Very high approval rating for Trump, higher than Obama!

Fake news from the Gateway Pundit. The fact is that Rasmussen is unreliable. They use automated systems to poll someone. That means by law they cannot call anyone with cellphones. That means they can only call people with landlines. That favors Trump and Republicans as many of them in rural areas still use landlines because they do not have cell coverage.
No matter who put out these polls, bottom line its usually less than 2000 people and yes, its usually landlined phones which is usually old white people in rural areas......and his ratings come from conservatives ONLY!!

What ignorance you display.......however the msm polls regarding obama were faked. Rasmussen is very honest and very credible.....why were so many suprised when Trump won....simply because the fake news and fake liberal polls misled them into believing that crooked hillary would win. Next....someone with some intelligence please.
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Too funny.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

“Overall, 40 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in this survey, compared with 51 percent who disapprove — fairly similar to other polls of the president’s standing.”

What makes your dumb poll any better then his dumb poll?

You would think people would learn not to trust any of that shit by now, especially looney libs.

Obama won both of his elections by landslides with over 50% of the vote twice. Both the popular vote and electoral college.

Trump lost the popular vote by the people by 3 million votes, and barely won the electoral college with less than 70, 000 votes.

That's the only poll numbers trumpanzees need to know.
From the link given in post 16:

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters.

A poll isn't accurate if its what liberals want to hear and its not accurate if its close to an "average" of other polls. It's accurate and only accurate if it corresponds to the actual voter result of the election that it was supposed to represent.

And only one other polling agency was closer than Rasmussen.

Read it and weep, libtards.
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Too funny.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

“Overall, 40 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in this survey, compared with 51 percent who disapprove — fairly similar to other polls of the president’s standing.”

What makes your dumb poll any better then his dumb poll?

You would think people would learn not to trust any of that shit by now, especially looney libs.

Obama won both of his elections by landslides with over 50% of the vote twice. Both the popular vote and electoral college.

Trump lost the popular vote by the people by 3 million votes, and barely won the electoral college with less than 70, 000 votes.

That's the only poll numbers trumpanzees need to know.

Trump voters won...your side lost....face up to it and cease trying to run down America. Perhaps after you jokers lose again in the midterms you may wake up a tad???
How many are going to lose their insurance?

Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Too funny.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

“Overall, 40 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in this survey, compared with 51 percent who disapprove — fairly similar to other polls of the president’s standing.”

What makes your dumb poll any better then his dumb poll?

You would think people would learn not to trust any of that shit by now, especially looney libs.

Obama won both of his elections by landslides with over 50% of the vote twice. Both the popular vote and electoral college.

Trump lost the popular vote by the people by 3 million votes, and barely won the electoral college with less than 70, 000 votes.

That's the only poll numbers trumpanzees need to know.

Trump won the electoral college 304 to 227.

That qualifies as an ass whippin'.
From the link given in post 16:

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters.

A poll isn't accurate if its what liberals want to hear and its not accurate if its close to an "average" of other polls. It's accurate and only accurate if it corresponds to the actual voter result of the election that it was supposed to represent.

And only one other polling agency was closer than Rasmussen.

Read it and weep, libtards.

Exactly.....the leftwingers have been outed as deceivers and really disturbs they just double down on their lies like no one sees it. hehheh

just look at what cnn does.................Epic list of CNN news reporting - Taskade.
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Thanks for the laugh! It always cracks me up when I see the rightwing, many of whom designate Obama as the worst president in U.S. history, brag religiously about how Trump is 1 point higher in the polls than Obama at some arbitrary given date.

How many are going to lose their insurance?

Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Too funny.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

“Overall, 40 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance in this survey, compared with 51 percent who disapprove — fairly similar to other polls of the president’s standing.”

What makes your dumb poll any better then his dumb poll?

You would think people would learn not to trust any of that shit by now, especially looney libs.

Obama won both of his elections by landslides with over 50% of the vote twice. Both the popular vote and electoral college.

Trump lost the popular vote by the people by 3 million votes, and barely won the electoral college with less than 70, 000 votes.

That's the only poll numbers trumpanzees need to know.

Trump won the electoral college 304 to 227.

That qualifies as an ass whippin'.

Don't try and wake up the morons....let them stew in their ignorance.......only means they will keep losing because they have divorced themselves from reality.
From the link given in post 16:

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters.

A poll isn't accurate if its what liberals want to hear and its not accurate if its close to an "average" of other polls. It's accurate and only accurate if it corresponds to the actual voter result of the election that it was supposed to represent.

And only one other polling agency was closer than Rasmussen.

Read it and weep, libtards.
When it comes to job approval, everyone’s voice matters. And in polls which listen to everyone’s voice, Trump is averaging a 38.5% job approval rating.
Polls are done with less than 2000 people.....we have 3 million in the country.......fake news

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You have really embarassed yourself.........get yourself an almanac. Typical liberal. Dumb as dirt. Someone inform this guy in regards to how many people live in America.
In a Nutshell: Opinion polls have been popular for nearly a century, with many individuals and companies working to find ways to appropriately gauge public sentiment on topics ranging from politics to the latest movie releases. While many of these companies have faced accusations of bias or using underhanded tactics designed to sway respondents’ answers, Rasmussen Reports has proven its methods of data collection and publication are both fair and accurate. Rasmussen rose to prominence again in 2016, when it accurately predicted the Presidential Election Popular Vote and was one of the few US pollsters to consistently warn that Hilary Clinton was far from a sure thing as the winner of the US presidency. The firm conducts year-round polls over the phone and online to collect data on regional and national stories of interest. The automated polling method is designed so all respondents hear questions in the same electronic voice, free of inflection or judgment.

