Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

From the article…

“School officials sent out another email telling parents they are investigating allegations that the volleyball girls harassed the transgender student. ”

What do you call forcing girls to share a locker room, where they are expected to undress and shower, with a boy?

How is that not, at best, sexual harassment?

And they're concerned that the poor sick pervert might be “harassed” because girls aren't willing to be naked in front of him.

Did anyone see this shit coming, as recently as ten years ago?
Very likely that is what the boy's complaint of "bullying" was about. They "ostracized" him by changing in a private room instead of parading in the various states of undress that he had imagined.


Sound too farfetched even for ultra-Democrat Vermont? Not at all:


I'll bet that dude said, "they exclude me because I'm the best girl on the team, and they're jealous. That's why they don't change in front of me!

We need more of this:

And less of this:

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They boycott and refuse to play until it's addressed with some common sense.
They should do that, because what else can they do. It would be traumatic and humiliating for them to go along with the undress or else orders. Talk about pay-for-play, that is too high a price for any girl to pay. I suppose if one of the male coaches suddenly announced they are female, they can also require the girls to strip down in front of them?

But they would lose their scholarship opportunities if they boycott. Not fair for that to happen to high school girls because adults are too afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled ______ phobic. Even if aren't in the running for scholarships, but just want to play the game, the adults should not even consider taking that away from them for not wanting to undress in front of a guy. Nor letting this happen to them.

Especially since they have lost the ability to play, not for boycotting, but simply for undressing in a stall instead of right in front of him.

Why should they be the ones to lose out, because some high school horndog is scamming the idiot adults that somehow are "in charge" now?

We must have lost our minds to even consider allowing this to happen. Fuck the fuck out of us if we let it.
They should do that, because what else can they do. It would be traumatic and humiliating for them to go along with the undress or else orders. Talk about pay-for-play, that is too high a price for any girl to pay. I suppose if one of the male coaches suddenly announced they are female, they can also require the girls to strip down in front of them?

But they would lose their scholarship opportunities if they boycott. Not fair for that to happen to high school girls because adults are too afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled ______ phobic. Even if aren't in the running for scholarships, but just want to play the game, the adults should not even consider taking that away from them for not wanting to undress in front of a guy. Nor letting this happen to them.

Especially since they have lost the ability to play, not for boycotting, but simply for undressing in a stall instead of right in front of him.

Why should they be the ones to lose out, because some high school horndog is scamming the idiot adults that somehow are "in charge" now?

We must have lost our minds to even consider allowing this to happen. Fuck the fuck out of us if we let it.

Throughout history people have had to make personal sacrifices to right injustices. The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 went on for a year and a half. Black residents refused to ride until their racist policies were lifted. For many that meant walking several miles to and from work every day, but they did it. These girls just need to not play volleyball for a couple of games.
Throughout history people have had to make personal sacrifices to right injustices. The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 went on for a year and a half. Black residents refused to ride until their racist policies were lifted. For many that meant walking several miles to and from work every day, but they did it. These girls just need to not play volleyball for a couple of games.
It’s not on children to correct sexual perverted policies of adults, shitforbrains.
There's a lot left out of the article or barely noted. Evidently one of the volleyball players got into it with the boy or maybe the boy was even on the team. I don't know, but on it's face it's prima facie unfair to kick out the entire team from their facilities. Better accomodations can be made.

To be clear, if you are trans cool, I don't give a shit. But that stops once it conflicts with the rights of the females

But the whole thing is they want to be treated as whatever they feel they are, and they are higher on the pity pole.
Throughout history people have had to make personal sacrifices to right injustices. The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 went on for a year and a half. Black residents refused to ride until their racist policies were lifted. For many that meant walking several miles to and from work every day, but they did it. These girls just need to not play volleyball for a couple of games.
The goal is to end girl's volleyball. Not playing for a few games is what the school wants. Then turn it into forever. The same with women's swimming, weightlifting, every sport there is. It took Title IX to get female sports. There will be no laws to save women's sports.
You contacted the school and they told you that?

Leftist libtards don't believe in sport's teams for boys and girls as they want everybody playing together. Btw, let me just point out for the record that you still haven't said a word on how you believe that kids can do something about these perverts that they share their locker rooms with.

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