very heinous black-on-white hate crime/ disabled person attacked

I like that it is a felony. Adnd that the girl is so young. Perhaps this will get her out of the breeding pool during her period of peak fertility.
Not to worry, she'll soon be out and about, dropping an obscene number of fatherless welfare recipients - as they all seem to do.

Then her future will be assured. A nice fat check for each of her many 'mistakes,' and free housing and food, forever. All courtesy of Joe biden and the money he extorts from American taxpayers.

Then it's the Life of Riley. Never again having to work a day for the rest of her worthless life. Her only responsibility will be to show up at BLM riots to whine and loot, with all the other BLM losers.
Let's be very kind and gentle.

Abraham Lincoln (before he was elected President) opined that the two largest ethnicities at that time were simply incompatible.

He opined that they should live separately from each other. (He suggested that one of them might consider living in some Caribbean islands.) I do not know whether he ever changed his opinion.

Let's be fair: Some of the really nicest people in this country are members of the ethnicity under discussion.

BUT (sadly) the disproportionate number of them who have no conscience when it comes to harming other human beings is alarming.
Think his plan was to send former slaves to Liberia---but was killed off before starting mass deportations.
Think his plan was to send former slaves to Liberia---but was killed off before starting mass deportations.

This would have been a far better and more peaceful country if he had been able to follow through on that idea.

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