Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

I suspect it is not as simple as you make it out to be

”The transgender girl, whom the Herald is not naming because she and her family have had threats made against her, reportedly walked into the girl’s locker room — which she is allowed by school and district rules and state law to do — and was told to leave, which she did, according to school officials”
He was right to leave, when told or asked or whatever.
You know, it helps to get the information about what happened from a place that reports news, not some evangelical bible thumper site that is gonna skew it the way they want to.

Yes, the boy did enter the locker room. Yes, one of the girls complained, and the boy went off to the side. Some of the girls felt that he was still looking at them and complained. The school announced they were going to investigate, and all volleyball players were stopped from using the locker room.

And, the school didn't just ban the girls from the locker room, the school banned ALL volleyball players from the locker room (boy included) until they complete their investigation.
"some evangelical bible thumper site that is gonna skew it the way they want to" ??? Mr. ABikerSailor, that attitude is so far from what America has always stood for. People came here from the 1600s on in masses to escape the European intolerances that abounded to the persecution and death many good people who didnt' go around hurting other people at all, just rejoiced in their take on God and his gift of life to mankind in their belief systems, and there were many churches allowed in America notwithstanding due to the partnerships that were necessary to put monarchy snubbery to rest for the good people of our land who came here with next to nothing and each generation left it a little bit better place with their freedom to hope for better things for their children.

Evangelism created the First Amendment, in a way. Christians were hated for centuries in the old world due to their love for God through his Son whose birthday is celebrated every year on Dec. 25 in the New World we live in. It's so far worked pretty well for 246 years our country was given so every man who believes in God could speak freely and attend services our government was created to protect on an even-Steven basis, no favorites, just freedom of one's sincere religious convictions, faith, unlike other countries that banned or belittled certain people of a different religion than their own. We just do the best we can to accept all faiths in God who agree to live within the framework of our nation's laws and traditions of acceptance of the stranger to our shores. Remember this poem at the Statue of Liberty?


The Lady Represents Our Freedoms, to be the best we can be, hopefully. And that's just one person's opinion., mine.
I also happen to think women who are build differently from men should be able to athletically compete with other women due to our physique given us at birth.

have a lovely evening, all. :sleep:
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Again, it is not that black and white.

Empty words without further justification as to why, so I will count that as a total cop out and evasion tactic. In all areas where teens matter, when in doubt, you always error on the SAFE side yet you cannot even explain much less justify why an entire team of a girls on a sports team must bend over backwards and suffer crazy insane circumstances because of the unsubstantiated wild claims of one young man who now by law must be fawned over and protected like some rare flower at the majority's expense, and worse, people are supposed to pay for this.
Clearly one of the most important stories of our generation.

Wow really need to get a life.

Yeah, the destruction of girls sports by MEN, IS a big deal.

You mysoginst assholes hate women.

That is very clear.
The girls have been punished for daring to express their discomfort with having a person with a penis in their locker room, and have thus been relegated to changing their clothes in a single bathroom stall, one by one. In the meantime, the boy has full access to the girls’ locker room.

Why wasn’t the BOY the one who has to change in the single stall? Just how far will the leftist educators go to punish girls who won’t go along with the transgender wokeness? Where are the feminist groups to stick up for these girls?

Just when I think leftists can’t possibly sink any lower, I wake up the next day.

The Left must be defeated thoroughly, completely, no quarter, unconditional surrender.
So even if only some of the girls complained about the transgender, the girls should be punished? Why not make the boy change in the stall rather than have the girls line up one by one to change?

This is a punishment for speaking up against the “woke” transgender policy. IOW, you girls better keep your mouths shut and go along with it, or you’ll suffer the consequences.
Because it's the bigots who get pushed off to the fringes. 😁
Actually ... I'm all for this. I honestly think they should be pushing this whole transgender society thing a lot harder. Having .01% of the population doing their best to irritate and antagonize 51% of the population has NEVER had any repercussions.

Word of Warning ... don't stand in the way of that pendulum when it starts swinging back in the other direction.

Actually, Transgender people are gaining increasing acceptance. I know this is hard for your guys on the right, as you really can't be racist or homophobic in polite company.

So even if only some of the girls complained about the transgender, the girls should be punished? Why not make the boy change in the stall rather than have the girls line up one by one to change?

This is a punishment for speaking up against the “woke” transgender policy. IOW, you girls better keep your mouths shut and go along with it, or you’ll suffer the consequences.

Yes, just like the racists and homophobes and even the Anti-Semites (the real anti-Semites, not people who criticize Israel) have to learn to keep their mouths shut.
Didn’t they learn anything from that Loudoun County case where the fruit loop boy sexually assaulted (raped?) a girl in the bathroom? These libs are just doubling down on the crazy.

Why do you guys keep lying about that one?
The girl in that incident already had a sexual relationship with the gender fluid boy, and this was the third time they hooked up to have sex in that bathroom. They didn't pick that bathroom because of a trans policy, they picked it because they knew the teachers didn't keep an eye on it.

Now, she had EVERY RIGHT to say no, but this was relationship abuse, not transgender rape, the way you liars are making it out to be.
Actually, Transgender people are gaining increasing acceptance. I know this is hard for your guys on the right, as you really can't be racist or homophobic in polite company.

Yes, just like the racists and homophobes and even the Anti-Semites (the real anti-Semites, not people who criticize Israel) have to learn to keep their mouths shut.
Not so sure. Maybe Lisa558 would totally understand if a group of daughters of the Confederacy had a problem sharing a locker room with a little Jewish girl. 😄
Nope. One boy on a girls’ team throws a big advantage to that team.

Trans rights advocates — and many in the medical community — push back by observing that substantial musculoskeletal sex differences don’t emerge until puberty and thus aren’t significant for children who transition from male to female via hormonal treatments beforehand.

They contend, moreover, that trans women who make the shift via hormonal therapy after puberty lose any male muscle-mass advantage within a year.

Many questions about the impact of sex-at-birth and gender transition treatments upon athletic performance remain without scientific answers. But even an encyclopedic set of answers wouldn’t resolve the separate question of fairness.

Which biological advantages— or disadvantages — should be treated as “talent,” or a “gift,” or lack thereof, and which should be seen as “cheating” or “unsportsmanlike?”

The XY chromosome gurlymen should play with their own XY built beings.

The XX chromosome women lack the musculature of XY beings. It's an unfair situation for women athletes.

You mean the ones who only get into athletics so they can get scholarships? Get rid of Title IX, you'd be amazed how quickly girls lose interest in this issue.
Or a group of German-Americans.
It's a numbers game really. If a dozen German-Americans are uncomfortable sharing a locker room with five Jewish girls then those little Jewish girls just have to use the special shower assigned to them. What's wrong with that?
It's a numbers game really. If a dozen German-Americans are uncomfortable sharing a locker room with five Jewish girls then those little Jewish girls just have to use the special shower assigned to them. What's wrong with that?
I see what you did there.
Trans rights advocates — and many in the medical community — push back by observing that substantial musculoskeletal sex differences don’t emerge until puberty and thus aren’t significant for children who transition from male to female via hormonal treatments beforehand.

TRA's advocates deciding on a minors gender would be more the issue here Joe

The libs race in to make disgusting Holocaust jokes to a descendant of Holocaust victims while racing to support a transgender boy over an entire team of girls.

Libs are bigots and hypocrites with no decent values.

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