one in the trees behind my house. I've called Animal Control and they are sending a truck.
Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

The photos circulated for these camps are covert shots smuggled out of North Korea work camps. It's pathetic.

But drive west of the Susquehanna in Pennsylvania and there's a lot of people that scan the skies over their houses for the black helicopters...constantly....waiting and clinging to their guns.

600 FEMA camps. I can't go to 7-Eleven without having to drive around another goddam FEMA camp! :evil:

As soon as our troops come home from Afghanistan and Iraq, they are going to start rounding us up. Just show them your Support Our Troops bumper sticker or your flag pin and you should be okay, though.


These are the people writing Political ID tests. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Go to the link I posted and take the test. I think you'd be surprised. It's not a black/white up/down sort of test.
Here's another verified Batshit Crazy Rube:

They cut a P.O.

That's a contract. No doubt there is a 10% clause, so it may end up a little less, or a little more.

Either way, DHS is requisitioning far more Ammo than the Army, Navy, and Marines combined.

Standard Disclaimer: They don't actually give the Air Force guns, do they?

Okay lefty loon, what specifically is "batshit crazy" in that?

Doe the government NOT cut Purchase Orders?

What is it that you (or DailyKOS) are actually trying to say here?
There is no doubt that many on the Left think some or all of those statements are true.

We on the right know many on the Left are delusional and misinformed. I suspect that we know more about how the Left thinks and what they believe, then they do.

I also believe that much of the misinformation accepted by some on the Left is the result of a media that regularly promotes propaganda that dupes lefties over and over again.

If I could be so bold as to add to your list, this one is big.

Nazism is a right wing ideology.

If Libertarians actually had to exist in their scorched earth policies, they'd be the first to squeal like little pigs.

But you have never had to, you just sit on the sidelines and squawk.
Another quiz question: In what year will the Batshit Crazy Rubes finally wake up with a sheepish look on their faces when they realize their DHS/Army FEMA masturbatory fantasy was all a giant hoax on them?

Look, you're a partisan hack. You form your posts around what will serve your shameful party.

But JUST in case anyone here didn't know that you are a completely dishonest hack;

{DHS Purchase and Use

The quantity of ammunition that DHS has procured has largely remained constant relative to the Department’s employee base since fiscal fear (FY) 2006.2 On average, over the last three fiscal years, DHS procured approximately 120 million rounds of ammunition per year of all calibers and types and fired approximately the same number of rounds per year, almost exclusively for training purposes. In FY 2012, for example, DHS estimates that it procured just over 100 million rounds3 and we anticipate the purchase and use of ammunition in the current fiscal year to be similar to previous years.4 Based on the President’s budget request for FY 2013, submitted to Congress in February 2012, Components identified approximately $37 million spread across different accounts that was budgeted for ammunition in FY 2013.5 Furthermore, during the first two quarters of FY 2013 DHS purchased just under 41 million rounds of ammunition.6 However, due to current resource constraints, efforts have been made to reduce spending on supplies, including ammunition if it will not have a deleterious effect on officer safety and proficiency.}

Written testimony of DHS MGMT and ICE for a House Oversight & Government Reform Subcommittees on Economic Growth, Job Creation, and Regulatory Affairs, and National Security hearing titled ?Oversight of the Federal Government?s Procurement of Ammunit

I'd say that you're a fucking nut job - but we both know that you're really just a hack.
Here's another verified Batshit Crazy Rube:

They cut a P.O.

That's a contract. No doubt there is a 10% clause, so it may end up a little less, or a little more.

Either way, DHS is requisitioning far more Ammo than the Army, Navy, and Marines combined.

Standard Disclaimer: They don't actually give the Air Force guns, do they?

Okay lefty loon, what specifically is "batshit crazy" in that?

Doe the government NOT cut Purchase Orders?

What is it that you (or DailyKOS) are actually trying to say here?

Are you ignoring the nice pretty pictures I put up of those cops? Know what they are doing? They were what the RNC hired for protection in Tampa at the 2012 convention.

Soooo...based on this response, I'm guessing it will be sometime around January 2017 when you realize what a Batshit Crazy Rube you are.

Unless another Democrat wins the 2016 election. Then all bets are off. Your delusions may persist indefinitely.

