Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

Again, it is not that black and white.
Itā€˜s not that complicated. A biological boy is in the girlsā€™ locker room and making some of them uncomfortable. The libs go overboard, as you are, to make the comfort of the boy a priority, and are punishing the girls for complaining about the ā€wokenessā€ taking place in lib-run schools.
They also have bigger lung capacity too.

If this nonsense keeps up, the girls teams will eventually be made up of transgender boys.

i thought libs were supposed to be for womenā€™s rights! Yet they defend this crap.
I donā€™t think matters much in school team sports (you are talking about a miniscule number of people nationally) on teams. Where it matters is in individual competition and quite a few libs oppose biological males competing against biological females including me. The only difference is you guys have a ā€œlynch the ā€pervertā€ mentality.
I donā€™t think matters much in school team sports (you are talking about a miniscule number of people nationally) on teams. Where it matters is in individual competition and quite a few libs oppose biological males competing against biological females including me. The only difference is you guys have a ā€œlynch the ā€pervertā€ mentality.
Nope. One boy on a girlsā€™ team throws a big advantage to that team.
It's hard to use a urinal made for front-end pee-ers for people with xx chromosome plumbing. And it's just not fair to the cleaning crew.
My guess would be that they have regular toilets too. (Canā€™t make #2 in a urinal.)

But the logical solution is to have the bio-boy use the boysā€™ locker room.
Nope. One boy on a girlsā€™ team throws a big advantage to that team.
That may be true. If he has a mee type towel hanger it can hold more than one towel. When he gets to the seniors team at the nursing home it can still be handy for kleenex :mad:
Itā€˜s not that complicated. A biological boy is in the girlsā€™ locker room and making some of them uncomfortable. The libs go overboard, as you are, to make the comfort of the boy a priority, and are punishing the girls for complaining about the ā€wokenessā€ taking place in lib-run schools.
Wow, by saying there is more than one side to this Iā€™m going overboard?

You miss the fact that most of the team didnā€™t have a problem with it, the transgender kid left when he was asked to and doesnā€™t seem to have made a fuss, and some parents, the supposed ADULTS in scenario said some horrifically cruel shit to and about the kid. The kid and her family have recieved death threats.

And, more, from the article I linked to:
Since the initial story spread through the media and social media, the schoolā€™s voicemail and email has been turned into a cesspool of transphobic threats.

The superintendent shared some of the social media posts via a slide show and played voicemails filled with violent, profane language threatening violence to school leaders.

Most of those, Millington said, are the result of out-of-state groups that have engaged after the story was picked up by national media.

This is something that SHOULD HAVE BEEN HANDLED LOCALLY with compassion and thoughtfulness that instead has been turned into circus by national rightwing groups.
My guess would be that they have regular toilets too. (Canā€™t make #2 in a urinal.)

But the logical solution is to have the bio-boy use the boysā€™ locker room.
The XY chromosome gurlymen should play with their own XY built beings.

The XX chromosome women lack the musculature of XY beings. It's an unfair situation for women athletes.
I donā€™t think matters much in school team sports (you are talking about a miniscule number of people nationally) on teams. Where it matters is in individual competition and quite a few libs oppose biological males competing against biological females including me. The only difference is you guys have a ā€œlynch the ā€pervertā€ mentality.
This is the real problem with trying to both force this and do so on a national level. This has to have caused a massive amount of harm to the transgender individual as well.

This really is pretty simple and it really should never have been a question. Trying to force teen women to change and shower with transgender people is not going to build bridges or create acceptance. I do can't understand why specific accommodations are simply not made like allowing transgendered people to use personal facilities rather than communal ones.

Trying to demand universal acceptance right now is just going to cause more harm.
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No parent in their right mind wants some fruit loop boy pretending to be a girl in their daughter's locker room
Iā€™ve said before, I would not want to be a coach or AD having to call a girlā€™s parents and tell them their daughter suffered a serious injury because a mentally ill boy was allowed to compete against girls.
I suspect it is not as simple as you make it out to be

ā€The transgender girl, whom the Herald is not naming because she and her family have had threats made against her, reportedly walked into the girlā€™s locker room ā€” which she is allowed by school and district rules and state law to do ā€” and was told to leave, which she did, according to school officialsā€

He. has. a. penis.
I think the science of chromosomes should dominate here. XX people compete with other XX chromosome people. XY chromosome people should compete only with XY Chromosome people. Otherwise, this is just another way to put natural women down. It's been going on for centuries, but this present garbage just takes the cake to the dump. Wake up, people. We either go with science that is right or we're going the wrong way on a one-way street.
They let this continue and the womenā€™s record book will become one big joke. As well as actual women losing opportunities and scholarships to men pretending to be women. Where are all the feminists screeching about this?
You know, it helps to get the information about what happened from a place that reports news, not some evangelical bible thumper site that is gonna skew it the way they want to.

Yes, the boy did enter the locker room. Yes, one of the girls complained, and the boy went off to the side. Some of the girls felt that he was still looking at them and complained. The school announced they were going to investigate, and all volleyball players were stopped from using the locker room.

And, the school didn't just ban the girls from the locker room, the school banned ALL volleyball players from the locker room (boy included) until they complete their investigation.
You know, it helps to get the information about what happened from a place that reports news, not some evangelical bible thumper site that is gonna skew it the way they want to.

Yes, the boy did enter the locker room. Yes, one of the girls complained, and the boy went off to the side. Some of the girls felt that he was still looking at them and complained. The school announced they were going to investigate, and all volleyball players were stopped from using the locker room.

And, the school didn't just ban the girls from the locker room, the school banned ALL volleyball players from the locker room (boy included) until they complete their investigation.

Now why are biological girls banned from a girls locker room?

The girls have been punished for daring to express their discomfort with having a person with a penis in their locker room, and have thus been relegated to changing their clothes in a single bathroom stall, one by one. In the meantime, the boy has full access to the girlsā€™ locker room.

Why wasnā€™t the BOY the one who has to change in the single stall? Just how far will the leftist educators go to punish girls who wonā€™t go along with the transgender wokeness? Where are the feminist groups to stick up for these girls?

Just when I think leftists canā€™t possibly sink any lower, I wake up the next day.

The parents should pull every girl out of the program and then sue the school for discrimination and title IX violations.

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