Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

TRA's advocates deciding on a minors gender would be more the issue here Joe

Let's get real here.

No one is forcing a child to be trans. In fact, in order to get any treatment at all, a minor has to jump through all sorts of hoops.

We have about 1 million transgender people in this country, but we only perform 11,000 gender confirmation surgeries a year.
Why do you guys keep lying about that one?
The girl in that incident already had a sexual relationship with the gender fluid boy, and this was the third time they hooked up to have sex in that bathroom. They didn't pick that bathroom because of a trans policy, they picked it because they knew the teachers didn't keep an eye on it.

Now, she had EVERY RIGHT to say no, but this was relationship abuse, not transgender rape, the way you liars are making it out to be.
I didn’t realize that about that particular incident.
The libs race in to make disgusting Holocaust jokes to a descendant of Holocaust victims while racing to support a transgender boy over an entire team of girls.

Libs are bigots and hypocrites with no decent values.

The point went right over your head, didn't it?

The funny thing is that as much as you rant your homophobic and transphobic shit, the Nazis assigned yellow stars to the Jews, Pink Triangles to the gays and trans people.
I suspect it is not as simple as you make it out to be

”The transgender girl, whom the Herald is not naming because she and her family have had threats made against her, reportedly walked into the girl’s locker room — which she is allowed by school and district rules and state law to do — and was told to leave, which she did, according to school officials”
You sure are bending over backwards to defend the fact that the whole girls’ team was relegated to changing in a single-stall bathroom while the transgender boy got full access to the locker room.

NONE of this should be an issue at all: transgenders should not be allowed to play on girls’ sports teams, period. It is unfair to girls.
I didn’t realize that about that particular incident.

But this week, during a juvenile court hearing, a fuller picture of Smith’s daughter’s ordeal emerged. She suffered something atrocious. It had nothing at all to do, however, with trans bathroom policies. Instead, like many women and girls, she was a victim of relationship violence.

Smith’s daughter testified that she’d previously had two consensual sexual encounters with her attacker in the school bathroom. On the day of her assault, they’d agreed to meet up again. “The evidence was that the girl chose that bathroom, but her intent was to talk to him, not to engage in sexual relations,” Biberaj, whose office prosecuted the case, told me. The boy, however, expected sex and refused to accept the girl’s refusal. As the The Washington Post reported, she testified, “He flipped me over. I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”
Meh, leftists are just confused mouthy fools. No fear here
No fear for YOU. But look at how these girls are being punished for speaking up. The next time a bio-boy is in the locker room with them, they’ll know the consequences if they object.

And this has been the Left’s MO for years: silence, punish, ostracize, etc., anyone who objects to their leftist nonsense.
You sure are bending over backwards to defend the fact that the whole girls’ team was relegated to changing in a single-stall bathroom while the transgender boy got full access to the locker room.

NONE of this should be an issue at all: transgenders should not be allowed to play on girls’ sports teams, period. It is unfair to girls.

So let me get this straight.

We have girls' teams because girls can't compete with boys. Why? Because a federal law says we do, and we have to give out big bags of money in scholarships to go along with it.

Of course, the whole team didn't object, just a few team members...
No fear for YOU. But look at how these girls are being punished for speaking up. The next time a bio-boy is in the locker room with them, they’ll know the consequences if they object.

And this has been the Left’s MO for years: silence, punish, ostracize, etc., anyone who objects to their leftist nonsense.

Yup, just like the Neo-Nazi is going to be punished for refusing to shower with Jewish kids.

Just not right!!!!

No fear for YOU. But look at how these girls are being punished for speaking up. The next time a bio-boy is in the locker room with them, they’ll know the consequences if they object.

And this has been the Left’s MO for years: silence, punish, ostracize, etc., anyone who objects to their leftist nonsense.
Gender dysphoria isn't nonsense. Maybe if you had been accepted into college you would of progressed beyond a biblical understanding of anatomy.
You sure are bending over backwards to defend the fact that the whole girls’ team was relegated to changing in a single-stall bathroom while the transgender boy got full access to the locker room.

NONE of this should be an issue at all: transgenders should not be allowed to play on girls’ sports teams, period. It is unfair to girls.
Whatever. I’m pointing out there is more to it than what was said. Personally I think the transgender girl should have used the single stall, but the lynch the transgender mentality from the adults is wrong as well. The school should have handled it better and probably would have altered course if it hadn’t been taken up by outside agitators.

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