Very Presidential- Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

It's called appeasement.

Only in the minds of sexually frustrated, Sour Grapes, Butt-Hurt snowflakes who can't accept the outcome of an election in which a FELON who should have been in prison rather than on the ballot - who did not even legitimately win her own party's nomination - LOST to Donald Trump, becoming a 2-Toime Loser! :p

You are the one who is sick. You need to be locked in a rubber room. I supported neither Clinton or Trump as they are both dishonest. However Clinton got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Please tell me what kind of math there is where a person with a minority vote gets the nomination over someone who got the majority of the vote.
Wrong again, Vlad, Jr.

The Russian trolls are the despondent, sore loser, butt-hurt snowflakes who can not accept the outcome of elections - like yourself.

Hillary said it best herself:


The kind of threat YOU are is especially dangerous because you spew sedition with your partisan HATRED that is based on absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE to support any of the lies you continue to spew.

You spew malicious, unfounded BS, you attack people, and you post NOTHING of factual significance. You are the 'definition' of Russian Troll / Butt-Hurt, Delusional Elections Results-Denying Hillary supporter.

so off with you - run back to the kids table and let the adults speak...or run back to the Kremlin and let Vlad know that his / your BS is no longer tolerated because Barry is no longer President and Hillary was defeated.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

Don't believe everything the Kremlin tells you.
Will Trump call Putin to congratulate him on his re-election? Obama did in 2012

Sure, don't believe everything you read in some left wing rag.
Trump calls Putin to congratulate him on re-election
But Trump said he had no plans to congratulate Putin.
Trump silent on UK nerve agent attack.
Trump silent on Russian threats in Syria.
Whos the puppet?
It's called appeasement.

Only in the minds of sexually frustrated, Sour Grapes, Butt-Hurt snowflakes who can't accept the outcome of an election in which a FELON who should have been in prison rather than on the ballot - who did not even legitimately win her own party's nomination - LOST to Donald Trump, becoming a 2-Toime Loser! :p

You are the one who is sick. You need to be locked in a rubber room. I supported neither Clinton or Trump as they are both dishonest. However Clinton got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Please tell me what kind of math there is where a person with a minority vote gets the nomination over someone who got the majority of the vote.

Obama math?
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory

Don't believe everything the Kremlin tells you.
Will Trump call Putin to congratulate him on his re-election? Obama did in 2012

Sure, don't believe everything you read in some left wing rag.
Trump calls Putin to congratulate him on re-election
But Trump said he had no plans to congratulate Putin.
Trump silent on UK nerve agent attack.
Trump silent on Russian threats in Syria.
Whos the puppet?

Somehow we'll have to get you on the list to get notified of everything Trump does.
You are the one who is sick.

No, dear. It is past time to put an end to your bullshit.

You are a liar and have absolutely ZERO evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation, let alone an investigation of Trump.

- Evidence shows HILLARY took $145 Million from the KGB bank, not Trump.

- Evidence shows BILL, not Trump, met with Putin directly and took $500k a pop from the KGB Bank for speeches.

- Evidence shows 1/3rd of Hillary's Campaign manager's company's board of directors are / were prominent Russians with connections to the Kremlin and Vlad himself, that his company was working for Russians, and that he took thousands of un-reported Russian stocks

- Evidence shows his brother worked for the KGB Bank and Russian Spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC

- Evidence shows Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians for an unverified file filled with proven Russian propaganda and then used that file ILLEGALLY during a US election

- Evidence shows Hillary - by law / definition - committed the crimes of 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence' (according to the FBI's own report), 'Obstruction', illegal possession / storage / handling / sharing / destruction of TOP SECRET Information, and committed more than 30,000 criminal counts of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act - again, according to the FBI. She is a proven FELON who should never have been on the ballot but instead inside of a prison on election day. Had it not been for the criminal collusion / Obstruction by the Obama administration that resulted in her being protected from prosecution she would have been in jail.

All of this is UNDENIABLE FACT supported by experts, evidence, articles, and the FBI itself. Sick is continuously claiming that 30,000 proven violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act is NOT a crime. 'Sick' is attempting to claim illegally having a MAID who has no security clearance access a TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED Computer and print off TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED information - which Hillary admitted she did - is NOT a crime.
*** Obama, btw, set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act while President. Attempting to claim this is not record-setting CRIMINAL ACTS is 'sick'.

