Verizon strike ending . Unions win new contract !

While all the politicians talk a lot about "keeping good paying American jobs" it's the unions who go out and do just that .

Verizon reaches deal with 36,000 striking workers

Verizon reaches deal with 36,000 striking workers
May 27


Verizon and its striking labor unions reached a tentative deal on Friday, potentially ending a six-week labor dispute involving 36,000 workers.

U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez announced that Verizon and the unions have reached an "agreement in principle" on a four-year contract. He said he expects Verizon's (VZ, Tech30) striking workers to be "back on the job next week."

Verizon and its unions confirmed the deal but did not release specific details. However, the Communications Workers of America said Verizon has agreed to add "good union jobs" on the East Coast as part of the agreement. The CWA also said the agreement will improve the living standards of working families, and paves the way for the first contract for wireless retail store workers.
Prices will go up now... Lol
Does anyone who has Verizon miss them while they were on strike?

I didn't....

Me either. And like what's going on with this huge minimum wage increase, expect Verizon to invest in more automation.

Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

If money was no object they could do it today fool....


Nope. You obviously have no clue about what I posted. A robot in no way could find a specific number on a terminal in a high-rise building and extend it to the customers location within the building.

Yes it could, god damn it, next your are going to tell me no way a drone airplane couldn't find a little carrier in the huge Pacific ocean and land on it.

Get a grip fool.

For a libtard progressive you sure are not very progressive.


As someone who has actually worked for the phone company, I can tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about.
If the company can't step up and give a fair raise they aren't worth working for. Those companies I would hope move away where they can pay slave wages.
Yall want everything to be wallymart.

Funny how CEO salaries never bother u , but some working stiff has a health plan and it angers you?
It's none of your business what people get paid just as it's none of their business what you get paid. Dumbass
If we are talking about ceos then we can discuss overpaid. Imagine sitting back in your cushy office while paying the people who do actual work a pittance.
Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

Or they can make better investments in quality wiring and connections.

There were 40,000 workers on the east coast striking. I doubt if there is even a considerable percentage of them climbing polls.

How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

The libtard validates my argument that you can automate anything and everything if money was no object.


We could build an elevator to the moon with your logic. That in no way is reasonable argument.
How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

But if you keep pushing it, they find more and more ways to eliminate those jobs. It's not going to happen all at once.

The harder you push--the faster it will happen. At one time the milk man thought he could never be replaced. At one time the ice man thought the same thing. So did the telephone operator.

Keep pushing it?
So there can never be pay raises ever?
They were fighting to stop job outsourcing .

Verizon netted $18 billion last year . But it's the ingrate workers who are greedy ? You righties are such big biz whores .

No, it's just that we know more about
They were fighting to stop job outsourcing .

Verizon netted $18 billion last year . But it's the ingrate workers who are greedy ? You righties are such big biz whores .

No, it's just that we know more about business than liberals.

Let me give you a scenario:

Let's say you won a lottery number that paid oh.......about $400,000 after taxes. Your house and car are paid for, you don' have any major bills. So what do you do with this new little fortune? That's right, you invest it.

But let's say you don't know much about investments, so you talk to somebody that does. You want a secure long term investment. Nothing risky or nutty.

So your friend boils it down to two companies for you to invest in. Company A has been around for quite a while. It's a conservative investment that's been earning about 5% a year. Then there is company B. It to is a conservative investment, but it's growth has been around 2.7% a year. Which company will you put that $400,000 in?

Before you answer, there is one more thing you should know. Company A grosses around four million dollars a year. Company B grosses about six billion dollars a year. Does that change your decision?

Of course not, because you could care less how much they gross, you care about growth just like all investors in the market.

Verizon's growth has not been that great lately regardless of how much they gross. That means they lose investors they really need because large business heavily relies on investors. Now they have to give these 40,000 employees whatever it took to get them back to work, and of course, that brings down their growth much more.

than liberals.

Let me give you a scenario:

Let's say you won a lottery number that paid oh.......about $400,000 after taxes. Your house and car are paid for, you don' have any major bills. So what do you do with this new little fortune? That's right, you invest it.

But let's say you don't know much about investments, so you talk to somebody that does. You want a secure long term investment. Nothing risky or nutty.

So your friend boils it down to two companies for you to invest in. Company A has been around for quite a while. It's a conservative investment that's been earning about 5% a year. Then there is company B. It to is a conservative investment, but it's growth has been around 2.7% a year. Which company will you put that $400,000 in?

