Verizon, Wiretapping, Spying On Us, Drones

All Bush's fault, eh asshole Libberhoids???

one thing I have to say, is after 8 years of the libs bashing bush, Obama is throwing everything multiplied back into their faces. Obama has totally pwned the libs. its priceless. his administration has destroyed every one of their arguments
Like I've been saying for years, scratch the surface of any Liberal to find a frothing Nazi
What do the people at the NSA listen to while combing through our emails and phone calls? Anthrax's "Spreading the disease"? or maybe U2's "How to assemble an atomic bomb"?
Hey, the US Government HAS to spy on those people that pose the greatest threat to America: The American People! Thank a Vet!

FBI Director Admits They Use Drones For Domestic Surveillance

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The FBI uses drones for domestic surveillance purposes, the head of the agency told Congress early Wednesday.

Robert Mueller, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, confirmed to lawmakers that the FBI owns several unmanned aerial vehicles, but has not adopted any strict policies or guidelines yet to govern the use of the controversial aircraft.

Post Continues on

Read more: FBI Director Admits They Use Drones For Domestic Surveillance - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
Well, let's see. We have some bad cess going down that we want to observe. Shall we use an F-15, a U-2, or a drone. What makes the most sense, economically?
Well, let's see. We have some bad cess going down that we want to observe. Shall we use an F-15, a U-2, or a drone. What makes the most sense, economically?
What's the most cost effective way to kill Americans? I like the way you think OldRocks!


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