Enough of your and other mentally deranged snowflakes' denial.
You are the one who is sick.

No, dear. It is past time to put an end to your bullshit.

You are a liar and have absolutely ZERO evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation, let alone an investigation of Trump.

- Evidence shows HILLARY took $145 Million from the KGB bank, not Trump.

- Evidence shows BILL, not Trump, met with Putin directly and took $500k a pop from the KGB Bank for speeches.

- Evidence shows 1/3rd of Hillary's Campaign manager's company's board of directors are / were prominent Russians with connections to the Kremlin and Vlad himself, that his company was working for Russians, and that he took thousands of un-reported Russian stocks

- Evidence shows his brother worked for the KGB Bank and Russian Spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC

- Evidence shows Hillary paid $12 million to a foreign spy working with Russians for an unverified file filled with proven Russian propaganda and then used that file ILLEGALLY during a US election

- Evidence shows Hillary - by law / definition - committed the crimes of 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence' (according to the FBI's own report), 'Obstruction', illegal possession / storage / handling / sharing / destruction of TOP SECRET Information, and committed more than 30,000 criminal counts of violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act - again, according to the FBI. She is a proven FELON who should never have been on the ballot but instead inside of a prison on election day. Had it not been for the criminal collusion / Obstruction by the Obama administration that resulted in her being protected from prosecution she would have been in jail.

All of this is UNDENIABLE FACT supported by experts, evidence, articles, and the FBI itself. Sick is continuously claiming that 30,000 proven violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act is NOT a crime. 'Sick' is attempting to claim illegally having a MAID who has no security clearance access a TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED Computer and print off TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED information - which Hillary admitted she did - is NOT a crime.
*** Obama, btw, set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act while President. Attempting to claim this is not record-setting CRIMINAL ACTS is 'sick'.

Enough of your and other mentally deranged snowflakes' denial.
You wasted 4 years on Benghazi and her emails, instead of that stuff.
She's not president, end of story.
Plenty of evidence of Flynn, Manafort, and trump money laundering and obstruction. Schiff says he has plenty of evidence; it would be career ending if he doesnt have it.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

"This should not be regarded as an unfriendly step. Putin remains open to normalizing relations with our US partners, where it is of interest and crucial. The president has been getting many congratulatory messages from foreign leaders. Some may be unable to make a phone call due to a tight schedule, and others, for a different reason. There is no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill about anything here. Lastly, there is a good old saying: ‘Sleep on it’," Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters, White House Deputy Spokesman Hogan Gidley told the media on Monday that he was "not surprised by the [election] outcome" and added that currently there are no plans for a telephone conversation between Trump and Putin.

The next day, however, Trump appears to have "slept on it" as Peskov recommended and moments ago the Kremlin said in a statement that on Tuesday, Trump called Putin oh the phone and "congratulated Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential elections."

Additionally, the two leaders discussed the possibility of a high level meeting, and both showed an interest in kickstarting economic cooperation.

Trump Calls Putin To Congratulate Him On Re-election Victory
Funny, I was just watching a couple of guys, one who worked for Obama and one who worked for Bush talking about this. Something I didn't know anything about.

Seems that when the call came from Obama, it was all planned out in advance. Putin winning his rigged election wasn't the only thing they talked about. They also discussed other issues. Even the congratulations came with strings all negotiated by staff ahead of time.

No one believes something so thoughtful happens with Trump. Trump just called and said "Good job" and that was it.
Wrong again, Vlad, Jr.

The Russian trolls are the despondent, sore loser, butt-hurt snowflakes who can not accept the outcome of elections - like yourself.

Hillary said it best herself:

View attachment 183685

The kind of threat YOU are is especially dangerous because you spew sedition with your partisan HATRED that is based on absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE to support any of the lies you continue to spew.

You spew malicious, unfounded BS, you attack people, and you post NOTHING of factual significance. You are the 'definition' of Russian Troll / Butt-Hurt, Delusional Elections Results-Denying Hillary supporter.

so off with you - run back to the kids table and let the adults speak...or run back to the Kremlin and let Vlad know that his / your BS is no longer tolerated because Barry is no longer President and Hillary was defeated.