Rasmussen Reports Delivers Unbiased & Accurate Economic and Political Opinions with the Collection, Publication, and Distribution of Public Polling Information -
In a Nutshell: Opinion polls have been popular for nearly a century, with many individuals and companies working to find ways to appropriately gauge public sentiment on topics ranging from politics to the latest movie releases. While many of these companies have faced accusations of bias or using underhanded tactics designed to sway respondents’ answers, Rasmussen Reports has proven its methods of data collection and publication are both fair and accurate. Rasmussen rose to prominence again in 2016, when it accurately predicted the Presidential Election Popular Vote and was one of the few US pollsters to consistently warn that Hilary Clinton was far from a sure thing as the winner of the US presidency. The firm conducts year-round polls over the phone and online to collect data on regional and national stories of interest. The automated polling method is designed so all respondents hear questions in the same electronic voice, free of inflection or judgment.

Rasmussen Reports Delivers Unbiased & Accurate Economic and Political Opinions with the Collection, Publication, and Distribution of Public Polling Information -
Which has nothing to do with a job approval poll in which Rasmussen purposefully omits the opinions from younger folks, who tend to lean left. Thereby falsely bolstering polls in favor of the right.
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Thanks for the laugh! It always cracks me up when I see the rightwing, many of whom designate Obama as the worst president in U.S. history, brag religiously about how Trump is 1 point higher in the polls than Obama at some arbitrary given date.


Peanut Jimmy was relieved...

download (34).jpg
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies
Every president has their own battles. Comparing them directly like this doesn't say much. Things have been pretty good for trumps whole presidency so far thanks to what he was handed and what he continued. Obama inherited an actual disaster, not the fake disaster Trump lies about inheriting. A biased person would ignore it. Prove you aren't a biased hack and post something worth reading.
Poll 'winners' always believe the polls.....Until they don't favor their person or position. Since Trump 'won' this poll I choose to believe it. Just like now butt-hurt lefties believed Hillary's 'winning' polls. Of course they will never admit their own bias though. Polls do not (IMO) accurately gauge public opinion but, once published, can certainly sway it. Go Trump!!!!:113:
In a Nutshell: Opinion polls have been popular for nearly a century, with many individuals and companies working to find ways to appropriately gauge public sentiment on topics ranging from politics to the latest movie releases. While many of these companies have faced accusations of bias or using underhanded tactics designed to sway respondents’ answers, Rasmussen Reports has proven its methods of data collection and publication are both fair and accurate. Rasmussen rose to prominence again in 2016, when it accurately predicted the Presidential Election Popular Vote and was one of the few US pollsters to consistently warn that Hilary Clinton was far from a sure thing as the winner of the US presidency. The firm conducts year-round polls over the phone and online to collect data on regional and national stories of interest. The automated polling method is designed so all respondents hear questions in the same electronic voice, free of inflection or judgment.

Rasmussen Reports Delivers Unbiased & Accurate Economic and Political Opinions with the Collection, Publication, and Distribution of Public Polling Information -
Which has nothing to do with a job approval poll in which Rasmussen purposefully omits the opinions from younger folks, who tend to lean left. Thereby falsely bolstering polls in favor of the right.


Rasmussen Reports is an American polling company, founded in 2003. The company engages in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information. Rasmussen Reports conducts nightly tracking, at national and state levels, of elections, politics, current events, consumer confidence, business topics, and the United States president’s job approval ratings.

Rasmussen Reports has received praise for accuracy.

Rasmussen Track Record:

Rasmussen rates as a strong pollster overall and did particularly well in 2004 and 2016.

Features/Strengths: Largest sample size of any of the tracking polls. Between that and the fact that they weight by party ID, they have tended to have the most stable results. To the extent that any pollster should weight by party ID, I think Rasmussen is going about it the right way, setting targets based on a six-week rolling average of all interviews conducted.

Rasmussen is the only one of the eight trackers to use the IVR/”robocall” method.
Last edited:
Gotta love liberals who constantly tout Trumps "low" approval ratings.....yet, they're higher than Obama's approval at the same time in his presidency! And even Reagans! OOOPS!!!

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Thanks for the laugh! It always cracks me up when I see the rightwing, many of whom designate Obama as the worst president in U.S. history, brag religiously about how Trump is 1 point higher in the polls than Obama at some arbitrary given date.


Peanut Jimmy was relieved...

View attachment 197703
Well that certainly doesn’t bode well for Trump who’s polling just 1 point higher than Obama.

Even worse for Trump.... Gallup, the only pollster who rated all three of these presidents — has Trump (41%) trailing both Obama (45%) and Carter (44%) at this same point in each of their respective presidencies.


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