So, DHS, ICE, and even the IRS have NOT been militarized, sploogy?

You sure you don't want to log on to KOS and check your answer?


It's not that you're a stupid, partisan fuckwad....

Oh wait, yeah - it kinda is...
Here's another verified Batshit Crazy Rube:

They cut a P.O.

That's a contract. No doubt there is a 10% clause, so it may end up a little less, or a little more.

Either way, DHS is requisitioning far more Ammo than the Army, Navy, and Marines combined.

Standard Disclaimer: They don't actually give the Air Force guns, do they?

Okay lefty loon, what specifically is "batshit crazy" in that?

Doe the government NOT cut Purchase Orders?

What is it that you (or DailyKOS) are actually trying to say here?

DHS has not bought a billion rounds of ammo. And the Army isn't going to come for you and put you in a FEMA camp.

Sorry to burst your bubble, BCR. I know how much you were looking forward to it.
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

all the answers are NO except # 9 and the question about healthcare is neither false nor correct, it is simply a wrong question as the answer is 50-50
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Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

#9 is a fact btw...
Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

You leftists always think the army is going to side with you when you finally dissolve the Constitution.

I think you're going to be in for a big surprise.

Of course I think the leftists in Washington know full well that the military won't back them, which is why they have militarized the secret police.

You mean these guys?




This is the progress that you progressives bring.
Ha...I have said that for years...yeeeaaaarrs

It would be more accurate to say a leftist is a "tax, borrow, and spend."

Obama has borrowed vastly more than Bush did.

  • And W. Bush "borrowed" vastly more than Clinton did (increased debt by about $6.0 trillion)
  • And Clinton "borrowed" less than H. Bush did (increased debt by about $1.4 trillion)
  • And H. Bush "borrowed" more than Reagan did (increased debt by about $1.5 trillion)
  • And Reagan "borrowed" more than Carter did (increased debt by about $1.9 trillion)
  • And Carter "borrowed" about the same as Nixon (increased debt by about $0.3 trillion)

Carter was the last U.S. president that chose not to build the economy based upon issuance of new debt, so he was probably the most fiscally conservative. Carter managed this during an unprecedented period of economic "stagflation" caused by the misguided anti-inflationary policies of Nixon/Ford, the re-entry into the labor force of many former members of the military (following the end of the Vietnam debacle), and the OPEC oil crisis that drove up fuel prices in a nation that was unprepared.

So Carter was the best president since Nixon in terms of controlling the "debt."
DHS has not bought a billion rounds of ammo.

No, they cut a purchase order for 770 million rounds over 5 years. Which I posted FROM THEIR SITE - you mindless fucking hack.

And the Army isn't going to come for you and put you in a FEMA camp.

My guess is the army will either side with the Constitution or sit it out, when you totalitarian fucks finally make your move.

And the "FEMA camp" straw man makes your little buddy cream himself - but I just see you are a desperate fool.

Well, logical fallacy IS the closest you ever get to logic..

Sorry to burst your bubble, BCR. I know how much you were looking forward to it.

ROFL - this really is the best you've got.
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

#9 is a fact btw...

No it isn't.

It is a made up myth by the Liberal press to deny Reagan the credit for the complete defeat of the 'Evil Empire."

Need proof?


"SO ON WHOM or what do we bestow the title of the "evil empire's" killer? Was it Mikhail Gorbachev himself who pulled down what Lenin and Stalin had built up? It is tempting to finger Gorbachev, but this would ascribe too much wisdom and foresight to a man who wanted merely to reform, but not to relinquish, the empire.

At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower.

And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.";col1
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

all the answers are NO except # 9 and the question about healthcare is neither false nor correct, it is simply a wrong question as the answer is 50-50

#9 is false as well.

See post #78.
DHS has not bought a billion rounds of ammo.

No, they cut a purchase order for 770 million rounds over 5 years. Which I posted FROM THEIR SITE - you mindless fucking hack.

I explained to you how those IDIQ purchase contracts work, BCR. The DHS did not take delivery of anywhere near those rounds, and never will.

Do you need to see the evidence of your idiocy again?

And the Army isn't going to come for you and put you in a FEMA camp.

My guess is the army will either side with the Constitution or sit it out, when you totalitarian fucks finally make your move.


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