You are the biggest liar on this board. You are a threat to the freedom we enjoy in this country. You want to channel your inner Putin to jail people who you disagree with. There is plenty of evidence Putin wanted Trump and we can see why. Trump is weak. He is as weak as Obama. There is no sedition to have disagreements with the President. You have no clue what you are talking about. It is a word that sounds impressive so you use it. There is no sedition.

You are the one who throws out malicious unfounded BS. It comes from crazy people like you. You wouldn't know facts if it hit you in the face. All you are is a protect Trump at all costs. If you have to demean our law enforcement and intelligence agencies to do it, that is okay. You are the Russian Troll. You want to divide Americans to save Trump. You don't have a brain to think for yourself. If Trump told you to drink the poisoned Kool-Aid you would do it. You are the delusional one. Your scenarios wouldn't make it in a bad spy movie.

Actually I am at the table that has not lost its mind. Your table is in a rubber room. Call Putin and get his congratulations for the job you are doing COMMIE!!
Who cares about Obama and Clinton. I never supported them. Ronald Reagan never put up with Trump and he would leave the party before supporting Trump. He never would have congratulated a dictatorial thug like Putin.
Given Putin's conduct, I'm not sure I would have congratulated him for winning reelection.
You are the biggest liar on this board. You are a threat to the freedom we enjoy in this country.
Thank you for your delusional RANT, snowflake; however, that does not change the fact that everything I posted is TRUE, that I have - unlike YOU - have backed EVERYTHING I have posted with articles, news reports, and factual, documented EVIDENCE...which is something Liberals and snowflakes are unfamiliar with.

Those of us on this board who do such things, who actually back up what we say with links, news reports, and evidence, unfortunately have to deal with emotionally unstable partisan liberals like yourself who respond to our substantiated / supported posts with comical attempts to discredit our sources without ever denying what is being reported and must endure your hate-fueled personal attacks and rants.

On numerous occasions I have challenged the reality-denying leftists like yourself, putting you in the spotlight / on the spot by demanding you back up the Leftists' false accusations and lies by PROVIDING ANY SHRED OF EVIDENCE ... and you have REPEATEDLY FAILED. Instead we must listen to the same old dribble over and over again:

'The investigation is not over. Mueller is not done. You just wait and see' ... after going on 2 years now with ZERO evidence against the President to show for it.

You call ME a threat?

The former President of the United States spent 8 years:

- Financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and Un-Constitutionally dragging this country into war to help TERRORISTS...

- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels

- Ignoring US Immigration law while helping and protecting illegals, violent illegals, human traffickers, and even getting the US govt involved in human trafficking, not to mention protecting US Immigration-violating Sanctuary Cities

--- Confirmed collusion between Obama, the DOJ (US AG) and the FBI to protect Hillary from rightful indictment / prison ... 'Secret Societies' plotting Trump's demise ... 'Insurance Policies' to use to take down the President of the US....

THERE are your PROVEN threats to this country. THERE are your 'Enemies of the State'. Evidence exists substantiating all of it.


So you can shove your hate-driven, delusional. sore loser, butt-hurt, election results-denying, partisan rants and personal attacks where the truth don't shine...where you obviously have your head firmly planted - RIGHT UP YOUR ARSE!

Next time don't just bring your ANGER, don't just bring your HATE, don't just bring your OPINION, don't just bring your PERSONAL ATTACKS, don't just bring your TALKING POINTS....for ONCE bring some D@MN EVIDENCE to back up your BULL$H!T...something you have yet to do.

If that pi$$e$ you off, then GOOD! Perhaps you will actually try to respond with some FACTS / evidence. One last time, dear, before you are completely DISMISSED once and for all - PROVIDE / PRODUCE ANY EVIDENCE THAT ILLEGAL COLLUSION OCCURRED BETWEEN THE RUSSIANS AND DONALD TRUMP - ANY!

The FACT is you can't...because MUELLER hasn't been able to. Don't bring up the 4 Indictments that do not show any illegal collusion or connection to Trump - 'SCOOTER LIBBY' Indictments are not EVIDENCE. They are attempts to justify the witch hunt. Provide actual evidence in your next post....or STFU, snowflake.

Tick, Tock, princess.....
SO the F* WHAT? It's called 'Diplomacy'.

Snowflakes really need to pull that panty that's been tied up in knots since Hillary LOST her predicted 'landslide victory' out of the crack of their arse, finally accept reality the election outcome, and move on.

