Verizon strike ending . Unions win new contract !

Jeez Ray you resaly have it in for those people. So they get more pay....why does that make you so upset? A smart worker is always looking to improve himself. Ypou want these people to work for free?
Jeez Ray you resaly have it in for those people. So they get more pay....why does that make you so upset? A smart worker is always looking to improve himself. Ypou want these people to work for free?

So who is going to pay for those increases in pay, benefits or both? That's right, I will because I am a customer. I've been a Verizon customer since they bought out Alltel. And to my knowledge, Verizon has treated their employees fairly. It's the union that's so upset because they are setting up shop outside of union territory.
Why would rates increase ? Verizon makes billions a year .
How are you able to remember to breath?

You can't actually be an adult and not understand these things.
How do you think they still support socialism even after Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba and Greece?
North Korea
Veit Nam
the eu

Well the morons are calling it 'democratic socialism' now, and with the name change it just has to work.

this time, for realzzies
Jeez Ray you resaly have it in for those people. So they get more pay....why does that make you so upset? A smart worker is always looking to improve himself. Ypou want these people to work for free?

So who is going to pay for those increases in pay, benefits or both? That's right, I will because I am a customer. I've been a Verizon customer since they bought out Alltel. And to my knowledge, Verizon has treated their employees fairly. It's the union that's so upset because they are setting up shop outside of union territory.
A friend of mine is an installer.

he drives 1.5 hours to work everyday b/c the pay was so good. On his own, he owned, OWNED, a 3br house with basement and yard on all sides and was never ever short on cash.
Why would rates increase ? Verizon makes billions a year .
How are you able to remember to breath?

You can't actually be an adult and not understand these things.
How do you think they still support socialism even after Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba and Greece?

How is Brazil socialist ?

The us is socialist and we are nodding just fine . All the winner countries are socialist .
Well you don't have to stick with Verizon. Go to a provider that doesn't like its employees. If you want good employees then STEP UP and pay them. More psy equals more productivity. Less pay equals less productivity. Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Its called capitalism.

can't wait for the rate increase.

Should I shop around now or wait for the rate battles as people leave verizon in droves?

Yes. We should have swear shops again to make the radical right happy and return us to a century ago.
Swear shops?

Howthefuck did my career cuntseller not fucking mention that mutthafukkers can make bank for swearing?
I didn't see any change in Verizon service during the strike. Doesn't that indicate they really aren't needed? Maybe they should fire the 36,000 strikers and save some money.
Again more anti worker mentality. What do you care if some worker got a small raise or an added benefit? We can't have a worker getting a raise...that's terrible.
Well you don't have to stick with Verizon. Go to a provider that doesn't like its employees. If you want good employees then STEP UP and pay them. More psy equals more productivity. Less pay equals less productivity. Pretend to pay me I pretend to work. Its called capitalism.

No. Capitalism is when a business is free to do their work. When unions force them to overpay employees, it's no longer capitalism, it's blackmail.

When Verizon is forced to cut down on quality because of this strike, forced to increase fees, forced to put lower limits on their services for the same price, I will look for another provider, and so will millions of others thanks to greedy employees and unions.

Unions and greedy employees are never happy until they shut down a business or force them out of the country. Then they are happy.
Perhaps the company was underpaying and needed a wakeup call. Why do you think they are overpaid? I think the company was chincy and cheap to begin with. If you aren't going to pay me don't expect me to work. You believe most workers are overpaid don't you?
Only a stupid employee accepts the same pay year after year. They have mouths to feed too. Perhaps Verizon figured out they want good workers applying there and they will have to pay note to keep them.
Perhaps the company was underpaying and needed a wakeup call. Why do you think they are overpaid? I think the company was chincy and cheap to begin with. If you aren't going to pay me don't expect me to work. You believe most workers are overpaid don't you?

In many cases, yes. A worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job the same way. That is how our value is determined.

However, when you throw a monkey wrench into the system like unions, then the worker is likely overpaid. Because if a worker feels like they are underpaid, they simply go work for a competitor and make more money.
Only a stupid employee accepts the same pay year after year. They have mouths to feed too. Perhaps Verizon figured out they want good workers applying there and they will have to pay note to keep them.

If Verizon made that decision, I would agree. But Verizon didn't make that decision. They were forced to give in because of the union. That's why unions are nearly a thing of the past. They forced companies to close down, leave the country, or invest in automation.

Americans got smarter about unions, and that's why most of us don't support them any longer.
Depends what overpaid means. I do know one cannotsurvivew on $12 an hour and no health insurance. I think most companies underpay their employers. Yes you are correct a wise worker is always looking for better employment and they let their current employers know this. If you are a valued and needed employee you use that against your employer.

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