Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

We have female teams because females are smaller, weaker and slower than males. If teams did not exist for females they just wouldn’t get to play sports.
Exactly. And if this continues, eventually all girls teams will be composed of boys who identify as girls.
And Coyote ignores the fact that there is tons of social pressure to accept the whole trans thing no matter what.

For every one person speaking out, there are probably 3 or 4 who want to, but know better than to counter the SJW narrative.

Going by opinions in small groups is only valid in the ideal situation of everyone being able to say their say without fear of repercussions, and we clearly don't have that in this country today, and in particular in social institutions like schools.
Like I said, when she likes the narrative, it's gospel. When she doesn't, it's bullshit.

Once she said disney was merely trying to normalize the behavior of trans people. I asked her why less than 1% of any activity needs to be normalized.

She ran away screaming at me.
Whatever. There’s no lunch mentality. You are racing to the defense of ONE person - the biological male - as if HE is the one being so mistreated, when it is the GIRLS who have been punished by being relegated to a single-stall bathroom to change, one by one, while the male got the ENTIRE girls’ locker room.

Pointing out the inequity in this - as well as pointing out the inequity in allowing a bio-male to compete on a girls’ sport team - is not lynching him.

The people that deserve punishment are the adults that perpetuate this situation.
Like I said, when she likes the narrative, it's gospel. When she doesn't, it's bullshit.

Once she said disney was merely trying to normalize the behavior of trans people. I asked her why less than 1% of any activity needs to be normalized.

She ran away screaming at me.
Keep that in mind. The next time she reports on something negative about a conservative person or position, use her own words: “it’s not so black and white” or “there’s another side to the story.”
The people that deserve punishment are the adults that perpetuate this situation.
The problem is that the “adults” in education are punishing the adults who object. Last night it was reported that a father who served as a soccer coach was fired because he objected to a bio-male on the girls‘ team.

The punishment for those who object to the radical left agenda is coming fast and furious. I fear it will ramp up even more after the Left loses control of Congress.
Keep that in mind. The next time she reports on something negative about a conservative person or position, use her own words: “it’s not so black and white” or “there’s another side to the story.”
It won't matter, she will justify the condemnation with her hate.

She does it


I'd love to see this math.
College scholarships. Boys who couldn’t make a mens team will just take a girl‘s scholarship. And why not if all you have to do is say I’m a girl. Don’t have to live like one, dress like one, and we will get to the point where they dont have to take the hormones. It’s already trending that direction. Why wouldn’t they? If I’m a mediocre HS baseball player I’m a superstar college softball player and free college. Where do I sign up?
It's a numbers game really. If a dozen German-Americans are uncomfortable sharing a locker room with five Jewish girls then those little Jewish girls just have to use the special shower assigned to them. What's wrong with that?

So now it is not transphobic to use race as a stand in for sex. At least if it supports the contention that everyone else is the problem. Use that analogy in any other way and the left screams transphobia.
College scholarships. Boys who couldn’t make a mens team will just take a girl‘s scholarship. And why not if all you have to do is say I’m a girl. Don’t have to live like one, dress like one, and we will get to the point where they dont have to take the hormones. It’s already trending that direction. Why wouldn’t they? If I’m a mediocre HS baseball player I’m a superstar college softball player and free college. Where do I sign up?
Now the question is, is that all they have to do? 😄
Now the question is, is that all they have to do? 😄
Yes. There's no requirement for them to act, dress, or live like the gender they say they are. It's a form you fill out and submit to the NCAA. Currently there IS a requirement if you are male to female that you get your testosterone tested once, but that's as I said trending to be eliminated. The IOC has already eliminated the requirement.
Yes. There's no requirement for them to act, dress, or live like the gender they say they are. It's a form you fill out and submit to the NCAA. Currently there IS a requirement if you are male to female that you get your testosterone tested once, but that's as I said trending to be eliminated. The IOC has already eliminated the requirement.
How quickly should we be seeing this take over happening?
How quickly should we be seeing this take over happening?
But really why should it take all of female sports being taken over for this to be an issue? If one women is denied a scholarship because a guy does this isn't it enough? Why do women have to take a backseat on this issue? Why do you hate women so much?
The girls have been punished for daring to express their discomfort with having a person with a penis in their locker room, and have thus been relegated to changing their clothes in a single bathroom stall, one by one. In the meantime, the boy has full access to the girls’ locker room.

Why wasn’t the BOY the one who has to change in the single stall? Just how far will the leftist educators go to punish girls who won’t go along with the transgender wokeness? Where are the feminist groups to stick up for these girls?

Just when I think leftists can’t possibly sink any lower, I wake up the next day.

If this is true then the school board needs to be changed out and the biological male freaks need to be banned from girls sports and girls locker rooms.


Full stop.
Right after you make a cogent argument on this subject.

So maybe never.

But really why should it take all of female sports being taken over for this to be an issue? If one women is denied a scholarship because a guy does this isn't it enough? Why do women have to take a backseat on this issue? Why do you hate women so much?
Can you provide even one instance of this happening outside a Rodney Dangerfield movie?
There is another side to this.

Patton, the volleyball captain, said one of the misconceptions that had been spreading was that all of the team was upset.

Patton said the majority of the team didn’t have a problem with anything, but some on the team brought negative feelings about a transgender person into the situation but she didn’t see how they had been affected by it.
Yet the school took action against all the girls on the team by banning them from their dressing room

Many of the girls on the team want to go to college

And being labeled a sex offender by their high school does not look good on their resume so they remain silent

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