Diplomacy? Since when is congratulating a dictator on his fake election diplomacy? Especially when this same idiot has insulted our own allies. At this point I'm convinced if Trump congratulated Kim Jong Un on his 'election victory' you'd still call it diplomacy.

Russia is a weak third world piece of shit chunk of the world that is being sucked dry by it's own leaders, we don't need to be nice to Russia, we need a united front against them with our allies. Instead Trump is dividing what makes western democracies strong, unity among the free world.
Obama should be taking notes for Biden since he wants to carry his luggage


When he was asked by the media yesterday if the absence of a congratulatory note from President Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on his re-election victory - which was marred by numerous alleged voting violations - was an unfriendly move, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov answered that it wasn't, adding it would make sense "to sleep on it."

There were videos showing clear evidence of vote tampering. Putin also railroaded or killed his political opponents to secure his victory.

That would be like congratulating the Russian Olympic team for their victories at the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing.
You are the biggest liar on this board. You are a threat to the freedom we enjoy in this country.

Democrats protected from indictment and Imprisonment a proven FELON who committed crimes against this country that by definition - and by the FBI's own admission - included but was not limited to:
- 'Espionage'
- 'Criminal Negligence'
- 'Obstruction'
- Illegal Possession of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED information, classified data from a program she was 'read out of', meaning she was not legally supposed to have any information about those programs in her possession.
- Illegal Handling of Classified
- Illegal Storage of Classified
- Illegal SHARING of classified
- Illegal Destruction of Classified
- Illegal Violation of Federal Subpoena / Criminal Obstruction of Justice

The former President of the United States, his DOJ, and his FBI collaborated / conspired to protect their DNC candidate from crimes she DID commit and further collaborated to 'exonerate' her before the investigation was complete - PROVEN / DOCUMENTED!

The Democratic Party KNOWINGLY protected a FELON & GAVE this FELON the DNC Nomination - she did not earn it. This FELON violated / broke several campaign and campaign finance laws, collaborated with / paid a foreign spy $12 million for a debunked document she then illegally used in a US election. The DNC candidate RIGGED primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud to STEAL a party's nomination.....a complete betrayal of the American people and of the Democratic Election process, but you call ME a threat?

[QUOTE="HappyJoy, post: 19550542, member: 54346"
Diplomacy? Since when is congratulating a dictator on his fake election diplomacy?[/QUOTE]

1. STFU - Obama put dictators and terrorists in power!
-- Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Al Qaeda in Libya.....

2. Do Democrats want war with Russia? You are advocating the termination of diplomacy / diplomatic efforts...and you are too stupid to realize it. This is the same country Barry claimed was NOT a threat...and now Democrats have gone full-scale 'McCarthy' simply because they can't accept the outcome of an election, can not accept that their felon candidate lost.


Time for snowflakes to 'sack-up', drop their partisan sedition, and accept that the DNC 2-Time-Loser Felon candidate LOST the 2016 election because she was the worst candidate in US history.
You are the biggest liar on this board. You are a threat to the freedom we enjoy in this country.

Democrats protected from indictment and Imprisonment a proven FELON who committed crimes against this country that by definition - and by the FBI's own admission - included but was not limited to:
- 'Espionage'
- 'Criminal Negligence'
- 'Obstruction'
- Illegal Possession of TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED information, classified data from a program she was 'read out of', meaning she was not legally supposed to have any information about those programs in her possession.
- Illegal Handling of Classified
- Illegal Storage of Classified
- Illegal SHARING of classified
- Illegal Destruction of Classified
- Illegal Violation of Federal Subpoena / Criminal Obstruction of Justice

The former President of the United States, his DOJ, and his FBI collaborated / conspired to protect their DNC candidate from crimes she DID commit and further collaborated to 'exonerate' her before the investigation was complete - PROVEN / DOCUMENTED!

The Democratic Party KNOWINGLY protected a FELON & GAVE this FELON the DNC Nomination - she did not earn it. This FELON violated / broke several campaign and campaign finance laws, collaborated with / paid a foreign spy $12 million for a debunked document she then illegally used in a US election. The DNC candidate RIGGED primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud to STEAL a party's nomination.....a complete betrayal of the American people and of the Democratic Election process, but you call ME a threat?


Looking forward to the DOJ and Congress both controlled by Republicans to prove you right. Until then you don't have much to stand on.

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