Before you answer, there is one more thing you should know. Company A grosses around four million dollars a year. Company B grosses about six billion dollars a year. Does that change your decision?

Of course not, because you could care less how much they gross, you care about growth just like all investors in the market.

Verizon's growth has not been that great lately regardless of how much they gross. That means they lose investors they really need because large business heavily relies on investors. Now they have to give these 40,000 employees whatever it took to get them back to work, and of course, that brings down their growth much more.

No, it's just that we know more about business than liberals.

^Says the truck driver.
Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

Or they can make better investments in quality wiring and connections.

There were 40,000 workers on the east coast striking. I doubt if there is even a considerable percentage of them climbing polls.

How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

The libtard validates my argument that you can automate anything and everything if money was no object.


We could build an elevator to the moon with your logic. That in no way is reasonable argument.

Its not my logic it's the fucking truth, we always say that when dealing with automation and robotics.

God damn it again fool, if money is no fucking object you can automate anything and everything

Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

Or they can make better investments in quality wiring and connections.

There were 40,000 workers on the east coast striking. I doubt if there is even a considerable percentage of them climbing polls.

How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

The libtard validates my argument that you can automate anything and everything if money was no object.


We could build an elevator to the moon with your logic. That in no way is reasonable argument.
60,000 miles up: Space elevator could be built by 2035, says new study | ExtremeTech

At least Verizon had the decency to actually step up and do the right thing.

I'm glad the union got what they wanted for their workers but how did Verizon step up and do the right thing? We're the workers making terrible money with terrible benefits? Was their a compromise? Sounds like both made concessions. Verizon did what was best for Verizon, the workers did what was best for the workers.
If the company can't step up and give a fair raise they aren't worth working for. Those companies I would hope move away where they can pay slave wages.

What is a "fair raise"? No one can define a "fair wage" or a "fair raise".

What were the workers asking for and what did they get? What is fair to one may not be fair to another.
Me either. And like what's going on with this huge minimum wage increase, expect Verizon to invest in more automation.

Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

If money was no object they could do it today fool....


Nope. You obviously have no clue about what I posted. A robot in no way could find a specific number on a terminal in a high-rise building and extend it to the customers location within the building.

Yes it could, god damn it, next your are going to tell me no way a drone airplane couldn't find a little carrier in the huge Pacific ocean and land on it.

Get a grip fool.

For a libtard progressive you sure are not very progressive.


As someone who has actually worked for the phone company, I can tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't give a rats ass who you worked for any task a human can do you can automate it today if you wanted to spend the money.

Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

Or they can make better investments in quality wiring and connections.

There were 40,000 workers on the east coast striking. I doubt if there is even a considerable percentage of them climbing polls.

How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

The libtard validates my argument that you can automate anything and everything if money was no object.


We could build an elevator to the moon with your logic. That in no way is reasonable argument.

Its not my logic it's the fucking truth, we always say that when dealing with automation and robotics.

God damn it again fool, if money is no fucking object you can automate anything and everything


You're logic is flawed in this discussion fool. By your logic, if money was no object, then wage increases would be inconsequential as well.
Obviously Verizon doesn't have unlimited funds. Automation is not a possibility in this case.
Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

If money was no object they could do it today fool....


Nope. You obviously have no clue about what I posted. A robot in no way could find a specific number on a terminal in a high-rise building and extend it to the customers location within the building.

Yes it could, god damn it, next your are going to tell me no way a drone airplane couldn't find a little carrier in the huge Pacific ocean and land on it.

Get a grip fool.

For a libtard progressive you sure are not very progressive.


As someone who has actually worked for the phone company, I can tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about.

I don't give a rats ass who you worked for any task a human can do you can automate it today if you wanted to spend the money.


So what. What does that have to do with the discussion?
Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.

Or they can make better investments in quality wiring and connections.

There were 40,000 workers on the east coast striking. I doubt if there is even a considerable percentage of them climbing polls.

How do you suppose your dial tone travels miles from the central office to your home or business? Someone has to physically build that connection. There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

There is no way that replacing the entire cabling infrastructure of the country is cheaper than a pay raise.

The libtard validates my argument that you can automate anything and everything if money was no object.


We could build an elevator to the moon with your logic. That in no way is reasonable argument.
60,000 miles up: Space elevator could be built by 2035, says new study | ExtremeTech


What does that have to do with Verizon workers collectively negotiating for a raise?

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